
i need to dye my hair

@just-another-dreamerr / just-another-dreamerr.tumblr.com

Leona/Lou | 20 something (she/they) | bi aroace | safe space | this is my digital scrapbook || respect your fellow humans || I have an art account!: @leona-draws || ao3: starlight_artemis || my art here has ID in alt! [Icon ID: A chibi digital portrait of a fair-skinned person with short, fluffy blue hair and an orange hoodie smiling brightly. She's got 3 mushrooms atop her head and a small square patch on their right cheek. End ID]

to the person that religiously posted "day *number* without Ezra" for almost 5 solid years, I hope you're coping okay rn


One of my favorite little things in Star Wars is when lightsabers are symbolic. Like Kanan’s being able to separate to show how he had to hide both from the empire and himself, Ezra’s first one showing how the Jedi have had to adapt to changing times, or Cal’s being broken to further hit home his trauma. Wish they’d do that more often.


Modern AU: Rebels Era

  • Kanan and Hera met while she was in college; the official story is that they were volunteering in the same program for homeless and at-risk youth (which is technically true). Hera because it was a cause she was interested in, Kanan mostly because it was court-mandated community service after he was charged with public intoxication and disturbance of the peace.
  • The real story is that they met at a street race but shhhh
  • Hera has a degree in automotive engineering and is an off-road racing driver. Kanan works driving buses and bartending part time for his friend Okadiah
  • They live together but it’s kind of unclear whether they’re married. Zeb thinks they aren’t but Sabine could have sworn that Hera told her that they eloped
  • Kanan continued volunteering because he found the work *gag* fulfilling. And he’s pretty good at mindfulness stuff, actually (mostly thanks to being raised by Depa). Hera doesn’t have as much time anymore but she still stops by every now and then 
  • Sabine is a teenage runaway who crashes on their couch, but, for legal reasons, doesn’t “live” there (this is a lie) and for these same legal reasons Kanan and Hera technically have no idea who she is or that she ran away
  • Ezra is a homeless kid who Kanan saw attempting to shoplift directly in front of Kallus and ended up bringing to a homeless shelter because it’s better than juvie, at least. He signed up for the program that Kanan volunteered in, met Hera, and just kind of ended up not leaving after being invited over for dinner
  • Zeb rents out a room in Hera and Kanan’s place. His occupation is undefined but he has a tense relationship with the local constable (Kallus) and practices traditional Lasan martial arts. He could probably stop paying rent at any time and no one would care until the power got shut off
  • Chopper is Hera’s immortal, irritable, ugly old cat that she’s had since she was twelve and hates everyone besides her

Just so you all know, I actually had some wholesome ghost crew doodles I was going to polish off tonight instead. But no. The season 2 finale happened, so not cute art for you.


I cannot believe I have made jokes about Kanan fist fighting a Sith for years only for Ezra Bridger to actually do it in canon this is the greatest day of my life


absolutely losing it at the polar opposite perspective we get on darth vader during rebels. kanan and ezra encounter him and there's a dramatic lead up to the cameo and they're like "who the FUCK is that???". they fight him and lose terribly. at least until they drop several tons of heavy machinery on him. but then he survives! and then they're like "if that won't kill him what can?!" "not us. let's go!". there's no drama, no extremely emotional dialogue, no agony over the man he used to be and the monster he became. just "hey what is that? a SITH LORD? that sounds like 1-800-NOT OUR PROBLEM!!!" and then they go back to doing whatever they normally do


ik there's bored and unfortunately creative clones stuck in some ship somewhere trying to make their own booze


“When I lost you, I was lost too, in this place… In this place, there’s something (nothing) more…” — This Place by Nicolas Snyder

Rewatched “Scavenger’s Reign” and it gave me the urge to draw something in a way inspired by the beautiful landscapes in the series. I’m out of practice with environmental illustrations, but this was a very calming one to make.

Trees so tall their canopies are lost to the eye, but their seeds drift down in gentle light and land among stones jutting from the ground. Not many beings get to witness it.

Close up and gif below the cut

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