
a sketchblog

@doodlingraka / doodlingraka.tumblr.com

Sketch and inspiration dump. https://doodlingraka.carrd.co

Ppl: “Glaze and nightshade all your art!!”

Also ppl: * does not mention that you need to have a fucking NVIDIA GPU and running nightshade on one image takes at best 20 minutes*

Like the online version of glaze/nightshade requires an account. And last time i checked they arent accepting new accounts because of the high pressure.

Like i make my art on my ipad. My MacBook is from 2014. If i tried to download and run nightshade on my decade old macbook and go throufg 10+ years of artworks i might as well just set it on fire.

Like majority of digital artists doesnt actually have a high end gaming pc setup. It is unrealistic to expect everyone to be able to run such a heavy program just so we can feel somewhat ok with sharing our drawings online. It’s ridiculous. I CAN NOT nightshade or glaze my artworks even if i wanted to.

I have a pretty decent gaming PC, and despite this I had to close ALL the running programs I had running in the background (aka Discord and Opera) to let it shade my art, and the result was honestly quite awful even on the lowest setting.

I have already shared it around, but if you can't run it try Artshield.

It will add a big watermark all over your piece (there's also a check button to be sure it worked). It works best on pieces with a colored background, with white backgrounds or B/W piece it won't always work, but it's worth trying it.

Also, post at the lowest resolution possible (I go with 72dpi, keeping the highest one for clients and Ko-Fi rewards only), maybe add a noise effect too. I always did it but I read a while ago it makes a bit difficult for the A/I to scrape the piece. Not sure if it's still true, but still, worth a shot.

Glaze and Nightshade are great tool, but they're sadly unusable for a lot of people, and I hope they'll find a solution.


tumblr has an AI toggle you should turn on to prevent your work being shared with training models/etc! it's under settings & visibility.


Go to Blog Settings on desktop and scroll down to Visibility settings for each individual blog.


fantasy characters: “Geez”

me: who the fuck spread Christianity there

this two-years-old shitpost just gained a hundred notes who the snickerdoodles dug it up


In moments like this I always fall back on the fact that they also aren’t speaking English because they don’t have England or the many languages and conquering peoples that contributed to the creation of the English language and therefore the work musr be a translation into recognizable terms in our world’s terms. Call that Tolkien Brainrot.

Definitely funnier if you make fantasy explanations though,

Champagne is a wizard who sells bubbly alcohol.

It’s called English because of the original Lish people, all languages start with En here.

French fries are not potatoes they’re roots of the french plant.

Goodbye is now short for ‘good be your eye’ wishing you luck seeing the path ahead.

Jesus Christ is a long dead lich who used to cause everyone problems and we haven’t stopped saying her name when things go wrong.

And that’s the Pratchett approach


Good news, fellow artists! Nightshade has finally been released by the UChicago team! If you aren't aware of what Nightshade is, it's a tool that helps poison AI datasets so that the model "sees" something different from what an image actually depicts. It's the same team that released Glaze, which helps protect art against style mimicry (aka those finetuned models that try to rip off a specific artist). As they show in their paper, even a hundred poisoned concepts make a huge difference.

(Reminder that glazing your art is more important than nighshading it, as they mention in their tweets above, so when you're uploading your art, try to glaze it at the very least.)


Everyone reblog! Spread the word so more and more artists learn that in addition to Glaze that coats art against ai scraping mimicry there's also an offensive tool now, able to skew and poison data pools.

Now poisoning will need many artists to nightshade their art and it's most important to get this ou to those the most at risk of being scraped. Reblog!


“You need to believe in things that aren’t true. How else can they become” - Hogfather, Terry Pratchett

it’s seasonal lads


‘Tis the season so I’ll reblog my absolute favorite Terry Pratchett quote ever

Happy holidays folks




Just to set the records straight,

i am on this site, so is my art, and i slowed down posting it here because the time i tried to upload it on other SM i already had 4-5 gremlins being faster than me.

It's not cool.

My intention is to upload more art in a single post, I should be allowed to present my work at my conditions.

This site allows reblogs, USE that. You can't draw but are craving for feedback ? Say something smart in the reblog, this site specifically rewards you for doing so, you get notified of people reacting from your reblog. It's a very cool thing and you should exploit it more.

Like, do something to get something.

Just wanting reactions with no commitment only makes you a feedback junkie. Don't feed the junkies, guys.

Anonymous asked:

Have you ever drawn Baba Yaga’s hut?

Surprisingly no! Something to consider, definitely.

Perhaps it’s because I’ve learned about what the actual “hut” meant too soon and chicken-legged one never sat right ever since. Even though it is a cool and iconic image.


Ight buckle up

Baba Yaga is a character guarding the border between life and death, everyday and sacred, and is in big part a remain of initiation rituals when you come in contact with death/other (because transition is a death of old and birth of new). A lot of the elements describing her are monstrous, and "from the other world" (read: dead): Баба-Яга, костяная нога // Baba-Yaga, leg-of-bone Лежала из угла в угол // Lied from corner to corner = in a tight grave Зубы на полке, нос в потолок врос // Teeth on the shelf, nose grew into the ceiling = Died of hunger, nose is melting into the coffin (+ Literally everything about her bathing the hero, feeding him OR trying to cook him in the oven correlates with sacred places, transition rituals and trials, preparing for the afterlife, but I digress ) Now, to the dead. In quite a lot of cultures there was a tradition of leaving "special" dead unburied. "Special" encompasses dead leaders and heroes, people dying the wrong way (prematurely, suicide) and shamans, witches and all other believed to be in touch with the other side. With the cycle unfinished they do not transition into a more malevolent state and are still "technically there" to care for the community (The application and meaning changes slightly because cultures evolve. This subject evolved further later, but it's a topic for another time). There is a tradition of elevated graves in a lot of finno-ugric, siberian and early slavic cultures, where the coffin stands on the pillars. The corpse itself could be either lying, of crouched, of even cremated with the ashes being kept in the elevated grave. AND NOW, to the "legs". In russian Baba Yaga's hut is called "избушка на курьих ножкаx // Izbushka na kur'ih nozhkah" and this is where everything starts to get lost in translation, even in russian itself. The original pillar on which the witch lies was okurennaya — tempered by smoke, so the sacred, unholy unburied does not touch the ground for as long as possible. The kur'i in the modern russian language, however, gets interpreted as kurinye (chicken-like, of-chicken). Which is not surprising because languages evolve, beliefs become traditions, traditions die, and the myths morph into fairy-tales.

And so the metaphorical grave-on-the-pillars becomes literal hut-on-the-chicken-legs.

With that in mind I present you one of my favorite Baba Yaga depictions of all time:

Illustrator — Alexei Dmitriev, 2020


OMG I JUST READ THE GRAPHIC NOVEL ANNOUNCEMENT!! i'm so happy for you, i've been keeping up with your lockwood and co art for YEARS. this is a dream come true, congratulations!!!!!



Thank you!!!

sorry I was a bit overwhelmed after the announcement and then my notifications got flooded a bit 😅

Will try to keep up with updates here too.

Will start now. There will be more info later (most likely next year). For now all that was said beside the Halloween video is that the comic is a thing on its own, not related to the show, nor the French book publisher - the British edition was taken as reference so some naming might be different. This is merely for paperwork reasons: would have been way more complicated with a third party involved - and it wasn't easy with two already.

I don't know anyone at Albin Michel so sorry but I don't know if and when the last French book will be published and I have no power to influence such a decision.

This is all that was said and I can't disclose more for now!

I can add something that is public knowledge to French comics habitués, which is that the average time for making a French style comic is one year. But publishers might want a release to happen during a specific event or month so it might delay a bit.

That's all for now! I am very happy and glad you're happy too!!!

Will do all comic updates under the tag #lockwoodandcomic .


How do you write healthy parent-child relationships?

this might be more response than you want, but interesting (and kinda depressing when you think about it) fact: there’ve been a bunch of research studies where parents have been asked what they think makes a healthy parent-child relationship, and they tend to like…not answer the actual question because they think they’re being asked what good parenting is, which is not the same. so they talk about things like helping kids with homework and making sure they eat well. children, on the other hand, usually respond to the same question with stuff that’s literally just the definition of healthy relationships generally. affection, honesty, respect, spending time together, sharing interests. and the real kicker is, objectively, we know that’s the kind of stuff that actually has a much better impact not only on whether or not the relationship is strong and positive but also the kid’s overall happiness and psychological health.

so, if you want to write a character who’s really intent on being a Good Parent you’d have them putting massive effort into making their kid Grow Up Right, worrying about shit like if they have The Right Friends and they’re spending Enough Time Outside. but if you want to write a good relationship, just make parent and kid laugh together and respect boundaries and be emotionally supportive, like you would when writing a solid pair of friends or romantic couple.

No that was actually really helpful and I’m glad you took the time to give a serious response


Hii, not sure if this has already been asked, but I saw you had reblogged Jonathan Stroud's news of a new graphic novel made by @RacheleRaka. And I was wondering if you would ever make a full Bartimaeus manga/graphic novel in your style if Jonathan Stroud reached out to you too? I would absolutely love to see a full comic done by you because your art brings Bartimaeus to life so well!! But I understand it is a very time consuming process.


Hi, thank you for your message!! To be honest, I don't have the confidence to drawing everything, but if I had the opportunity to work on a work that I have loved since childhood, I don't think there are many people who would turn it down. I would regret it for the rest of my life. I might just say yes and take it. If that happens, I'll have to give it my all. This is a soooo hubristic what-if. hahaha. Aside from that, I hope that the Bartimaeus graphic novel will be created until its completion! I am also so much looking forward to the Lockwood graphic novel! I always add artworks to my replies, but sorry I didn't this time! I don't have much time these days. But thank you as much as always.


Just to be clear, I wasn't offered the job, I chased it, it was a long painful process taking about 5 years.

Doesn't mean a Bart comic (or any other book adaptation) would take the same amount of time, I was very unlucky and had to restart the process 3 times (will not expand on this). Also there are slight differences in how stuff is handled in different countries and in book vs comic industry, so it took a long time to find a common ground on these things too. But it was found, eventually.

My point is, if you or anyone reading wants to do a comic, or a specific comic, start poking publishers around you, because editors hardly go talent scouting among people who haven't contacted them or one of their colleagues first.

It might be hard but not impossible.

Good luck!!!


Loving the person who approved of the music choice (yes i am reading all the tags)


HALLOWEEN NEWS! I'm thrilled to announce that a graphic novel of #LockwoodandCo is in the works! It’s being brought to life by the amazing @RacheleRaka. Initially to be published in French with @ruedesevresBD, we hope many more languages will follow. #LockwoodandComic  


I’m all scratched up and I can still taste spray paint in my mouth and my husband almost fell out of a tree BUT THE GHOST SCULPTURES ARE FINISHED!

They’re finally finished and I’m so happy with them!!

Some progress shots:



Dropping a very special Sketch-a-wish, voted on by my lovely Patreon members for August! The winning request was to illustrate an off-page scene from The Folk of the Air series, when Cardan was writing his letters to Jude. I countered that Cardan went through the five stages of grief writing those letters, and each deserved it's own illustration. (Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance) You'll also notice some familiar outfits throughout! Have a great weekend. :)

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