
I Reblog Stuff


Roo, 19, she/her, a flamboyant bisexual
I write stuff sometimes [DarknightVirgil on ao3]
One of my favorite things it where the aliens freak the fuck out because to them the paladins of voltron are pretty much babys to them and 'holy shit we have children fighting a war'

this photo set gets me every single time. The absolute chaotic narrative of if all. The feral expression of sheer blissful abandon. How much did they already EAT to get so much gooey crumb mess on their face. What even is the PHYSIQUE of this cat?? Spindly slenderman of a creature must, can, and WILL have pink frosting at all costs

Source: twitter.com

If someone posts/reblogs something with a less than ideal source,



Neither of these were anons I got, but I saw them right after eachother (different blogs) and it kind of... irked me a little

also pls be specific about who the person is and what they did that was so unacceptable, its really fucking dickish to just vaguely imply theyre “problematic” and demand you either a) accept unsubstantiated accusations from an anonymous source without a second thought, when theres a lot of people out there throwing out accusations just for shits and giggles, or b) spend all your time trawling through their social media trying to figure it out yourself, which often forces you to actively seek out some really triggering shit


Potential Remus nicknames for Virgil:

  • Raggedy Anx
  • Twilight Spookle
  • Harlot's Web
  • My Little Nightmare
  • Scary Kid Scaring Kids
  • Sweet Sacrifice (bc Evanescence)
  • Virgilicious (definition make them boys go loco)
  • Mason Virgil (a Hannibal movie ref)
  • Sas-squall
  • Versa E-Virge
  • Baby Undead
  • Emoraptor
  • Danny Sidebangs
  • Cindy Lou Boo
  • Mean Day
  • Chelsea Grimace
  • Tempest terror
  • Brothers Grimm
  • Scarecrow
  • Misfit (like the band)
  • And yes I have to add this one because it's my damn icon
Scare Bear
Demi-aspec people: *exist*
Me: 💖💖💘💕💖💗💘💖💗💞💗💕💖💗
Gray-aspec people: *exist*
Me: 💖💓💖💘💕💘💕💖💓💕💓💗💘💓💖💓
Asexual people: *exist*
Aromantic people: *exist*
Me: 💚🖤💚🖤💚🖤💚🖤💚🖤💚
Aspecs of color, neurodivergent aspecs, aspec survivors: *exist*
Me: 👏💕💞💓💖💓💘💕💖💓👏
Anonymous asked:

Hannibal was a weak b*tch for succumbing to nominative determinism. Oh you eat people cause your name rhymes with cannibal? Boo, foh with that shit what kind of spineless puppet are you. I'm going to name my son Brenocide and raise him to be a Zen gardening consultant to flex on the Fates.

How does it feel to be the funniest motherfucker to ever grace my inbox


Signal boost the h e c c out of this. I always forget the differences and its occurring to me that ive been having an anxiety attack for about a week now

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