
diary exchange

@darksylvir / darksylvir.tumblr.com

“Some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again.” ― C.S. Lewis Current Reads: The Paper Menagerie - Ken Liu

How is grad school going so far?


Spring semester they make all the TAs do a pedagogy course before we start teaching composition in the fall. The pedagogy course does not care that you are enrolled for writing. The pedagogy course does not care that you have tutoring shifts and two other grad class workloads on your plate. The pedagogy course does not care for you to sleep, or have a proper eating schedule or anything like a social life. The pedagogy course is its own circle of hell, and therein I live.

But, aside from that, I’m doing alright xD Just...not much time for tumblr beyond lurking, which is sad, because [k]’s coming back. Ah, well, c’est la vie (:

Thank you for asking

Anonymous asked:

hey, i got (back) into mikorei hell recently so i've been bingereading all your fics haha. they're all really good, thank you for my life T v T i wanted to ask where it was canon that mikoto's wealthy though? i'm 100% supportive of this development

Hello Anon, and thank you for your kind words @secretsoftheslate probably has the snippet somewhere up there, but I’m not really that inclined to wade through lol Even if it doesn’t turn out completely canon, though, I’m on board with you that it’s gonna be part of my headcanon 100% :D

Anonymous asked:

Do you have any more fics in the works?

Took me forever to get to this, anon, so sorry!

So, the downside of grad school is that most of my writing time goes to working on original stuff. There are a lot of fic ideas I wish I could be poking at, but just not enough hours in the day. Now, that’s not to say I haven’t written parts and paragraphs here and there–the weird thing about writing fic is that it seems to exercise a different kind of skillset than original work does. Idk if anybody else has had similar experiences, but I like to keep hold of as many tools/techniques as I can.

The last fic idea I put words to centers on future!Anna; I don’t plan it to be really shippy and it’s more of a character study than anything, but her voice hits what I want to work on at the moment. Still, I can’t keep MikoRei out of anything, so there are traces.

For anything Mikorei-centric, I really, really wanted to do Mikorei week this year, but it was right around the semester rush-time–the flower theme would’ve gone so well with the Beauty and the Beast AU I’ve still got in the works. And I’ve got a list that just keeps growing. I feel like maybe I should post some of those ideas, see if others can actually produce something xD

Also, I’ve been grappling with a persistent urge to write BSD fic lately–idk why since I’ve got no set ideas for what I’d even do, but it’s a tempting universe.

Anonymous asked:

Not sure if you've answered this before but I read your fics and it made me curious about you. Are you a student? If so, what do (or did) you major in? How did you get to writing so beautifully? Who are your favourite writers?

Hello Anon! No worries, I don’t think I’ve really addressed any of this beyond private chats. I try to keep a low-profile xD

I’m currently a first-year grad student in an MFA program, which I suppose is technically the “natural” progression of my undergrad in Creative Writing. I took a break from writing for a while after graduating, but producing fic and having it get a positive response actually inspired me to apply to graduate school. Didn’t get in on my first round of applications, but after some major prompting from the amazing @azii​ I managed to land a spot.

That being said, I still consider my writing to be in the works–I’m really glad you find it beautiful instead of a hot mess xX Honestly, I think a large part of whatever skill I have is just the fact that I grew up in fandom. I’ve been writing fic and RPing since I was pretty young, so you tend to get out all the really embarrassing hurdles over and done with and a fuckton of practice along the way. My dad is also very into literature, so I had the classics and variations thereof crammed down my throat at an early age–high school me wrote very Nathaniel Hawthorne and that was a wreck–but it did give me a good foundation in the nuances of language, a foundation that the experimentation in fandom taught me how to bend.

So, when it comes to writers, I try not to pick favorites because I try to learn from everyone. I do come back to literary writers like Fitzgerald and Hemingway, Toni Morrison, Paulo Coehlo, and Haruki Murakami; however, I can’t forget the “genre” novelists whom I adored growing up: Terry Pratchett, Robin McKinley, Neil Gaiman, Mercedes Lackey and Tamora Pierce, to name a few. The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle will always hold a special place in my soul. Lately, I’ve just been trying to expand my reading list to include more writers of color and more genres, which grad school is definitely helping with. And really, a large influence was all the really good fanfiction I read when I lurked through the gigantic fandoms of Kingdom Hearts and Naruto and the like–there was interesting, quality writing going on that taught me tons about theme, characterization, and dialogue in a way that mainstream literature couldn’t.

(Sorry this got super long, anon ^^;; I realize I actually do like talking about this stuff)

Anonymous asked:

Mikorei Rent AU

*blows hella dust off this page b/c gotdamn it’s been a while*

I assume we’re talking the musical, right anon? In “Out Tonight” there’s this line:

So let’s find a bar, so dark we forget who we are

Just, this line–has there ever been such a Mikorei line? This was the insp/title for a short genderbend collection that may happen eventually, or never…my track record is p shite right now xD

But yeah, Rent–this is a bit of an interesting one, as the setting and the characters and the intricacies are so uniquely American to me, it’s hard to envision the culture shift or a clean swap of characters. But, there are definitely certain songs and scenes that resonate:

–As much as I’d adore a Mimi/Mikoto parallel (look at the names xD), her relationship with Roger doesn’t quite fit that Mikorei dynamic–at least for me. Though, man, “Out Tonight” would be a great sequence, plus the fire nods in “Light My Candle”–but, still, a Mimi/Roger might be played better by Sarumi or something like that.

–Maureen and Joanne, on the other hand, that makes Mikorei sense to me. “Take Me or Leave Me” is like the opposites-attract anthem! While I guess Mikoto isn’t exactly a personality match for Maureen, Joanne’s lines sound perfect for someone like Reisi: King of [Order] and Discipline XD Also, there’s a kind of maturity about their relationship that I think fits our two kings.

–…I’m gonna make Izumo be Mark. Yes. “Tango: Mikoto”. Could you imagine? 

(Shit, that means Izumo gets to watch all his friends die again)

(I won’t even touch the Angel/Collins territory; Damocles was enough.)

–All in all, there’s a found-family element in Rent that I think plays well to the bonds that [k] emphasizes. I could see HOMRA as a collection of outcasts and artists struggling to make their way in the world, trying to create something that lasts. S4 is a bit harder for me to fit in here, especially since the focus of the musical is on La Vie Boheme. I guess also taking Mikorei out of the starring role kind of diminishes how pairing-centric this AU would be…sorry anon xD

–Still, I think this is a really cool concept, especially considering the culture shift. I’m sure there another writer out there who has a different, more interesting take on how this might play out–please, feel free to hop in if that’s you!


i’m ready for june. the purest month. the friday afternoon of summer, when the world hums with possibility. when spring kisses summer on the cheek, leaves behind a trail of ferns and dew. june is packing your suitcase for a trip. june is a sprinkler in the lawn. june is goodbye and hello all at once. every day feels like the first moment after you wake up, when the dreams still stick to your skin. we wander dazed and hazy in the infant months of heat and sun. we are lovely and unafraid

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