Bar Napkins

@fkaheterosexual /

Los Angeles Limp-wristed Hooligan.

They shut down my bus stop for filming which is annoying, but I did see a dude in a Marvel’s Runaways shirt skulk around and about. So, if they’re doing a S4 or reboot then, fine. I’ll deal.

But also lbr, if I had the means and money to bankroll a continuation of Cloak & Dagger that would be my priority


They shut down my bus stop for filming which is annoying, but I did see a dude in a Marvel’s Runaways shirt skulk around and about. So, if they’re doing a S4 or reboot then, fine. I’ll deal.


The Count of Monte Cristo-kun (❁•̀ ∀•́❁)ゞ


getting food poisoned is not a great experience, but getting food poisoned again after two weeks is situationaly funny

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