
Liberals Are Cool

@liberalsarecool / liberalsarecool.com

All Progressives welcome! Writing since 2004. Politics. Economics. Social Justice. Truth. Satire. Hope. Woke. 233K total followers. INFP. Hubby. Dada. Son. Brother. Uncle. https://linktr.ee/LiberalsAreCool

Stealing public tax payer dollars to hurt public schools and benefit wealthy private schools is the best way to destroy education and the needs of a community.

Same with Christian Academies. They deserve no public dollars.


Top Republicans agree to be Russians.

There is absolutely nothing American about election denial, especially after you keep losing the popular vote 7 out of the last 8 national elections. [1992, 1996, 2000, 2008, 20012, 2016, 2020]


Judge Cannon wants to catch and kill this case.

A judge appointed by Trump should not have this much influence over a Trump criminal case.

When you elect a grifter...


The Bible is a prop. Taking an oath is theatre.

Trump betrayal is his MAGA super-power. It allows his followers to pretend they can do whatever they want, free of consequence.


Does Trump pick frauds, or does he turn everything into frauds?

Either way, con artist Trump needs fraud to survive.


Judge Cannon wants to catch and kill this case.

A judge appointed by Trump should not have this much influence over a Trump criminal case.


Ted Budd lives off taxpayers.

Ted Budd is on a socialized payroll enjoying socialized benefits working towards a socialized pension performing a socialized job.

Unfortunately, Ted Budd knows this idiotic line of bullshit works on braindead Republicans.


"Thou shall not lie" does not matter to a person who needs lies to exist.

'Needing lies to exist' is the true GOP religion. Spreading the lies is their evangelical mission.

“Hate to Godwin’s Law this, but what if the Berlin Bugle in 1931 said, Hitler may be a threat to democracy, but polls show that most Germans are most concerned about Communism and the Jewish problem. A journalist’s job is not to reflect the polls, but to cover the objectively important stories.”
Source: bsky.app

MAGA uses George Soros every day, at every rally, as an antisemitic dog whistle.

Every neo-confederate, neo-nazi, birther, 3%er, Oath Keeper, and fellow racist cesspool dweller votes for Republicans/Trump.

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