
Multifandom World


A blog dedicated to Marvel,dc, supernatural, Shadowhunters,and much more!
Currently working on building a masterlist
Messages me if you want to be a part of the tag list


It took me 4 weeks to heal and recover from all of the injuries my dad caused me, but thankfully henry and surprisingly my mom were there to help me.

After I was released from the hospital henry and I decided to move in together in my house and live together, taking our relationship a step forward.

And it was like living a dream, we got to fly together most of the times due to the fact that we work for the same acting agency.

So as a part as Henry’s latest movie, mission impossible, we flew to Paris so he can be filmed in some of the action scenes.

We are currently staying at the four seasons hotel during the filming.

And today henry finally has a day off of shooting so we dived to go on a evening date.

I get ready while he’s waking Isabel and Kal and whem he comes back I’m in the middle of doing my makeup.

“Hello there” Henry smiles as he unhooks Kal and Isabel from their leash


“Hey” I smile as I finish applying my mascara.

“You’re ready to go?” He asks and I nod.

Henry takes me to the theater where the Paris premiere took place at to see another movie but when we walked out we stopped by the entrance

“Y/n do you remember how we met?” Henry asks me

“Of course I do, you came to my set when I shot criminal minds to let me know I got the part in dc legends of tomorrow, lots of awkward moments happened in that day” I chuckle as the memories come back to me.

“Well that day I knew I want to spend the rest of my life with you..” Henry says as he leads me to a hallway where all of cast members were at, both of our families and of course our dogs and a huge sign that says

‘Will you marry me?’

“What do you say y/n?” Henry asks me as he gets on one knee and shows off a big diamond ring

“Will you marry me?”

“Yes...yes! A thousand times yes!” I say excitedly with tears in my eyes as I kiss him.



The comic con is amazing. We sign autographs, answered fans’ questions, do a little marvel vs dc competition,and even meet some fans backstage. Now it was time for me to head home, to Israel. I gotta admit I miss my home but I will be having Henry with me every day. We agreed that he and Kal will fly here after Henry finishes doing some interviews in London. —————————————————————. When I open my house door it was dark, Isabel run inside in a hurry and bark. Confused I turn on the lights and saw Henry with Camilla and Kal.

“WELCOME HOME!” They both shouted and then Camila jumped at me, tackling me to the ground.

“I missed you too cami, but how did he get here before me? We border the flight the same time” I asked her

“Ever wondered why you had two flights instead of one?” She grinned

“I’m so getting you back for that” I glared at her and pushed her off beige I ran to Henry and hugged him

“I missed you” I muttered

“You saw him 10 hours ago” Camila rolled her eyes

“Shush you” I mutter and let Henry go only to have Kal jumping on me

“I missed you too big boy don’t worry” I chuckled and bent down to hug him while he licked my face.

While I settled down Camila made breakfast with Henry, even though I told them it won’t be too much of a bother for me.

“So how was your first comic con?” Camila asked me while we ate

“It was amazing. The Fans are so nice. I met this girl named Grace backstage, poor girl is bullied at school, I did as much as I could to cheer her up, even gave her my number, I hope I don’t regret that one” I told her

“That’s so nice of you, so when will you meet each other’s parents?” She asked

“Cami! We’re not together that long” I blushed

“Technically, y/n already met my parents when they faced timed me and she was with me” Henry shrugged

“Oh right, they’re so nice” I smiled

“Now you have to let Henry meet your parents y/n” Camila insisted

“Cami you know these things never end well” I muttered

“Have you talked to them since the incident?” She asked and I shook my head, becoming uncomfortable with talking g about my past with my parents.

Thankfully, both Henry and Camila changed the subject because they sensed my discomfort.

After dinner, Camila left because she had an early meeting in the morning.

“Why don’t you want me to meet your parent?” Henry asked me while I was washing the dishes


“They’re not typical parents Henry. I wish they were, but they’re not” I sighed

“Okay I’ll tell you what, we invite them over for dinner, if things go south I won’t ever ask you to meet them again, but I do want to meet them” Henry offered

“Okay, but if things go south I will say I told you so” I muttered and he chuckled.

After a year of not talking to my parents, I invited them over for dinner, knowing that I will for sure regret it.

I was finishing setting up the table when I heard a knock on the door.

I take a deep breath before going to open it, revealing my loving(sarcastically) parents.

“Thank you Igor inviting us to dinner y/n, I brought dessert” my mom smiled as she handed me her famous kinder mousse cake.

“Come in” I put on my best smile and move to the side so they can walk in.

“Mr and ms l/n such a pleasure to meet you I’m Henry-“ “Cavill” my mother cut off his introduction and shook his hand

“So you’re not imaginary, that’s good” my dad smirk and I roll my eyes before I disappeared to the kitchen so Henry can give them a tour of the house.

When they came back to the living room, where we will be eating I heard my mom laugh, a true laugh, at least she liked Henry, that’s all I cared about, her approval.

“Dinner is served” I called from the kitchen

“About time” I heard my dad say abs fought the urge to give him a sassy remark back.

I Serve the food I made which was sushi, fried chicken, and rice.

“So how long have you been dating?” My mom asks Henry and I

“Since our premiere in London” I said as I smiled at the memory of that evening

“Must’ve seduced him like the cheap slut she is” my dad growled and I sat that Henry was about to defend me but I stopped him, mouthing him that it’s okay.

Henry wasn’t pleased about it, but he let it go.

We continued dinner as if my dad’s comment never happened.

I took care of the dishes while my parent and Henry retired to the porch.

But, without me noticing, my dad sneaked into the kitchen, a knife in his hand.

He put it against my throat causing my breath to hitch

“You think you can just run away from us like that huh? You left your mother and I like we didn’t raise you, you ungrateful cunt!” He screamed and in a swift movement cut my arm.

The cut was big, and blood started coming out of it, but it wasn’t what made me scream, it was the beating that came shortly after.

He punched and kicked me until I screamed loudly from the pain.

“You don’t deserve the life you have! You abandoning bitch!”

Another cut, this time not to my arm, this time to my tight

“I should’ve killed you when I had the chance, but I ain’t wasting this one” he said as he lifted the knife to make one final cut.

I closed my eyes, not wanting to see this.

But the knife never came down.

“I’ll give you one second to run away before I call the cops” Henry growled and I sighed in relief.

My dad fled, but not before he gave me one last glare.

Dark dots started clouding my vision and I felt myself losing consciousness due to all the blood I lost.

“No y/n stay with me please!” Henry screamed while he called 911 but I couldn’t stay awake anymore and fainted.

-Henry’s p.o.v-

5 minutes after y/n lost consciousness the paramedics finally arrived

“What happened to her?” One of them asked

“Her dad beat her and cut her arm and tight” I told them while they took her vitals.

The paramedics injected her blood before they took her with me in the ambulance to the nearest hospital.

When we got there I ran with them to the ER but was stopped by a nurse

“Sir I’m afraid you can’t go in there” she told me

“I need to know that’s she’s okay, please let me pass” I beg her

“She’ll be fine, we have our best doctors working on her sir, now come I’ll take you to the waiting area” she said politely and despite my growing concern I went with her.


4 hours and still no update on

y/n’s condition. I’m more than concerned now.

My family is here with me, y/n’s mom as well, they all try to be strong for her but I just can’t, not until I know she’s okay.

“It’s not the first time it happened” y/n’s mom tell me

“Meaning?” I frowned

“Her dad, he did this before, and even worse than this time, I thought he was getting better, controlling his anger...I shouldn’t have brought him” she sighed and rubbed her forehead

“Wait, you’re telling me he almost killed her before?” I asked her and then it clicked

The reason y/n was so nervous to call them, why she didn’t dare to defend herself when he insulted

“I-I didn’t know he was doing this to her when he almost killed her I was the one who drove her to the hospital” she admitted

“You need to keep him away from her, and I suggest you leave him too before he hurt you” I told her and before she could respond a doctor came out of the ER area.

“She’s stable. We just finished stitching her up and giving her blood transfusion, she’ll need lots of rest and she hasn’t woken up yet, but you can see her” the doctor informed us.

I walked inside her room with my brother and was relieved to see that she was truly okay.

“She’s a warrior brother, she’ll be fine” my brother reassured me before he left.

I took y/n’s hand in mine and held it tight

“I’m so sorry I made you meet him again. You tried to tell me you were afraid of him and I didn’t pay attention to it, I’m so sorry y/n” I said and felt tears running down my face

“N-not y-your f-f-fault” I heard her voice and my head immediately snapped up to see her awake and smiling

-y/n’s p.o.v-

Flashes of my dad abusing me over and over invaded my mind while I was blacked out.

But there was one memory that stuck, and it was him going to slash my throat and Henry stopping him.

Then I heard a voice, Henry’s voice, telling me he is sorry for forcing me to meet my dad again.

At that moment I don’t know what happened but I was able to open my eyes, I took a second to adjust to the light before speaking


“N-not y-your f-f-fault” I stuttered out as best as I could, causing his head to snap up

“You’re awake” he gasped

“Told you I’ve been through worse” I smiled

“I-I thought he killed you” Henry said

“It takes a lot more than that to end me Cavill” I smirked and he chuckled.

5 minutes later the doctor came in and took my vitals, he told me I need to stay the night for supervision but can go home tomorrow morning.

Henry’s family came in shortly after, they’re sweet people, they brought me chocolates and flowers. We spoke about what happened and the surgery I had until my mom knocked on the door

“Can I uh talk to her alone please?” She asked, everyone turned to me to look approval and I gave it by nodding

“I’m so sorry y/n I had no idea he’ll do this to you” my mom broke down the minute everyone was outside

“It’s okay mom, I’m fine” I reassured her

“I’m getting a divorce” “what?” I gasped

“I could forgive him after doing it once, but not twice, I’m so sorry y/n” she sobbed and I just hugged her until she calmed down.

She left shortly after, going to my house so she won’t have to face my dad and I was left in my room with Henry

“You know Kal and Isabel miss you” he said and I chuckled

“I love these two dorks, I must’ve scared Isabel, seeing me all bloody and injured”

“I’ll bring her and Kal tomorrow don’t worry” Henry smiled and kissed my head “get some rest”

I took Henry’s hand in mine and held it until I fell asleep.

A/N- thank you for over 100 followers!💕



We had a few more days in London before we fly to San Diego for the comic con.

Henry texted me that he wants to take me to breakfast and that whenever I’m ready he’s waiting at the lobby.

I put on a wintry outfit since and it was a bit chilly outside and left my room.

“Good morning love” Henry smiled when he saw me “good morning” I smile and kiss his cheek.

He took me to a restaurant called

‘Victory garden cafe’, it was style like an old Greek place, vintage.

“Good morning and welcome Mr.cavill and Ms.heard follow me”

The hostess said as she gestured us to follow her causing me to frown

“I’m a regular here” Henry shrugged


and I chuckled.

After we both ordered our food we shared some experiences from past movies we filmed.

That is until my dog sitter called

“Oh I've gif to take that one in sorry” I quickly apologized to Henry Henry before I picked up

“Lea, is everything alright?” I asked her

“She has stomach aches y/n what do I do?” Lea asked me in a panicked tone

“Okay give her the special dog food and rub her belly until it passes, she’s joining me soon tell her that she’ll calm down” I instructed her “okay I’ll keep you updated on her condition” Lea said before she hung up.

“You have a dog?” Henry asked me

“Yes, a Siberian husky, her name is Isabel but I call her Izzy all the time” I smile as I show him a picture of me and her that’s also my Lock Screen.

“She’s so beautiful, almost as big as my dog” Henry chuckled

“Yeah Kal is HUGE” I chuckled too

“He’s coming to San Diego too, maybe they’ll keep each other company” henry suggested

“Sounds good but can your dog sitter handle both of them? Because I won’t have mine” I chuckled

“Yeah that’s no problem” Henry shrugged.

We both enjoyed an amazing breakfast before we went to have a little tour. Henry was here before so he took me to all of the beautiful and time-worthy places.

Back at the hotel, I thanked him for the amazing tour and we had dinner together too before going to sleep.

The next few days we spent by interviewing local news and signing autographs before we finally headed to San Diego for the comic con.

I was beyond excited to fly to San Diego, not only because it’s my first time there, but also because it’s my first comic con.

When we landed at the airport I saw Lea with Isabel, my dog,

And immediately ran to her, not caring than I just abandoned Henry with my suitcase.

“Oh I missed you so much” I hugged Isabel tight While she licked my face “did she behave?”

I asked lea

“She was amazing as usual. But she got a stomach ache again on the way here so I stopped giving her her sweets for a while” Lea said as she handed me Isabel’s bag

“Thank you so much, Lea, enjoy your vacation” I hugged her and when we broke she ran to her gate to catch her flight.

“She’s so cute” Henry said once he catches up to us

“Omg hen I’m so sorry I abandoned you with my stuff” I apologize

“It’s alright I would’ve done the same for Kal” Henry chuckled

“Well then you’d have to kiss your suitcase goodbye because not all of us have crazy muscles as you do”

Isabel licked my face again before she ran and started jumping on Henry, trying to get to his face

“Traitor” I muttered and Henry chuckled “she’s so cute” he said as let go of the suitcases and bent down to pet her.

Seeing Henry so sweet and caring with Isabel made my heart swell with happiness.

I no longer saw him as Henry that was had a dark side, but Henry the giant softy.

This time henry and I decided to share a room at the hotel with princess and Kal.

Kal was waiting for us at the lobby with Henry’s dog sitter and surprisingly, Isabel liked him immediately too.

The two just jumped around each other excitedly.

“They are so adorable!” Gal said as she joined Henry and I

“Just like their owners” Jason smirked


“Oh shush you” I blushed deeply.

Jason, gal and Henry kept talking about something while I noticed Ben glaring at me from the reception area.

“Hen I’ll be right back, keep an eye on her for me?” “Is everything okay?” He asked me “yeah yeah just need to talk to Ben for a second” I reassured him before I handed him Isabel’s leash.

“Okay, what’s with the glares? You’ve been giving me the stinky eye ever since we left London” I asked Ben

“Is everything a game to you?” He spat

“What are you talking about?” I frowned

“Did you use me to get a reaction from him? Huh? I thought you said he was mean to you and had a thing with amy” Ben growled

“Woah take a chill pill man. I was not using you, we went out for a drink, I thought it was a friendly hangout. And he wasn’t mean on purpose amy was blackmailing him” I explained even though I didn’t think I had to justify my actions to him.

“You’re lying. Amy may be crazy but she would never do such a thing” Ben scoffed

“she’s a class a psycho ben, You know what if you don’t believe me ask Henry I’m fed up with all of these accusations” I told him angrily before I stormed off back to henry.

“Hey what’s wrong?” Henry asked me once he noticed my angry expression

“I’m not in the mood to talk about it” I said as I felt tears threatening to fall.

I took my room key and went up to the room with Isabel and hugged her as I cried.

I guess I cried so hard because I didn’t hear Henry walk in until I felt Kal licking my cheek.

“Y/n please tell me what’s wrong”

Henry said as he sat next to me on the floor

“I’m so fed up with all the criticism” I sobbed

“What did Ben tell you?” Henry asked, a hit of anger in his tone

“He thought I was using him to provoke you, that I’m a liar” I whimpered.

Henry pulled me into a hug and brushed my hair with hands softly

“I’ll talk to him later, you’re amazing y/n, you saved me from Amy, I don’t know what I would do without you” he muttered and I felt myself smiling as I lean into him more.

“Thank you hen, I needed it”

“No problem love” he kissed my head.

We stayed like this a little more until it was time to get ready for an interview we had with all of the cast(except for Amy thank goodness).

I was seated between Henry and Jason, making me feel like a complete short ass next to these two giants.

“Guys welcome! So nice to see you all together. Are you feeling like a proper family?” Jamie, the interviewer asked us

“It’s like a family reunion every time you know” Ray chuckled

“So, like if you were a family, who’s got the worst habit?” Jamie asked

“I think Ezra” I said “I chew my nails a lot, and it’s apparently bad for your nails in a long term, is it really bad or is y/n just messing with me again?” Ezra asked

“I don’t think” Gal shook her head

“Jason has a habit of taking our clothes off all the time” Ben said and Jason raised his hand proudly while saying guilty making us all laugh

“Henry in this film has a habit of being dead so you’re gonna see him” ray shrugged “yeah I’m the dead uncle” “that’s right ” ray chuckled

“It’s nice to see the ghostly figure. Spotting some nice facial fluff” Jamie said, referring to Henry’s mustache

“He had it before” I said “really?”

“Yeah” Henry chuckled

“Well I wanted to talk to you about something and it’s beardy Batman” Jamie said as he looked at Ben

“Beardy Batman, yes. At the beginning of the movie you get to see bearded Batman which we haven’t done on screen before and uh I thought it was kind of cool and just so you know they added in the white streaks in the beard, those were not present before” Ben explained

“Well obviously with all of you in together you get to see your very cool costumes, was there any costume envy?” Jamie asked

“I was jealous of Gal’s costume because Unlike mine hers is not tight” I said causing her to laugh


“I could barely breath in it”

“Yeah I was kind of envious of ray because he didn’t have a costume” Ben said “I had an onesie, I was calm cool and collected. I did have a muscle suit that I wore sometimes with like the hoodie and sweatpants and I got the feel of what it's like to be them on a certain level. But I envy their costume because they actually exist you know?” Ray smiled

“What’s the costume like at the end of the day?” Jamie asked

“Sweaty” Ben and I said at the same time

“Smells like a foot” Ezra added

“Yeah even mine” ray chuckled

“Costume people on this movie earned their money” Ben said

“Re you guys ready for the world of the dc family? A few of us have done a few of these films now. They’re absolutely obsessed aren’t they?” Jamie asked

“Passionate for sure, I wouldn’t say obsessive but we all are we love our characters” I said and everyone nodded in agreement

“You’re doing these movies knowing there’s going to be expectations from the fans, they’re going to pay a lot of attention to the details and everything that comes out to the internet,even the minor nonsense turns into a big story” Ben explained

“Gal you tweeted yesterday and already have 46,000 likes “ Jamie said

“How much?” She gasped with a smile

“46,000 likes” Jamie said again

“look at her- how many likes?” I asked as I intimated Gal’s voice

Causing everyone to laugh

“I think that the fact that people care so much about these characters is pretty amazing because I think that there is this amazing device of universe that we can tell stories with and so many people are interested in hearing what we have to say. It’s an amazing thing and it’s not to be taken for granted and this is the reason why we keep on making these movies...because people care so much” Gal told Jamie

“Okay thank you guys so much for coming, it was fun” Jamie said and the interview was over.

Henry and I returned to the hotel to have dinner together before we headed to bed.

“You were quiet today during the interview” I told Henry “well most of the questions were not directed to me so but I did talk” Henry shrugged


“It was fun to be with all of the crew” I smiled

“I’m glad you had fun love, now rest up, we had a long day” Henry kissed my head before he turned off the light and we fell asleep.

A/n-I’m opening a tag list for my stories, comment if you’re interested to be in it!💕



I managed to avoid Henry the following week of shooting, it wasn't easy but the fact we had no scenes together made it possible.He sent me letters and flowers, tried to get Sam to tell me to talk to him, texted me million times that he's sorry and he needs to talk to, that he needs to explain to me what happened.

I don't even know why I was so hurt, he's not my boyfriend or something.But he acted like he's into me, that's why it hurt, yeah, he pretended to care when he didn't at all.

But now premiers start and there will be no avoiding him.Our first one is in London. Our crew had a private jet of course.

I sat next to gal and across from Amy and Henry. Amy was giving me a death glare and if looks could kill I'd be long gone.

5 hours into the flight everyone was asleep except for Henry and I.

"You never gave me a chance to explain or answered my texts"

Henry muttered quietly so he won't wake anyone up

"No need for explaining Henry. You made your emotions towards me crystal clear that day. What I don't get Henry is if I mean nothing to you why the jealous act when Ben asked me out?" I scoffed at him “Because I do care for you, that's why" he sighed "Didn't seem like that" I scoffed “What I said to Amy was pure lies, she's mean y/n if she knew she would make your life a living hell" Henry warned  me earning a chuckled from me. “What are we three Henry? If she seeks war with me I promise you she will lose" I said But before he could respond Gal sat up "Are we there yet?" She asked with a tired voice. "Ladies and gentlemen please buckle up, we're about to start landing in 5 minutes" the pilot announced. Gal and I woke the rest of the crew up before going back to our seats. I couldn't shake off what Henry said. Was it true? His he really lies to amy to protect me? Did he really care for me?When we arrived at the hotel I got a suite on the same floor as Henry, fun.I started unpacking my suitcase when I heard a knock on the door.Silently praying it is not henry I opened the door to see it was Gal who was ready for tonight's premiere. "How do you get ready so fast only God knows"I sighed with a smile earning a chuckle from her "I just don't unpack my suitcase" she shrugged


"So tell me what's going on, I could cut the tension between Henry and you with a knife" she said and I sighed.I told her about everything. From Henry threatening me to not go out with Ben to what he told me on the plane today."You think he's telling the truth?" She asked me "I don't know I feel like there's more to it. But what I do know, that if he's telling the truth he'll try to prove it" I pointed out "True, well I have a feeling we'll see soon enough. Need help with getting ready?" She offered "I would love" I smiled.After it took us an hour to decide what I will wear gal fixed my hair while I applied some makeup.Once ready we were called downstairs.The ride to the premiere wasn't as awkward as I thought.Jason and I brought up some funny memories from our filming days.When we got to the place the director paired us and I got Henry as my date for the evening."You look beautiful" he complimented me as we walked the red carpet inside "thank you you don't look bad yourself" I smiled"Henry!y/n! Over here!" We stopped and turned to the paparazzi so they can take some pictures

We had 10 minutes before the premiere started so we answered questions in the meantime.

"New York times-how does it feel to be a part of the dc world?" One of the interviewers asked me"Amazing, I was given an amazing opportunity to play with an incredible cast" I told the interviewer with a wide smile "And henry what was it like to work with y/n?" "It was fun. She's incredibly talented and it was a real joy to work with her" Henry smiled at me as he spoke caging me to blush deeply and look away.We answered 3 more questions and in the meantime I noticed Amy glaring at me from where she was standing with Ben.We were called inside to watch the movie a few minutes later.I sat between Henry to Sam.I wanted to talk to Henry about everything, I was beyond confused with all that's happening.When the Premiere was over we drove back to the hotel.I changed into my PJs and got ready for bed when I heard a knock on my door. Thinking it was Gal returning me my hair straightener I opened the door only to see it was Henry. "Yes?" "We need to talk" he said before he walked In "by all means so come in" I muttered."Listen y/n I know what I told Amy that day hur-" "hurt me? It humiliated me. You acted like the perfect man Henry, you were a good friend of mine, and then I find out it's all an act? Hurt doesn't even begin to cover for how I felt" I said, tears threatening to fall"Y/n you gotta understand I didn't-""Didn't what Henry? Didn't want her to hurt me? Bullshit Henry, I don't believe this excuse!"

I cut him off angrily again

"She threatened me okay!" He yelled and I gasped in shock"She what?" "She threatened me y/n" he repeated "Why didn't you tell me?" I asked him as I took a step closer to him"Because I didn't want you to become a target too" he sighed as he sat on my bed.Never in my life,have I seen Henry this vulnerable." "Henry what did she do?" I asked him calmly as I sat beside me"She threatened to ruin my brother's Charlie life, she caught him doing illegal drugs. He's a producer it'll end him y/n" he sighed "She showed you proof?" He nodded before he took out his phone and showed me his chat with Amy. The bitch had been blackmailing him for months. “Henry I can help you" I told him. “How?" Henry asked, hope sparkled in his eyes

"My best friend Camilla is a very good hacker she can delete the photos from Amy's phone and then you'll have the upper hand" I explained "You're a lifesaver" Henry sighed "Hardly" I shook my head with a smile.I called Camilla and updated her on everything that happened"So he's not a class a asshole?""Cami you're on speaker..." I said awkwardly, now henry knows I talked about him, great."Oh shit. Well good news it'll take me 15 minutes to delete everything, I'll text you when it's done" she said "You rock, love you sis" I told her "Don't flatter me, get me chocolate" she chuckled before she hung up."Well that's it in fifteen minutes you'll be an fr-"

Henry cuts me off with a kiss and I swear he knocked the air out of me.When we part for air I looked at him with a shocked expression "I love you y/n I don't want to hide it anymore" "good" I smile before I kiss him again. "Does that mean that you'll agree to be my girlfriend?" He asked me with a shy smile. “Yes I'll be your girlfriend you big oaf" I chuckled. Camilla texted me as she promised, exactly 15 minutes later to update me that she erased everything and added a little piece of information-Amy had a fiancé. “Oooh this is good" I smirked as I looked at the text "what is?" Henry frowned and I handed him my phone "she's cheating? That's awful" "I know. But now that you got the upper hand you need to confront her" I told him "I know" he sighed"Want me to come with you?" I offered "you'll do that?" Henry asked me"You kidding me? A chance to give her exactly what she deserved, I wouldn't miss it in the world" I smirked "okay" he chuckled.Henry and I decided to not wait and go confront Amy now.He knocked on her door and she immediately opened, like she was expecting someone."What are you doing here?" She spat at me but I didn't answer her I wanted to let Henry have his moment "I'm here to finish what you started Amy" Henry informed her as we walked in."What are you talking about?" She frowned “The blackmailing story ends now"


he clarified for her. “I don’t know what you're talking about" she shrugged and crossed her arms “Cut the bullshit I saw everything" I rolled my eyes "well then you know that it'll make you a target too" she smirked "None of us are targets anymore Amy. You no longer have anything against me" Henry smirked "Oh really? Have you forgot about all the pictures of y- wait, it's all gone!" She gasped "Now you have nothing against Henry. And if you threaten either of us again, I'll make sure your fiancé know what you really do during your 'busy nights'" I warned her "you'll pay for this" she growled "try me bitch" I smirked "Cmon Henry I waisted enough air on her"."I want to thank you again y/n, what you did for me was-" "what I would do for anyone I care for Henry, you're a good man, you didn't deserve what she did to you" I cut him off "I'll see you tomorrow?" "You bet"I gave him a goodnight kiss before I retired to my room, a huge smile plastered on my face.



I ended up spending the night at my house with my best friend Camila. I haven’t seen her for a long time and now that she was finally in town I had to take this opportunity.

It's not that Henry’s world affected me, I was actually pissed at him for thinking he can order me around like he’s my dad.

“Okay so tell me all of the juicy detail and leave nothing out if you want the best advice” Camila said as she sat on the couch across from me with her glass of wine. I told her everything, Starting with what happened at my trailer while filming ‘criminal minds’ until what happened yesterday.

“Okay. Maybe your hunch is right because if what you’re telling me is true there is definitely something off about Henry sis” she told me before she emptied her glass.


“I don’t even know what’s wrong. It’s like one second he’s all nice and warm and then second after he’s cold and possessive” I frowned as I recalled today’s event.

“I think you should steer clear of him. Something is clearly off. Ben sounds nice though” she smirked and I rolled my eyes “cmon you know that nothing gets past me”

“He is, Although I barely had the chance to get to know him better thanks to-“ “Henry” she cut me off and I nodded while pondering about what I should do.

The next morning when I arrived to set I saw Ben and then remember That I forgot to text him and became embarrassed.

“Hey y/n” he smirked at me as I neared his trailer “hey Ben. Listen I’m really sorry about last night. My best friend came to town and I totally forgot to text you” I sighed “it’s okay y/n, really, when you’re free just call me”

he winked at me before he went in his trailer and I felt myself blushing furiously.

When I finished filming I changed back into my normal clothes and decided to go face Henry.

But, when I opened the door to his trailer I heard amy so I went to close it until I heard my name.

“Cmon Henry, why are you so nice to her? You love her?” She asked him in a teasing tone “don’t say idiotic things” he growled and I felt a pang of hurt “then why forbidding her from seeing Ben? Huh?” She pressed the matter further “Why being kind to her? She’s just a newbie, you don’t owe her anything”

“Yeah Henry, you don’t owe me anything”


I said from the door, gaining both of their attention.

“Y/n wait!” Henry said as he took amy off of him but I was faster to leave.

I went to Ben’s trailer and knocked on the door softly.

His makeup artist let me in and I sat in a stool beside him.

“Drinks, tonight” I announced with a soft smile “tonight it is” he said and I smirked.

I dressed up in a beautiful dark blue dress that I bought last week and did my makeup natural before I headed out to the bar I was meeting with Ben at.

“Wow you look gorgeous” Ben compliment me when I finally managed to find him “you don’t look so bad yourself” I chuckled softly I sat beside him and a waitress walked up to us

“What can I get you guys?” She asked with a kind smile

“I’d like a glass of scotch” I told her “vodka for me” Ben said and she wrote it down before leaving.

“So, how does it feel to be a part of the family?” He asked me

“Amazing. Gal and I became fast friends and so did ray and I, I didn’t get to see Ezra much though” I shrugged “yeah gal won’t stop talking about you on set and how talented you are” he said and I chuckled “she’s indeed a good friend”

“What about Henry?” He asked next and I felt my stomach drop at the mention of his name

“He’s fine, but I didn’t really bond with him. Same thing with Amy” I said In a bitter tone.

“She tried to scare you off already?” He frowned “no but I caught a nice conversation that she had with Henry about me. It was enough for me to understand that I need to back off from the both of them”


I told him “well I guess God doesn’t support your plans love” Ben said as he pointed at the space behind me.

Frowning, I turned around and saw Henry sitting by the bar, glaring daggers at Ben and I.

“Great just great” I muttered and then the waitress came with our drinks.

I took my glass and downed it before I ordered another two.

“I thought it was a seeping scotch” Ben said “was” I smirked and he chuckled.

A few drinks and questions later I managed to convince Ben to dance with me.

The song ‘dance without you’ came on and I don’t know if it was the alcohol or the self act Henry was watching that made me so bold that I started grinding my hips against Ben’s.

He swayed to the rhythm and I could feel Henry killing Ben with his glare.

When the song ended Ben offered me a ride home which I gladly accepted seeing and I was too drunk to drive.

Despite his protests I got to my home by my own.

I really wanted a glass of water but when I tried the kitchen’s lights on I saw Henry sitting by the aisle I nearly had a heart attack

“Henry?! What the heck?!”

“I thought I told you to not go out with him”

he growled and I knew he was referring to Ben which I now regret not letting come with me.

“Okay I’ll say it again because it apparently wasn’t clear enough the first time, you don’t tell me what to do. And you do not break into my house!” I screamed at him, how dare he insult me and then think he has the right to tell me what To do?!

“Careful y/n, you do not wish to anger me further” he warned me

“Get out” I said calmly “y/n-“

“I said GET OUT! You don’t get to talk about me like I’m trash next to Amy and then lecture me for going out with Ben. So-GET OUT”

Without another word he got up and left.

The second the door closed I broke down-I don’t deserve this messed up shit.



I couldn’t sleep at all last night.

Today is my first day on set and all I could think about last night was it and the texts Henry sent me during the weekend.

He was a sweetheart yet something felt off about him...

Something I couldn’t quite point my finger on.

Upon my arrival to the set, my new stylist led me to my trailer that was between ray’s and Henry’s.


“Trailer neighbors! How awesome is that? Cookies?” Ray offered he walked into my trailer, I was already dressed up and the makeup artist was doing my makeup.

Ray was also dressed up and I guess his makeup was also done because he had time to come over.

“Look at you! The coolest cyborg I have ever seen and yes I’d like one” I smiled and took one from the tray as I tried to not move too much.

“Excited for our first day?” He asked as he sat in a chair beside me and put the tray on the table “absolutely. Couldn’t sleep at all last night” I chuckled “oh come in tell him the real reason why” Sam smirked from behind “don’t pay attention to him he’s delusional” I said nervously “I actually would like to hear what your delusional manager has to say” ray said and I swear I wanted to punch him that moment

“Cmon y/n you can tell me” ray pressed the subject further “fine. Henry and I got closer during the weekend, by texting” I admitted “and Ben is also chasing her” Sam added “what?! You didn’t say anything about Ben!” I gasped in shock “and I probably shouldn’t have well good luck” Sam said quickly before he ran out of the trailer “well good thing henry didn’t-“ before ray could finish his sentence Henry walked into the trailer in his Superman suit, looking hot as heck

“Henry! Want some cookies?” Ray offered him “no thanks ray Thais thing is a little bit-“ “tight?” I finished for him and he nodded with a chuckle “I feel you Henry, But I promise a cookie won’t change much” I told him “well if you say so” he smiled and took a cookie from Henry.

“Y/n we need you on set! It’s time for yours and Jason’s scene!” The director’s assistant came in to tell me “she’s ready!” My makeup artist told her so I got up so I can fix my outfit.

“How do I look? Honest opinions I only!” I told the boys “good” Ray smiled but Henry didn’t answer so I sighed and went to leave the trailer but he grabbed my arm the last second and lensed in “you look sexy. So sexy That I want to bend you over the table” he whispered in my ear with a smirk and I blushed hard when he let me go.

My scene was filmed on a green screen since and it’s an underwater one.

So while I was being connected to all of the props Jason and I went over our lines.

“Okay, we’re ready to shit! Mark....action!”

“You took a hell of a hit, are you alright?” Aquaman asked with a concern expressed “at last. the firstborn of the beloved queen Atlanta” I scoffed and then he turned and started walking away “wait! Please...I knew her” I said in a soft tone “well that makes one of us” he said in a playful hurt tone “when my parents fought in the wars she took me in” I told him “what a saint” he scoffed “you dare to talk about her that way” I growled at him angrily “your queen Left me in my father’s doorstep and never came back” “your mother left you to save your life. I cannot imagine how it hurt. What it cost her. But you’re not a defenseless child now. It would’ve been her responsibility to follow that monster to the surface. Now, it’s yours”

I told him as I took a step forward “them I’m going to need some defoliants” he said and I smirked

“And......cut!” The direction called and then we both chuckled “gosh it was so hard to keep my face straight when you said ‘that makes one of us’” I told Jason “hey I wasn’t that tough” he scoffed as he crossed his hands “ha huh whatever you say grumpy cat” I smirked and he rolled his eyes.

We did the fight scene that comes before Mera talks to Aquaman since and it took a lot of special effects and time.

Once We had it the director decided to call it a day.

Apparently, I finished at the same time they finished filming the rest of crew’s scenes for today and for some reason Henry was Shirtless

“Hey y/n! How was your first day?” Gal asked me as she came out from studio 2 “wow it was amazing! You should’ve seen Jason, I swear this man is a dork” I chuckled “how many times did he laugh?” “I stopped counting if I’m honest” I told her and then she dragged me with her to her trailer, telling me that she had some ‘big news’ to tell me.

She opened the door and started taking her makeup off while I sat beside her on a stool.

“Soooo...the big news?” “Oh...right! The boys are fighting over you”

she smirked and I knew she didn’t mean Jason because he was on set with me today “and in boys you mean...?” I trailed off and waited for her to finish “Henry and Ben” she said and I chuckled “okay I rate this prank 11. Good one, really” I told her with a fake laugh “y/ I’m serious. I’ve never seen the. So smitten by a girl before. They won’t admit it of course, but cmon it’s obvious” she said and I rolled my eyes “whatever you say. Well I’m off to my trailer, one more hour in that thing and I’ll begin to lose the ability to breathe” I joked as I gestured for the outfits I was wearing “okay I’ll see you later” she smiled and I muttered an okay before leaving. On my way back to my trailer I bumped into someone and was quick to apologize “it’s fine really”

I rose my head and saw it was Ben “oh Ben. Sorry again I was t paying attention” I chuckled nervously “it’s okay y/n, how was your first day?” He asked with a kind smile “it was amazing. I had a real good time” I told him

“I’m actually glad that I bumped into you, I was going to ask you if your like to go out for a drink tonight?” Ben asked me “I do t have particular plans but I need to check with Sam just to be sure okay?” “No problem, I’ll be waiting for an answer” he smiled at me before he walked in his trailer.

Blushing furiously, I walked into my trailer that for some reason was completely dark.

When I turned in the light I saw Henry sitting on the couch and jumped in surprise

“OMG! You scared the living hell out of me” I chuckled as I put a hand to my chest.

But I became unnerved again when I saw his hard expression remained the same.

“Henry?” I frowned “you’re not going out with him” he growled


“I'm sorry what?” “I heard Ben asking you out. You not going”

“Okay, let's make something clear, you don’t decide for me Henry and it’s not a date, he just wanted to go out for a drink” I rolled me eyes at his ridiculous behavior

“You’re not going and it’s final. You do not wish to face the consequences if you’ll disobey” he whispered in my ear and just like that he disappeared from my sight, leaving me confused and afraid.



Everyone thinks that being famous is easy, well it's not. Fans can be awesome but let's not forget the haters. Don't get me wrong I love being an actress, I get to do what I love every day, but I'm a sensitive person. I was currently filming an episode of criminal minds, when I saw the familiar face of my agent with the more familiar face of Henry Cavill."Umm y/n what's Henry Cavill doing on set?" Matthew asked me "I'm as clueless as you are buddy”

told him, as I watched my agent lead him to my trailer for some reason. My last shot for today was a pool scene with Matthew, I'm going to kiss him which I know he's nervous about because it's his first kiss scene, but eventually everything went smoothly, he was a good kisser. When the director dismissed us, I went back to my trailer with my stylist but when she opened the door for me I saw that my agent and Henry were there."Ah y/n you're finally here" my agent, Sam, said as I walked in "Yeah we got delayed cause Matthew had some cold feet before the last scene" I told him, as I sat in my makeup seat and let my stylist take my makeup off while trying to avoid the elephant in the room."Well I have some amazing news, Henry came here to tell us you got the role you auditioned for in the justice league"


Sam said and I stopped my stylist for a second and turned to face both men "you're kidding right?" I asked but it was directed more to Henry "No, the director really liked your acting and casted you as Mera" Henry told me and I tried my best to not jump in excitement and make myself look like a fool in front of him and instead hugged Sam "that's awesome!" I told him

"right? All the hours you've spent in front of the mirror are finally worth it" Sam chuckled causing me to blush in embarrassment because in this case Sam forgot, Henry is still here..."There's nothing to be embarrassed about I do it all the time" Henry tried to reassure me but that ship sailed away dude "no need to say that to make me feel better cause that's not going to happen" I chuckled nervously "well aside from the good news that Sam gave you,I came to invite you to a meeting the whole cast is having at my house" Henry said as he got up from the couch and handed me a small paper with his address and phone number "thank you, Henry, that's so nice of you" I gave him a soft smile "nonsense, you're a part of the dc family now" he chuckled and I thanked him again before he left.


“Pam slap me" I told my stylist "what? I'm not doing that" she gasped in shock from my request "I need you to slap me so I'll know that what happened, really happened" I told her and she rolled her eyes and punched my hand "ow! I said slap for a reason!" I friend in pain and rubbed the part she hit "well at least now you know it's real" she grinned.I sat in front of my closet for three hours and still couldn't decide what I want to wear. I was being ridiculous, I know, but it's not every day I get cast in such a big movie with such an amazing cast. I ended up settling for a black dress I wore for the 'drive angry' premiere.I drove to Henry's place instead of taking the limo cause I felt it wasn't just another business meeting, it was a social meeting

Okay, his house is huge. And I mean HUGE and Elegant, but huge.I knocked on his door softly and he opened almost immediately "ah y/n! We've been waiting for you, come in!" He grinned and I blushed as I walked in.In his living room sat the whole cast but they all hit up when I entered the room."Everyone meet y/n, she's going to play Mera" Henry introduced me "hey guys" I smiled nervously "finally another woman other than me" Gal chuckled as she hugged, and while I was processing the fact that I'm hugging Wonder Woman. "Welcome to the family" Jason said and I shook his hand with a smile "thanks" "You're the girl that played with Nicolas cage in that 'drive angry' movie right?" Ray asked excitedly and I chuckled as I nodded "dude you have a mean kick" he said "thanks, though Nicolas wasn't as excited about it as you were" I told him "I'm sure" he chuckled "Welcome aboard y/n" Ben shook my hand and I smiled softly in return.

Henry and Ben took care of the barbecue while Gal and I cut the salads and Ray and Jason organized the table."So where are you from originally y/n?" Gal asked me "I'm from Israel, more specifically a small city near Jerusalem" I told her "omg I would never guess! You don't look Israeli at all" she chuckled "yeah so I've been told" I giggled. We continued to talk about some events that occurred recently until the boys called us to the table to eat."So, as a part of the tradition we have...everyone needs to tell an embarrassing moment he had onset" Henry said as he sat the food on the table "okay I'll start. When I filmed Wonder Woman last week it was a kiss scene with Chris and I accidentally kneed him" she said and I chuckled "almost as bad as what happened to me" I told her and then all eyes were on me "so tell" Jason smirked as he crossed his arms "well...I had a kiss scene with Matthew from criminal minds in a pool and he nearly drowned me twice cause he was nervous"


I admitted and they all chuckled "Henry your turn" I smirked "well when I dressed up for a scene at 'Batman vs Superman' my makeup artist walked in while I was changing" he said and we all laughed "I think Henry won fair and square guys" I smiled.We continued the round until everyone was done eating and then retired to the living room.These guys were awesome, they really accepted me and helped my anxiety fade away. When the evening was over I bid them all goodbye and walked to my car."Y/n wait!" I stopped dead in my tracks and turned around to face Henry who ran up to me "did I forget something?" I frowned "no-no, I just wanted to give you that" he said as he handed me a bag with leftovers "oh thank you" I smiled "no problem, I'll see you on set on Monday?"

"You bet" I smiled before I got into my car and drove away.

When I got back home I changed into my PJs and went straight to bed...But the second I pulled the blanket on me my phone alerted me that I had a new message. I opened it and it said-I had a real good time tonight, goodnight, 😇Henry-I smiled at the adorable message and sent him goodnight before I fell asleep.

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