
am i doing this right?

@sleepymorningmumbles / sleepymorningmumbles.tumblr.com

|| Hen || They/Them || 20s || Avid podcast consumer || occasionally doing some fanart || Twitter: @SleepyMumbling ||

happy aro week (february 20th-26th 2022)! happy aro week to everybody on the spectrum - whether you experience some romantic attraction, or in a different way to most people, or don't experience it at all. whether you're acespec as well, or non-sam aro, or aroallo, or something else. whether you're cool or awesome or both <33 have a great week


also some tumblr/instagram posts, if it’s okay to add:

drawing black people (instagram--the rest are tumblr posts)- color, naturally kinky/curly hair, protective hairstyles

drawing asian people (goes over east, southeast, south asians--LOTS of good resources and tips in the notes from my knowledge)

drawing north american indigenous people (no images, just a textpost, but by an inupiaq person)


exactly eleven months after i heard this song and went absolutely batshit with zolf emotions, i have finished my bones in the ocean animatic! this is the longest i’ve ever consistently dedicated time to a project and i’m immensely happy to be able to share the finished thing with you all! it has spoilers for the entirely of RQG, so proceed with caution! :D


If you had shown me this site in 2005 I would have asked you if had checked your virus software lately, because this looks like a bad one. I would have clicked away so fast it would give you whiplash. Looking at these sites now, I have to convince myself that they aren't virus laden sites and fight against the pavlovian urge to just navigate away.

I navigate away anyways because fuck them, there's usually a better site (though they are dwindling quickly). I still can't get over how the internet "as intended" today looks like a malware ridden fever dream from 20 years ago. This is every story I've ever read about an empire that used to be great and has now fallen into turmoil.

Beloveds, there is a wonderful website that gets rid of all that crap<3

I use the goons with spoons wiki since it also has recipes without all the bs that accompanies them online.


RQG Fanzine available now, for free!

Happy final epilogue day, everyone!

In honor of the Rusty Quill Gaming main campaign coming to a complete close, we’ve decided to release the RQG Zine for free!

Whether you weren’t able to purchase it during our sales period, didn’t get into RQG until after sales ended, or just didn’t know about the zine until now, now’s your chance to view the entire zine (that’s over 200 pages!) for free! The digital merch will remain a purchase exclusive.

The zine boasts 43 artists (including multi-page profiles of each character, multiple locations pieces for each arc, key events, and fic illustrations), 16 authors, 11 craft contributors (including recipes, cross stitch, crochet, a musical arrangement, and more!), and character doodles from some of the artists in the zine. 

We had such incredible contributors, and we know that you’ll love to see all of the content that they created.

Lastly, we would like to once again thank everyone who purchased the zine during our initial sales period. Because of your support, we were able to donate over $4,000 to The Yemen Foundation! 

We hope you enjoy the zine!

(If you have any questions, please message us here!)


These kinds of responses are my FAVORITE. Some examples to answers to this question I have heard:


“Okay, and who’s the president?”

“Obama, no wait, shit *vehemently* fuck, I hate him… what’s his name…”

“It’s okay, you know who he is.”


“Who’s the president?”

“*drunkenly angry and confused* ..uhhhhhhh…Orange… damn it what’s the fuck’s name….

“Yup, good enough.”


“And who’s the president,”

“Not fuckin’ Obama!”

“I feel ya.”


“Who’s the president- wait, nevermind you’re from Korea you said, right? So who’s-“

“Everybody knows that Trump-bitch.”

“Oh, well, alright then.”

5. (My personal favorite)

“Who’s the president?”


“Good enough.”


My roommate is a neurologist and has to do this check all the time. Her all-time favorite so far has been “ay dios mio” during which the woman was vigorously crossing herself.

lol me too , lady


One time I got “that orange fuck” from a very cute little old lady with urosepsis


I have - quite unintentionally - contributed to this phenomenon.

I was waking up from surgery in the post-op observation room, where they kept people before sending them off to the ICU. The nurse was talking to me as I was semi-awake, telling me that as soon as it was ready, I would be sent to room 2008.

I did not hear the word “room”.

I started trying to sit up and get out of bed (entirely unsuccessfully), shouting (mumbling forcefully), “He’s not president yet! I have to warn everyone!”


That’s awesome. Thank you for trying to warn us

i’ve been looking for this post for ages and it finally crossed my dash again

(( *smiles* the post is back))


Paramedics had to stop asking “who’s the prime minister?” in Australia because it changed so often that not knowing the answer wasn’t really all that indicative of anything.

One paramedic reported receiving the answer “I haven’t watched the news today”.

Meanwhile in Germany, the joke goes that a teenager is waking up in a hospital bed, the nurse asks them who the chancellor is and they say, “hang on are you telling me that can change?”


more pose studies :] not As happy with these but whatever i cba to completely redo sasha

[ID: three coloured digital drawings of sasha, hamid and grizzop. from left to right:

the first is sasha doing a contorted handstand on handstand canes. she is a thin white woman with short hair she has her right hand gripping a block on top of a pole, and the left is held out to the side, elbow bent so her hand is pointing upwards. she is shirtless and her back is arched, showing off her now entirely healed back scar of a falcon. her left leg is pointed upwards, toes pointed elegantly, her right leg is bent over to come down near her head, again her tiles are pointed. her hair is greying and she is wearing a pair of grey boxers.

the second is of hamid. he is sat running both hands through his hair in a pair of purple boxers. he is a chubby egyptian halfling with medium brown skin and eye length curly brown hair. he is facing slightly to the left, and has his eyes closed and a smile on his face.

the third is of grizzop hanging in an elegant horizontal position. he is a lean goblin with large ears and dark blue-grey skin. his right hand is extended upwards, gripping a rope. he is shirtless and has a carefree expression of his face, eyes closed with a smile. his left arm is hanging down loosely, his back is arched so his legs are hanging behind his head, left leg raised to be more in shot, with his right foot just peeking out from behind his head. the rope leads down from the top of the canvas, down over his forearm and then snakes under his armpit to hang behind his back. end ID]


Want to learn something new in 2022??

Absolute beginner adult ballet series (fabulous beginning teacher)

40 piano lessons for beginners (some of the best explanations for piano I’ve ever seen)

Basic knitting (probably the best how to knit video out there)

Pre-Free Figure Skate Levels A-D guides and practice activities (each video builds up with exercises to the actual moves!)

How to draw character faces video (very funny, surprisingly instructive?)

Playing the guitar for beginners (well paced and excellent instructor)

Playing the violin for beginners (really good practical tips mixed in)

Color theory in digital art (not of the children’s hospital variety)

Retake classes you hated but now there’s zero stakes:

Calculus 1 (full semester class)

Learn basic statistics (free textbook)

Learn a language:

Russian (pretty good cyrillic guide!)


More about long COVID by a young person with long COVID. Inspired by the stories of hundreds of COVID long-haulers.

A sequel to this comic on my long COVID symptoms.

(ID under the cut)

Reblogging this comic again as my other one is going around again. I think that this one deserves to be seen, too. Thousands of people have responded to my long COVID story and shared their experiences with long COVID. I wish you could read all of them, but I’ve summarized some of it here.

Reblogging December 30, 2021. As of November 2021, up to 50% of people who survive COVID will have long COVID.


Can i just humbly request anyone who listened to the episode that was released by accident not post about it? I dont care if its tagged properly, no one (like me a patreon listener who has no reason to filter these tags bc i normally look at this content!) has prepared to blacklist these tags and will stumble into spoilers without any warning. Dont post about it out of the barest level of respect for your fellow fans


anyone else forget this wasn’t just for happy fun times or….

[Image ID: the Gru’s Plan meme, with the four pictures reading as follows: 1) plan to get rqg trending; 2) get it to the #1 tag; 3) everyone excited for the finale tomorrow; 4) the finale tomorrow. End image ID.]

Anonymous asked:

For the retrospective ask 4 and 15 ?

4. Who was your favorite PC?

Zolf. Zolf Smith.

Honestly, this is both a hard and an easy question. I find that Zolf tends to be on my mind most when thinking about these characters and for many reasons he has ended up being a bit of a comfort character for me. But everyone has, at one point or another, taken the place of Favorite Character. I think Sasha comes in as a close second though

15. Which moments have genuinely made you cry?

Hahaha, hmmmm. Yeah this is a fun one lol. I rarely find myself crying at entertainment media, but god damn. On my first listen I cried at Ancient Rome 4 and 156. Then literally a week after finishing AR4 I balled my eyes out for a good 20 minutes at 174, I had to pause midway through the ep I was so emotional (folks in the discord were so incredibly kind and supportive, sincerest thank yous to those who were there consoling me). Just recently I passed through the 174-177 chunk again in a relisten and, something new that got to me was the Azu/Carter scene. That moment deserves a post on it's own and this is getting a bit long I think (and I have many thoughts and emotions about Carter), but yeah. Those 4 moments really got to me.

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