
Who Ya Gonna Call? Me, I Hope


Chronicling my ghost hunting adventures as well as sharing others' paranormal experiences. see the my investigation tag for my investigations! I (usually) follow back from my main

The Ghost of Mordecai House North Carolina

This historic house, in Raleigh, North Carolina, dates back to 1785. Five generations of the Mordecai family lived here until the property was willed to the capital city in 1964.

The Mordecai House is the oldest building in Raleigh.

Today it is a part of a public park that sits off Mimosa Street near downtown Raleigh.

Many of the Mordecai family possessions remain in the home.

This is why people believe the homes’ resident ghost is Mary Willis Mordecai Turk who lived there from 1858 until her death in 1937.

It is said she loved to play her piano, throw parties and show off her beautiful home.

It is known Willis died in the house, but it is not known which room.

Her apparition is seen wearing a grey 19th-century dress. She is heard playing her 1800s piano that remains in the downstairs drawing room.

When this piano is played no one is seen sitting on the bench, but visitors report seeing a “grey mist” hovering near this instrument.

Her apparition is seen in the homes’ hallways and late at night witnesses have seen her standing on the front balcony.

One former male worker at the home reports that he saw various items move on their own. He also heard phantom footsteps upstairs.

Ghost teams that have investigated the home state they felt an overwhelming sense of sorrow at the top of the stairs.

This might be connected to the fact, that after the Civil War during Mary’s time in the home, the Mordecai family lost their fortune.

An old photograph of Mary Willis remains. It tips over whenever Mary is displeased or doesn’t approve of something happening in the home.

The Mordecai House is considered one of North Carolina’s most haunted. One episode of the television series, Ghost Hunters, featured it.

A Ghost Guild, Inc. team member, Nelson Nauss, while doing a recent spirit box session in the home asked the spirit, “Do you want me to stay or do you want me to leave.” The ghost replied by stating a firm “leave” several times.


Mylings are child-like ghosts found in Scandinavian folklore. Mylings are described as child-like ghosts who are said to be the souls of unbaptized children who haunt the place they died. Mylings are believed to be children who were born out of wedlock and abandoned in a desolate place which caused them to become angry in death. Mylings are said to hop on a persons back and demand to be brought to a cemetery so they can rest. When the person nears the cemetery, the Myling is said to grow larger and heavier and if the person is unable to carry the Myling any further, the Myling will kill the person in rage.


So in the newest episode of Buzzfeed Unsolved I think a FBA (full body apparition) appears at the bottom on the stairs!!

You can see it at 20:43 to 20:45, make sure you slow down the video it goes by pretty fast.

Although it could be a statue you can clearly tell there's a prominent silhouette, so obviously someone or something is standing there.


Famous Female Ghost: Kuchisake-Onna

From the spirits of famous female historical figures, to the girlish ghouls of urban legend, female ghosts are some of the scariest spirits out there. In fact, stories about female ghosts can be found across the globe, and many of these international tales of terror have chilling similarities. For instance, why do so many places have stories about women in white, or vanishing hitchhikers? These connections make us wonder what universal trauma or shared truth has made these stories take root in our collective consciousness.

Regardless, we know one thing for sure: these female phantoms are capable of chilling us to the bone. Step aside, ghost bros: these lady wraiths are redefining the scare game.


The Kuchisake-onna, also known as the Slit-Mouthed Woman, is a Japanese ghost who terrorizes children. She is said to wear a face mask, which she removes when she approaches her victim, revealing a smile that has been grotesquely slit. She then asks the child, “Do you think I’m beautiful?” If they answer no, she kills them; if they answer yes, she gives them a mouth just like hers. The best answer to give the Slit-Mouthed woman, should you be unfortunate enough to cross her path? Just run for your life.


*if you don’t believe in ghosts please move on*

attention paranormal tumblr how do i make sure a spirit follows me when i move?? call me crazy or whatever lol but last month i think i discovered a ghost cat living in my home. i am somewhat of a superstitious person; it messes with my lights/wiring as well as use the litter box from time to time. things knock themselves off my shelves all the time, the most recent a 2 pound jar of sugar of the edge of my microwave (it was literally so random and wild) and a butter dish. i always mistake it for my own cats being mischievous but it’s never actually anything. if this is my previous cat I’d like to know and make sure he comes along with me (it’d be a lot of comfort knowing he’s around), or any ghost cat really. i’ve really come to be fond of it!

tl;dr ghost cat lives in my home and i love him. how do i make sure it sticks with me and not some rando ghost?


#Hikers at Roan Mountain in #Mitchell #County, #NorthCarolina often report experiencing a strange #paranormal phenomena known as the #Phantom #Choir of #Roan #Mountain, which some describe as a beautiful choir singing in the distance. Others, however, report that the choir sounds like the screams of one hundred men being painfully tortured.

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Greenville’s Haunted Herdklotz Park

Between 1930 and the early 1950s, the Greenville County Tuberculosis Hospital treated hundreds of patients suffering from tuberculosis. Several patients succumbed to the deadly disease, though it’s not clear just how many never made it home.

After closing for good sometime in the 1950s, the South Carolina hospital sat largely abandoned until a fire ravaged the building in 2002. Before its fiery demise, people exploring the old building claimed to hear screams, sobs, and footsteps pounding down empty halls. And locals say the ghosts are still there.

Though the building is long gone, legend has it that deceased patients now haunt Herdklotz Park which stands where the hospital once did. In Haunted South Carolina, author Alan Brown reports that visitors hear a number of strange sounds on the playground, including banging, screaming, and the clanging of unseen bells. At night, people spot shadows flitting in the darkness. In fact, some people living near the park claim these shadowy beings enter their homes after dark.

Reports of pools of blood also surround Herdklotz Park. In Haunted Hospitals of the South, author Randy Russell writes:

“All that is left of the former sanatorium is a few puddles that turn red with blood after a rain. The puddles are located near a memorial bench in Herdklotz Park. Locals suggest the blood is from patients who died at the TB hospital, and that the park bench stands on the site of the institution’s former morgue.”


“We used to live in a pretty old house from about the late 1800s or early 1900s. Keep in mind that I don’t typically believe in spirits, but my sister does and claims to be very perceptive and sees them often. 

It started out with just hearing creaks and footsteps, until one night at dinner, my sister’s eyes went completely blank. She started sobbing and talking about how she could “see her” and “she was trying to get in”. This freaked us all out a bit, but my sister is prone to panicking so we figured it might just be that. After this event, she couldn’t remember anything except the feeling of pure terror from that moment. 

A few days later, we heard a series of crashes. My sister keeps all her figurines and trinkets lined up on her windowsill, and something had knocked them all down in a domino-esque fashion while she’d been sleeping. She slept on a cot in my room from then on, with the door closed, but we’d hear banging on the door from the other side often. At one point, we left the door open, and I woke up with something sleeping next to me. I thought it was my dog until I looked up and nothing was there except for a dent on the bed like someone was laying down. I pushed the thing off and the dent went away. 

We had multiple people sleep over and claim that a little girl had gotten in bed with them. Some of them even asked if one of us had slept in their bed. After all this, we decided to research our house, and it turned out that a little girl was brutally killed by a man who used to live in our house in the early 1900s. A few days before we moved out (for unrelated reasons), I went up to my room to get my boxes. I saw a weird shadow and I heard a voice as clear as my own saying ‘it hurts, make them leave, kill them’ and other things like that. I said it was okay and it was over now before running down the stairs. 

Creepy ass Victorian houses. Damn.”


I played Patsy Jefferson at her house, and her spirit said hello

“A couple years back, Monticello had their first reenactment and I was chosen to play Patsy Jefferson, their eldest daughter. So after the first one of the weekend, one of my fellow reenactors takes me to explore the places under Monticello, and at one point, he takes a picture of me where the light shows me perfectly, no shadows, no nothing, but the rest is dark. 

After he takes the picture, we look at it to find shadows on my face that weren’t there before, they also looked like a skeletal face had covered mine. It still amazes us to this day.”


Paranormal Investigators: okay ghost give us a sign so we know that you’re here

The Ghost: *moves a chair, taps on the wall a couple of times, dabs*

Paranormal Investigations: tHeRe iS EVil In tHiS HoUSE we have to leave now!!

The Ghost:


I’m thinking about starting a paranormal investigation group of sorts with some of my friends, but only investigate using older forms of divination like the pendulum, Ouija board, tarot, runes, diving rods, etc. rather than modern technology. We’d probably try to make it a web series of sorts that we update as we can, with our busy schedules it may be a struggle, but that’s something I haven’t seen done before and would be interested in trying myself.

I’d like to hear the thoughts and opinions of my followers on this and whether or not it’s something you’d be interested in seeing as well.


Hauntings According to Spiritism

First things first, in Spiritism we really hesitate to call places “haunted”. As a philosophy it has always sought to create calm, rational adherents, who are able to approach the spirit world with peace of mind rather than fear. One of the big questions that came up for budding Spiritists early on was that of haunted places, and whether we should be afraid of such locations. Allan Kardec in The Mediums’ Book encourages readers to rationally think through what exactly goes into a haunting. What is present? How is it affecting you or the family who lives in the place? And how are you able to help resolve the issue? There are many approaches to hauntings that we can look at through the lens of Spiritism, but below are just a few mentioned in detail in chapter nine of The Mediums’ Book.

What Creates a Haunting?

A haunting usually refers to what are called “spontaneous manifestations” meaning noises (raps, scrapes, voices, etc.) that seemingly appear at random in a location but have an intelligent origin. This is often tested through the use of questions, whereby the entity will be asked to rap out a certain pattern for letters or “yes/no” type answers. Today there are a whole host of other methods employed by paranormal investigators, but the same basic idea still exists and that is verifying the origin of certain “explainable” noises.

Kardec goes on to say that historically such noises would automatically create fear for people. Rightfully so, I’d say. I’ve lived in houses with such spontaneous manifestations and it can drive you nuts if you don’t have an explanation. But Spiritists would say not to worry about it, that such manifestations, along with others like moving furniture, or throwing objects, are often the result of a spirit that is “acting out” so to speak. They become like a toddler who is trying to entertain themselves by annoying their parents to no end. A situation like this doesn’t warrant fear, but patience more than anything. Answering the question of the origin of hauntings, Kardec’s channeled spirit has this to say:

It has grown out of men’s instinctive belief in spirit manifestations, a belief that has prevailed in all ages of the world; but, as I said just now, the aspect of lugubrious places strikes the imagination, and men have naturally located, in such places, the beings whom they have regarded as supernatural. This superstitious belief is upheld by the fanciful imaginings of your poets, as well as by the nonsensical stories told to you in the nursery. ~Allan Kardec The Mediums’ Book, 9:5

The hauntings we see now through the media always create a much more intense experience than normally anyone would ever have. They create houses that actually kill people, and demonic ghosts that are forever following certain people around. Kardec even addressed this notion in his works, telling us that ghost stories are almost always inflated versions of real events. We see this at play with eye-witnesses all the time, where their story grows and develops new facets the longer the person keeps telling it. That’s not to say all stories of hauntings are lies, of course not. Most are likely based on some example of a spontaneous manifestation that was allowed to build and build in the minds of the witnesses until it became something far bigger than the reality of the situation.

What Places Can be Haunted?

For Spiritists like Kardec this was a ridiculous question to ask. He urged readers to think about how many spirits they are surrounded by on a daily basis. If we had in mind that all locations containing ghosts are haunted, then everywhere we stepped would be defined as such. Spirits are everywhere, and most only really ever notice their presence when they become noisy by way of spontaneous manifestations. Essentially any location can produce these experiences, regardless of its age, or whether it was abandoned or “ruined”. Now, that said, I will mention that in my experience the more likelihood that a location is filled with errant or lower level spirits does tend to increase the chance that those spirits will be noisy. Take old prisons, for instance, where you’ve amassed a large number of executed individuals who might now act as “haunting spirits” until they are convinced to elevate. This still doesn’t created a haunted building in the way the media would like to portray, and should be approached with the same levelheadedness and skepticism as any other location. Spirits also can attach themselves to certain locations that they are familiar with, say a childhood home, or a school, etc. But again, these are lower level spirits who are still fixated on materialism, still connected to their former life.

What are the circumstances that may attract spirits to a given place? “Their sympathy with persons who frequent that place, and, in some cases, the desire to communicate with them. Their motives, however, are not always so praiseworthy inferior spirits may desire to revenge themselves on persons against whom they have a grudge. Sojourn in a fixed locality may be, also, a punishment inflicted on them especially if they have committed a crime there, so that the crime may be constantly before their eyes.” ~Allan Kardec The Mediums’ Book, 9:9

Along these same lines, Kardec explains that spirits can’t possibly be attached to certain times or days (he mentions midnight, but I’d also like to add Halloween) as they are beyond the sense of time after losing their mortal bodies. Now, we do sometimes see lower level spirits that appear at certain times to recreate some event that they’ve become fixated on in death. This is actually rare, though, and Kardec warns to investigate such cases to make sure its not just a spirit playing a game. As far as night versus day goes, Kardec explains that spirits are sometimes easier to see at night because of the nature of their perispirit, or spirit shell, but that essentially spirits can manifest any time of the day.

…days and hours are measurements of time for the use of men, and for the needs of corporeal life; spirits have no need of any such measurements, and take very little heed of them. ~Allan Kardec The Mediums’ Book, 9:6

How Do We Get Rid of Haunting Spirits?

It’s wrong to think that you might be “getting rid of” a certain spirit that has been particularly nosy or troublesome. It’s more that there is a way of quieting the spirit, or also helping them to elevate, whereby they then realize that being annoying is of no use to them at all. Kardec encourages talking to the spirits to identify whether they are:

  • tricksters, that make trouble for their own enjoyment
  • suffering spirits, that might have issues you can help resolve
  • guardians, that simply want to watch over the location and those who frequent it

The process of discovery is often a difficult one, but even without the aid of a medium, an ordinary individual can assess a “haunting” by talking aloud and talking often to the spirits present. Some would say this only encourages the ghosts to continue, but in the case of trickster or frivolous spirits, this will sometimes make them realize they haven’t tricked you and they with quiet down or move on. Some spirits enjoy playing games, so laughing at them when a manifestation occurs can sometimes show the spirit that they’ve been heard.

Spirits who come without any evil intention may also manifest their presence by rendering themselves visible, or by noises ; but the noises they make never degenerate into racket. They are often suffering spirits whom you may relieve by praying for them; they are sometimes kindly spirits, who desire to show you that they are near you ; or they may be frivolous spirits, who are only in sport. Since these who disturb you are, almost invariably, spirits in search of amusement, the best thing to do is to laugh at them they will tire of playing pranks, if they see that they neither frighten nor vex you. ~Allan Kardec The Mediums’ Book, 9:14

In most cases, unless the witness has a more level head about the situation, a case of “haunting” immediately warrants an exorcism, even if it’s just through the burning of sage to “drive away negative spirits” as I always hear. For Spiritists, the use of exorcism formulas or spells to send away ghosts is nothing more than wishful thinking, really. Imagine what you might do if you were just walking down the street and someone started yelling an exorcism formula at you. You’d probably think, “What the hell?” and just walk off, right? Most people wouldn’t react in any way other than to be confused and concerned when something like that happens, I imagine. The same goes with spirits, who tend to be more human than we give them credit. When faced with an exorcism or spell they simply laugh, or roll their eyes, or retreat away, confused by the situation. Kardec tells us that you can do much more through talking with the spirit than just reciting banishing formulas. By talking and listening you might be giving the spirit something they never had in life. Your actions could very well help them to elevate. And all it takes is some patience and kindness.

“That’s easy to say when there’s a demon in your house!” some might exclaim. Is it difficult to show patience and love in the face of evil? Yes, of course it is. But is it impossible? Certainly not. As humans we have the unique ability to passively effect the spirit world simply by our demeanor. By remaining as a calming influence in the world around us, and by surrounding ourselves with higher level spirits as protectors and guardians, we are actually able to transform those errant entities around us. Without even knowing it we might be helping countless spirits to elevate by simply being calm and happy within ourselves. And remember! The traits of the higher order spirits, that direction we are all progressing towards, is altruism, meaning love for and the want to help others without necessarily experiencing that sentiment back.

Is there any method of expelling them? “Yes; but most frequently what people do for that purpose attracts rather than repels them. The best way of expelling bad spirits is to attract good ones, by doing all the good you can; the bad ones will then go away, for good and evil are incompatible. Be always good, and you will have only good spirits about you.” – Many very good people, however, are greatly annoyed by the persecutions of bad spirits. “If persons thus annoyed are really good, the annoyance may be a trial to exercise their patience, and to excite them to greater goodness.” ~Allan Kardec The Mediums’ Book, 9:13

The Winchester House

Once the personal residence of Sarah Winchester, the widow of influential businessman William Wirt Winchester. Renowned for it’s size, the Queen Anne Style Late Victorian mansion has had 160 rooms, 2,000 doors, 10,000 windows, 47 fireplaces, 13 bathrooms, and 6 kitchens.

After her husband’s death from tuberculosis in 1881, Sarah Winchester inherited more than $20.5 million and nearly fifty percent ownership of the Winchester Repeating Arms Company, giving her an income of $1,000 per day. Equivalent to more than $23,000 a day in today’s currency.

Sarah believed she was haunted by the ghosts of those killed with Winchester rifles. She believed she had to use her inheritance to fund the never ending construction of her home to appease the spirits. Since 1923, when the house opened to the public, workers and guests have recounted strange experiences. Stories of creaking floorboards and rattling doorknobs. The sounds of heavily breathing and unexplainable footsteps. Several visitors have claimed to see a ghostly apparition of a carpenter wearing heavy coveralls.

All of the experiences are that of alleged hauntings. All old houses have haunting memories of times past. The Winchester House has plenty of spooky potential.

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