
Sleeper Room

@sleeperroom / sleeperroom.tumblr.com

Brilliant on the inside.

Damn, save some for the rest of us

This is like the opposite of that dude sliding down a snowy hill with classical music

unstoppable force vs immovable object

starcrossed lovers


a challenger approaches:

these men represent 3 different facets of the physiology of human beings

gas station dude: raw physical power 

classical music guy sliding down a snowy hill without skis: polished intellect

scooter man: unstoppable libido

A knight, a mage, and a bard


This got so good guys I have tears in my eyes.


When you are writing a story and refer to a character by a physical trait, occupation, age, or any other attribute, rather than that character’s name, you are bringing the reader’s attention to that particular attribute. That can be used quite effectively to help your reader to focus on key details with just a few words. However, if the fact that the character is “the blond,” “the magician,” “the older woman,” etc. is not relevant to that moment in the story, this will only distract the reader from the purpose of the scene. 

If your only reason for referring to a character this way is to avoid using his or her name or a pronoun too much, don’t do it. You’re fixing a problem that actually isn’t one. Just go ahead and use the name or pronoun again. It’ll be good.

Someone finally spelled out the REASON for using epithets, and the reasons NOT to.

In addition to that:

If the character you are referring to in such a way is THE VIEWPOINT CHARACTER, likewise, don’t do it. I.e. if you’re writing in third person but the narration is through their eyes, or what is also called “third person deep POV”. If the narration is filtered through the character’s perception, then a very external, impersonal description will be jarring. It’s the same, and just as bad, as writing “My bright blue eyes returned his gaze” in first person.



if the story is actually told through the eyes of one particular viewpoint character even though it’s in the third person, and in their voice, as is very often the case, then you shouldn’t refer to the characters in ways that character wouldn’t.

In other words, if the third-person narrator is Harry Potter, when Dumbledore appears, it says “Dumbledore appears”, not “Albus appears”. Bucky Barnes would think of Steve Rogers as “Steve”, where another character might think of him as “Cap”. Chekov might think of Kirk as “the captain”, but Bones thinks of him as “Jim”. 

Now, there are real situations where you, I, or anybody might think of another person as “the other man”, “the taller man”, or “the doctor”: usually when you don’t know their names, like when there are two tap-dancers and a ballerina in a routine and one of the men lifts the ballerina and then she reaches out and grabs the other man’s hand; or when there was a group of people talking at the hospital and they all worked there, but the doctor was the one who told them what to do. These are all perfectly natural and normal. Similarly, sometimes I think of my GP as “the doctor” even though I know her name, or one of my coworkers as “the taller man” even though I know his. But I definitely never think of my long-term life partner as “the green-eyed woman” or one of my best friends as “the taller person” or anything like that. It’s not a sensible adjective for your brain to choose in that situation - it’s too impersonal for someone you’re so intimately acquainted with. Also, even if someone was having a one night stand or a drunken hookup with a stranger, they probably wouldn’t think of that person as “the other man”: you only think of ‘other’ when you’re distinguishing two things and you don’t have to go to any special effort to distinguish your partner from yourself to yourself.

This is something that I pretty consistently have to advise for those I beta edit for.  (It doesn’t help that I relied on epithets a lot in the earlier sections of my main fic because I was getting into the swing of things.)  I am reblogging this so fanfic writers can use this as a reference.

A good rule of thumb: a character’s familiarity with another character decreases the need for an epithet (and most times you really don’t need one at all).


Good writing advice.


So my cousin’s family almost got taken in by the Pocket Pets sugar glider mill in the past couple days, and I’m still livid. Not at them, but the fucking company. Cousin had the handout they got from the stand & the fucking info….

- Sugar gliders make great pets! No they don’t.

- They get along great with dogs & cats! Sure, if you want a dead sugar glider.

- They’re not considered exotic pets! Are you fucking kidding me, even RABBITS are considered exotic pets you absolute shitstains.

- They’re so easy & cheap to feed with this ~vet-approved~ glider chow! Sure, if you want them to look & feel like shit because kibble is actually completely inappropriate for an animal that mostly eats insects, nectar, sap, fruit, and pollen. They need handmade diets that need a variety of unusual ingredients.

- They’re nocturnal so they won’t miss you while you’re at work! True….and they’ll probably keep you up all night while they jump around their cage & bark at each other. Hope you’re a deep sleeper!

- They can be seen by any vet that sees small animals! Okay, even if that were true, it’s harder than you’d think to find a vet that will see small animals & does so often enough to know more than bare basics. They’re an exotic marsupial from Australia, why the hell do you think any random vet is gonna be well informed on them??

- And the one thing they got right, they need a buddy because they will usually die of depression without a companion. Don’t worry about mentioning that, god forbid you scare customers off from sales.

DON’T TRUST POCKET PETS COMPANY. Sugar gliders do NOT make good pets for most people. They need large cages, glider-proofed environments to explore out of the cage, special diets, and they are loud & messy. They can live 12+ years & are a huge commitment. Never trust stands that sell animals in the mall & make them sound like the perfect pet. They are always ONLY concerned with making money.


Hey, here are some shows you guys should watch my dudes because they are pretty good ;)

-Marvels Agents of Sheild

-Doctor Who

-Marvels Jessica Jones

-Miraculous Ladybug (I mean honestly, it’s a good show)

-The Musketeers (BBC)


-Salvation (CBS)

-The Night Shift


-Stranger Things


-The Office

-Brooklyn Nine-Nine

-The 100

Feel free to recommend any other shows!



House M.D

Stranger things

The good place

The Almighty Johnson’s



Friends from college

Black Mirror

bomb girls

Schitts creek

Travelers (amazing!!!!!)


I found these cool sun/moon combination explanations

You can find your moon sign here.

Tag the title it gives you. (:




As a reader, as a writer, and as a fan I can’t think of a single website that has given me more happiness than Archive of Our Own. Thank you so much to everyone who works so hard to make it such a wonderful place. 


I need to raise $300 for my third grade classroom

My classroom is lacking some basics. I was able to front $150 for some more chapter books, black history picture books, black history chapter books, tissues, and other classroom essentials.

I am also trying to put a “treasure chest” together for little goodies for students when they reach their goals.

A quick reminder - my classroom is in a high needs 99% black school in the inner city. My students come to school without pencils. I’ve lost students due to insufficient housing. In my school district handing a child a piece of blank unlined paper to draw on is unheard of, because we have to pay for almost all of our own paper - but I give my students all the paper they ask for.

I spent my last $150 on classroom materials and will be eating ramen and oatmeal for the foreseeable future. If I can fundraise that money, plus enough to cover more books, composition notebooks, and reading corner materials that were destroyed, it would be life changing. But regardless, I would eat ramen and oatmeal forever if it meant running a better classroom.

One of my students asked if I “loaned the money yet,” for the classroom. I tried to explain the concept of donations to him, but you can show him and the rest of my class better than I can tell them!

Paypal - paypal.me/tiezesty

Cash app - $tiezesty

Folks have been asking if we have a wish list. Here it is: http://www.amazon.com/registry/wishlist/2AG1M7V3WJ8G4

We always need pencils and paper! Treats are used as rewards in conjuction with short term weekly goals and daily goals (as well as Classroom Dojo). Picture books are for read alouds or independent reading. Classroom sets of books are for shared reading and literacy groups.

Let me know if you have any more questions.


if y'all are looking for a new show to binge on Netflix, i highly recommend watching Travelers. don’t sleep on this show people, i’m telling ya. you’re gonna want to watch this one.👌


Seriously go watch NOWww


im still pissed off that birds get to spend their days flying about and cats get to sleep for 16 hours a day and im stuck dealing with capitalism and expectations

If I don’t reblog this, it’s because I’m dead.

I just spit cracker everywhere


i reblog this every time it comes up it brings me so much joy


Wallowing in ritchie holmes this week. How they do snuggle when saving one another.

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