     Could this be … fear?   No, it could not be.  Yet, trembles swept unannounced, quivering fingers && buckling knees — what was this ?!!  Time, yes, our antagonist divine necessitated solitude to retain what was lost.  Thus, during her wild rants, his body disappeared without a trace nor a sound. Miles away, hundreds of miles in a secluded piece of land where nature ruled wild.  Yes, in this beautiful forest was a rather shabby house, in disrepair but still usable for those in need.
     She had pursued his mind, torn his soul, blemished his resolve for far too long.  A witch, that is what she was. A  malevolent spirit without even a glimpse of knowledge that a God too could become tired, worn-out in need of respite.  Fatigued eyes gazed at the quietness lingering inside, and in that silence, he thrived by sitting on a sofa ravaged by time. ‘’  …  ‘’  Speechless, simply and utterly without a word to comment on this monstrous ningen — if she could even be COMPARED to one.

           “KNOCK KNOCK bitch, guess WHO!”

• • •   Waltzing RIGHT through his wall like it didn’t even  E X I S T  was of course none other than the nightmare itself -- UNDEAD METALLIA. The swamp witch he brutally KILLED with just in the previous thread.  “Did you seriously think you can ‘RUN’ from me??” Perhaps it was high time to hire some ningens from Conjuring?  --- Oh wait. They’re all dead. Long live the ‘ZERO MORTALS PLAN’ !

“Hmmm.... Nice place you got here. It would be a real SHAME if SOMEONE just, well, SET IT ON FIRE! ” && now the kitchen was smoking up. Metallia even in death was a REAL piece of sh*t it seems. “ KHAHAHAHA ~  BETTER HURRY UP AND GET THE BUCKET GREEN-PEA!! It’s reaching your tea-set ♥ ”



     BEAUTIFUL —- her smile, utterly beautiful. Supreme && reigning above, in one fell swoop she had demolished his fortitude, && now from below his paralyzed sight subconsciously admired.  A Queen embroidered by nature painted as something a little MORE than just mundane, and in this euphoric confusion, he had forgotten to breathe.  Our tyrannical God’s mind descended into a daze, forgetful of fulfilling the most simplistic tasks to carry on in life.  Her form swam in his gaze, reaching into the depths of his prideful soul and with a grin like that — he pondered what laid in store in the near future.
     Sinister aromas && pretty particles fluctuated from each bloomed flower, the luminance dimmed into a sensual touch of light. Her fluorescent eyes glimmered with a sin he wanted to cleanse, a sin which his soul fearfully wished not to temper — sickeningly alluring.  In this daze the muscles refused to move, lungs coming to a stand-still as the heart palpitated faster, his nerves stood at the brink whilst sanity battled to remain intact.  He had to do something, he had … to do something.  A bead of cold sweat formed at his temple, skiing down flawless skin.
     ‘’ W . . W… ha . . ‘’  Lifeless lips failed to find a foothold with reality, murmuring incoherent words.   What was she attempting to do now?  Was this it?  Would she end his life for something so meagre?  For once, Black – no, Zamasu feared for his life && wished to rewind time itself to avoid this situation.  Struggling to swivel the irises of his frantic eyes, her image relentlessly swam atop his cool onyx in mockery.  She found this pleasant, was it not?  She seduced him, stripped him of power and now she was ready to sit atop the throne with conviction.   How could he have fallen for such a cheap trick?  Oh, that anger brought a form not often seen.  Lavender particles began to emanate from his body, rising a new tint on his air.  The air compressed in this revelation, and like a shooting star our God’s form ascended into that of a Rose and yet … his body remained motionless.
     How?!!  How could this be??  So simple && clear, her technique was flawless and not even the power of a divine could break her powerful spell.  Flesh succumbed to the power of nature, it was simple logic, common sense which he overlooked.  And in this state of ‘’ weakness’’, he waited for that right moment to retaliate, to make her pay with embarrassment just as tragic as this. ‘’ … !!! ‘’

                “...Really now?”

• • •  Stomping down upon the god’s chest with a black Aladdin-like shoe, Metallia just l a u g h e d, peering down from high above with the possibly most sinister smile; “Khahahaha... ~ !! So your hair changes colour every time you get pissed? Pfffffttt! What kind of BULLSH*T magic is THAT??” That’s when she’d stomp on him again -- but harder. “Are you like a Christmas tree...? Do the lights ‘C H A N G E’ if I keep on stomping??” Then again, again, again && again. All whilst laughing without a single remorse. “KHAHAHAHAHA ~! THE MOST RIDICULOUS SH*T I’VE SEEN!”

Now literally  ‘K I C K I N G’  Rose’s side, Metallia sighed in contentment, honestly not giving a single F*CK whether he hated her or not. Why should she? This was HER home. HER swamp. If anything, Rose should be the one to  W O R R Y  as to ‘what’ will soon come his way. Thus not wasting anymore precious time && ‘clicking’ a pair of fingers, the elder witch summoned her trusty floating broomstick before promptly sitting down on it, levitating off ground with long golden locks flattering in air. “Seriously though. All that poison must have corroded your  B R A I N  if you thought I would OBEY to ANYONE. HAH!”

His expression amused her to no end. “In fact, I believe it’s time we settle this pathetic debate right here and now! ” && upon another ‘click’ of fingers a huge tome appeared across the witch’s lap, alone parting its elder pages. “Hmhmhm... Should we turn you into a ‘WORM’ for some fishing? Or perhaps a fertiliser for my lovely plants instead? My, my.. the possibilities...!”

However, none of which were TORMENTING  ‘enough’ to DEVASTATE a GOD. No. She wanted to make him S U F F E R  for the earlier audacity && that required something ‘good’. Something which will last in memory until death parts them. “Kehehe... Ohh, I think I know!” Now extending a lone hand towards Rose, through the petite palm a lavender ‘F U M E’ flourished, glowing brightly as it did.


             “How about a SEAL to mark you as MINE?”

Not even attempting to explain, Metallia clenched her fingers upon the glowing essence && soon outstretched them, revealing a ball of sheer limelight. It was blinding, fairy-tale like, && just then, an incantation had been recited. “tђг๏ยɠђ tђє ђคtгє๔ Ŧ๏ยภ๔ ๔єєթ เภรเ๔є ץ๏ยг ђєคгt, เ ςครt ค รթєll; ๒เภ๔เภɠ ยร t๏ɠєtђєг คร ๏ภє Ŧ๏г คll єtєгภเtץ. ๏ภlץ tђг๏ยɠђ tгยє คςςєթtคภςє ๏Ŧ ๓є คร ץ๏ยг ๏ภlץ ๓ครtєг ץ๏ย รђคll Ŧเภ๔ Ŧгєє๔๏๓ คɠคเภ.”

One which Rose will personally regret of ever playing part of. There was no chance escape it. Only to wait && see how the ball soon EXPLODED && VANISHED, becoming replaced by an odd glowing insignia right beneath his own body; slowly sinking into his skin like magical ink, forming a ‘vine-like’ tattoo. “Kheheh...~ You like it? It will NEVER get off now!”


இ჻ Headcanon.


• • • When Metallia states that she is ‘THE GREATEST WITCH OF THEM ALL’, she seriously means it && isn’t afraid to back it up. With the mastery of elemental magic (as well as wicked hexes), she not only overwhelms her opponents through onslaught of spells, but also, by facing them HEAD-ON with a majestic BUSTER SWORD at hand.

That’s right! Regardless of her rather short figure, Metallia is actually more than capable of wielding a blade that is least twice her size, slicing && dicing just about any opponent in quick succession of a maniacal blade dance. Now combining this with all-powerful magic, perhaps it’s no wonder ‘why’ all other witches hoped to make her stuck in that swamp for all eternity.


Triggered pea. (crack)

     WAIT —- hold up, what just transpired ??  Everything, absolutely EVERYTHING was so chaotic, this bedlam washed his sense of reality with confusion, — I mean who wouldn’t be — and our fated God needed a moment of respite.  Mouth agape and barely a moment to breathe out, eyes adorned by the storms swiveled to inspect the talking metal gorilla.  So, after discarding his master’s carcass he wanted to DISCUSS ??  Hell, he didn’t care, in fact, HE DID CARE!!  He couldn’t strangle her nor place her through perilous journeys, whoever this was just annihilated his moment of fun — his redemption to attain a sense of lost pride.
     And then from outside, gnawing noises and hard, heavy tramplings echoed.  Immediately the Kai’s lithe hand coiled fervently around the silver door handle, releasing its fastening to indulge at what travesty outside. ‘’  What ?! ‘’  There, standing over her and drooling like a broken fountain, the BEAR OF LEGEND!! Brown, probably ten feet tall and carrying mass enough to over cap a moving truck, was that what was chasing the gorilla?  A bead of crystallized water formed at the surface of his lavish emerald skin, falling down and down — it crashed – a strong splash on the wood.  The beast’s attention diverted from the dead body and onto the living.
     ‘’ … .  ‘’ Dread, our God felt absolute dread!! Something about this beast, it was chaotic … it was living trepidation.  But he couldn’t let this go in vain, not at all. ‘’  Hmph, so this is what you fled from?  I have some issues with her, therefore I need her body. ‘’ Elevating a palm and straining its muscles to face the beast, a humongous power level concentrated on its center:  palpable and unparalleled.  If the so called ‘ servant ‘ wished to be a witness, then let him witness the power of this deity who would soon reign upon all who blemished his name.  The beam shot forward and its mushroom head impacted directly into the beast’s face, the explosion brought absolute luminescence — everything was white — but his sight did not falter.  
     ‘’ Now go and retrie— ‘’  Oh, no no.  It wasn’t that easy, hell no !!  This monster wasn’t revered by the forest for simply nothing, he came rushing out of the smog and his face was pissed!!  Bloodshot red eyes, teeth protruding and claws plucking out the soil in his advance, and it was at this moment that Zamasu shut the door.  Gracefully and calmly he turned to face the butler, crooking a brow as terror had yet not settled in. ‘’  Will the tea disperse the beast?  Or … ‘’

• • •   If Zamasu thought that Arlecchino had even a spec of  D E C E N C Y  hiding somewhere, then he thought wrong, DEAD WRONG. The bastard literally jumped out of the back window to leave the poor && naive Godling as ‘bait’ for the crazy beast. Because f*ck him?? He was WAY too green anyway && that silly haircut made him look like a school reject -- nobody’s ever gonna miss that! 

Thus he once again ran through the swamp as fast as his bulky iron frame allowed, whilst the witch’s hut violently S H O O K  from the incoming train of meat, toppling items everywhere.  BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!  By which he A L S O got trampled like a small rag-doll, getting ferociously hit from left to right by random furniture like one would once stuck inside a hellish washing machine. Needless to say; it surely HURT like a BITCH.

However what happened to our treacherous butler? Oh, he wasn’t actually all too far! Having set up an easel upon some mossy hill surrounded by mushrooms - upon which Arlecchino also profoundly stood -  while holding a large palette in one hand && an artist’s brush in another. Indeed, he was getting ready to paint!  Peering unto the most vibrant distance where the hut J U S T exploded.  “B- Beautiful...” 

               This was his SECOND CHANCE to become FAMOUS! 

Zamasu’s image shall now be forever immortalised with the bear in a form of gruesome painting, done by none other but Arlecchino himself!  It’s just too bad he wasn’t actually an artist && the painting looked like a chicken scratch BUT ALAS! MODERN ART - RIGHT???  Humans nowadays will buy all sort of weird shit.  “Now to add a bit of green... yes... yes... “  Even if Zamasu’s own face looks like a squashed pea with ‘three white needles’ for hair.

“WONDERFUL! I shall call this one; ‘When your mom gets home and you forgot to take the chicken out of the freezer.’ Wait, wait, no. Even better! ‘When you trying to be quiet at 2 am and you drop the spoon..’ Ha ha.. ~  Genius!


bold which habits your muse has

nail biting | throat clearing | lying | interrupting | chewing the ends of pens | smoking | swearing  | knuckle cracking | thumb sucking | muttering under their breath | talking to themselves | nose picking | binge drinking | oversleeping | snacking between meals | skipping meals | picking at skin | impulse buying | talking with their mouth full | humming/singing to themselves | chewing gum | leg jiggling | foot tapping | hair twirling | whistling | eye rolling | licking lips | sniffing | squinting | rubbing hands together | jaw clenching | gesturing while talking | putting feet up on tables | tucking hair behind ears | chewing lips | crossing arms over chest | putting hands on hips | rubbing the back or their neck | being late | procrastinating | doodling | shredding paper | peeling off bottle labels | forgetfulness | running hands through hair | overreacting | teeth grinding | nostril flaring | slouching | pacing | drumming fingers | fist clenching | pinching bridge of nose | rubbing temples | rolling shoulders




             “Corrected your spelling mistake!”

Anonymous asked:

Thanks to you i found the game, played it, and fighting with the urge to freate Metallia blog. Do i fight it further, or embrase it and just go yolo? An advise from senpai would be nice.


             “It’s all good && dandy, so long you remember I’M THE GREATEST!”

ooc; Yes, yes, thank you for your input there Metallia ! lmao But seriously; THANK YOU KIND ANON! I’m really flattered that you ask && think of me so highly ♥ (人´∀`) It’s hella sweet! Though as for your question, why not?? If she’s your type of crazy && you have a wild sense of humour to match ( nottomentiondon’tmindswearing ), then by all means --- go right ahead! Never hurts to try! 

      ‘’ Secretly admires Metallia’s bodacious outlines,                       she’s sizzling and he needs that spice on his next meal. ‘’

              “. .Yeah. Okay. He’s gone.”

• • •   After clicking fingers in quick succession in front of Black’s own twisted face, Metallia has finally come to solid conclusion that he’s completely ‘LOST’ it. “Gone FULL RETARD! Pshhhh..~” Though above all; what was up with that stupid smirk?? It’s like somebody punched him in the face, the jaw clicked && stayed stuck like that! C R E E P Y! “Uhhhhhh, alright buddy, that’s quite ENOUGH! You can stop smirking now!” However, no amount of words seemed to affect the majestic man, so what did the witch do? Well, she OF COURSE had to fix this! What would OTHER witches think if they saw this creepy bastard lurking just outside her hut??? WHAT NUISANCE! 

“URGH. WHATEVER! If you can ‘STILL’ hear me, listen up && listen good! THE GREATEST  WITCH METALLIA will grant your existence a S I N G L E opportunity of aid, so be thankful! “ Thus, she placed a pair of fingers upon the corners of his lips && simply tilting them ‘down’ into a flat line. THERE! You’ve been finally freed from your retardation!”


இ჻ Headcanon.


• • •  Due to being an exceptionally lewd, disrespectful && an ill-mannered creature, Metallia’s most crude personality often tends to  m i s l e a d  others into believing that she ‘lacks the smarts’, daringly standing up to ANYONE who gets in her way. However! All this is but a common misconception forged by her having NOTHING to lose.

In fact, Metallia is actually intelligent to the point of being able to read at  LEAST a  ‘H U N D R E D’  spell-books within the very SAME DAY. Over the course of long years, she has already memorised COUNTLESS magical formulas, hexes, spells && even predicted her own death; all whilst being completely self-taught.

That being said, she is also perfectly capable of coming up with various plans that end up  F A T A L  to her opponents, all because they indeed tend to misjudge. After all, being unable to leave the swamp for countless years, what else can an evil witch do but THINK && SCHEME? 

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