
I woke up to see a lot of people saying that they no longer believe in cockles because of the Gish zoom reunion and a very long ask on the same. I was skeptical to watch it at first but some very nice people @green-blue-heller and @thegandy told me it was an amazing panel. Well, ladies, the peer pressure worked and I watched it. I have to say, that panel was the most adorable zoom panel they've had together. It was 20 minutes of pure joy and serotonin boost on my pant. So thank you.

Now back to the panel. I watched this video from the official Gish YouTube account so that's what I'll be referring to. I don't know if there are any other videos but well, let's go.

Let me be honest, waiting for the ceremony to begin, I was nervous. These two are total chaos together so I was already suffering from second-hand embarrassment way before it began.

What’s happening with your face, ‘I can’t.” who taught you that lingo, Jensen? It’s very hip.

Misha pretending not to know that he had that filter on, yeah sure Jan.

Jensen’s excitement when he saw Misha’s face. Can someone please look at me like that? I mean I don’t have big beautiful blue eyes like Misha but still—c’mon.

Is it just me or was it more like they were flirting while talking about the whole "how’s filming going?"

Mish saying, “Early on you were worried that you gonna have to act professional.” Is it just me or does this sound like pillow talk?

They look so happy to be together again even if it's not in person.

Misha knows Jensen won’t go back to the States until June. How do you know Misha?

Misha calling Jensen Buddy?Man?Dude? Is it just me or is Misha trying way too hard to call Jensen all the dude-bro names that he can come up with?

Jensen is so handsome.

Why was the conversation about Jensen technically being a Canadian so funny? is it an inside joke that we missed or? Misha is literally just saying that Jensen is technically a Canadian having lived there for almost 20 years.

Their conversation flows very naturally. It’s not forced or anything.

Jensen hulking out. Yum. I'm looking respectively, please.

And Jensen saying, "you too brother" then immediately segueys to talking about texting Jared and how they all can’t all wait to be together. Not weird at all. Also, is it just me or does Misha look kinda ‘not happy about that? Not in a bad way but maybe he wanted Jensen to say he misses him too?

Misha knows Jensen stoic about showing emotion. Yeah, they know each other well. Misha calling out Jensen for not showing emotion- performing masculinity and Jensen agreeing.

Also, Misha showing a sliver of skin. Yes show your man your titties on main Misha why don’t you?

Also, Jensen pretending not to know who Jewel is when they clearly know each other. He was even and has even been on her show with Dee. See, this is how he acts. This is to all the people who say he and Misha are not friends because he doesn't know anything about his organizations. That's just how he is. He likes playing coy and grumpy.

In regard to Jewel? He could’ve just said “she’s from Colorado too” It’s either,

  1. he wanted people to know where Jensen’s family was which doesn’t make sense, or
  2. he wanted us to know that he didn’t know where they are.

They are so in sync even on a zoom call. What do they say about old habits? Keep moving closer why don't you?

Beard grooming regimen. Yes, Jensen come through for the beard growers. Thank you Misha for that question btw.

Jensen talking about his beard was freaking hilarious.

"See this is what happens when I don't see you for the better part of the year." So it means you have seen him between May last year and May this year, right? Tell us more.

What does for the better part of a year mean?
It means more than half. The better part of a year could be used to describe a period of seven to eleven months. It's typically used to give emphasis to how long something took. Like many idioms (keep an eye on something, face me, smell a rat) it isn't literal.

Misha, you know about the album. This is just marketing for your husband’s album. We saw you liked that post of the album post so don't play coy now.

Jensen asking Misha where he is? Okay, hear me out. This is weird because when they organized the zoom, they had to talk about Time zones, right? So, why wouldn’t he know where Misha is?- performing masculinity, again.

Jensen camped in Ojai and calls it a special place. Reminds me of how they talked about the Vatican being magical when a priest conducted a mass for just the two of them under the Lucifer and Micahel mural.

Misha wants to go to Marfa really badly. Did your husband share those gorgeous photos with you? Jensen please put them up. We wanna see. And take your husband to Marfa once you are back home.

Love you, my friend. Misha finally said he loves him back, live on video.

Wait, Misha is trying to end the conversation but Jensen keeps on interrupting so he can linger on. Hmm..

I swear Jensen said okay babe. The way his lips moved to form the /b/ sound. He said it people.

Misha is texting Jensen right? Because his whole demeanor changed when Jensen left and got this serious look on his face. You can clearly see it's like he received a text right after Jensen logged off and he had to respond.

Charlie is so cute.

Overall, I think this panel was sweet and flirty, and fun. Jensen calling Misha brother had the same effect as Misha calling him man/dude/my friend. Did people expect Jensen to call him sweetheart throughout the panel when clearly this was an event that people who are not even in the spn fandom are watching from all over the world? C'mon. But in the end, he called him babe so there's that.

I'm also happy that they didn't talk about the show because it shows their friendship is more than just about that shit show (affectionate) that was spn.

Anonymous asked:

Cas is never in the meta shit because it would break the show and the characters would become real and walk out of the tv and into your living room

literally to paraphrase ziz steveyockey. cas is ripping up the narrative and eating it. meanwhile dean builds a painstaking carefully constructed house of cards from the narrative that he cannot bear to look at once created and sam opens the narrative for a bit and is like “huh cool narrative” and then literally just goes and does his own thing. so when sam and dean interact with the metanarrative there’s tension and rejection of it — sam shies away from the implications it places on him, runs away rom becky, moves away from hell-as-destiny, while dean has a full-body freakout over the fact that he’s allowed to be perceived and narrativised, specifically narrativised as in any way queer — but they NEVER rip through it head on.

the winchester brothers cannot bring themselves to set fire to a narrative that will always centre them as the specialest boys in the universe. dean because he is a good little narrative hero constantly battling the conflicting desires to be perceived and never narrativised, but who will ultimately always say “yes sir” to the authorfathergod, to power and authority. sam because he would rather walk away from the narrative, leave for stanford, reject his supposed boyking destiny, but when he does walk away he leaves the narrative intact.

but CAS. oh, cas. his death scene is literally him punching out of the narrative on his own terms in a moment of pure true happiness and the world folds into empty nothingness behind him. cas given the chance would hurl every page chuck has ever written into a marsh while dean dives in to try and save them. but the ink is already running. if cas were in 10x05 fan fiction the first thing he would do would be to give the tiny lesbian cosplaying him a soft crooked smile. the second thing he would do would be to reach his hand out of the screen and yank the plug tethering your tv to the wall and do gay kissing behind a shattered blackened screen. this is a private dance


it’s almost like they knew having dean grieve would be explicit reciprocation. so they edited his confession reaction in post and cut a scene where jensen screamed cas’s name so loudly that it could be heard by bystanders a block away. having jack openly grieve would point out the glaring omission of dean’s grief, so they cut jack’s mourning too

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