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He stared up at the stars: and it seemed to him then that they were dancers, stately and graceful, performing a dance almost infinite in its complexity. He imagined he could see the very faces of the stars; pale, they were, and smiling gently, as if they had spent so much time above the world, watching the scrambling and the joy and the pain of the people below them, that they could not help being amused every time another little human believed itself the center of its world, as each of us does.

Neil Gaiman, Stardust


you ever think about early cdrw

Rewind falling for Chromedome.

Rewind, who’s married. Who’s dedicated his entire life to finding his lost husband. (His husband who’s disgustingly perfect, the epitome of Cybertronian culture, while Chromedome is a sad misshapen koala.) Rewind. Falling for Chromedome.

Rewind knowing Chromedome likes him; it’s obvious from the way he looks at him, the way he laughs, the way he’s willing to drop anything at any moment to help and support him. Rewind arguing with himself over ‘How can I ignore Chromedome like this’ versus ‘Chromedome knows my situation, and I’m not responsible for his choices; he can make his own emotional decisions.’ Rewind feeling guilty whenever he talks about Dominus, but especially for taking comfort in Chromedome’s quiet supportive listening ear when he just has to talk about how hard it all is.

Rewind taking so long to admit - even to himself - that he likes Chromedome back, because he can’t even let himself think about it as a possibility. Rewind finally letting himself consider it, just a little, not even wishing for anything just thinking about, well, IF it was allowed, if I could let myself think about Chromedome as something different from the good friends we are now, what would that be like? Rewind overwhelmed as the floodgates open and he remembers all those cute things CD does - his snarky little asides, how he always supports Rewind in everything he does, his laugh, all the times he’s made Rewind smile - in a new light. Rewind thinking about how Good Chromedome is, how he always seems a bit shocked when Rewind says so, how much Rewind wants him to believe it. Rewind realizing “Shit. Fuck. I’m in love.”

Rewind still not letting himself say anything, because he can’t just let himself do whatever he wants. He’s got a quest! He’s dedicated his life to it, he can’t just… leave off just because it would make him ‘happy’. It wouldn’t be fair to Dominus to leave the quest behind, and it couldn’t be fair to Chromedome to have him always as the second priority. So really, the whole realization was pointless - knowing he likes Chromedome doesn’t change any of the reasons he wouldn’t let himself reciprocate in the first place.

Rewind noticing anew just how Into Him Chromedome is. Rewind gratified because “He likes me back!” Rewind guilty because “It doesn’t matter if he likes me back. I can’t - I CAN’T - reciprocate. I need to stop thinking about this, it’s just dreaming about could-have-beens.”

Chromedome making a sarcastic joke at one point, nothing over the top, nothing abnormal or unusual, and Rewind just barks out a laugh and blurts out an “I love you.”

Rewind, shocked (did I just say that?), visor wide, looks up to see Chromedome STARING back at him, the two of them gazing into each other’s faces for what seems like an impossibly long time before Chromedome just lets out a soft “What?”

Rewind’s thoughts racing. Surely there’s a way to cover that up, he can pretend everything’s normal, everything can be fine, but - he realizes he doesn’t want to pretend anymore.

“I… I said. I love you.”

And Chromedome’s just so shocked, he’s shaking his head slowly like it can’t possibly be true. Rewind’s spark is half breaking because how could Chromedome not BELIEVE him, how could Chromedome not KNOW that he’s wanted, that he’s loved.

“I’m sorry.”


“I’m so sorry I ever let you think you weren’t important to me. Chromedome. I love you.”

And Chromedome, it finally dawning on him what’s happened, that Rewind - that Rewind means it - lets out a quiet “Hey. I love you too.”


Swerve creates a YouTube channel called “Can I Eat This?”

Ultra Magnus and Ratchet create a response channel called “Why You Shouldn’t Eat This”

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