



Innumerable Stars 2022 Roundup

I wrote 6 fics and received 2 fanworks for @innumerable-stars 2022! thank you to the mods for all your hard work, and to the folks who made my gift and treat :)

My gifts:

City of the Seven Names: Idril reflects on her city and how she and Maeglin are tied to it. Semi-sentient city Gondolin, ambiguous qp Idril+Maeglin, for saliache :)

A Threat Robed in Silks: Elrond and Gil-Galad meet for the first time. Pre-qpr Elrond+Gil-Galad for saliache!

My treats:

Gold and Silver: Elrond/Celebrían/Gil-Galad 3 way mutual pining and matchmaking, feat. love songs about the Two Trees, for @drey-starstriker <3

Princes(s): Kidnap dads with genderfluid Elrond and Elros, fluffy gender-affirming hair braiding, for @admirablemonster!

Keen-Edged, Keen-Eyed: Bilbo discovers an elven ghost in the blade he picks up in the troll hoard, Maeglin is just happy to have company. For rainforezt!

Thou Whose Shadow Shadows Doth Make Bright: Idril/Tuor/Maeglin, fae and fairytale elements. Idril and Tuor enter a strange forest and fall under the sweet spell of a mysterious young man. For @isilloth!

I also CANNOT rec the works I received enough:

Then that must be where you are by rainforezt, beautiful art of Idril and Maeglin that i want to look at every day

Meet Me in the Woods by @admirablemonster, spooky dream stuff gondolin ot3 that i’m obsessed with


headcanon that Percy is the "good son/brother" for a reason; he's a menace if he wants to.

the twins, ron and ginny don't believe it until they see it.

bill and charlie has One Fear because they will have to deal with it. bill still have war flashbacks of how many times he needs to track down his little brother cause he's always missing five minutes before curfew

charlie hasn't forgotten the last time he told percy "no" and the little shit took that as a personal challenge and proceed to do whatever he wanted.

molly, surprisingly, doesn't believe it. she takes a look at percy, sees his gentle lil smile and is like "no, percy is a good boy! he's so well-mannered, he can never do anything wrong ever!"

arthur...oh, he knows his boy is a menace. percy is so incredibly clever, he always knows how to get out of trouble, but it doesn't stop him from running havoc. oh hell, he knows his boy can take down the whole ministry if he wanted to.

+arthur is the only one who can stop percy when he's feeling "rebellious". he isn't worried about his other six kids, he has seen worse with things with percy and he knows that percy can give him grey hair before the boy is twenty.

it's always the quiet ones, after all.


a little continuation on my previous post.

in a little "what if", Ron decided to send a letter, tell Percy what Umbridge did to Harry in detention and sent proof (a photo of Harry's craved hand)

Percy reads it once, sets down the letter slowly and then decided "nope, time to overthrow this fucking circus to ministry and throw that hag in prison"

next thing Arthur hears is that Percy decked Fudge in the face, let the newspapers print out all his sketchy affairs with proof. it's the scandal of the decade, a massive headache for the auror department, the toad got arrested for "physical abuse, torture of a minor and possession of a Dark object" and the public loudly demands that Percy takes over as minister

Arthur fears it's the Black Family Madness™

Molly is so scared that Percy is gonna get thrown into jail or worse

Bill and Charlie has One Fear™, that is Percival Ignatius Weasley

Sirius laughs at everything and finds this utterly hilarious

Fred, George and Ginny try to understand what is going on and wonders if Percy has finally lost it

Hermione is speechless for the first time

Harry is just :o

Ron doesn't know what to do, all he wanted to do was to throw some shit in Percy's face. he didn't expect him to go Big Brother Mode and fix everything again.

Percy: *sips on tea* and that was that Tuesday. wonder what I'll do next week.

Percy Weasley: overthrows sadistic teacher, corrupt politician and the whole ministry in one day.

what an icon.


"I asked for one taste-tester, not five!"

A disgruntled Percy in apron shouldn't feel so threatening, but somehow he reminded more of their mum. It was probably because they were in the kitchen.

Percy had finally gone outside his room and he had decided that this was a perfect day for some baking. He originally learnt "feminine hobbies" (as Charlie called it) to help his mother in the household, as the good, responsible son he was. But to his surprise, he found it enjoyable to cook, bake, knit and crochet.

Mrs Weasley often said that he would do wonderful as a future husband.

The downside was that as soon as he started to cook or bake, his siblings tended to crowd the kitchen and fight to be the "taste-tester". And lick the bowl.

Percy pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing heavily and praying for Merlin to give him patience while his brothers and Ginny bickered and shouted at each other about whose turn it was now.

"I was here first, Ron!" Ginny yelled.

"You went last time, it's my turn!"

"It's my turn!"

"No, it's my turn!"

"All of you, SHUT UP!" Percy bellowed at them before he inhaled. "Fred, George, Ron and Ginny. Go and play Quidditch. Harry, you get to be the taste-tester."


Percy rolled his eyes. "Because none of you idiots are acting as good hosts or can behave yourselves, so Harry wins by default. Besides, I trust his judgement."

Later, Harry sat by the long table and, after some encouragement from Percy, he happily tasted whatever Percy made and gave feedback.

Turns out that he could win Harry's favour if he got any dessert with syrup.


time to nag about my headcanon "Percy has Seer powers" and why that is a great idea

first of all, a little clarification; this isn't common knowledge to the younger siblings. only Arthur, Molly, Bill and Charlie knows. they kept this secret after Fabian and Gideon Prewett died

  • this implies that they died to protect Percy, who was just this tiny toddler who had absolutely no control over what he could See
  • the result is to keep his Seer powers secret

some background info; Percy's Seer powers is a rare gift that is apparently passed down from the Black side

  • Cedrella, aka their paternal grandmother, had it and has taught Percy how to use and control it. that's why Percy had a more closer bond to his granny than the rest of the family.
  • Arthur did not inherit it, but one of his brothers did. unfortunately, his poor brother is dead (it's not Billius, but someone else cause Arthur had three brothers accourding to the wiki) because he rather die than to let himself being caught by Voldemort and used as a tool.
  • while he doesn't understand Seer powers too well, Arthur respects it and is trying to be supportive for Percy.

also at a later point, Percy had 1 Bad Incident™ involving his Seer powers and it slightly traumatised him enough to not try to use it again

  • he takes divination in his third year for two reasons; 1, he also want to achieve 12 NEWTS like Bill. 2, he wants to understand his weird future-seeing power.
  • Oliver, his roommate (oh my god they were roommates) finds out by accident and keeps nagging him about the future Quidditch match results. Percy refuses cause that's SPOILERS


  • Percy can look far into the future, but he settles for the fun stuff
  • he occassionally makes references to memes and vines
  • his siblings doesn't understand them at all
  • at least until they're all adults with families in the future
  • and they be like "YOU KNEW"
  • and Percy just smiles innocently even though he absolutely isn't

Harry and Hermione aren't safe from Percy's Seer Shenanigans either

  • everytime Hermione is working with a crossword, Percy's eyes flashes green for a moment and when he opens his mouth, Hermione hits him with a pillow cause he was about to reveal the answer
  • Harry asked Percy once if his Seer powers was why Fudge promoted him. Percy simply smiled and said "yes, that was the reason. but the idiot didn't realized that i tricked him all the time and sent him on a wild goose chase."

aaaaand some Ministry shitshow stuff;

  • ofc Percy would be petty af once he figured out Fudge only wanted him because of his Seer powers. which means the fucker looked at the classified information in his personell file. Percy is obvs mad about that, but it's too late to tell his family about it and he decides to be an absolute menace about it without being caught
  • "getting caught means that you weren't smart enough to get an escape plan"
  • Percy takes full offense of being treated like a tool instead of a human with rights
  • he burns several draft-ups for the "updated law for underage magic" because they're fucking awful and he knows the bastard wants to ruin Harry's education. that also means he would ruin his baby siblings' educations.
  • he also burnt the suggestion papers about giving Azkaban prisoners the dementor's kiss without trial.
  • the law suggestions about banning human rights for werewolves, wizard hybrids and squibs also got BURNT INTO ASHES
  • Percy: I decide the future now. >:)
  • Scrimgeour makes an early bird appearence cause Fudge can't find the law suggestions anymore and he was the idiot to not keep copies.
  • after investigating privately, Scrimgeour finds out that Percy burnt them up and this madlad explains why.
  • suddenly Scrimgeour fully supports Percy and says his late uncles would be proud. bonus: Scrimgeour simply says to Fudge that he can't find things that may be gone forever, it's sadly "lost media" now.
  • Percy, getting the idea from the twints, orders dragon fertilizer (it's dragon dung lol) subscription from norway's dragon research center and sanctuary and sends it to Umbridge, using her forged signature
  • he's careful to not get caught, so he looks into the future (a bit at the time, though)

feel free to add some of your own ideas/suggestions/headcanon about Seer!Percy Weasley :)


while we read books about the beginning of the path of Obi and Qui, as a master and padawan, I decided that it would be symbolic to draw a pack with them <3 it turns out that Obi was still a glutton in his youth, but Qui-Gon is always unchanged (although his growth and formation is also a very interesting thing!) p.s. and Obi-Wan is constantly blushing and sweating… maybe it’s from malnutrition.. xDD


I saw a post saying that Boromir looked too scruffy in FotR for a Captain of Gondor, and I tried to move on, but I’m hyperfixating. Has anyone ever solo backpacked? I have. By the end, not only did I look like shit, but by day two I was talking to myself. On another occasion I did fourteen days’ backcountry as the lone woman in a group of twelve men, no showers, no deodorant, and brother, by the end of that we were all EXTREMELY feral. You think we looked like heirs to the throne of anywhere? We were thirteen wolverines in ripstop.

My boy Boromir? Spent FOUR MONTHS in the wilderness! Alone! No roads! High floods! His horse died! I’m amazed he showed up to Imladris wearing clothes, let alone with a decent haircut. I’m fully convinced that he left Gondor looking like Richard Sharpe being presented to the Prince Regent in 1813

*electric guitar riff*

And then rocked up to Imladris a hundred ten days later like

Some people have been wondering about the raccoon. Listen. Listennn. Don't ask about the raccoon.


But does the racoon survive the Uruk-Hai? Does he curl up on Aragorn's head, or does he go straight to Faramir? Does he bite Denethor?

My friend. My colleague. My brother my captain my king. I too have been pondering this question, and in my mind there can be only one ultimate outcome.

A few months later

All hail the High Warden of Gondor.

Epilogue: It ADORES Faramir.


Based on a series of tumblr posts about Warlock Dowling describing his strange childhood, John Mulaney style. Podfic of @flamingfoxninja’s fic post, in the style of a comedy special. Read for a live audience (thank you live audience!!!) at Podfic Winter Chillfest 2020. Direct ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22740742 Original tumblr post here:  https://flamingfoxninja.tumblr.com/post/189923291168/incorrect-good-omens-feamir ) 

Guys check this out this is so so cool!


New Podfic!

Another part the Maglor is an Eldritch Horror series by @thescrapwitch.

Rating: General audience


There’s something strange in Imladris. Something that keeps any bard from staying there long. But Lindir has never been known for making smart decisions, and, armed with a special harp from Lady Galadriel, he’s determined to make a new home for himself in Lord Elrond’s kingdom.

What’s the worst that could happen?

Length: ~45 minutes

Anonymous asked:

I read “[Naruto] made budgeting and math his bitch” and all I want to say, to ask, is to consider the possibility that he’s the one in charge of Team 7’s budget? Please and thank you for your time.

It takes Naruto a bit to notice it. Takes a while for all the pieces to line up just right for him to see it.

His team, as talented as they all are, are absolute shit with money.

They're up north, huddled together on the roadside just inside of Tomi, the capital city of the midsized island that makes up Gold Country, when the truth comes out.

Their mission had been long and draining and they're all looking forward to a ship back to the mainland and a stop at an Inn for a night before they start the trek back to Konoha.

The only problem with that plan is the fact that everyone is flat broke.

Everyone, that is, except for Naruto. Which the other three would know if they'd bothered to ask him instead of assuming he was just as broke as they are.


Okay you sexy bitches, since it’s my turn with the braincell, Polar Dog! Zuko Au (this is not what it sounds like).

  • Iroh brings to the ship, after their first time in the South Pole, a box of 7 polar dog puppies.
  • Zuko, age 13, is like ‘i can’t believe you’ve done this, we have to put them back’ but then he looks at them and is like ‘... okay fine we can keep them’
  • He smuggles them, because at this point they are quite small, into his room on the ship.
  • For the next 2 weeks, Zuko seems to take a lot of extra food and a few shipmates think they go crazy when they hear barking coming from the prince’s room.
  • This all comes to an end when Pond opens the door and they all escape
  • Zuko names them after his turtleducks from the palace.
  • Zuko does not have good naming skills
  • The turtleduck’s names are: Ursa, Tree, Rock, Pond, Dumpling, Zongzi (jong-zuh), and Sky.
  • Zuko doesn’t name one Ursa, but instead Snowy.
  • The pups like to sleep on his bed. Zuko doesn’t like this at first and forces them off, but he can’t make himself be mean to animals and maybe when he wakes up with puppies on his bed and licking his face he lets them sleep on his bed.
  • Out of all of them, Snowy is the most affectionate. She wakes Zuko up from nightmares by licking his face. Zuko snuggles with Snowy and will deny this until the day he dies. Snowy is all white. “Like snow.” “I think that next time I will handle the naming, nephew.”
  • Tree is Iroh’s favourite and vice versa. He likes to curl around Iroh’s feet when Iroh’s playing Pai Sho and likes to trot behind him when they’re out walking. Tree has a pink and black spotted nose and black streaks on his ears.
  • Rock loves swimming and is more active and playful. She is a menace and Zuko realizes this after the second chewed curtain. Rock likes swords (because she saw how Zuko liked swords) and tried to learn how to be like Zuko. This did not work out because dogs do not have opposable thumbs. This coincidentally happens to be when Zuko puts his swords up where Rock can’t reach. Rock has grey paws.
  • Pond seemed to be more aloof than the rest. Then he met Jee and they were inseparable. Zuko desperately tries to also be friends with Pond but Jee is the only one Pond really bonds with. Pond has blue eyes and that is why Zuko named Pond that way. This is when Zuko realizes he isn’t the most creative at names.
  • Dumpling is a lazy boy and everyone loves him. Dumpling loves tummy rubs. The crew will not admit that they all do the baby-animal-talk voice and pet Dumpling when they should be doing things. Dumpling has a grey streak on his forehead.
  • Zongzi is as dumb as a box of rocks. You look into his eyes and there’s only a windows loading screen. You knock on his head and it echoes. Zongzi does not understand pointing. Zongzi likes to put his head on people’s laps when they’re eating and do the puppy eyes. Even when they’re not eating. Everyone loves Zongzi.
  • Sky, last but not least. Sky is a hunter and loves running. Sky, unlike Zongzi, understands pointing and Zuko, on occasion, has gotten Sky to catch wild chicken-ducks. Sky looks a lot like Snowy and Zuko is the only one able to tell the difference between them. Sky is more territorial than the others and more wary of strangers, this is why she is not allowed to go on docks anymore.
  • Idk why but I really like the mental image of Zuko holding up a piece of meat or something and going “sit!” And you hear the sound 7 huge polar dogs, in sync, sitting down and being tossed treats.
  • Snowy gets attacked by like wolves or something and Sky fends them off but not before Snowy gets scratched on the eye. Snowy and Zuko have matching scars (well one’s on the opposite side) and they bond over that.
  • Zuko gets some unconditional love from his animals and realizes that ‘hey I’ve had more love from these dogs than my own father. That isn’t the best’ and starts his long journey of unlearning the fire nation propaganda.
  • They travel a bunch and they get word of the Avatar and since Zuko still wants his father’s love and to go home he goes.
  • “No! Sit! We aren’t docking- Rock, down!” *sighing* “Finally, my moment has come to- Snowy no!!”
  • The scene goes as canon.
  • Skip to NWT with extra swimming skills
  • After Zhao takes his ship, Zuko smuggles them into a cave where they stay safe for the invasion. Zuko is now considering treason.
  • The raft is bigger than before. The dogs happily paddle to land.
  • Zuko confides in Iroh that he doesn’t believe in the Fire Nation anymore. Iroh agrees
  • Azula is only a conformation that he’s not going home.
  • In Zuko Alone, he travels with Snowy, Rock, Dumpling, Zongzi and Sky. Tree stayed with Iroh and Pond stayed with Jee.
  • Iroh and Zuko meet up again, the dogs hid for the battle, and then Tree and the Puppy Gang meet up again and it’s wholesome.
  • Okay so basically everything goes as canon except they go to Ba Sing Se and Zuko is like super sad about having to leave the dogs and so he tries to smuggle them on the ship but then it fails.
  • Zuko is like super sad because he’s been so used to sleeping in a pile of polar dogs and it just feels empty without them.
  • Then one day he hears of a zoo and Iroh makes him go.
  • He hears something that sounds super familiar.
  • And looking at him is a face that has a scar on one side, Snowy.
  • Then he gets dog-piled.
  • I’m soft for Zuko getting hugs sue me.
  • And then he’s able to smuggle them into his house.
  • Okay canon stuff happens.
  • Zuko realizes that he can’t escape because Azula will kill him and the best thing he could do is gather info from the inside
  • Azula is like “oh sure you can keep your dogs but only in the dungeons (:”
  • Canon stuff but Zuko’s not on Ozai’s side.
  • He escapes on the Day of Black Sun with an extra large airship to fit 6 polar dogs.
  • “Okay, sit. You guys stay here and guard. Good dogs!”
  • “How do we know that you didn’t bring soldiers to capture us?”
  • “I didn’t, I came alone!”
  • “That’s a lie.”
  • “You brought soldiers?!”
  • “It’s not like that! I can explain!”
  • “Then why are there 6 extra heartbeats, Mr ‘I Came Alone’?”
  • “... I can explain.”
  • Toph doesn’t get her feet burned. She likes Rock the most because she can give her rocks to chew. She also doesn’t realize that Toph can’t see so she gives her ‘presents’. Aka rocks. Rock tries to ‘earth bend’ by digging holes. I’m just saying they’d bond.
  • Aang loves all the dogs and is like super sad that Sky doesn’t like him but then she warms up to him and yeah.
  • The Gaang is still distrustful and is constantly going between “well if the dogs trust him...” and “well he could have bribed them with food...”
  • Then they go to wake him up one morning and just see how all the dogs are laying on top of him. Sky growls at them when they get too close at Zuko when he’s sleeping.
  • Katara is like “but he could still be evil”
  • Then she sees Zuko doing the Dog Voice to Dumpling and giving him tummy rubs and is purposely holding a grudge because she still is wary of Zuko.
  • Okay so the dogs bond with Appa and Momo but like Katara thought that Zuko stole them from SWT people but then Zuko tells the story of how he got them.
  • Canon stuff. They didn’t lose the airship so that’s how the dogs travelled to the island with Appa.
  • The Ember Island players include the Polar Dogs, but they only show one. And the ‘polar dog’ is named “Honour”. Honour doesn’t do anything except, like, almost catch the Avatar. Zuko complains to the dogs about how horribly they all were portrayed.
  • Iroh and Tree reunite and it’s adorable.
  • They don’t play a huge role in the battle. But as Zuko is healing they try to sleep in The Dog Pile with him but he’s healing so they can’t
  • What Zuko said: “you can’t come up here”
  • What Zongzi heard: “ you can’t come up here.”
  • Zongzi is forced to sleep outside the door with the rest of the dogs.
  • After he’s healed, they all play a lot.
  • Zuko introduces them to their turtleduck counterparts.
  • Zukka happens. It’s cute. Sokka has two hands. one for Zuko and one for Suki. Zuko also has two hands. One for Sokka, and one for petting his dogs. Suki also has two hands. One for Sokka and one for her fans.
  • Sokka basically becomes: Ah yes. Me. My Husband. My Wife. And our 5 polar dogs.
  • Zuko has a lot of pets. Druk is jealous of all the attention the dogs get but then he becomes part of a cuddle pile and Understands.
  • Izumi’s favourite is Dumpling.
  • Naga is Snowy’s pup.

That’s all I got for now.

“One time my Nanny and the Gardener were having a heated argument in the car and he took her Queen tape out of the player and threw it out the window with rage and she looked him dead in the eyes and pulled out a second copy of that same tape and put it back in the player.”

— Warlock, probably

Warlock becomes a stand up comedian when he grows up. He becomes the John Mulaney of his time. This is his equivalent of “one black coffee”.


I can totally envision Warlock’s version of the duck story!

One day when I was ten, the gardener comes into the house soaking wet and says, in that voice one usually reserves for toddlers or small animals, “Ah! One feels like a duck splashing around in all this wet! And when one feels like a duck, one is happy!” And then Nanny yelled, “Ooh, ducklings!” To which the gardener replied, “Too old to be a duckling. Quack, quack.” And then walked into the kitchen. I think about that every goddamn day.

I can’t believe I never saw this until now. Headcanon accepted. This is beyond hilarious. Also….

I can’t believe this one was hidden in the replies.

“I love my family, or at the very least people would assume so. People would think that growing up as a politician’s son would be easy, and they are right. I got everything that I ever asked for, spending money the only way Rick People could spend money.

“Dad! I want a Pony” Boom, Pony is at my feet

“Dad! I wanted it black” Boom. Done. Pony now looks like it crawled out of the Black Lagoon.

“Dad! The Pony glared at me!” I get a bottle of glue the next day. I was living the Rickie Rich lifestyle. I can have anything I want.

But the best part of growing up rich, the absolute best part, was that we were able to afford our own nanny.

I love her so much but am goddamn terrified of her to this day. I am a 28 year old man and I live in my own bodyweight of fear towards her.

When I was 1 to when I was 11, we had a nanny in our house. Her name is Nanny. If you call her anything else you will die. Somedays I think that my parents made a Rumpelstiltskin Deal with her before I was born, where instead of taking baby me she just moved in to our house to raid our fridge and judge the world from lofty windows. This is just the first part of the mystery of my nanny.  

She dresses like she is preparing to go to a funeral. And the difference between preparing to go and actually going is that they hadn’t found the body yet. You know when friends say that they would kill someone for you? Nanny would gut a cat if I wanted to play the violin that’s how hardcore she was. She wore red sunglasses because her glare alone could turn anyone to stone. If you squint hard enough you can actually see lasers coming out of her eyes.

Now you need to remember, I lived with this woman for Ten Years. Since I was a baby. This shit was normalized to me. While my parents were in West Wing I was living in the Addams Family. Nanny loved me and raised me and so what if she told me that I was going to lead Satan’s Army someday. That’s just Nanny. But throughout all of this, I never truly understand how terrifying she could be until I was 8 years old.

Picture this: a little 8 year old me, plump and trimmed with baby fat, standing next to Mary Poppin’s evil twin. One day we were going out for brunch so I can, and I’m quoting here “practice giving out orders when the army of hell arrives”

I’m still waiting for them, just to let you know.

So we get inside Nanny’s car, an old Black 1933 Bently which plays nothing but Queen music on cassettes.

I know this sounds fake, but she is a real person and not some Baba Yaga who decided not to eat me.

As we were about to leave, Brother Francis ran out to us. Francis was out gardener. He worked for us for as long as Nanny has, wears suspenders and a sun hat, and I’m pretty sure he ran away from a monastery. He walks up to Nanny and asks for a ride to the local gardening store for supplies. So he gets in the front seat, I’m in the back, and all three of us get on our way.

At 1000 miles per hour in a 55 zone.

Now I’m 8 years old. And no matter how cool your Nanny is, you just don’t pay attention to boring adult stuff like meetings, or finances, or traffic safety laws. So I’m lost in my own thoughts on how to direct my hell army to build myself a waterpark.

I don’t know how long I zoned out because when I snapped back in Nanny and Francis were arguing. Not in the pleasant passive aggressive way that makes you rethink your life choices, but full on yelling. So we are speeding down the road like death is chasing us. Bohemian Rhapsody is playing on blast. Nanny and Francis screaming at each other. Sulfur filled the air, radiant light pulsed menacing around us. Exactly how I imagined what parents fighting would be like. Things came to a head right as Freddy was about to hit his last “For Me!” because that was when this meek looking gardener snapped. Francis turns to Nanny and screams “YOU’RE DRIVING TOO FAST!” yanks the cassette out and pitches it out the window.

And then time stood still.

Have you ever been on a rollercoaster where at the top of the first hill staring down you regret every decision you’ve ever made that led you to this point? That was where we were all at.

Because there were three rules to Nanny’s Bently. Nanny always drives. Nanny always drives fast. And Nanny always drives fast with Freddy Mercury blaring down like her own personal angel.

This is all new uncharted territory for me. I’ve never seen anyone even dare disrespect her angel and plan to live to tell the tale. I was just watching in fascinated horror as this moment just searing into my mind.

Nanny’s looking directly at Francis, you can feel her eye’s heat laser’s charging up. I was trying to think of reasons to tell my parents why we don’t have a gardener anymore. Because even at 8 years old I know a death marker when I’ve seen one and by the end of the trip I was expecting Francis to be nothing but a smoldering piled of ash and a $15 hat.

She looks at him, and takes one hand off the wheel. Still barreling down the road like a madman mind you. But it alright because time’s frozen so we don’t hit anything. And with one hand, she reaches in front of him to the glove compartment, gently pulls out another cassette tape, and places it in the deck.


[sings] “FOR ME!!!!!”

We pull into the parking lot by the time Bohemian Rhapsody ends and I have never looked at Nanny the same way ever again. Because anyone who can play the exact same song on two different cassettes without missing a beat is their own god and needs to be feared.”

-Warlock in his comedy special


Discworld Politics

Vetinari: You have two cows. You convince them they will better off with you alive and in control than not.
Sam Vimes: You have two cows. They are probably guilty of something. Loitering, probably.
Young Sam: Where are your cows? Those goes "baah." Those are sheep. They are not your cows.
Moist von Lipwig: You steal two cows. You convince everyone they are made of gold and sell them for a fortune. You get arrested and become Minister of Agriculture.
Tiffany Aching: You have two cows. An elf tries to steal them and you hit it with a frying pan.
Nac Mac Feegle: Someone has two cows. You steal them, then fight them, then fight yourself. You win.
Rincewind: You run away from cows.
Unseen University: You have two cows. One is caught up in a magical accident and is now a chair. The other has become a professor.
Sybil Ramkin: You have many cows. They aren't dragons, so you don't care. You have 37 dragons.
Nanny Ogg: You have a cow and a bull. You enjoy explaining how they will make more cows.
Granny Weatherwax: You wish Gytha would stop explaining how you get cows.
King Verence: You try to create an economic plan for your country based on bovine products; your people are too busy listening to Nanny Ogg.

Half Goblin, half Hobbit.


God dammit I did this just for a pun but now I’m imagining this whole backstory where a wounded female goblin flees from some battle and winds up on the edges of the Shire and she’s gonna jump some Hobbit dude named Blinko Tumbrush but Blinko’s so unfailingly polite that his first reaction on seeing someone in a rough situation is to invite them in to dinner and gobbo chick is just like “… uh… ‘kay.”

And then she has dinner and it’s the best thing she’s ever eaten and even her little green brain is able to put together “If I knife this guy so I can take his stuff he can’t cook more of this” so when he asks her to stay the night she’s just like “Fuck yeah breakfast”.

And all the other Hobbits in the area are staring at this new arrival who starts begrudgingly working in the garden (she can pull out the weeds they’d normally have to hitch livestock to) and they’re all thinking “Uhhhhh that’s a fucking Goblin there, chief” except if they actually acknowledge that she’s a goblin then it’s a huge to-do and a lot of excitement and possibly there would be adventure involved in chasing her off. So they just sort of silently, collectively decide they’re going to ignore it and all go “Oh, Blinko finally found himself a lady, how nice, she must be one of the Glumbrushes from over the far side of West Farthing, I always did hear they were on the homely side, not much hair on their feet you know.”

And eventually in due time along comes Korbo Tumbrush and decently cute Hobbit baby but the biggest fucking ears you ever saw on a Hobbit and he’s a bit green and everyone is thinking “That’s a fucking half-Goblin you’ve got there, chief, you fucked a fucking Goblin, you made a baby with a damn Goblin my guy” but this would be an immensely rude thing to say to someone so they’re just like “Oh how nice, Blinko, he looks just like you, has those Glumbrush eyes though.”

And Korbo the Goblit grows up a proper little man in his waistcoat and pipe and every so often someone visits from a different part of the shire and sees this plump green dude with massive flappy pointed ears and they start to open their mouth only for a local to leap right in and go “HAHA YES THAT IS KORBO TUMBRUSH A VERY UPRIGHT HOBBIT WE ALL LOVE KORBO HE’S GLUMBRUSH ON HIS MOTHER’S SIDE (WE THINK) THAT EXPLAINS EVERYTHING!!!” and the visitor just starts nodding along emphatically because this is clearly something that is Not Spoken Of.

I fuckin love it

I. I have to know …

Does Korbo know!? Like is the Gobit aware his momma is a goblin? Or does he just grow up like

“yup us Glumbrushes sure do look different”

He leaves home on an adventure and stumbles n a hoard of goblins marches right up like

“how do ya do fellow hobbits? You know I’m half Glumbrush myself”

Alright, so, Korbo got in a fight once.


The Tumbrushes are, as a family trade, purveyors of fine pieces of wood. Not of large amounts of lumber, for which Hobbits don’t have a particular lot of call save occasionally, but rather of particularly nice pieces suitable for the making of fine window trimmings, floors, or the occasional carved bit of artwork to be given at a fancy event. Obviously for this one doesn’t go cutting down any tree willy-nilly, and Korbo had spent most of the day out and about looking for suitable trees.

(Korbo also personally assisted in cutting them down, being rather well known as on the strong side for a Hobbit, wink wink, nudge nudge.)

Having put in a genuine hard day’s work and rather pleased with himself, Korbo retired to the local bar to have a few beers and a smoke and to partake in good company, all of whom had gotten so used to pretending there was nothing odd about him that it was almost as if there was genuinely nothing odd about him.

Until along comes Humdil Thumbletoe.

Now the Thumbletoes were what was known in the Shire as “experts on genealogy”. This might sound like quite a good thing when you consider how well-versed most Hobbits are in their family lines, until you consider that most Hobbits are already well-versed in their family lines. A Hobbit being thoroughly knowledgeable of their family tree is not much to be remarked upon, so when it is remarked upon it is more to mean that the Hobbits in question are such tremendous mooches that they have had to dive far more deeply into their bloodlines looking for more relatives to leech off of than any Hobbit would generally consider polite.

Humdil was fairly brawny as Hobbits go, which was about all you could say for him. In fact Humdil had realized that was really all that could be said for him and had become a bit of a bully. And so it was he entered the bar that night with a very put-upon third cousin twice removed (by marriage) and caught sight of Korbo for the first time.

“Why, look at that one!” he bellowed, guffawing. “He’s so ugly his mother had to have been a Goblin, ey!”

The whole bar goes quiet. Aside from the obvious abominable rudeness of this, Humdil has said the thing that is never supposed to be said, and is clearly too stupid to realize he’s right. All heads slowly turn to Korbo.

Now, it is well known that Korbo has inherited his father’s tendency to never give a single solitary hairy-toed fuck about anything. He has currently been in the running to be at least the second most chill dude to ever be born in the Shire. And indeed, right now he’s still looking perfectly calm, puffing on his pipe. He sets the pipe aside, finishes off the last of his beer, and stands up.

“Sir, we’ll be needing to step outside.”

Now Hobbits are mostly a peaceable lot, not given to wars or fighting for any old thing, but a bit of fisticuffs outside the bar is hardly unheard of. Mostly everyone is kind of nervous about this because they’re still not sure how Korbo is reacting to this whole Goblin thing. So someone takes Korbo’s jacket and Humdil’s third cousin twice removed (by marriage) grudgingly takes his, and the two square off.

Now, Humdil was a big Hobbit, it was true, but there were a few things that, being a moron who didn’t realize he was right, and who had never been outside the Shire or seen a Goblin anyway, he could not possibly know.

For one, Goblins have long, spindly arms, giving them a surprisingly good reach for their size… not abominably long, certainly not in the case of a half-Goblin, and certainly not above being concealed by the cut of a well-tailored shirt. Second, they are compact, wiry creatures, with dense muscle over their otherwise lanky forms, and given to that a Hobbit’s already greater mass and the anchoring benefit of large, wide feet, well.

The moment Humdil stepped forward and started to swing, Korbo’s fist shot out like one of Gandalf’s better rockets and struck him directly in the nose. His flight was also, for some weeks after, compared to one of Gandalf’s rockets, though not quite as far and the explosion at the end was mostly him laying on the ground cursing wetly due to all the blood streaming from his nose.

Korbo apologizes profusely to all and sundry for the disturbance, collected his jacket, and goes home. Honey is out picking mushrooms (still being of the more nocturnal persuasion after all these years), but Blinko’s sitting by the fire reading a book. Korbo sees that there’s a newspaper (full of lots of extremely important things like how the pipeweed was growing and which barrels of beer were going to be uncasked that month), so picks it up and sits down to read.

“Evening, Da.”

“Evening, son. Pleasant evening out?”

“Oh, fine. Save for I broke Humdil Thumbletoes’s nose for him.”

“Hm, hm, I see. Why did you feel the need to do that?”

“Well, he called Ma a Goblin, you see.”

Blinko slowly lowers his book, and slowly raises his head. Looks at Korbo for long moments. Raises one eyebrow a little.

“Son. You know full well your mother is a Goblin.”

“Well, yes, but he didn’t know that, and he said it as an insult anyway so it being true or not doesn’t really matter that much, does it?“

“Hm, hm. I suppose that’s true at the end of the day, isn’t it?”

Blinko goes back to reading his book. Korbo continues reading the paper.

“You could have stabbed him,” Blinko eventually notes.

“Aye, could have stabbed him,” Korbo agrees easily enough. “But it’s a bit of a mess, isn’t it?”

“True, true, probably would have been a bit of a mess in the road, not very thoughtful to the community,” Blinko allows.

And that was the end of it.

I love all of this so much. Also-

“Sir, we’ll be needing to step outside.”

The power. I set down my drink after that one.

Oddly enough, one might expect Korbo to have trouble finding a lady hobbit. He’s not given to being as plump as his fellows, and his feet are a bit small, and he’s rather, well, tall for a hobbit, isn’t he. And green. Always looks a bit like he’s eaten something that didn’t agree with him.

But he runs into Hilda Greebrook one day in town, and she’s lost her favorite pipe, which is of course a tragedy of the highest order. It’s not unheard of for a lady to smoke, but it isn’t particularly encouraged, either, and so the general reaction is “you poor dear, perhaps it’ll turn up, hadn’t you best be getting home for luncheon?”

Korbo, however, stops to help her look for the pipe, and when it’s nowhere to be found he offers to make her another just like it, if she can tell him what precisely made it so special that it was a favorite, for after all a favorite must be distinguishable by something.

Unfortunately the thing that distinguishes it is that she got it from Gandalf and it’s quite unlike most pipes in the Shire, so recreating it is quite the task. But Korbo sets himself to it anyway, working a bit each night and handing it to Hilda daily to see if it feels quite right, and six months later he’s done it—recreated a pipe that came from the world of men, or perhaps elves, but certainly not that of hobbits.

Hilda for her part discovers Korbo quite likes to read, and though he’s from a reasonably well-to-do family—for hobbits are always in need of new toys and fancy party decorations after all—can’t get his hands on books fast enough to satisfy himself, and, well, her da’s a transcriber, someone’s got to write out the papers after all, and she’s got access to practically every book in the Shire, and ways to make copies besides.

At first people think it’s odd, a hobbit who can’t see asking to borrow books, but then they find out Korbo is involved and asking questions could lead to excitement and so they absolutely do not ask and simply offer up their histories and books of poetry and hobbit folklore (for even without want for excitement there are things it’s good to remember, and things every hobbit child should know so they, too, can grow up properly plump and staying well away from adventure), and resign themselves to never seeing their books again.

And then they find that far from their books quite disappearing, they return in fine form—albeit usually in a timeframe rather too long to be polite—but oddly quite a lot seem to have tiny bits of wood shavings in, although one wouldn’t expect it in a hobbit home? And THEN Hoptus Redbranch finds Korbo one day in his workshop, he’s just stopped by for the wood to repair a door after an unfortunate incident with attempting to remove a colony of bees and rather too much smoke for the moving of bees, and Korbo is simply. Pressing small pieces of hot iron into a very thin piece of wood, making small triangle patterns like no hobbit decoration Hoptus has ever seen, and he’s quite frequently checking into a book on his left that turns out to be one of Hoptus’ own books, and very carefully turning the pages with a cloth so as to not get oil from the hot iron all over the pages—

—and THEN, not long after the news of Korbo’s strange woodburning activities have spread across most of the Shire (and caused no small amount of consternation, because goblins are clever but so often the things they make are cruel and the cause of ever so much unpleasantness), Hilda is seen in her own garden with Korbo with a stack of these thin pieces of wood all carefully hinged together, running her fingers over carefully sanded and varnished pieces and feeling the triangles and reciting a hobbit tale.

For all those months of strangely disappeared books, Korbo has been translating Westron into an alphabet that can be read with one’s fingers, and making Hilda books, and teaching her to read them.

Nobody is entirely surprised, after about three years, when the two of them vanish for a few months, and come back quite married.


Within a few generations, this is absolutely going to be a thing Not Worth Remarking Upon. So when a young hobbit finds themselves accidentally ripping the knobs off doors when they’re cross, their parents will sigh and the elder hobbits in the village will remark that ‘that’ll be the Glumbrush in ‘im coming through, I told you his ears were a little bigger than his siblings, didn’t I?’ much the same as they always did on Bilbo and Frodo’s Took relations and the resulting hankering for adventure.

Were anyone from the outside to visit the Shire, they’d find a small colony of goblins thoroughly intermarried and also avoiding the usual goblin tendencies towards stabbing, so long as no one is so gauche as to insult them for being goblins.

(Sooner or later, one very flustered hobbit is going to accidentally do the same thing with an orc.)

The Tumbrushes, as with all Hobbits, were quite proud of their work, and rightly so. Their works are fine, of the highest quality, and they fetch the appropriate price for their labors, making them quite well-to-do. In the Shire, wealth breeds respect, of course, and so the Tumbrushes are quite well respected.

And yet there’s a difference between “well to do” and “scandalously wealthy.”

So when, when Blinko Tumbrush recieved a letter inviting them to the Baggins residence for tea, he of course brought his wife and son along.

Now, Korbo had crossed paths with Bilbo Baggins a time or two in the market, never for much longer than the time required for Polite Conversation, and so wasn’t expecting much. Sure, everyone knew Bilbo was odd, and were willing to talk about it, since Bilbo made no effort to hide his adventures and had, on numerous occasions, commented on visiting the elves or poking around the mountains, but they were in the Shire, no adventure in sight, and so this should be a normal, proper visit between client and craftsman.

And then Bilbo opened the door, pipe in hand, took the three of them in, and said, quite out of nowhere, “Ah, Shoebiter clan.”

Honey Tumbrush, late of the Shoebiter clan of the Misty Mountains, smiled with all her teeth and replied “Dragon thief!”

Bilbo guffawed and waved them inside, offering them hospitality in the goblin tongue, with the guarantee of safety and threat of violence that implied. They had arrived in time for second breakfast, and didn’t leave until past dinner, having hammered out a contract and shared many a story.

Blinko Tumbrush had only one thing to say as he walked home, arm in arm with his wife and son trailing behind. “He’s an odd fellow, that Bilbo, but nice enough. Yes, nice enough indeed.”


I love them


Gets better and better every time I see it

What was removed?! Which guidelines did it violate? This post was complete last time I saw it.

Here’s my art that apparently was too much for tumblr!


so i firmly believe that Bandobras (and his brother ferumbras II, grandfather of the old took) are half-numenorean and that’s why the Tooks are Like That (and also unusually tall and old).

anyways. Bilbo and Korbo solidarity. someone makes a snide comment about some goblit kid who accidentally broke a doorframe in the Green Dragon, and Bilbo promptly corrects them with a “you know, folks said the same about Bandobras until he saved the Shire in the Greenfields!”


Lmao could I interest you in the ASMR prompt for Spirk? Idk how it would work out but I’m just dying to find out


(Anything for you babe!)

Jim has nightmares.

Spock knew this, intellectually. He’s known this for years. From his first day on the ship, he’s been able to hear Jim through the walls. From the the Khan incident onwards, he crossed the bathroom to wake Jim up every time one happened.

But it’s only once Spock started sharing a bed with him that he realized how… wide they were.

Jim was able to share a bed with someone, easily. But in the midst of a nightmare, he got physical. He flung his arms and legs out and screamed and babbled both nonsense and curses and sobbed and kicked bit scratched punched-

The breaking point happens when Spock- too tired from a 56 hour state of emergency after a lab accident and 4 nights straight of Jim’s night terrors being worse than usual (prompted by a letter from his mother)- doesn’t move out of the way of one of Jim’s arms quick enough.

Jim, probably thinking he’s Nero or something, grabs him by the throat and starts punching him. By the time Spock gets him awake and help arrives, one of his eyes is swelling shut, and his nose is broken in three places.

Jim is horrified with himself. It is mutually agreed upon that something has to give.


Attempt one- Sleeping pills.

Jim’s tried them in the past, claimed they worked once they got the right ingredients that he wasn’t allergic too. And for a few nights they do work, Spock sleeps soundly.

And then, a red alert happens in the middle of the night. Spock spends five valuable minutes waking Jim up, and he’s still not lucid enough for the command training to kick in.

That time was a false alarm, but Spock, for the safety of the ship, insists that Jim stops the treatment. Jim agrees begrudgingly, asks Spock if he wants to move out.

Spock doesn’t- it’s too late for that. He can’t sleep without Jim.


Attempt two- Hypnosis

Jim’s sessions with a hypnodoctor are… unorthodox. And while the nightmares don’t stop, they do get less violent. Spock appreciates this, truly.

The hypnosis employs the use of a series of touches, which Jim does every night.

The problem is, he becomes complacent, starts forgetting to do them. And then, they stop being affective.

Spock sighs as Jim wakes him, again, and this time manages to get out of bed before he can be grabbed. He mentally notes to find something else before going to soothe the love of his life.


Attempt three- Music

This one is Jim’s idea. He reads that playing music at night can help with nightmares.

Spock, as a scientist, is offended that his boyfriend would take an article at face value like that, because it doesn’t work no matter what type of music they play. All this attempt leads to is Jim fervently apologizing and Spock writing a strongly worded letter to the author editor and publisher.

At least they can laugh about this one later.


Attempt four- Muscle inhibitors

Another one of Jim’s ideas, this time backed up with science and Doctor McCoy.

Spock is more hesitant to hit the button which will make Jim’s muscles lock in place via small robots injected into the muscle fibers.

“It’s just for now sweetheart,” Jim whispers between kisses that are far too convincing, “Just until we can find a way for me to stop beating you up. I hate the fact that I keep hurting you.”

Spock agrees, begrudgingly. But Jim’s first night paralyzed, and he has the nightmare of the year. Spock wakes up to Jim begging an invisible enemy to stop, let him go, please don’t-

Spock is sickened by the fact that he did that, and refuses to do it again and for so far as to hide the materials. Jim and he get into quite the argument over it.

It ends with he and Jim both going to bed angry, and him getting pummeled in the midst of a nightmare.

“You should leave,” Jim begs him between sobs as Doctor M’Benga treats his wounds, “this isn’t healthy. Please leave me, I’m so sorry-“

Spock takes his hands, and says never.

Jim proposes then and there, in sickbay at approximately 3:30 in the morning. Spock’s only stipulation is that they have a Vulcan bonding as well.

M’Benga sighs and says “congrats but can you both get out of sickbay, Len’s gonna have my head if I have to wake him.”


Attempt five- meditation

Jim is a horrible meditation student and far too turned on by his fiancée in his meditation robes. The attempt fails miserably but reaps some beneficial results in the form of sexual favors.


Attempt six- physical activity

Spock proposes this plan after noticing that Jim sleeps better after strenuous away missions. And going to the gym every night works for a bit, even gets them both down a few pounds.

But then, Jim breaks his leg on a mission, and they are forbidden from the gym for at least three months. When they go back, it’s lost all affect.


Attempt seven- ASMR

This attempt is honestly desperation on Spock’a part- the tarsus anniversary is coming up, along with Jim’s birthday and Christmas and it’s the worst time of year for his nightmares.

The earbuds work, but continuously fall out when Jim moves in his sleep. Spock, for a Christmas/birthday present, finds Jim a pair of over the ear headphones. Jim adores them and uses them for music, reports, and his nightly ASMR tape.

And it works, gloriously, it works. Spock considers giving offering to whatever deity clearly intervened.


Every night, just as Spock is falling asleep, without fail, Jim manages to roll over and smack the hard plastic of the headphones into either his cheek or his shoulder. It always hurts, but honestly Spock is willing to take it. It’s better than before. He says nothing, and the months leading up to their wedding are glorious.

But then, a gorn rips his arm out of it’s socket. The dislocation destroys his rotator cuff and snaps his collar bone, he has four and a half reparative surgeries over the span of a week to fix it all.

The first night he’s allowed to sleep in his own bed, Jim is so careful all night, tending to his every need, kissing every inch of bruised and scarred skin. Spock lays on his back and Jim puts on his tape.

Like clockwork, Jim rolls over.

The plastic cup connects right with the snap in his collarbone, and Spock can feel the stitches tear as he screams in pain.

He has his fifth surgery- an emergency one for where a bone fragment pierced his vein.

When he returns to his quarters, Jim has completely moved out.


Attempt Eight- sleeping apart

Spock finds that his bed is now too cold, no matter how many blankets he uses or how high he turns up the heat. Jim has insisted it’s not forever, but he refuses to hurt spock anymore. Not when Spock’s the one person he never wants to hurt.

But the walls are thin, and Spock’s hearing is advanced, and he can hear the other half of his soul shrieking in pain every night.

The final straw is placed on his back four nights in, when Jim screams his name.

Consequences be dammed, he’ll let Jim kill him before he ignores Jim begging for his help.

He runs across the bathroom, jumps on the bed and without thinking his hand slides onto Jim’s face, melding with him.

For a moment Spock is horrified- non-consensual melding is a crime, after all- but then, he realizes Jim is relaxed. What’s more, Jim is still asleep. His mental presence recognizes Spock’s and is no longer scared, although he is approaching wakefulness.

As he slips out and Jim wakes up, Spock realizes the answer to all his problems.

And he, victoriously, in a moment of pure humanity, decides he has earned every single one of his degrees. He’d been starting to doubt it, after all.

If he couldn’t crack human dreams, what was the point of any of them?


Attempt infinity- Bonding

Spock lays in bed on day thirteen of their honeymoon, sated and warmed by the setting risan sun flowing in through the window of the small cabin they had.

Jim wanders out of the bathroom and crawls into bed with him, yawning and warm. Spock kisses his forehead and shifts closer to him. Jim mumbles something about dinner later, nap now. He’s asleep in minutes.

The warm presence of the bond in Jim’s mind satisfies his fears, reminding him that he’s never alone. Jim- and by extension, Spock- sleep soundly, physically and mentally tangled together until undistinguishable from one another.

(HOLY HELL THIS GOT LONG AS F U C K. W O W Z A. @herrhasen (who’s also the fabulous @deheerkonijn Incase y’all didn’t know) I hope you enjoyed this! I had a blast writing it)


Yay!! Thank you, I love it!! I came to you as a puckish imp and you spun my giggles into heartfelt sincerity, thank you. ❤️ This is so lovely and sweet!


Ok, NOW it’s out of my system. You may recall a cracky Trek/LOTR crossover draw from last month where I laugh over the idea of Jim Kirk belaboring under the assumption that Spock cares that Legolas does parkour and Jim doesn’t. 

Well, sometimes a cartoon piano falls on my head and I forget what an absolute nightmare comics are to coordinate – here’s a little rendition of Gimli pretending he’s never had problems with pointy-eared beanpoles, ever, not once in his life. 

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