
Goddess Of Duelling; Please Be On My Side!

@kaibaboss-blog / kaibaboss-blog.tumblr.com

[INDIE RP / ASK BLOG FOR SETO KAIBA / PRIEST SET]Multi-ship / Mutli-fandom Friendly | OC Friendly | NSFW friendly | Always accepting M!As | written by ZombieCake

J: Are you signing papers?  K: Mhmm J: …you spelled ‘Kaiba’ instead of ‘Asshole’, be careful.   K: *chuckle*


these were done so fucking quickly tonight it’s 2 AM and I have to be up in just a few hours for a lecture butttttttttttt @kaiba-s-giant-ego requested the idiots after sex and i have a few more i might add in later but for now im gonna go attempt survival pray for me

Just a small update: I have moved in to the new house and have Internet but between work and unpacking things are a little crazy. Hopefully I’ll be back to actual replies soon so I’m sorry for spamming and dropping, but I’m just so tired and flaky right now. As a side note, hooray for randomly being awake at 2:30am when I don’t wanna be… 😩

domestic headcanons meme!

Send a symbol to hear the following about my muse…

☾ Sleeping habits ☼ Favorite time of day ☂ Favorite weather ¿ Term for the TV device, whether it be “clicker”, “remote”, or something else ↪ Internet browsing activities ☹ Response to a leaky faucet or other household problem ♡ What their wedding invitations would look like ☃ What they wear around the house ♆ The worst kind of neighbor they could have, and how they deal with them ♨ Their cooking ability (or lack thereof) ✂ How well they do yardwork (or blow up the lawnmower) ♟ If they like board games, and how good they are at ‘em ✧ How clean their living space is now, and/or would be ideally ♜ Interior decorating aesthetic ♘ Any pets they might have ☗ What you’d find in their cabinets ⚒ What you’d find in their toolshed (if they’d have one) ▀ What they’d hide under the bed ○ What tune their doorbell has, if not a standard ding-dong ☺ What their welcome (or not-so-welcome) mat would say ☻ How late they stay up ♒ If they do their laundry in a timely manner ☆ How they’d throw parties (what would go on at them, refreshments, etc) ✓ What a typical Tuesday night looks like ❥ How they’d invite you home for the night (yes, it could be a pickup line)

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