
Whump and Writing


I post prompts, whump, and wips

my favorite part about whumper turned whumpee is how much everyone likes to bully them. not even in just a “haha you deserve it” way, but also with stuff like, “aw, i thought you said you liked the whip? why the sudden change of heart?” to a whumper that used to use the whip on their whumpees now experiencing the pain of it for the first time. i just think that needs to happen more often.


Prompt 41

“How easily you flit from villain to villain.” Anger rolled off them in waves, choking the air. “Perhaps it’s time I clipped your wings.”


50 Things Your Whumpee Could Be Doing

1. Combing dried blood out their hair.

2. Trying to cut their collar off with a knife or scissors.

3. Searching for painkillers.

4. Washing their wounds.

5. Trying to undo the knot on their wrists behind their back.

6. Cleaning Whumpers shoes.

7. Laying on the floor, fantasizing about home.

8. Sticking their fingers down their throat to throw the poison up.

9. Nervously tapping the bell on their collar.

10. Mixing sleepaids into Whumpers drink.

11. Attempting to escape the now soundly-sleeping Whumper.

12. Disinfecting an animal bite.

13. Googling their symptoms.

14. Be desperatly searching for Caretaker.

15. Snapping open a lock on their chains.

16. Putting make-up on their bruises.

17. Bonding with Caretakers pet.

18. Trying to snap the bell off their collar.

19. Only pretend to swallow their pills by hiding them under their tounge.

20. Biting the buckle on their straightjacket open.

21. Taking a risk by eating unidentified berries.

22. Digging a grave.

23. Sitting in Whumpers lap.

24. Feeling the tooth they just broke with their tounge.

25. Slamming their head against the bars of their cell to knock themselves unconcious.

26. Washing saltstains away from their cheeks or glasses so Caretaker won't see that they've been crying.

27. Fastening a branch to a broken limb.

28. Using sticks as makeshift crutches.

29. Sticking their hand into cold water to quell the swelling of a bug/snakebite.

30. Sucking the venom out said bite.

31. Exploring Whumpers house at night.

32. Hoping that the friend that Whumper brought home is more reasonable, pleading with them to please help them escape.

33. Pounding their fists against the wall and screaming to get the attention of anyone who might hear.

34. Attempying to rip the soundproofing out the walls of their cell.

35. Making friends with one of the bugs in the cellar they're being kept in.

36. Brushing their teeth to get the taste of blood out their mouth.

37. Getting caught in the barbed wire when trying to climb Whumpers fence.

38. Breaking their comfort item in rage.

39. Fainting at the sight of a needle.

40. Changing into a hospital gown.

41. Trying to piss Whumper off by being more obedient/affectionate with one of Whumpers friends.

42. Running from a wild animal.

43. Drinking dirty water.

44. Eating out of Whumpers hand.

45. Entertaining themselves in their cell by practicing shadowpuppets.

46. Trying to figure out which *damn key* goes to their restraints.

47. Pleading with a voice so sore that it's barely audiable.

48. Picking out a turtleneck to wear that day so that nobody sees the fresh marks on their throat.

49. Giving Whumper a kiss.

50. Crying.

Anonymous asked:

Villian becoming a pet to the hero

Sidekick entered the office with a knock. Striding towards Hero’s desk, they inclined their head with a respectful, “Hero.”

Leaning back in their chair, Hero gave a lazy wave of their hand. “Speak.”

Sidekick cleared their throat. “I have a status report, regarding…” They trailed off as their eyes caught sight of a beat up figure kneeling next to Hero.

Hero followed their gaze with a smirk. “Oh, yes, you haven’t met my newest pet, have you?”

Swallowing, Sidekick shook their head.

Standing, Hero grabbed a fistful of the person’s hair, dragging them forward. The person didn’t resist, merely righting themself into a kneeling position once they were moved.

Smirking, Hero motioned to them. “Sidekick, meet my newest pet, Villain.” The person - Villain, Sidekick could now truly see it was them - snarled slightly at that, glaring up at them. Hero wordlessly kicked them in the ribs, causing them to double over. “We’re still in the training phase,” they confided cheerfully.


Hey I saw your post about being eligible for aid if you make under $1400 a month and I was wondering if you had more info on that? Is it just for disabled people or people with families or is it for anyone?

It doesn’t apply to me now but I think it could help someone I know. I am also curious because I was told I didn’t qualify for anything a few years ago when I made less than that.


@bulbas4ur hey there!

These guidelines are for anyone, but as your household size goes up, the maximum monthly income increases. In the case of $1400, that’s the guideline for federal “emergency” poverty levels for a household of one for most aid programs. “Emergency” means highest benefit and possible expedite status. This applies to programs like HEAP, SNAP, TA/PA, and Medicaid. However, you can be eligible to recieve aid if you make more than that, you will just get less money. Here are the guidelines for SNAP as an example...

Towards the bottom where it says “household size”. If you live alone, the maximum income you can make per month to qualify for SNAP is $2127. If you made closer to that amount, your SNAP allowance would only be around $15/month. If you make under $1400, you would qualify for $234. If you have a household of four, “emergency guidelines” would be under $2,729/month, but regular guidelines would allow up to $4367/month to still qualify. However, being part of that particular program has perks at all levels (like automatic HEAP, discounts on electric bills, etc), so it’s still worthwhile to take a smaller monthly amount so you can still get those perks.

But as you can see, there are so many factors at play! Full time students cannot always be counted, and expenses are taken into consideration to decide your budget. Also want to say that non-citizens can apply for aid if they’re part of an otherwise eligible household. Their income is counted, but they are not counted as part of the household size. So if, for example, your mother is not a citizen, and she’s living in a household with you and your brother, the household size would be two, although her income would still be counted. With any aid application, there is any extensive interview and documentation process. Not all aid programs count expenses or can count them in the same way. Your worker will explain how they calculated your income, and you have the right to contest their findings. But please be nice!

That said- SSD is a whole different ballgame. No one in my building even works on those applications, so I don’t have those levels or qualifications readily available. This is what I could find on the interwebs...

Here is the link for more info, it’s just very involved, and unfortunately not my specialty! Any disability eligibility workers out there?


As per the New York Times,

The designers of “Ouroboros Steak,” an art project of meat cultivated from human cells and expired blood, hoped that shocking audiences would trigger an examination of how climate change might impact the future of food consumption. 

I mean… besides kinda being a joke from Transmetropolitan this kind of seems like something edgy rich people are already eating out of “decadence”.


Whump Prompt #96

A feverish whumpee found sobbing on the floor, tangled in sheets, unable to get away. Between sobs, gasps, and whimpers, the caretaker pieces together that the whumpee thought they were being tied up by their tangled blankets and they hate being tied up, they can’t move, and they can behave, and they want the caretaker, where is the caretaker? Please, they’re so sorry, they just want their friend to come back. Whatever they did, they’re sorry

Bonus points if they flinch away when the caretaker goes to untangle them and start crying harder.

Eyebrows UP! 👀👀👀


Some good things about injury-based whump

  • Injuries that are so overwhelming the person can’t focus (esp in a still dangerous situation)
  • Injuries so painful/severe they cause fainting
  • Injuries so painful the person pukes
  • Dizziness/weakness from blood loss
  • Fresh injuries that keep getting aggravated too much to heal
  • Old injuries that start acting up
  • Injuries that looked to be healing but then got infected
  • Setting/resetting broken bones (especially in a makeshift setting without proper medical supplies or personnel)
  • Deep bruises that ache to the touch and take weeks to heal
  • Broken ribs that make it hurt to breathe, especially while you’re running away from danger
  • Trying to “power through” the pain, only to end up making the injury worse
  • Someone hurt struggling to take care of someone more hurt
  • Tasting blood and hoping it’s from a bitten lip and not a lacerated organ
  • A character concealing an injury they don’t think is that serious until they collapse because it actually is
  • Lingering weakness or pain even after the main period of recovery
  • Even better, lingering fear of whatever caused the injury

Just because you’re healing from something awful, it doesn’t mean that it didn’t happen or that it didn’t effect you “that much” or “wasn’t that bad”

It means you’re a badass who didn’t let it consume you.

You’re allowed to heal 💛


Dialogue That Gets Scarier When Trapped In A Hug:

1.“I know what you did.”

2.“Just play along. Please.”

3.“When I let go, run for your life.”

4.“Don’t open your eyes.” 

5.“Don’t look.” 

6.“You’re right. None of this is real.”

7.“They can hear us.”

8.“Play along or they might take us both.”

9.“I always knew you’d die in my arms.”

9.“Go. Go now, and don’t look back.”

10.“Wake up. Before they get you too.” 

11.“You know I’m not real, don’t you?”

12.“Don’t. Move.”

13.“How can’t you see them? They’re right there!”

14.“It’s almost like when you were still alive.”

15.“Wrong choice.”

16.“You’ll be free soon.”

17.“You can’t go back home now. They’ll be waiting.” 

18.“Shh. They’ve got your apartment bugged.”

19.”I’ll make it quick, I promise.”

20.”Did you think I just forgot?”

“There is no embodiment of the system that we can bury a dagger in. We must destroy the system itself.”

— Justin Mcelroy, playing a fun DnD game with his family


I am so sick of people shitting on A/B/O and Omegaverse just because it’s weirdass cringeworthy lady smut. You know why it turned into a lawsuit in federal court? Because it’s BIG BUCKS because A TON OF PEOPLE READ IT. Mostly women and AFAB trans people. And not because we’re all regressive antifeminist dumbfucks.

Omegaverse is a coded way of exploring gender and desire, of navigating identity and sex and relationships in a world where the people you desire and the kind of sex you get off on are part of the system that oppresses you politically, and your own biology is at once the instrument through which you live and achieve sexual fulfillment, and a weapon that can be used against you.

Wolf dynamics don’t work that way because IT’S A FUCKING METAPHOR. 

It explores these dynamics in a way that is just unfamiliar enough that it isn’t like being smacked in the face with memories of the entire rest of the world. You don’t read it and think in the middle of a sex scene, “Jesus, guys like this make up most of the government that decides whether I get to have abortions.” It’s a fantastical framework that you can shake off when you stop reading, because it’s not actually real.

You better damn well bet a lot of A/B/O actually explores queer and trans and intersex experience and sexual autonomy and impaired consent and domestic violence and reproductive rights, and manages to be hot as hell while it does so.

I am just. So sick. Of people taking potshots at it for easy laughs.


Whump Commissions!!

Have a scene you want to see illustrated? Got a favorite drabble you want some art for? Or just a cool picture of your OC, covered in blood or injuries?

My commissions are open and I'd love to draw your characters for you!

  • Bust : Full color - $60; flat color - $40; Lineart - $20
  • Half-body : Full color - $65; flat color - $45; Lineart - $25
  • Full-body: Full color - $70; flat color - $50; Lineart - $30

Additional characters are $20 each. DM me for more info! My portfolio is here for more examples of my artwork!

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