
"2.5D at most!"

@kerosene-fiend / kerosene-fiend.tumblr.com

Indie Walker Yumasaki RP blog. Tracking kerosenefiend, kerosene fiend
With the bust of flames, though small compared to his own size, Snowcat took a step back. Well, that wasn’t what he was expecting! Why was he carrying around a flamethrower anyways? Humans are weird.
“No ice ain’t all I can do! These bad boys can shoot rounds too, but eh, heheheh…don’t wanna show that off.” If he’d fire his blasters, who knows what sort of attention he’d bring?
Oh, but that last question brought the Decepticon to a full stop, and he went quiet. “…Nope. I used to, but I can’t no more.”
How disappointing it felt–he wanted to try and show off to a native here, but he really has nothing to show for it! …Then again…
“I can transform, though! Watch this!” With a stifled laugh, Snowcat took a step back. Transform! Where once a robot stood, there was now a snowmobile.
“Aw, that’s too ba-- woah!” He’d turned into a vehicle! It was just like an anime, but real life so it was better! This was the best robot he’d ever met! (Only robot, but that wasn’t important.)

With a gleeful noise, Walker lunged forward to place his hands on the snowmobile, running fingers over it and testing the feel of metal. “So cool! You really turned into a snowmobile! And you got so small! How did you do it? Is it some sort of mass displacement technology? Did you phase part of yourself into another dimension, or are you just squishing all your parts down into the smaller size or maybe that other form isn’t actually that big and you’re using holograms to look bigger --!”

Personal space would probably be a problem for the robot in the near future.

As the laughter died out, he glanced back at the human he had attempted to freeze in place, uncaring of the consequences. Yet as he watched, the boy pulled out a strange looking device. Humans were full of surprises, weren’t they?
“Your what? You got a snowmaker too, huh? Bet it’s not as good as mine.”

“Nah. Mine’s fire. Watch.” Walker pressed the switch, still grinning before he directed the flame downward.


Aiming at his feet probably wasn’t the best idea, but it was melting the ice so he’d deal with any singes and burns later. “Is ice all you can do?” He’d be a pretty lame robot if he didn’t have any other super cool powers.

“Can you fly?”

‘Are they robots like you?’ “Yoooouu could say that.” A cackle was muffled down to a snicker at that. Poor kid.
“I’ve got two friends, and I have them with me, right here.”
He pointed them down at the kid,before revving them up to deliver an icy blast to the human. It didn’t do anything harmful, but it seemed to have iced his feet together.
And made Snowcat laugh insanely.

Oh. Well, then. That was no fair, but also probably typical of his luck. Sighing, he reached back into his own bag, digging through layers of manga to find his flamethrower at the bottom.


“Wanna meet mine?”

“I’m…” The question made his helm hurt. Good, bad, he wasn’t too sure of the answer.
“…I’m a. A bad robot, yeah. But bad as in bad to the bolt!” He spoke, giving out a wild cackle. Which was short-lived, taken out by the boy’s other question.
“Uuuhhh…” Think Snowcat, think. He didn’t really want to see his friends–he could care less. Only reason he came to this dumping ground of a planet was because he wanted to see the nice big snowy mountains they had here. It was the only thing redeeming about this planet.
“….Sure! But first, I want you to meet my friends first.”
“Are they more robots like you?” He hoped so! More robots would be awesome, and it’d really be like an anime then. Especially if they started fighting. Fighting space robots, just like Gundam!

Lifting himself higher onto his toes, Walker studied the robot a little closer. “How many friends do you have?”

So many questions fired off all at once, it made his helm spin. Almost.
“Hey wh- No I- will you shut up?!” The mech snapped at the human, stamping his pede. Can’t humans chill out for more than one moment? Sheesh.
“Okay first thing’s first here, listen and be quiet. I’m Snowcat–and you’ll do well to remember that, you hear? I am from space, and I’m not made by you nasty little humans! I like pie, and…”
Good or bad robot?
“…For you, I might be bad if you don’t watch your step, kiddo.”
Cool. Walker’s grin widened, and he threw his hands into the air in excitement. “So, you’re a good robot who does bad things, or a bad robot who does good things?” Being stepped on wasn’t a problem! He was good at avoiding things, so he could avoid feet no problem.

“Wanna meet my friends?”

“What the fuck do you mean by that.” He’s about to find out, of course, but what the shit. “ How is that not dangerous.” Someone hit him with a car. Put him out of his misery nothing has happened yet and he’s already done.

“It may be evil, I’m not sure yet.” He hasn’t figured out how to tell good ones from bad ones, but if it’s anything like anime, red eyes will mean evil. So he has to get this awesome stuff in before it tries to take over the planet.

“And I meant exactly what I said! It was just walking around, Kyohei!”

Wasn’t he being careful that no one saw him? Of course, he must have been–surely creeping around the outskirts of a small human town in root form was a smart idea, right? They shouldn’t of noticed!
“What the heck’s an ‘anime’? Are you trying to insult me or something?” Snowcat spoke, looking down at the other. Of course this human must be lying. Ugh, they were all such headache-causers and troublemakers. Why can’t they leave him alone?

“No! Of course not. I’m Walker, what’s your name? Are you from space? Were you made by humans? Do you know the first hundred digits of pi? Do you have a name?”

Excited, Walker danced around the robot, staring up at him. “Hey, hey. Are you a good robot or a bad one?”


“Man, Ikebukuro sure sounds like it got boring while I was away.”


“You won’t believe the time I had! First I went to visit family over in NEw York and I met some turtle mutants and that was cool and we had an awesome time in the sewers! And then I got kidnapped by giant alien robots! It took me ages to get home! But I’m back now!”

[so i got sucked into teenage ninja turtles again and from there jumped into transformers and was held hostage by robots i am so sorry. i’m back now tho. i’m gonna try to do some drafts tomorrow, and if i owe you a reply and it’s not posted by sunday night please kick me bc it means i don’t have it and need a link]

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