
Art And Game Dev


In-progress images, fan art, works in progress. Game Art graduate. Thesis game about overcoming anxiety in a nightmare hospital.

Tried doing what I dubbed “Monster March” a few years ago (heavily based off of the 30 day monster girl challenge!) but family stuff came up and I put it down after a week.

WELL, with me trying to take a turn toward working on my own projects and also trying out more smutty stuff, I’m going to try it again and make a fancy graphic in hopes that it’ll hold me accountable. 

Everyone’s welcome to participate! It’s just a fun little project to get me to do fun art again!

IT’S THAT TIME OF THE YEAR AGAIN, MY DUDES! I myself will not be able to participate as I have MUCH work to get done, but PLEASE feel free to use this if you’re in the mood for a late winter/early spring art prompt!


Our beloved Princesses from A Link Between Worlds <3


~*~Rune Factory Secret Santa 2021 sign-ups have now begun!!!~*~

Hello again everyone! This has undoubtedly been another difficult year for a lot of people, but I hope everyone has stayed safe and healthy so far. I’m Merry, and I hope we can all come together to once again spread holiday happiness and cheer!

Please read all of the guidelines carefully!

  • This event has a PG-13 and below rating, meaning absolutely no nsfw. If you think what you made is questionable, it’s probably best not to post it.
  • Please make sure you are able to finish your gift! If you sign up and cannot complete it for any reason, contact me asap so that I can find a backup Santa. If you did not receive your gift last year, please message me immediately upon signing up to let me know.
  • Have your submit box or IMs open, please! This is the best way for me to send you all of the information you need to know once you are assigned someone. If I cannot contact you, you may be disqualified. (if you signed up last year and dropped out with no warning, I may not accept your application, so please message me first!)
  • If you sign up and then change your username and do not notify me, I will try to track you down once. If I cannot find you, then you may be disqualified from the event. Please be sure to keep me updated on any username changes!
  • Please, do your very best to give your giftee what their heart desires! Do your best to make their wish come true!
  • This shouldn’t need to be said, but if I find out you’ve used stolen art in your gift or put anything nsfw in the tag, you will be banned from participating in the future. Please make original gifts!
  • Sign-ups will remain open until November 19th at 11:59 PM EST. You will receive your match-up shortly after.

Once you receive your match-up, you will have about a month to get your gift completed! You are allowed to post your gift any time between December 20th and New Year’s Eve. I will message everyone throughout the month (especially as it gets closer to the deadline) with reminders to get their gifts done.

All of that being said, the best way to give your giftee their gift is to post it publicly, and tag it “RFSS2021″. I will reblog it here. If you do not wish for your gift to be public, then please submit it to me so that I may send it to them privately. It’s preferred that you do not send it to them directly, mainly so I will know that you completed your gift and don’t assign a back-up, but if you MUST send it to them directly, please let me know once you do so.


Are crossovers allowed? What about OCs? Crossovers within the Rune Factory and/or the Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons universe are allowed as well as Rune Factory-based OCs.

-What forms of media are accepted for this event? Because I had some issues in the past with a few people, I have no choice but to narrow down the criteria to fanart and fanfiction. HOWEVER, that does not mean edits and videos are no longer allowed! You can still submit them so long as they have some sort of original aspect (like a video of a fanmade in-game scene, incorrect quote-styled edits, etc.), I will accept those into the “fanfiction” category. All that being said, if you’ve participated in the past with different forms of media than listed above, please contact me and we can work something out! (please message me if you have any questions about this)

Please put as much effort into this as possible. Your giftee would probably be disappointed with a blurry drawing on notebook paper taken with a camera, so I will not be accepting something like that as a final gift.

-I’m a fanfic writer, how long should my story be? I would recommend 1000 words minimum. There’s no word cap, but please keep it reasonable.

-Can I send my giftee an anonymous ask if I need more details about their gift? Yes, absolutely! If they do not have anonymous enabled, feel free to send me a message and I’ll ask for you.

-I want to participate but I don’t have a tumblr. Thankfully you don’t need one to participate, all you need to provide is a form of contact!

-I got assigned the same person as I have before! This is a small fandom, so that may happen with an event with many of the same people signing up year after year. I’m only one person, and I cannot remember who has been assigned to who before, so if this happens and you’d like someone else, please feel free to let me know!

-I got assigned something that I’m not familiar with! I use a random number generator to assign matchups and I do try to fix matchups that are incompatible, but sometimes I may miss something. If you are an artist, I may have to end up assigning you something RF1 based when you have only played RF4 based on how many signups there are, but when it comes to writers, I try my hardest to make sure they are familiar with the source material. Still, if you are assigned something or someone you are not comfortable with, please let me know ASAP and I will work on getting you switched.

Feel free to ask any additional questions, and they will be answered as soon as possible! Happy gifting! ~*~*~[SIGN UPS ARE HERE]~*~*~


I made an inktober list if anyone is interested! I’m busy this semester so I’m not sure how many I can do, but I’d love to see more art from all the amazing artists of the different farming sim fandoms for this fall. 

I combined Days 1-3. I am brushing up on my digital inking this year.


I made an inktober list if anyone is interested! I’m busy this semester so I’m not sure how many I can do, but I’d love to see more art from all the amazing artists of the different farming sim fandoms for this fall. 

If anyone is interested in this again this year! I’m going to try and do some :3 Feel free to tag me I’d love to see! Some also did writing prompts from these which were awesome!

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