
manic pixie dream femboy

@silverjirachi / silverjirachi.tumblr.com

πŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈπŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ | fic writer & occasional artist. you can call me silv! follow my legend of zelda sideblog @sheikah-simp or my pokemon series @the-dead-sea-trilogy I do let's plays as well as other general fandom nonsense on my youtube channel [AO3] [Current WIPs] [Ko-Fi]
i live in the back rooms.

Yearly reminder to everyone trying to find alternatives to tumblr/social media in general: go make a Neocities account and teach yourself basic HTML and post your art/writing/shitposts there.

It does take extra time to set up (but there are templates out there!) but it is so so worth it to have a site that is 100% YOURS!

You don’t even have to be that good at coding. I’m not. My site is not very accessible via mobile devices but that is fine with me (keeps me off my phone) but there are plenty of ways to make your site mobile friendly. There are plenty of bare bones/accessible sites I adore purely for the media on it.

Imagine having your site on your phone and showing someone- hey! I coded this from scratch. And I didn’t even have to pay a company like squarespace. All your images, links, writings, in one place. I have my fandom edits, memes, fanart, and custom graphics there.

Neocities has a very bare bones follower and comment system, but you can disable this if you want your site to truly abstain from any social media-isms. I use it because its a great way to meet other webmasters and get help with coding problems. Neocities isn't an exact replacement for Tumblr (no reblogging here) but html coding is an invaluable skill to know, as is keeping a personal website in this day in age.

The awesome thing about having your own website is if, god forbid, Neocities goes down, you can move your site to any other number of hosting platforms (like Teacake.org). Your site is truly YOURS, and no one else (shitty tech CEO cough cough) can take it away from you.

If you need help getting started, I recommend checking out sadgrl.online. (More links to resources in the comments section of this post).

I know neocities has been talked about before, especially within my follower circle, but I thought I'd bring it up again for anyone unaware of this awesome platform.


This a a reminder to not fall victim to the sunk-cost fallacy. Just because you invested time and energy into something, does not mean you should indefinitely waste more time and energy on it, if you decide it’s not what you want anymore. This goes for anything, from books, to relationships, to jobs, to hobbies, etc.

If it’s not serving you anymore, move on.


This is honestly one of the places I find Marie Kondo's advice most helpful. I stop, look at the thing I've spent time and money on only to realize I dislike, and I say, "Thank you for teaching me something about myself and my preferences. I think I've learned this particular lesson and we can part ways now."

And then I don't feel like I "wasted" things or made a mistake. I just tried one path of learning about myself, learned something, and now it's time for a different path. Works a lot better for my brain.


One of the quotes I think about pretty much nonstop is a frequently misattributed translation but I love it: β€œWe must be ready at any moment to sacrifice what we are for what we may become.” (Charles Du Bos, not Charles Dubois, apparently.)

Can’t do that if you can’t let go!


wait you understand that kinks are ok because they're fantasies that make you happy right? you all get that you don't need to have trauma for your kinks to be okay? right? like none of you think i witnessed a tragic accident on the pool toy assembly line right?

like "some people work through their personal issues with kink" was a good first step for some of the class that were struggling but i think now we're ready for "things that don't hurt anyone and make people happy are okay even if you personally think it's icky"




At the annual Houston RenFest we’d always get one or two furries that walk around and every time the general reaction from the medieval roleplayers is akin toΒ  β€œBEASTS? BEASTS THAT WALK LIKE MAN? FOUL!” 

Last time I went a furry volunteered for an impromptu conversion/exorcism and a guy dressed as a monk gathered a bunch of people and using a Gatorade bottle performed an entire catholic christening while reading off the instructions on his Ipad. When the furry was fullyΒ β€œconverted” he removed the head of his costume and everyone in the crowd pretended to freak out and say shit likeΒ β€œGlORY BE HE IS SAVEDβ€Β β€œCHRIST HAS BROKEN HIS CURSE”

That’s the best crap i’ve heard in months

have I mentioned that i’m fucking in love with humankind


like ok i get when i was writing a silly hee hee hoo hoo ha ha story about my tiefling bard forever ago, i understood the inherent appeal of that, and yeah i still wanna make that a thing some day but would anyone be interested in reading a story about a big asshole finding a group of even bigger assholes and having to save the world with them. if it helps, he has. A Gun.

it starts with *guy about to die being threatened with a knife by three of the FBI’s most wanted but then time stops and he flips his incredibly sexy hair*

β€œhey. you’re probably wondering how i ended up here.”


like ok i get when i was writing a silly hee hee hoo hoo ha ha story about my tiefling bard forever ago, i understood the inherent appeal of that, and yeah i still wanna make that a thing some day but would anyone be interested in reading a story about a big asshole finding a group of even bigger assholes and having to save the world with them. if it helps, he has. A Gun.


NASA advertising "do you want to be an astronaut" to tumblr users surely means something. What have you found out there, NASA? What have you found that you believe tumblr users, specifically, are best equipped to handle?

they want us to fuck the aliens

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