

@invertmouse / invertmouse.tumblr.com


Sup friends! As you know, Clea is scheduled for release on the Switch and Xbox this year. We have been grinding since Christmas to give ourselves the best chance possible.

The Switch port was announced first, so things have progressed further along there. During PAX last year, many gamers said they look forward to Clea on the Switch. I hope you feel the same way. Clea’s aesthetics, designs, everything should be a sweet fit for the Switch.

I would like to use this chance to celebrate Nintendo (been a fan since Mario All Stars) and publisher Sekai Games (hopefully some collabs). This will happen via bonus costumes on the Switch. These dresses will have to be exclusive to the console, so I want to flag it early rather than try to keep quiet. The launch week dress, Christmas garb, Halloween costume etc, those are regarded as the exclusives for the PC version. I hope this arrangement is all cool.

There is one more item I wish to address. In truth, I created arcade mode as a form of training. I hope to make bigger and better games that support larger communities, which may involve leaderboards, so these are the steps I have taken toward that goal. Honestly, based on the stats, most players have only completed chapter 1 on arcade mode to unlock that bonus dress. I had foreseen this, and I am good with it.

With that in mind, to ensure Clea reaches Switch owners’ hands in a timely fashion, I would like that version’s arcade mode to be exclusively local. Like itch.io’s build, where you compete solely offline. Since I code everything solo, I would love to devote as much time as possible into the Xbox port as well, plus a new game, which I plan to announce in a few months. As usual, I will react based on player response, but this is another thing I want to raise early, so we can have that conversation if required. We roll as a family.

Speaking of that new project, as you may have seen, a casting call went up on Twitter last night:

That said, I would prefer you not look at the doc! It could ruin some surprises. Thank you!


Hiya friends ː).

As you may have seen, things have not been great here in Australia. Our bushfires have slaughtered millions of wildlife. Countless families have lost their homes, and some unfortunately did not make it at all.

The air here has also been awful on many days, including in the cities where most of us work at our day jobs. We have been advised to put on masks when we are out and about. The smoke is at times so thick it feels like we are in Silent Hill.

Well, time to take action. This week, all profits made from my portfolio (from Unhack to Clea) will be donated to the Australian Red Cross Disaster Relief and Recovery:

To mark the occasion, please hop onto Clea's main menu screen to download the above "Wish for Rain" costume. From early December to this day, we have seen only small amounts of rain. Instead, we have regular strong winds, which as you can imagine, is no help to say the least when it comes to fires. Fortunately, we have some heavy rains forecasted for next week. Everyone now wishes this will indeed come true.

Of course, it is probably more direct to just donate, so please feel free to do that. To those who are interested in my portfolio, you can find it here:

Thank you!


Friends! I just finished watching the Doom Annihilation movie. My expectations were hell low, and still… let’s just move on ya’all XD.

So, the Steam Winter sale is here! To cap off 2019, I would like to offer this limited time Christmas costume.

As usual, just open the menu screen and follow that link. You know the drill by now. The costume will be available until the end of this winter sale. A gift from me, and as thank you for your support over these past 6 months.

If you have a friend with Clea on their wishlist, I am sure they will appreciate your gift? This is the time of giving, after all. Trust me, I know. I have spent tons of money on my nieces and nephews over the past week.

Hope you all have a great holiday filled with happiness and games. I want to game as much as possible during my week break. With the Xbox and Switch releases of Clea scheduled for 2020, you also know I will have ton of hours to clock in. Aside from that, also a little something else I would like to share with you all next year.

Office party this arvo, Star Wars movie tomorrow, then family fun on Sunday. Hope your few days ahead are awesome, too!

Mouse out :).


Happy weekend folks :D! As hinted at earlier, I want to set up a fun photo shoot comp for everyone to enjoy as we head into the break.

How to participate: Take the best shot you can via camera mode, then upload your piece to either the screenshots section on Steam, Twitter or Instagram. Please include a #cleasnap tag to make sure I catch it.

Deadline: The comp runs from now until Jan 1st, 2020!

How to win: This will be a random draw, so as long as you make your best effort, you are included. To be transparent, zero effort shots may be excluded, haha. You are more than welcome to take multiple shots, but we will include one entry per player.

Prizes: At the end of this period, I will pick 8 winners. 3 will score a pack of postcards, while 5 will receive one Steam key of their choice from my portfolio. If you are a postcard winner and would rather not share your address, we can also go with the Steam key option. Also, to the postcard winners, if you wish to have one of them signed, please include what name you would like it under.

Disclaimer: The postcards will be sent out via regular mail. This means there is a chance they may be lost along the way. Even though this has never happened with my monthly giveaways (via my newsletter), I still wish to flag it. If the mail as not come through a month after your reply (if you win), please feel free to reach out again, and we can opt for the Steam key route instead.

Thank you, and most important, have fun! Between you and me, I have never, ever won any lucky draws in my 30+ years of life. However, if we focus on the fun aspect of taking shots, everyone is a winner (^-^).


Sup pals :D. I see the Black Friday sale introduced quite a few new players to Clea. Welcome to the community! I am glad to see everyone is enjoying Clea, unlocking costumes, challenging Chaos(+) Mode etc. With that said…

Ya’all gotta stahp! Some players mentioned they used Clea’s camera mode to peek ahead and spot enemies early. As you can imagine, the camera feature’s purpose is to set up and snap cool screenshots. I am joking, of course. You can enjoy Clea as you see fit. Still, I would love to recommend keeping that camera off, at least on your first play through.

Actually, you all inspired a new idea from me. As we approach the Christmas holidays, I would like to set up a camera event for players to have fun in. I might get some prizes organized, then get in touch again with another post. Please keep an eye out!

P.S. Also got multiple Clea related news on the way. Just need to wait a while longer for that ideal timing. Thank you for your patience, and please look forward to the future.


Sup pals 8). The Black Friday/Autumn sales are here! What are you all getting? I should go and see what I have on my wishlist this weekend.

As we have done in the past, I have put up a couple of costumes on offer for this sale. First, we have the dark themed Black Friday dress. Along with that comes the Autumn colored costume. See those textures on her dress? They are in fact filtered through real autumn leaves snapped by a camera. Hope you will enjoy playing Clea’s campaign in these dresses!

During this discount period, if you fire up Clea (full version) and open the menu screen, you will find your usual download link to these costumes. Please pick them up now to avoid missing out:

With the recently released arcade mode, Chaos+ difficulty, invisible mode and camera feature, there is no better time to experience Clea. I look forward to welcoming you into our friendly community.

Thank you :)!

P.S. It looks like the Steam Award nominations are open. Of course, please go ahead and vote for whichever games you feel deserve the recognition. For me, if Doom Eternal had came out this year, that most likely would have been my GOTY.


Hey pals :)! Another batch of Clea (and other) postcards are about to be sent out, so I want to use this chance to remind everyone of how the draw works. Once a month, I pick one winner from these 3 categories:

1) A newsletter subscriber (subscribe via invertmouse.com)

2) A regular Facebook page support/commenter (fb.com/invertmouse)

3) A regular Twitter supporter (@InvertMouse)

These are stocks I have left from previous conventions. Once they run out, I may give away free DLCs etc each month instead. If you are interested, I hope to catch you in one of our friendly communities.

Thank you 8)!


Happy weekend! As you may know, sometimes, I like to use the Clea emotes to put together some cheeky pics on Twitter. My Twitter is @InvertMouse, by the way.

Next I figured, why not package up these emotes so everyone can play with them? And so, I did exactly that:

Hope you will have fun with them!

I also want to thank everyone who has picked up merch from Clea’s Redbubble store. If you have bought something, and the item arrives, perhaps you can take a pic and share it? I would love to see them.

Thank you!


Sup pals! Hope you had a nice Halloween. First, let me pay my respects to those who have conquered Clea’s campaign on Chaos+. This shoutout is for those who have cleared this mode without any special costume abilities, and with infinite saves unticked! That, after all, is the intended experience, and the ultimate challenge Clea has to offer. For the past 3 or 4 months, I have been working through Doom 4 on Ultra Nightmare (1 life). I am on the final level now. Throughout the process, I have died several times after being trapped in bad situations. For example, being surrounded by Hell Knights. My first question was, next time the Hell Knights cornered me, what should I do? Then, I thought about it some more, and my mindset changed to, “No, why the hell should I let them surround me in the first place?” As time went on, I played more and more aggressively. If I die, it will be due to my own mistakes, not because I allowed the demons to surround me while I cowered in a corner. I act, you respond on your heels. Next thing I knew, I adopted that attitude onto my street basketball sessions, which then stretched to other areas of my life. This is the magic of games, or any great challenge. When you are pushed to the edge, you grow not only with the context of that challenge, but as a person. So, if you have yet to beat Chaos+, I would like to invite, or even challenge you, to take it on. Are the Chaos Servants too fast and scary? What if you drew their attention on purpose, then snuck off and kept them at bay? They may be agents of horror, but you can still seize control. This is just one of the many ways players can approach Clea’s campaign. I hope you can continue to express your style through Clea, and any games beyond. Thank you!


Hey friends. Hope you have a happy Halloween up ahead! Clea is 10% off over the next few days to celebrate this occasion. On top of that, I have released a free costume mod, appropriately named the “Happy Halloween” costume.

This mod will be available to download over the Halloween period. As always, please fire up Clea, then click that link on the menu screen to download your costume. Why not put on the Happy Halloween dress, then take on some arcade mode high scores over the weekend?

Thank you!


Arcade mode tips:

Sup pals. Now that Clea’s arcade mode has been released, I want to drop three tips that will hopefully make the scene more competitive, and most important, more fun!

Tip 1 – Chain your badges:

There are 3 badges to collect in each chapter, and if you have more than one active, your score multiplies. Yes, if you chain badges, that means you will run out of them sooner, but that multiplier more than makes up for it. If you ask me, I would say snatch the badges, collect your points, then get out of there.

Tip 2 – Stay near your foe(s):

Your score rises slowly while you have a badge(s) active. However, if you have an enemy (1 or more) nearby, you can rack up that score even faster.

See the heart icon on top of the screen? That indicates how fast scores are being collected. Bronze means there is no enemy in your area. Silver means there is an enemy in the same area, but he is far away. Gold means the foe is somewhat near. Chaos (red) means the enemy is dangerously close.

You guessed it; we want to stay in that gold/chaos range for as long as possible, and as frequently as possible. If you hide in a closet, your score rank will drop by one, so it truly is a test of risk versus reward.

Tip 3 – Get out:

Once you have used up your badges, your score will gradually drop back to zero. The higher your rank, the faster that score plummets. Ideally, we want to open that exit door the second our last badge expires. How will you plan out your route to achieve this? That comes down to your freedom as the player.

Hope these help! I would love to see more participation in arcade mode. The new achievement and dress should hopefully help with that. If you have yet to try the mode out, perhaps this is a good time to fire up Clea again? Test yourself, challenge your friends, and let’s see how far we can push that score as a community.

By the way, you can view all the leaderboards here:

Thank you!


Morning friends 8). Clea will be at PAX Melbourne this week! If you plan to rock up, I would love to meet you at booth 3 over in the PAX Rising section. To celebrate these fun 3 days ahead, I have put together a PAX color-schemed costume mod. You can download this costume via a link on the menu screen.  This mod is available until the end of PAX (Sunday), so please hop on quick! Before I go, please let me say this. I hope you can keep an eye out this Friday, because I will have some big news to drop then. Thank you :)!


Good morning pals 8). Happy to announce Clea's new camera feature is now live! Please let Steam download that update, then you will find the camera function in the pause menu while you are in-game. I would love to see some nice shots up in the screenshots section. As always, if you spot any issues with the update, please let me know right away. This is why I always try to release these patches on weekends.

Clea on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/981020/Clea/ See you again soon :)!

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