binschans reblogged
Sehun ✧ 181214 Music Bank Interview
Sehun ✧ 181214 Music Bank Interview
a truth about lucas 😳
babie enjoying his birthday cake
together we can get through this !
sehun as the colors of the rainbow 🌈 94.04.12
happy sehun day 2018! 🐣 happy birthday to exo’s main dancer, rapper, visual & maknae! words can’t describe how proud i am of you to see how far you’ve gone. you had a dream and you followed it through the end. you’re always working so hard and putting in so much effort to never disappoint fans. from random instalives to a simple wave at an event you never miss an opportunity to interact with fans. to the boy who never fails to make me smile, to the sweetest and the most beautiful angel in the world, and to the one that holds this group together, i hope that this year and the many years to come will bring you lots of happiness and success. never forget that i love you ♡
#exolrevival week 4: favorite stage outfits 🥵
no exo comeback this year 😔
Junmyeon is so meticulous with everything he does that I know FOR A FACT that his album is going to be nothing less than perfection from top to bottom
Rowoon at London Fashion Week for #TOMMYNOW Runway Show 💫