
mortaki talks too much

@mortaki / mortaki.tumblr.com

writer | hot mess | TAZ: Balance | Oofuri | SasaMiya | She/They| pan/ace | fanfic/writing account @mortaki-writes

how to stay motivated as a writer

  • Reread your old writing. Especially those scenes you're proud of
  • Write something silly. Doesn’t need to be logical, or included in your story. Write something dumb
  • Compare your old writing to your new writing. Seeing how much you've improved is a great way to get motivated
  • Explore different storylines. Those type of storylines that would never make it into your novel, but that you'd still like to explore
  • Choose one of your least favorite scenes, or a really old one, and rewrite it
  • Read old comments from people praising your work
  • Create a playlist of music that reminds you of your wip
  • Don't push yourself to get back to what made you stop writing in the first place. Write something else
  • Write what you want to write, no matter how cliché it might be perceived as. It doesn't matter. If you want to write it, write it.
  • Take a break and focus on another hobby of yours. Consume other pieces of media, or take a walk to clear your head
  • You don't have to write in chronological order from the very beginning if it isn't working for you! Sometimes a scene you aren't interested in writing can become interesting after you've explored other scenes leading up to it/happening after it
  • Read one star reviews of ''awful'' books. As much as I hate to say it, you'll unlock a newly appreciated view on your own writing
  • create a new storyline, or a new character. Anything that helps bring something fresh into your story. Could even be a completely new wip
  • Not writing everyday doesn't make you a bad writer. If you feel you need a break, take one.
  • Remind yourself to have fun. Start writing and don't focus all your attention on following every rule created for writing. You can get into the nitty-gritty when you’ve familiarized yourself with writing as an art. Or don’t. It's fiction. You make your own rules.
  • Go to sleep, or take a nap. Sleep deprivation and writing does not go hand in hand (trust me)
  • Listen to music that reminds you of your characters/wip
  • Remember why you started. Know that you deserve to tell the story you want to tell regardless of the skill you possess

how to stay motivated as a writer

  • Reread your old writing. Especially those scenes you're proud of
  • Write something silly. Doesn’t need to be logical, or included in your story. Write something dumb
  • Compare your old writing to your new writing. Seeing how much you've improved is a great way to get motivated
  • Explore different storylines. Those type of storylines that would never make it into your novel, but that you'd still like to explore
  • Choose one of your least favorite scenes, or a really old one, and rewrite it
  • Read old comments from people praising your work
  • Create a playlist of music that reminds you of your wip
  • Don't push yourself to get back to what made you stop writing in the first place. Write something else
  • Write what you want to write, no matter how cliché it might be perceived as. It doesn't matter. If you want to write it, write it.
  • Take a break and focus on another hobby of yours. Consume other pieces of media, or take a walk to clear your head
  • You don't have to write in chronological order from the very beginning if it isn't working for you! Sometimes a scene you aren't interested in writing can become interesting after you've explored other scenes leading up to it/happening after it
  • Read one star reviews of ''awful'' books. As much as I hate to say it, you'll unlock a newly appreciated view on your own writing
  • create a new storyline, or a new character. Anything that helps bring something fresh into your story. Could even be a completely new wip
  • Not writing everyday doesn't make you a bad writer. If you feel you need a break, take one.
  • Remind yourself to have fun. Start writing and don't focus all your attention on following every rule created for writing. You can get into the nitty-gritty when you’ve familiarized yourself with writing as an art. Or don’t. It's fiction. You make your own rules.
  • Go to sleep, or take a nap. Sleep deprivation and writing does not go hand in hand (trust me)
  • Listen to music that reminds you of your characters/wip
  • Remember why you started. Know that you deserve to tell the story you want to tell regardless of the skill you possess

If anyones interested in learning about the first black vampire short story, published in 1819, heres a link to the wiki, its called The Black Vampyre, and its about a former slave turned vampire who seeks revenge on his slave master. Its actually a first in many categories!

you can read the story itself here

Not only is it the first Black vampire story, it's the first comedic vampire story, the first story to include a mixed race vampire, the first vampire story by an American author, and probably the first anti-slavery short story. Some scholars believe that the text was written in response to John William Polidori's The Vampyre.


we DO grow old and happy. btw.

And you find love and it stays with you.


Older women are so, so beautiful, and older trans women are no exception. Celebrate the beauty of our elders! Celebrate trans beauty!


I wanted to share some more of these, specifically trans women of color. The images I'm posting are from a project called To Survive On This Shore and it's an interview project. I am only posting a handful so it's so worth checking out!

This is Linda, 60

Alexis, 64

Helena, 63

Kendrah, 72 (!!)

Tasha, 65

It was deeply healing to me to discover this project. The site has selected photos and attached interviews and it's definitely worth your time. I didn't include any because the focus of this post imo is transfems but there are a lot of beautiful interviews with transmasc people too if you're interested! But that'll have to be another post 💖


I think a lot about who I am to other people in the world–particular who I am to strangers as a mere concept in their lives.

Today this woman called our information desk and said, “my son’s band is playing tonight. I want to come see him, but he never answers his phone…..I want to be there. Have you heard anything about his band?”

And I felt so bad for this lady but I’m not in the music scene around here so I had to tell her no, sorry.

Five hours later, I’m hiking and run into a group of guys setting up for some outdoor performance, and as I watch them unload the drums it hits me.

“Hey,” I said, “are y’all in a band?”

They said yeah and smiled and I told them “one of your moms called today. She wants to watch you play, but she can’t get a hold of you. Call your mom.”

And they all pulled out their phones and started discussing whose mom it probably was as they presumably dialed their own.

And now, unless we meet again and recognize each other, that’s who I’ll be forever to those guys–some mysterious courier for mom-messages who came out of the woods and told them their mom called.

I didn’t even tell them why their mom called me. Who am I to their mom?? Nobody even asked. They just took my word for it and called their mothers.




“Dogs don’t know what they look like. Dogs don’t even know what size they are. No doubt it’s our fault, for breeding them into such weird shapes and sizes. My brother’s dachshund, standing tall at eight inches, would attack a Great Dane in the full conviction that she could tear it apart. When a little dog is assaulting its ankles the big dog often stands there looking confused — “Should I eat it? Will it eat me? I am bigger than it, aren’t I?” But then the Great Dane will come and try to sit in your lap and mash you flat, under the impression that it is a Peke-a-poo… Cats know exactly where they begin and end. When they walk slowly out the door that you are holding open for them, and pause, leaving their tail just an inch or two inside the door, they know it. They know you have to keep holding the door open. That is why their tail is there. It is a cat’s way of maintaining a relationship. Housecats know that they are small, and that it matters. When a cat meets a threatening dog and can’t make either a horizontal or a vertical escape, it’ll suddenly triple its size, inflating itself into a sort of weird fur blowfish, and it may work, because the dog gets confused again — “I thought that was a cat. Aren’t I bigger than cats? Will it eat me?” … A lot of us humans are like dogs: we really don’t know what size we are, how we’re shaped, what we look like. The most extreme example of this ignorance must be the people who design the seats on airplanes. At the other extreme, the people who have the most accurate, vivid sense of their own appearance may be dancers. What dancers look like is, after all, what they do.”

— Ursula Le Guin, in The Wave in the Mind (via fortooate)

This paragraph went in so many different directions before it ended. What the fuck Ursula


one of my greatest pet peeves in fiction, and it is truly stupid I know, is that no one seems to understand how genuinely hard it is to kill someone via stabbing. stab wounds have a mortality rate of like 5%. especially abdominal stabbing. tv shows and movies show dudes getting stabbed one time in the lower abdomen with a tiny knife and then they fall over. like what did he die of precisely. that man died of Small Knife


the knife was discreetly laced with a point blank gunshot to the head



this is more important to me than the birth of my first son. I feel like adam touching the fingertip of god


Diver convince octopus to trade his plastic cup for a seashell


imagine if a fuckin……. giant alien just showed up and stuck a huge hand in front of your face and then proceeded to offer you three different houses and wouldn’t stop until you moved out of your old shitty apartment and then helped you fuckin move

and then just left

I first saw this on twitter and COULD NOT get over these comments:


Take a good look at the countries leading/have started the legal battles to hold the IOF accountable -their fights to end IOF terrorism and war crimes, as this should have been done months ago, are now beginning.

So many Palestinian people have been genocided, and the rampant global government inaction has caused chaos, death, and destruction of Gaza... I just hope this leads to a permanent ceasefire and an end to the occupation. I truly do.


kicking a hornets nest.


honestly, the insistence of main characters being "good people" in general has me worn out. like. I'm not twelve. I know what it is to be morally gray. In fact, I've been told by many that I can be a cruel and cold person all on my own. and here's the thing:

I want stories I can relate to. I want characters whose morals are a little crooked. Who know that many people will view them as wrong but don't care.

Being a good person doesn't make you a good character.


May I present to you Wheel Running In the Wild, a published research paper that delights me to no end:

This paper intended to test whether would mice would run on a wheel if they found one, to try and determine if this was a natural behavior or a stress response in captivity. They put a wheel in a protected little box with a camera that took pictures any time the wheel turned, and tallied up how often it was used by what.

Mice were, happily, the most common users of the wheel, and their patterns of use indicated they were doing so voluntarily once they figured it out.

But the second most common users.

Those were slugs.


I would not have guessed this in a thousand years. I am delighted.

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