clinically fucking unhinged

@viva-1a-resistance /

we stan misha collins in this house.


[ID: a BBC news headline with a picture of a young girl looking at a man-made beehive. the title reads, "A little girl said monsters were in her bedroom. It was 60,000 bees". End ID]

you would not believe your knees

if 60,000 bees


hey did you know??? that if you stop stretching and maintaining mobility in your body then it goes away?? things get tight and you can't move the way that you used to??? and when you decide to try getting a stretch routine going that the first week fucking sucks because you keep going 'damn i used to be able to do this no problem' and then you have to switch gears and be kind to yourself and just focus on getting better from here instead of berating yourself for dropping the good habits in the first place??? and your body never stops aging so you gotta keep taking care of it and sometimes you gotta take care of it extra in certain areas because of things that happened when you were younger and it's boring and sometimes hurts but it's so necessary???

i am yelling this at myself right now i am going through An Experience (trying to get into a routine of body maintenance again for my physical and mental health)

oh, Sisyphus! i got you


nothing makes me feel more well adjusted than hearing about the problems that straight people in the periphery of my life are always having

my aunt's new guy broke into my ex uncle's garage and filled his bowling balls with caulk


can I get a job as an editor but the only thing I do is correct when someone uses the word "prone" when they mean "supine"

thank you wikipedia for this really good image

a helpful mnemonic for everyone


This is making me cry

It’s like it’s physically fighting her-

and she is losing in the most horrific way possible

It’s a straight up one sided smack down, first time it’s like it punched her and is throwing her about and then she’s just crying on the floor, second time it’s like she’s getting fucking choked by an invisible force

This is straight up like if an invisible man was abusing her



I will be honest if someone posted "I'm a tutor and everyday I watch zoomers try to double tap on books to open them" thousands of you would reblog it and tag "😱 it's so scary that this is what all kids today are really like they're so helpless and stupid omg!!! those damn kids need to get off their phones!!!!"

things a concerning amount of people aged 25-40 on this site believe about today's children:

  • they don't know how to read and this makes them mean and dumb. also even though their meanness and dumbness are the result of poor education, they are still personal character flaws that deserve to be mocked.
  • they are responsible for wide scale censorship in schools and on social media. because, as we all know, children are famously politically powerful, never want to see horny or edgy content, and love it when books are banned in their school libraries.
  • they love to spread misinformation around so they can all armchair diagnose each other and act like they have learning disabilities in order to excuse their laziness about doing school work. obviously they are all liars and just need to just get their acts together and grow up instead of shirking responsibility for their actions like this.
  • they are uniquely cruel in comparison to past generations, and this is because of Phone. and also TikTok. no one has ever been cruel like this before.
  • they would all be much better off with their parents monitoring their internet usage. if they're closeted and their parents are homophobic then, well, sucks for them. kids being abused out of sight is better than them being annoying where I can see them.

Gentle note from a 33 year old just to hammer the point home: hey, this all sounds exactly like the bullshit they used to say about us as kids! Funny thing, that.


When we were the youth being targeted with these statements, we promised we'd remember how that felt when we were the people who could do it to the new generation - we can't forget that promise

It's been incredible to behold how quickly my fellow Millennials have embraced all of the exact same bullshit opinions we used to excoriate boomers for.


Yes! Please keep your snails safe! (I would like to note that in my experience, some snails are too big to retract enough to stop sticking to the ground. However, take that with a grain of salt)

Keep that grain of salt away from the snails, you monster!!

oh my God i amnso sorry,,


im really into romantic friendships, but specifically ones where the lines are already so blurred & yet the concept of romance hangs like a guillotine over both heads

ppl tagging this with ‘no this sucks its toxic as hell’ well yeah duh we’re not on the well-adjusted healthy relationship website. grow up

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