
So there's this fancy loser cook that I like...

@lovelybutnot-ablankcanvas / lovelybutnot-ablankcanvas.tumblr.com

Currently on a mission to find the One Piece, I have Zoro leading me so hopefully we'll get there soon | Apparently I like blonds. Random midnight thought? Slam it in my asks| I realized this is also going to have some random shit in it, but I hope you find it funny | And If you like, Call me Eir!

here to say im stuck in rarepair hell, shipping hanma/mitsuya and am actually writing a fic with youko

@youkoartemis my beloved <3

He couldn't believe it. How had he lost her?! He'd looked away for five seconds, at most! And now she was gone! Fuck!! He should've known better! He knew better than to take his eyes off his little sisters! Okay, okay, no. Calm down. Think. She's just a little girl. She couldn't have gone that far. Right? Right.

Mitsuya took a deep breath, held it for a few seconds, then let it out.

Okay… Okay. Calm down. Focus.

And then… He saw him. It would've been hard not to, really, with how the other boy towered over those around him even while slouched.

Hanma Shuji.

Mitsuya had only seen him once before, at the festival, but the height was unmistakable. The two-toned hair and the apathetic golden eyes Mitsuya caught a glimpse of only further hammered home the fact one of Toman's enemies was nearby. And Mitsuya was by himself, with a nine year old little sister to protect and a five year old little sister missing. 

'Dammit! The hell is he doing in the middle of Shibuya?!' Mitsuya cursed to himself, jaw clenching as a bead of sweat rolled down his cheek.

Every source Mitsuya had spoken to about him had said Hanma's territory was in Kabukicho, in the Shinjuku area! So what the hell was he doing all the way over here? The store Mitsuya was in was nowhere near Kabukicho (as if he would ever take his little sisters into the fucking red light district)!

Mitsuya shifted his stance slightly, gently pulling Luna closer to himself.  Luckily, Hanma didn't seem to have noticed Mitsuya yet, but that didn't mean he wouldn't, and while Mitsuya didn't think the other boy would start something in the middle of a public area, that also didn't mean he wouldn't. Mitsuya hated not knowing what to expect.

Then he caught sight of a familiar head of silvery hair. 

"MANA!" he called out, eyes going wide as he saw his littlest sister holding hands with the fucking Grim Reaper.


excerpt from the first chapter. :))


I will forever respect Animorphs for tricking kids who are just really into animals to read a book series by going “Hey you, you daydream about what it’s like to be a dolphin or a bird or a wolf? Have I got a book for you!” and then slowly radicalizing them with 50+ books of “There are no winners in war. Whatever ‘victory’ you perceive comes at the cost of sacrificing your own morals and killing the part of you that is human. In the end you will resort to murder, torture and war crimes and the knowledge of what you have done will haunt you for as long as you live.”

I also respect the author for putting them all online for free

Why not find out they’re all online for free


a lot of people misunderstand the core dynamic of a healthy sub/dom relationship and it shows it is NOT and Should Not Be "dom: i am taking power and autonomy away from you | sub: lmao thats kinda hot, ok" it is and should be "sub: i am giving you power and control over me because i can trust and respect you to use that responcibly | dom: lmao thats kinda hot, ok!"


It’s SO obvious that some of y’all are incredibly mad that my wizard hat is bigger and supremely balanced.


okay… i can still see the folds on your wizard robe… iron it.

Now I know you ain’t talking with ya dusty ass grimoire. That bad boy is held together with scotch tape, spit, and faith. Helpful hint: you want the spines of your enemies to break, not your magical tomes.

no cause it’s really cute hearing that from you when last i checked your grimoire isn’t being passed down from generation to generation. i know you got it from walmart with your dollar store lookin ass staff. you can keep your hint.

I just think it’s funny you think anything that isn’t dusted and busted like your grimoire is somehow less authentic, when the reality is you a broke ass wizard who can’t get your coin up! You gotta use hand-me-downs cuz no king wants to make use of your services! Maybe you should dress like this isn’t the third century and ppl would visit your sad lil’ wizard tower. Your grimoire so old I bet that shit got spells to deal with dinosaurs. I got a spell in mine to make wifi anywhere. Oh, and I know you ain’t talking about staffs when you carry around that plywood looking ass shit. You tryna conjure forth a Home Depot employee?

you scroll-stuffing spell stealing nasty little SLUT

Nuh-uh, bitch, try again.


Alright kids, we're at the road stop of this long scrolling journey. Make sure to:

- Stand up and stretch

- Get a drink of water

- Grab something to eat if you're hungry

- Use the bathroom if you need it

- Unclench your jaw

You all done? Alrighty! Let's get back to the scrolling.


Kiku in Wano and Zoro

disclaimer: I don’t know much about Japanese History so forgive me if I get certain things wrong

Also: I can, and might be looking too deep into this so take it all with a grain of salt!

One thing I really love about Kiku being transgender is the time period their in, which (correct me if I’m wrong please) is Japan’s Edo Period. 

Feminism is a large part of modern culture though its all throughout history. In all forms and fashions we as people (for the most part) tend to be super honed in on this idea of equality. While I agree with most of the ideologies, I also think that understanding/acknowledging culture is super important to. 

What I mean, is that olden Japan(and maybe even current, im not sure) is very stark with its contrast between women and men. It’s neatly divided into the “standard” gender roles of women being at home while men take on work and provide protection, property, and what is otherwise considered to be a good life. 

What I love, and what stands out to me, is that Kiku, as a woman, WANTS to be in this environment, which mind you, isn’t inherently bad, but likely would be seen as offensive in today’s era. There’s nothing at all wrong with wanting to stay home, raise children, and cook or clean, but gender roles suggest and emphasize that those things are actual jobs and identifiers for  women and men. That, as a woman, this is what you should do, what you should be like. And as a man, this is what you should do, this is what you should be like. 

Kiku however, desires this path, and this way of life. She wants to be a maiden and fit into this “damsel in distress role” and its really a big part of why I love her so much. It, in my opinion, accurately shows how perspective is an important thing when it comes to many topics concerning ethics. 

Aside from when Kiku is this badass female warrior who’s kind of like, “Fuck I just wanted to marry a hot man and live my life but now i have to kick ass again” I love her coy, “feminine” moments and it again plays well into the mentally of the real world century that she’s in and drives home the fact that despite the gender inequality, it is something normal for this time period and actually DESIRED.

Episode 905, when Kiku and Zoro end up fighting Speedsama is one of my favorite moments with these two, who in my opinion, need A LOT more moments together.

I just think its hilarious and kind of cute, to see Kiku let herself get “captured” and she looks at Zoro with this pleading gaze only for him to be like, “I won’t help you.” and run in the opposite direction. It feels like it should be annoying, but for me it isn’t because all she’s really trying to do is fit this role that society deems women should have (and that her, as a woman should abide by). I also feel like in her own way, she was trying to ego stroke Zoro, without realizing that he’s a bit unlike most men when it comes to things like “roles”. 

I can also appreciate that she shuts that coy shit down, the moment she needs to. She plays her fucking cards and I love this woman for it. “Oh, he’s not going to fight for me? Fine.” And then she breaks out as easily as breathing, and cuts the man who was holding her, before APOLOGIZING.

Of course, the apology could been some badass quote, but I like to think that it was an apology to the man, as well as one to herself. Not so much a “I didn’t want to hurt you” as it was a “I’m supposed to be a woman, and act all quaint, but I had to defy that nature.” Its fascinating because I truly believe that her and Sanji’s ideal parallel each other, and yet Sanji is the one who gets major flack for it. Double standards are a bitch.

I digress. Kiku apologizes, and then immediately runs to Zoro for instructions, which again, adheres to this submissive sort of “stance”. Our marimo, without blinking, issues what he wants to happen and then it happens. I love these two, because its an interesting stand point and mesh of characters, 

Canonical Zoro, in my opinion, isn’t interested in women in a romantic or sexual way.(Maybe Hiyori but who really knows) So interestingly enough, all the parts of her that he respects/praises are all the parts that she considers masculine. Mind you, Zoro doesn’t think in terms of “manly and girly”, but thats what makes their relationship so fascinating and just all around fun. 

Watching them fight and communicate together is so amusing to me, its like seeing a battle of wills. Zoro knowing that Kiku is capable of fending for herself and Kiku wanting to just live her best life never having to fight anymore. If anything, they’re like water and oil, Zoro always reminding of the life thats supposed to be in the past. But they make it work. I love them and I hope they get more moments together. Ah another of the scenes I really like is when Kiku tries to hide behind Zoro, and rather than sneer at her, or call her weak or do anything disrespectful, he’s just like, “Look this ain’t gonna work.”

I can’t explain it, and I don’t ship them but they really are adorable. And I love that in an unironic way, Kiku both defies feminism and represents it.


Hot Take

Robin and Sanji would be an aesthetically pleasing ship. Very classy and put together. They look like they could buy your entire bloodline using only pocket change.

Robin and Zoro is also and aesthetically pleasing ship. But its slightly different, because Robin and Zoro give off more ominous, dangerous vibes. With these two its like, a bad ass, mysterious woman who might murder me in my sleep and her loyal guard dog that she keeps on a loose leash.

Sanji and Nami are extremely pleasing to the eye. A super bubbly and outgoing ship. Man the public would eat these two up. Nami with her cute faces and Sanji who’s so clearly whipped, the media would adore them.

Luffy and Nami are classic. Its almost expected. The King and his Navigator. He’d be lost without her, literally. 


Please Hear Me Out: One Piece Characters in Mortal Kombat

If Johnny Cage and fucking SONYA BLADE can do it. So can the OP-verse.

Just. Please some one talk to me. How would these match ups go down? Who would fight who?


Zoro taking a look at her and saying, "You've got one hell of a mouth lady."

Sanji vs Scorpion. Or Sabo! Maybe even Ace.

Or maybe Ace against Sub Zero!!

fdvjhggbf I dunno who's played Mk9 but like: Smoke Vs Smoker! LMFAO just for shits and giggles.

Smoke's phrase in that game was: "Where there's smoke, there's fire."

Imagine Smoker responding like, "In my experience, fire always meant the arrival of a cheeky cowboy hat wearing pirate."



WIP (Sanji)

one day i'll come back for you my sweet


Sometimes, his hands curl around the handle of a knife as he slices into vegetables and his grip is comfortable. He remembers that in here, in the kitchen, he's most at home. He's a prince with cutlery for subjects but they serve him well.

Sometimes, he studies intently the way that his cooking blades sink into onion flesh, and wonders what'd it do to humans. His fingers flex and twitch and sometimes, through the joy is a single, discordant thrum.

Sometimes, he thinks, I can do it. I can kill him.

thinking about this. one day

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