
Merry Clitoris!


any pronouns, gender is up to audience interpretation 🦞 20 years of age 🦞I leave my Christmas deco up year round

a bottom-tier autistic experience is being told throughout your entire childhood that you are just an overthinker when it comes to social situations and later finding out that your friends did, in fact, hate being around you and tried to communicate that through weird little hints


Art dump………. Dry pussy Pav giggles….. it’s not his fault, he’s a corpse 😔 ALSO I CAN NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR THAT 2ND PAV…. He would not wear that but I was heavily enabled


kabru dunmeshi is basically a chernobyl survivor who was adopted by an eternally young hot white woman who was going to pamper him for his entire life but instead of wanting to be pampered he was like "mom, i need to become a stalker. i need to return to the Zone" and his elf mom was like "nooo the Zone sucks you'll be shot by a bandit" and he was like "no mom i need to go to the Zone and find out what happened" and she was like "fine" and pulled out a machinegun from her days in the Suicide Squad and trained him to kill while firing on him with live ammunition. Then he went to the Zone and immediately got killed by a pack of wild dogs because elf mom only taught him how to shoot other humans


The important thing is that Marcille did not learn to blaspheme against the natural order to save her girlfriend. She just happened to have studied the art of spitting in God's eye for wholly unrelated reasons, and when the opportunity by chance arose to employ that skill in service of girlfriend-saving, she was ready.


I love how Warframe treats some of the wildest elements of its premise as completely unremarkable. A lesser game would never shut the fuck up about how badass it is that you're a space ninja. Warframe is like "yeah yeah yeah we know you're a space ninja, what's important right now is restoring the local wetlands."

Warframe is fundamentally a game about ecological conservation in which you happen to play a biomechanical space killerfreak.

Child of a brutal debt colony whose brain is legally owned by a hypercapitalist cult: "Do you wanna go ride hoverboards with us?"

Member of an ancient mercenary culture, wearing the cloned skin of a legendary historical warrior held together by psychic generational trauma: "Hell yes I do."

Like 30% of the major story beats were caused by a Category 5 Old Man Yaoi Event.


visual gag where someone is thrown against a stained glass window and lands in the exact same pose as the holy figure depicted on it


No one show marcille the lord of the rings okay. She wouldn't fucking survive it without being so Aragorn x arwen pilled shed go crazy


sorry about the blood loss. do you uh. want it back *holds out my red dripping hands awkwardly*

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