
The End of the Line (for my sanity)


I'm Mandarou on Ao3. If you want my history/meta rants, you want this tag!
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Anonymous asked:

hi! where do you think bucky's encounter with isaiah bradley fits within your timeline? they mention that they sent a couple of guys to fight bucky and no one came back, so i suppose he was already active enough during that time for usa to know of him!

Oomph, you know what, Falcon and Winter Soldier fucked my timelines all to fuck okay. I was waiting for the series to finish up before I tried to piece the new info together, and then I got distracted and never had time to do the work. But anyway! The new info does change some things. Big things.

For example, the dog tags showed me that my guesses as to when Bucky was drafted were wrong by a long shot, and he was in fact part of the post-Pearl Harbor wave of drafts and likely got his draft card on Christmas Eve of 1941. Which is annoying since I need to go back and fix the info, BUT the new info made his draft date and his rank of Sergeant in 1943 MAKE SENSE. That’s a whole other nerd infodump though.

But Isaiah Bradley’s story glitched my Winter Soldier timeline HARD. Bucky being not only active but a huge, known threat during the Korean War, one Hydra was willing to send in, means he was fully operational at least 3 years to a decade before I estimated, that he likely did have some initial memory loss from the fall and it wasn’t nearly as hard or lengthy a process to recondition him, and that he was sent into things I honestly did not expect him to have been involved with. Like full-blown wars.

So, Bucky definitely fought in the Korean War, and that also means he probably was at least peripherally involved in the following: the guerilla wars in both the Baltic states and Ukraine. The Soviet-Japanese War. The First Indochina War. The Hungarian Revolution. And Vietnam. And those are just the ones in the 1950′s. Knowing they used him to fight in wars as well as for assassinations puts him in a lot more places. It also makes it far more plausible that Bucky was involved in the assassination of JFK.

Bucky also confirmed that it was Hydra, not just ‘the Soviets’, pulling his strings way back in 1951, when he said Bradley was one of the things Hydra feared most. It begs the question, was Hydra operating with the Soviets and only branched into other governments after the Soviet Union fell, or were they always a worldwide insidious thing, acting independently and basically putting resources into every side of every fight simply to sow chaos. It kind of seems like the latter, to me, but it’s a question I figured I’d put out there.

The story of Bradley’s encounter with the Winter Soldier also helps to explain why, if Bucky only lost half his human arm in the fall from the train, he wound up with a metal arm that encompasses his entire arm, shoulder joint, and up into his clavicle. I am still confident in saying the flashback scene from the movies where Bucky is getting his metal arm attached is in 1954 because of the articulating saw. Since Bradley broke the metal arm, it means that scene was just one of the memories Bucky had of getting a replacement metal arm attached.

Since the metal arm was not, in fact, indestructible or the original one, every time his metal arm was broken/damaged/ripped off beyond repair, they would’ve had to take a little bit more of his remaining human arm off to attach a new metal one. Just like they have to drill new and bigger holes when they do hip replacements. It also explains why he saw/heard Zola calling him the Fist of Hydra, but it was someone else in that scene attaching the arm. Cause it wasn’t the first one.

I am just now realizing how far I rambled with this....I hope I answered the question somewhere in there?

Anonymous asked:

I love your breakdown of Buckys dog tags after Seb posted that picture of them! I was wondering if you could guess what Sams dog tags would look like? I want to get a set made. Thanks !

Hi! Sam’s dog tags would be a LOT of guessing, but I will do my best.

First, modern tags differ from WW2 era tags, and Air Force tags differ from Army ones. Not much, but enough.

Pre-2012 Air Force tags will read as follows:



SSN       AF



Sam’s full name is Samuel Thomas Wilson. He’s from Louisiana, and my best guess at religion would be Baptist if you go purely by percentages. Though, No Preference is also an option for the religion here. Blood type....I mean, if I were doing Sam’s tags I’d go with B Positive just because it makes me laugh, but roughly 47% of African Americans are O Positive.

The Social Security Number is where the work comes in. Numbers are issued as follows ###(area number)-##(group number)-####(serial number).

The first three numbers are based on your region, and from 1972 to roughly 2007 (I think??) they’d been based on zip code. Louisiana’s assigned numbers were 433-439, and 659-665. Sam was born in 1978, so he’d likely either be in the very far end of the 439′s, or in the 659-660 area. The rest of his number could legit be anything. If you’re making up your own tags, I’d honestly go with numbers that mean something to you or to the character. (for example, a Code 50 assignment in the Air Force is someone who is given a job outside of his specialty, like dragging after Captain America’s stupid ass and then becoming Captain America himself idk).

So, Sam’s tags would be like this:



659-50-3456   AF



I hope that helps?


I haven’t seen this posted yet but it gave me chills. (Credit to grable424 on YouTube)


Fucking s i c k

A fucking god made this masterpiece


Bucky, speaking into his arm that is recording: Day 14 in the Soul Stone, so far no notable incidents, people are finding various ways to amuse themselves. Right now the tree creature is singing “I am groot” to the tune of “Despacito”, the greatest song of all time according to Spider-Boy. I can not detect any animosity between peopl-

Peter, following Sam: But why a falcon…why not… let’s say… an ostrich?

Bucky: Correction, Sam Wilson is about to murder a minor. I have to go.


Dog Tags, Part 2

Hnng okay. Wow, I am going stir crazy and I’ve had the time and the insomnia to hunt up a few more things to go in depth about! How are we handling quarantine, folks??


This blew my other post about the dog tags to hell tbh. BUT! It’s HISTORICALLY ACCURATE FOR ONCE. The fact that it’s rusty is just fucking heartbreaking. That means when he fell, they likely got yanked off and stayed behind and got found a great deal of time later. Those things did NOT rust easily.

Anonymous asked:

so i've been reading your timeline which is awesomeeeee! thank you for the effort and research you've put into it! but i have a dumb question. idk if you know about it, so i'm sorry to bother you if you don't. but i read somewhere that steve earned jump wings back in training and i'm confused about how that all works. he was in the army, so how could he have gotten jump wings???????? also i hope that you feel mighty better! :)

Jumping back into this obsession with a question about jump wings!

For a soldier in the Army in WW2, getting jump wings meant they’d earned their Parachute Badge. Most military services in the US actually go through parachute training through the Army; the US Army Airborne School, which was started in 1940. The Army was and still is the only game in town to get parachute training. Think Band of Brothers. 

Without getting into the specifics of jump training (but I totally will if you want me to!), I can tell you unequivocally that Steve Rogers did not have enough time in training to qualify for jump wings. He barely had enough time in training to qualify as a soldier, much less a Marksman or Parachutist or anything else. If he got them, it was a bullshit Parachute Badge to go with the bullshit Captain’s rank they gave him tbh.


Plot twist : the real reason Steve doesn’t use a parachute is cause he never got the training and it’s too late to ask now

Oh god. I just laughed hard enough to scare my cats.

Anonymous asked:

Hi there! Are there any WW2 (Nazi side) movies or TV shows you would recommend? I've watched Band of Brothers which was really good, but I need more! It really helps me visualize the conditions that Steve and Bucky would have dealt with. Thanks so much! 💖

By Nazi side, I’m assuming you mean the European Theater? If you mean actual Nazi side I can’t think of anything except maybe Valkyrie, which was actually a pretty good movie tbh.

Band of Brothers will forever be the best, if you ask me. You can’t top it, just watch it again lol

There’s Saving Private Ryan, which is just as good as everyone says. The initial scene with the beaches of Normandy on D-Day (while technically not entirely logistically accurate anymore since they’ve been discovering the actual role of Maisy Battery in the last few years) is still PHENOMENALLY accurate as far as the feel of the actual battle. I remember veterans needing to leave the theater when I saw it due to flashbacks. Barry Pepper as the cocky designated marksman (not sniper!) was also a revelation, mainly because he was left-handed. He never would have been allowed to shoot lefty in real life because of the bolt action and how it requires you to move your head and lose your your sight picture every time if you work it left-handed, but as someone who naturally shoots lefty (just like Bucky likely was) it was cool to see it on screen.

Another of my favorites is The Monuments Men. If you want a feel for what Steve and Bucky would have been dealing with, that is actually the best movie I could recommend, since it follows a ‘specialized’ team that didn’t technically answer to anyone. They’re rescuing art in the midst of the wider war, but you can still get a feel for the lay of the land.

Fury is a good one, but that follows a Tank Battalion, so not quite what you’re looking for. And maybe Inglorious Basterds? But not if you want historical accuracy lol.


this isn’t a question but can I just say that I love your history rants. Like I literally did a (really long) paper on the Winter Soldier Investigation and lowkey obsessed with CA and TWS history jazz but no one wants to vibe with me so seeing all of your historical analysis is sosososo nice



Anonymous asked:

so i've been reading your timeline which is awesomeeeee! thank you for the effort and research you've put into it! but i have a dumb question. idk if you know about it, so i'm sorry to bother you if you don't. but i read somewhere that steve earned jump wings back in training and i'm confused about how that all works. he was in the army, so how could he have gotten jump wings???????? also i hope that you feel mighty better! :)

Jumping back into this obsession with a question about jump wings!

For a soldier in the Army in WW2, getting jump wings meant they’d earned their Parachute Badge. Most military services in the US actually go through parachute training through the Army; the US Army Airborne School, which was started in 1940. The Army was and still is the only game in town to get parachute training. Think Band of Brothers. 

Without getting into the specifics of jump training (but I totally will if you want me to!), I can tell you unequivocally that Steve Rogers did not have enough time in training to qualify for jump wings. He barely had enough time in training to qualify as a soldier, much less a Marksman or Parachutist or anything else. If he got them, it was a bullshit Parachute Badge to go with the bullshit Captain’s rank they gave him tbh.

Anonymous asked:

could you PLEASE finish ‘this is not a cow’ i need them to get back home 😫😫 i’m so fucking invested wrap it up with one more chapter or smth

I’m sorry. Without being overly dramatic about it all, I almost died from an illness last year. I’m still trying to get my feet under me, creatively speaking. The only thing I’ve written in the last 18 months was my Will.

I am trying, though, I promise.

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