
the rainbow connection

@somedaywellfindit / somedaywellfindit.tumblr.com

[icon id: a drawing of fozzie bear from the muppet movie. he is an orange bear and is driving a car. there is a "vintage" filter over him. end id] [header id: a pixel gif of a small yellow fish in water. there are petals in the water, a flowering tree branch above it and it is raining. end id] the lovers, the dreamers, and me | icon, header

so many of you have never been 26 or 27. well one day you will. this is not a threat this is a promise. or maybe both. it will be fine, is what i’m saying. and then comes 28


just once I want to see a good post critiquing makeup culture that doesn’t turn out to be made by some janky radfem blog

oh hey!! I’m not a janky radfem I can do it myself!

makeup culture is wack and normalizes a ludicrously high bar as the bare minimum women can do. I saw a β€œlazy"makeup tutorial the other day that listed 22 separate goddamn products. you’re supposed to buy and know how to use 22 different things on your face just for the privilege of being considered lazy and that’s uuuuuuh what’s the word? bullshit.

Really, five products could work, even 3. Just frame the face, eyes, lips, and you’re done.

0 products also works great

because I’m gonna be real here, the idea that 22 products is a minimum sucks but it’s really upsetting that any amount of makeup is the bare minimum at all

I would really just suggest some powder foundation, concealer, mascara and lipgloss/lipstick, or tbh just mascara works too, but that’s up to you

I’m sorry if I didn’t express this clearly enough in the original post but I’m not really looking for more concise makeup regiments. my intention was to point out how it’s Bad that makeup is considered a bare minimum at all, regardless of individual feelings on the matter

no face should be β€œrequired” to have β€œa minimum” of makeup. makeup has no health benefits and does nothing but fill the pockets of companies that prey on women and our insecurities.

makeup should not be seen as hygiene because it isnt. get that shit out of your head.

this post: makeup culture is ridiculous and 22 products should not be considered a minimum requirement for someones face. no one should have to do that

the notes: so like……. what youre saying is……. we need to make the minimum about 5 or 6 instead… i gotcha

Really the only makeup you need is eyeliner but that’s just my personal opinion


where did we lose you

why are people like this

Anonymous asked:

do you draw furry art? :D trying to find someone... sorry if i got the wrong person!!

Hi!! I'm really sorry, I do not! I hope you find the person you're looking for! πŸ’ž


sorry, it's a GOOD thing if cishet people use non-conforming pronouns or dress in non-conforming ways or whatever else. for one, that person may not be cishet. but more importantly, living in a society where more people feel comfortable exploring their relationship to gender and sexuality is an undoubtedly GOOD thing


I think personal labels can be useful for β€œthere’s a word for it”, β€œI’m not alone”, and β€œoh neat, I know what to put in a search engine now” reasons, but I also think they can be troublesome.

Plenty of people won’t fit 100% neatly into a label, and when they encounter a rare exception to what is otherwise an accurate label for them, it can feel like an identity crisis.

The labels aren’t literally what you are. They’re words. They’re meant to assist communication and organization, not to control you.


I don’t think we’re rick rolling each other enough anymore. 1. it CANNOT die out 2. this under saturated market is perfect for unsuspecting victims who’ve been lulled into a false sense of security. be the person you hate. bring back the dastardly link


someone actually studied the falling Rick Roll rate for their Ph.D dissertation recently and published the paper


okay but this made me wonder if there was actually any academic literature on rickrolling and YES THERE IS this is a paper about rickrolling WITHIN academic literature. As in, studies that attempt to rickroll the people reading them. Best part is no one is going to believe me and click that link even though it’s 100% true.


tumblr for wasps would be crazy. Reblog would be called rebuzz . And the notes would be so so tiny

0 notes

🐝 numbertwopollinator Follow

fuck yes a yummy flower for me


4 tiny notes

🐝 wood-chewer Follow

Hi waspblr! anybody else just loooves building huge nests out of paper?

🐝 pointyqueen Follow

OMG yesssss!!!!! 😊 I make them so so big

🐝 muddauber-unlimited Follow

Paper is for cucks. Use clay instead

🐝 pointyqueen Follow

Ummmm. Kill your self ?

93k tiny notes

πŸͺ° batesianmimic Follow

Hope nobody notices I’m not a real wasp lol

#idk if hymenopteroids think im problematic or whatever lmao #birds think I’m inedible and that’s all that matters

1 tiny note

🐝 yellowjacket03 Follow

time to drown myself in some guy’s drink

108 tiny notes

🐝 parasit-butch Follow

I like to lay my eggs inside a caterpillar so that the babies will have something to snack on πŸ‘

πŸ› juicipillar Follow

Hey! What the fuck is your problem

129 tiny notes

🐝 stingerrr Follow

POOL WATER!!!!!!!!!!!

#what the fuzz how did this get so popular #stop rebuzzing it

240k tiny notes

🐝 worlds-loudest-beast Follow

*loud buzz*

2 tiny notes

🐝 war-colors Follow

Ummmm why did a bird just try to eat me 🀨 do my yellow and black stripes and clearly sharp ovipositor mean nothing to you


54 tiny notes

🟨 bigbighornet-deactivated11162023 Follow

Just found a bee nest! Hooray! Let’s get this bread!

🟨 bigbighornet-deactivated11162023 Follow

So hot in here

56k tiny notes

🐝 the-long-fucker Follow

guess how long my abdomen is

#no matter what number you say you’ll be wrong

0 tiny notes

🐝 waspmomma Follow

Girl help my children are so nutritious how do I defend myself from large predators such as mammals

🐝 stingerrr Follow

just stab them with your ass OP

🐝 waspmomma Follow

Thank you for the advice!!

17 tiny notes

🦑 ravenous-badger Follow


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