
Words in Swedish

@wordsinswedish / wordsinswedish.tumblr.com

Promoting the beautiful language of Swedish using words and pictures with English translation.
Anonymous asked:

Hey, i want to suggest something to you! When you are posting verbs i think it would be better to write only "sova" instead of "att sova", also, i think it would we helpful to also add the "sover" after it. To sleep=att sova is a literal translation Sorry that i'm sending this to as an ask, my tumblr doesn't let me to send you a message . Also i'm afraid to send this to you because i'm not a swedish native and i could be wrong, but iv'e been learning it in an actual class for about 3 years now.

Thank you for the suggestion! I’ve also learned Swedish in an actual class for a few years lol. Maybe it’s personal preference. I think having “att” or ”to” gives the indication that it’s a verb and that’s how I’ve always learned it in language classes (not just Swedish class either). If you give me the word “sleep” by itself with no context, it can be both a noun and a verb. Similarly, one of the last verbs I posted was “att andas”. If it was “andas” by itself, it can actually be a noun too. I think posting “sova” or “sleep” by itself is just kind of meaningless. The “att” and “to” really makes a difference.

I personally would never put only “sover” because there are other important forms too like sovit, sov, etc. I would have to add all of them. I did think about putting conjugations but it would just clutter the page. The point of this blog was just posting pretty pictures–not really to teach the whole language and there are better sites for that tbh.

Anonymous asked:

user @grayhockeyluke22 has been stealing your edits and reposting them. just thought you should know

Thank you for letting me know!! She’s probably just new to Tumblr and doesn’t realize how to do things yet. I’ve reached out to her so hopefully she understands. It’s a good thing I’ve watermarked all my posts too.


Hey, my mum is learning swedish and is looking for series for children with very easy vocabulary. Do you know any? And where can we find them?


Back in the days, I used to really like Bananer i pyjamas (the Australian show) dubbed in Swedish. There’s like a lot of episodes on Youtube. The vocabulary isn’t elementary super easy Swedish but I find the show pretty enjoyable as an adult and the context makes it easy to understand

Followers: please suggest some if you know any!


Hii. I'm doing a presentation about swedish pre-school education and I'm confused about financial things. Like how many parents have to pay and if fee is partly capped by state..? I mean I know you're not from Sweden but I don't know who should I ask


Hello! I found this website that gives the information you might be looking for: https://sweden.se/society/play-is-key-in-preschool/

If anyone from Sweden or knows about it can give us some help, that’ll be awesome!


You guys may or may not know the new Swedish boyband Apollo 5. One of the members, Herman, made this video to teach foreigners basic Swedish and I thought it was pretty funny but also very helpful (even as an intermediate learner). Watch this if you want some tips from the perspective of a young person.

He has a long introduction, so skip to 1:40 for the actual video.

@book anon!!; some Swedes who aren't fluent/haven't had a lot of practice speaking English tend to pronounce L's further back in their mouth with their tongues lightly pressed against the roof of the mouth, (sort of like Russians and Finnish people, I guess, but less heavy) while experienced/native English speakers, who are more familiar with the mouth movements of a more or less flawless accent, pronounce L's with the tip of the tongue right behind their front teeth.
The thickness of this varies from region to region as the L and the R (and the Sch-sound) are, I'd say, the most important consonants when identifying and differentiating between dialects. Some of us also have a problem with the J. Because we don't pronounce the J as 'djay' but rather as 'yi', words like 'just' are often pronounced like 'yust'. The English E-sound in certain words, like 'english' and 'end' (the Eh-sound) is close to our Ä-sound, but still different.
(I can't really explain the Ä but it's more like 'æh' than 'eh') Which, in /some dialects/ makes 'English' sound more like like 'Anglish'. >> Sorry if this is confusing! If you need me to explain this further, or if you want more information on how Swedes from a specific region would sound in English, just go ahead and message me!! (*Via tumblr messenger, please, not my ask box*) I'm a native speaker with a love for languages, and I'd love to help you out!
I could even give you a custom audio file with lines from the book (spoken by me in different dialects), if that'd help. Good luck! - Jupiter<<

This was a message from noachilles for the anon who wanted to know about Swedish people speaking English. Thank you!!

Anonymous asked:

Hi! I'm writing a book where one of my character is Swedish and although I've tried to listen to people talking in Swedish and in English with a Swedish accent I have a very bad ear so if you could tell me about some sound you think are harder for Swedish to say in English it could be very helpful. Thank You

Hey! To be perfectly honest, I don’t actually know. Most Swedish people I’ve seen speak very fluently. They do have an accent, but there’s not any particular sound that really stands out and it’s not difficult to understand. If I were you and writing a book with a Swedish person, I would just write their sentences normally because it wouldn’t do them justice otherwise. That’s just my opinions :)


Hey! I just discovered your blog and I loved it, but can I ask you a favor? I would like you to put some audios of how I can pronounce all those words, I think it would be easier for all of us. Thank you!


Hello! if you’re looking for pronunciation, I would recommend either Forvo or The People’s Dictionary. They have almost all of the words I post on there, while I try to keep this blog mostly about pictures. :)

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