
Lift Princess


🛍I do what you're too scared too 🛍


Alright guys, I’m no biggie lifter. I obviously haven’t pulled off $7,000 heists with the snap of my fingers ( and i seriously respect those who do ). But here are a few tips on how not to get watched for all my youngsters out there. These have all worked for me, but if you wanna debunk them or call bullshit then go ahead; I’m still learning.

Your Outfit- Okay, guys, I know that wearing all black and looking like you’re the grungiest skate kid that ever came out of Kurt Cobains’ ass is the look right now, but please, DO NOT TRY TO PULL OFF A HEIST LOOKING LIKE THIS.  As soon as you enter that S*phora the SA’s are gonna be up your ass. And I get it, it’s hard, looking like an edge lord is my aesthetic too, BUT DON’T FRET, THIS RULE DOES NOT APPLY TO SELECT PLACES. Such places as H*t T*pic, V*ns, Z*mies, T*lly’s, or basically any store where this kind of style is the norm. However, for most stores, try to dress in light colored, cute clothes. If you’re a teenage girl, wearing clothes from f2I is a good idea, but try to focus on the less grungie colors. Like pink (the color not the store). For the love of god, wearing pink as a teenager makes the employees so chill. Who would think that girl in the pink romper would steal a bunch of n*ked p*lettes? Obviously this also doesn’t apply to super fancy stores like M*chael K*rs i and shit, but I’ve never lifted from those kinds of stores where dressing like a goddess is the norm. Either way unless you can really pull off looking like a SUPER rich kid or can somehow make yourself look older I wouldn’t recommend lifting from those kinds of stores, cause as soon as minors enter all the eyes go onto them.

Makeup- Make it match your outfit! Cute, innocent, soft, NUDE. Unless it goes with your aesthetic then don’t go too flashy so that EVERYBODY is gonna be looking at you. But if you’re going to Sephora or Ulta this rule doesn’t apply. When going to these places look like you know what you’re doing! Contour, Highlight, look like even though you’re a kid you invest your allowance in makeup. 

The act- When you enter, act like all the cameras are working and on you. Don’t look up at cameras ( if you just HAVE to then look with your eyes, not your face! ). Don’t look super shaky, don’t look around constantly, OR WANDER AROUND AIMLESSLY. Remember minors are watched more often than adults, so don’t act like a shoplifter. When you come in, know what you want, and act like you know what your doing! Look at decoy items, check the prices, put things in your shopping basket. When you get to what you really want don’t make a big deal about it. Make it look like any other item you picked up. If an employee asks if they can help you then say you’re just browsing or looking for a specific brand that you know they don’t carry, then they’ll leave you alone. However if employees won’t leave you alone or you see someone constantly following you as discretely as possible dump your shit and leave. It’s not worth your reputation to get caught. I know your first few lifts will make you terrified and nervous, and you may break some of these rules, but just breathe, chew gum, do whatever makes you calm down. 

Concealing- If youre 13 and lugging around a big ass purse then that’s super sus. Instead, use cheap yet still cute purses in colors that aren’t black because some stores are starting to catch on that most lifters use black bags (purses from ch*rming ch*rlies are pretty good!). Also, DONT CARRY AROUND A BACKPACK. THAT IS THE SUSSEST THING OF ALL TIME ESPECIALLY FOR MINORS. Personally, however, I don’t even use purses/bring them unless I’m getting a bunch of stuff! I conceal on person by stuffing everything in my pants, bra, etc., (not pockets though). So if they ask to check your bag, they won’t find anything PLUS you’re a minor so they aren’t gonna pat you down or make you take your clothes off. And if they do you can sue them for sexual harassment haha. This is just how I like to do it though, and it always works. When its cold out I wear a huge PINK sweatshirt with no hoodie or pockets. I’ve made off with over $300 worth of makeup just by shoving everything under it.

I might think of more later but thats all i have now. I hope this is somewhat useful and if anybody would like to add on that’d be great.


Attention all shoplifters! I went to a mall for the first time and noticed the stores didn’t have sensors so I thought I could just take a bunch of stuff without worrying about tags. But a girl walked in and an alarm went off. I was confused and looked around and noticed that there are sensors on the ceiling that I never would have known about if it wasn’t for that girl. Pure luck.


Anonymous asked:

hi :) do you have any master posts or know of any for beginners?

Alright here goes. First a key of all the lingo

SA- Sales associateLP/AP- Loss preventionCS- Customer serviceSus- suspiciousBlindspot- a location out of view of cams/sa/and other customersHaul-all your lifted goodiesLift/lifted/lifting- steal/stolen/stealingliftblr- shoplifting tumblrconceal- hide merchandise on your body or with your own belongings with the intent of stealing itRFID- radio frequency identification tags (they make the alarms go off and tell the sa exactly what you stole)

Alright now onto the basics:

START SMALL. I cannot stress this enough honestly. Do not think you have to start out lifting MK purses, NAKED palettes, and other really expensive things. If you feel comfortable starting out with drug store products you go right ahead boo. It’s not a race to see who can get what in the shortest amount of time since starting lifting. I’ve been lifting for 8 or 9 years and I still haven’t gotten an MK purse.

STAY A LITTLE NERVOUS. I’m not saying look mad sus because you look like you’re stealing and checking around every two seconds to make sure no one is even looking your way. Just be nervous enough to pay attention to what’s going on around you.

DO NOT LOOK LIKE YOU’RE AVOIDING SAS. Alright? They can see if you’re TRYING to avoid them and they’ll know what’s up. You don’t want that. So if you see an SA or even LP coming your way smile politely and almost shyly and if they ask if you need any help say “No I’m fine thank you so much though :)))” Politely dismissing them like this will help them to believe you know what you’re looking for.

DON’T LOOK SUS. Don’t wear baggy clothing. Don’t wear clothes that draw attention to you. Don’t have your hair dyed some insane color. Just try to blend in with the people that shop at that store and be FORGETTABLE. You don’t want them to recognize you next time right?

DON’T GO TO A STORE MORE THAN TWICE EVERY TWO WEEKS. Now I’m guilty of not listening to this one heh. Only with stores I know I won’t be really noticed going to more than once or if I go with different people who are buying things.

DO NOT GET GREEDY. I can’t stress this one enough either. Don’t go in with a seemingly empty purse and leave with it about to burst at the seams alright? That’s stupid and just trying to get you caught.

DO NO BE SLOPPY. No concealing on cams, no concealing in front of ANYONE (unless you have a lifting partner, they are the only exception to this. Other than that? NO ONE)

CHECK FOR TAGS ON EVERYTHING. I mean EVERYTHING. Look all over the packaging, open it and check inside it if you can. I’ve done this before. If you do this and an SA asks what you’re doing just say “oh i bought one of these before and the shade in he box was a completely different one than on the outside so I was double-checking it :))” Remember to be polite and smile.


KEEP TRACK OF HOW LONG YOU ARE IN A STORE. Try hard to not spend more than 20 minutes in a store. (There are exceptions to this like very large stores where you may or may not see the same SA more than once.)

Alright now for tagsThere’s a post on my blog somewhere covered in info about tags. I’ll link it I just don’t have the link as I write this out.

WHERE TO CONCEALDressing rooms are my favorite place to conceal, but when those are unavailable I’ll shop my way into a blindspot and shop my way back out, concealing while in that blindspot. If someone is in that spot I’ll usually seem to be looking for something until they leave, if they’re there for more than five minutes though seem like you gave up on finding that item and shop your way back out. You can also make your own blind spot with your body by crouching. This doesn’t seem sus if there are things on a bottom shelf or on the floor even. Though if there is a camera at both ends of the aisle make sure you have a partner or display to block one of the cameras and use yourself to block the other one. I will also only conceal on cam using the phone method, place a small product you want in your and put your phone over that and put your phone in your bag and leave it and the product behind in your bag.

NOW ON TO IF YOU SET OFF THE TOWERS WHICH CAN HAPPEN NO MATTER HOW CAREFUL YOU ARE.If you set off the towers, seem busy and keep walking. Nine times out of ten you’ll be okay. I have stepped back and looked like a dear in headlights at the sa and they all just shrugged and waved me out of the door but I would not recommend doing that because it was honestly the most terrifying ten seconds in my entire fucking life I thought I was going to jail right then and there.

I think thats everything if you want to know more please ask.


But this deserves more notes kiddos

for my beginners out theređź’—

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