
Fandoms 'n Stuff


18-year-old fangirl with no life | Mostly SPN with some other fandoms thrown in there | Pretty much just reblog stuff that amuses me | SFW







as a procrastinating overachiever i feel like i don’t necessarily “half-ass” things, it’s more like a “3/4 ass”. like overall did i do pretty well? yeah. did i reach my maximum potential though? i think the fuck Not.


Y’all need to stop being so self-deprecating. You’re not boring or bland or whatever; you’re just shy and/or you’re not used to having conversations, but give yourself time and you’ll learn to find your groove when it comes to having conversations with others. You’ll get there and I’m sure plenty of people will find something interesting about you.


Heya folks, how ya doin'? It's been a while. I'm pretty sure I haven't been on here in at least 6 months-- I mean that's half a year. So I just wanted to get all of you caught up on what's been going on in my life:

  • I got a job (that was last summer but I don't think I ever really told anyone on here)
  • I am now a senior in high school
  • I turned 18! Guys I'm an adult... Kinda
  • I finally figured out what I want to do with my life
  • I've apparently picked up a slight southern accent because so many people I'm around regularly have one
  • I'm starting to kinda sorta get my life together a little bit at a time
  • I'm learning a lot about myself and my own values. There are things I'm trying to figure out, things I'm trying to let go of, things I want do and be and accomplish, things I need learn to become the best version of myself.

Over the last few months I really just took some time to myself to figure out who I am and who I want to be. I may not have it all figured out just yet, but I'm definitely in a better place than I was 6 months ago.

I know a lot of you probably don't care about any of this, and that's okay, but I wanted to tell those of you who do because y'all are part of the reason I am the person I am today. I've learned a lot from this little corner of tumblr. There is so much love and compassion I see being passed around every moment I'm on this weird little site. You all remind me that every day is a new opportunity to grow and learn and make a difference in someone else's life. So you just keep being you, and never stop spreading the love ❤

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