
buttercream imagines

@conorpmaynard / conorpmaynard.tumblr.com

| i write and rant |
| this is just one of my many fandoms |

it’s been so frakin long since i’ve used this acc but i don’t really watch any of the guys anymore.

but how are all my lovely followers?!?!

there’s 1.7k of you which is unbelievable.

Anonymous asked:

Haven’t been on tumblr in ages but I still have your post notifications on. Glad your back, I’ll try and not leave tumblr again 😂love you-L x



1/20/17—> 1/20/18

exactly one year ago, i created this account. my life will forever be hanged because of this. i met some of my best friends; even if we don’t take that much any more, i still love you with my whole heart. this account has made me a better writer and person. yes, it’s had it’s ups and downs, but that’s just life. i cannot thank you all enough for following me and wanting me to create stuff for you. as of now, my hiatus is over. i just need new requests. i love you all so much




things writers can (probably) relate to

-making the facial expression your character’s making and trying to describe it

-writing entire scenes in your head as you shower and not remembering most of it by the time you get to your computer

-deciding you can’t do something you’ve been looking forward to until you write what you told yourself you were going to write, resulting in you laying in your bed doing nothing

-having two completely different ideas for your story to go in and both seem equally good but you can’t do both and you also can’t choose

-having docs with stories you know you’ll never finish but not deleting them anyway, even if they’re only a couple sentences long

-getting random bursts of productivity that could go towards homework or cleaning your room or writing and you know you’ll only be able to do one

-getting inspiration from the most random things

-writing at inopportune times because a perfect line or dialogue just popped into your head and you have to get it down before you forget it

-“what are you writing?” “……..a story”

- “what do you want to do when you grow up?” “uunnghnnggguughhhhh”

-reveling in the embarrassment you put your characters through


asks for fanfic writers

drop a number and a fandom in my askbox and I’ll answer:

  1. things that inspire you
  2. things that motivate you
  3. name three favorite writers
  4. name three authors that were influential to your work and tell why
  5. since how long do you write?
  6. how did writing change you?
  7. early influences on your writing
  8. what time are you most productive?
  9. do you set yourself deadlines?
  10. how do you do your researches?
  11. do you listen to music when writing?
  12. favorite place to write
  13. hardest character to write
  14. easiest character to write
  15. hardest verse to write
  16. easiest verse to write
  17. favorite AU to write
  18. favorite pairing to write
  19. favorite fandom to write
  20. favorite character to write
  21. least favorite character to write
  22. favorite story you’ve ever written
  23. least favorite story you’ve ever written
  24. favorite scene you’ve ever written
  25. favorite line you’ve ever written
  26. story you’re most proud of
  27. best review you ever got
  28. worst review you ever got
  29. favorite story/poem of another author
  30. hardest part of writing
  31. easiest part of writing
  32. alternate title for (insert story title)
  33. alternate ending for (insert story title)
  34. alternate pairing for (insert story title)
  35. single story or multi-part story?
  36. one-shot or multi-chaptered story?
  37. canon or AU?
  38. do you reread your own stories?
  39. do you want to be published some day?
  40. which one of your stories would you most like to see as a movie/series
  41. one song that captures (insert story title)
  42. do you plan or do you write whatever comes to your mind?
  43. would you ever write a sequel for (insert fic title here)
  44. do you write linear or do you write future scenes if you feel like it?
  45. share the synopsis of a story you work on that you haven’t published yet
  46. share a scene of a story that you haven’t published yet
  47. how many unfinished ideas/stories are you working on at the same time?
  48. three spoilers for (insert story title)
  49. writing advice
  50. open question to the writer
Anonymous asked:

I see. Thanks for answering

Of course! Never feel afraid to ask me something :)

Anonymous asked:

Others? Byron and Conor seemed very unproblematic to me. Same with Caspar. And I'm sorry if I'm annoying you. I just wanna learn more about them.

It’s okay! Byron Joe, Josh and Caspar are very unproblematic! Conor has participated (along with Jack) in some videos with Mikey, who is in my opinion the most problematic.

Anonymous asked:

No hate on him cause I'm too new to the fandom, but from what I saw, Jack seems kinda problematic? Is it true?

yeah. he’s not as problematic as others but he can be a little iffy some times

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