
Blog Of The Chatoyant Collective

@chatoyantcollective / chatoyantcollective.tumblr.com

Chatoyant/chat, collectively. Body is 26. Blogs mostly from mobile.

About us


We are the chatoyant collective.

Here’s a little about us:

  • 24 as of Jan. 2022
  • They/them collective
  • Plural system
  • Quoigenic as in “our trauma is none of your business”. Feel free to call us adaptive, please don’t call us traumagenic.
  • Otherkin and Fictionkin! And therian
  • Host is Rio, co-hosts are Sawyer Cody and Noah.
  • We do not care for the discourse. (To elaborate: we often have opinions on the discourse and may post them. We do not wish to engage in online fights that negatively impact our mental health.)
  • If we don’t want you around I.e. fall into our definition of DNI OR if we fall into your DNI, we block.

Personal Blogs under cut


*smoke emiting from clenched fist*

woman: OOOOoOOH NoO!!!! It’s meelltIINNGG!!

*ring melts off woman’s hand*


woman: *screams like a pterodactyl* 


I read the description and though “surely it’s not actually like that”

The contrast between the unbelievably extra voice acting and the extremely stiff and emotionless animation is what really makes this a masterpiece. 

its back


here's another ant-mimicking jumping spider that I encountered in Singapore: Myrmaplata plataleoides, the weaver ant mimic.

while females look a great deal like their ant models, males (like this one) have massive, exaggerated fangs used in territorial and mating displays, which complicate the disguise. however, ants routinely carry their dead away from the nest, so it's thought that a male M. plataleoides mimics a worker holding another ant—his jaws even have false "eyes" on the ends!

his mimicry was clearly good enough to fool the ants; none of them seemed to take notice even as he repeatedly doubled back to guard his territory instead of heading further up the tree. although mimicry like this is often sensationalized as something insidious or spooky, Myrmaplata has no intention to eat the ants. rather, the spider hides among them for protection: weavers won't eat nestmates, and other predators know that weaver ants bite, spray acid, and attack in hordes. running with the ants might be risky, but he's always alert, watching their every move with his big eyes. what a life that must be, always living on the margins of a colony of hunters that would devour him, yet also keep him alive without ever knowing it

here's some extra info about this species!

the male in this video doesn't actually have venom ducts in those huge chelicerae, and can't subdue his prey with venom like a female would. instead, he's got to just skewer things alive and work with that—that's sexual selection for ya (cited in below)

also, some jumping spiders do eat ants, which means Myrmaplata here might be at risk. to get around this, when they recognize they're being stalked by another spider, Myrmaplata stretch their legs and display in a way no ant ever would, essentially saying "Hey, I'm a spider too!"

this is such a wonderful bit of evolutionary storytelling. sexual selection for huge venomless jaws, mimicry, even "compound" mimicry of an ant carrying her sister's corpse, and a way to drop the disguise when threatened... I wish I could be a Myrmaplata for a while, the things that these creatures must think about!


hey! you shouldnt make jokes calling cis people eggs, especially when they are real living breathing human beings with intelligent thought and critical thinking. if you do, you're weird and i think you should consider the effect your words more often, because as someone who was a very public facing cis person who had a lot of Egg jokes made about me before transitioning, it still makes me fucking sick to think about. it fucked me up so bad that i refused to transition until i quit my job and wasnt under the eyes of people making bets on my psychology. how dare you fucking speak down to me regarding my own identity. how dare you fucking claim to know me better than i know myself.

it is not the privilege of trans people to have their stated gender identity believed, nor is it a sin of cis people to acknowledge their option to transition and still remain cis. make egg jokes about fictional characters, fine. but accusing a stranger of not being the gender they claim to be is not something you get to reclaim when you're trans.

and no, i don't feel better about these jokes now that im out. you dont get to say "i knew it". that is the same exact thing, just played out retroactively.


you heard me say "don't make egg jokes to people who arent out" (a very specific direct action) and decided i meant "don't ever try to help your friends who might be struggling with their gender identity" (a very broad passive action).

damn. damn it is really sad that you want me to be wrong that bad. that you decided that's what i said.


Pour one out for a real one.

Reading up on him, he was a pretty cool guy. He was one of the first people to stand up to John Money about his theories of gender development and position that intersex infants should receive surgery and never be told about it using his abuse of David Reimer as ‘proof’, asserting that Money didn’t have the evidence and standing his ground even when Money straight up started screaming at him. And then later he was proven right when he got into contact with David Reimer, not only discovering proof that Money was wrong but also how abusive and horrific Money had been. He then went on to write advocating for intersex and trans rights and to avoid unnecessary procedures on intersex people without full informed consent and that intersex people are part of natural human variation and that we deserve acceptance and not to be treated like a disorder.

A quote I really like from him: ‘Nature loves diversity, society hates it’



No for real this is a whole webcomic and it’s worth checking out

Also this


It’s an insane series. It started with a joke comic ‘what if scooby doo had a gun’ and developed into a sprawling sci-fi action series with epic fights. The last one I read (current that I know of right now) is a fight between Dexter from Dexter’s lab, fighting Foghorn Leghorn from looney toons.

I’ve read most of this comic and it’s really creative and neat! Super well-drawn too.


there's a lot to hate but i think my least favourite thing about AI generated images is that now every time i see a really cool artwork on the internet, instead of childlike wonder i experience suspicion

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