
Learn the most useless language: Dutch

@join-the-dutch-clan / join-the-dutch-clan.tumblr.com

Hi everybody, welcome to my blog. As the title says, on this blog you can learn Dutch. || Feel free to ask me a question! I'd love to answer it. Questions about explaining grammar or making a vocabulary list might take a little longer (so thanks in advance for your patience). || Turn on notifications if you don't want to miss a post :D || I'm open for doing a langblr collab || E-mail: join.the.dutch.clan@gmail.com || Header image: Albert Dros

Hi everyone! 

As you guys know I am trying my best to provide good content for Dutch learners and enthusiasts. I will always keep this content free, because I find it important that everyone, no matter their income, has the opportunity to learn my language. 

Since Tumblr does not offer any opportunity to make money from advertisements, I have decided to make a ko-fi. If you like my content and wish to support me in a monetary way, you can buy me a coffee (2 euros) on this website. That said, of course I appreciate every single one of you guys no matter if you donate or not! 

Anonymous asked:

4, 6, 29!

4. Favourite dish specific for your country?

  • Beschuit met muisjes (we eat this when a baby is born)
  • Zuurkoolschotel
  • Patatje Joppie & Patatje oorlog
  • Not really a dish, but oliebollen

6. Most hated song in your native language?

Anything by Frans Bauer and De Toppers

29. Does your region/city have a beef with another place in your country?

Not that I know

Thank you!


questions 1 and 5 c:


1. Favourite place in your country?

Omg, there are so many, but here is a small list:

  • Bronkhorst: small village with middle ages vibe.
  • Giethoorn: much tourism, but so so pretty. Lots of water and farms. And there is a tiny hidden book shop a little outside of the city.
  • Utrecht (city): it kinda looks like Amsterdam, but way less tourism and the whole atmosphere is just so cosy and warm.
  • Schiermonnikoog: island with lots of nature.
  • Groningen (city): great for shopping in my opinion.
  • Blokzijl: if you like old harbour cities, you'll love this!

5. Favourite song in your native language?

Currenly "Het is al laat toch" by Racoon

Anonymous asked:

For the "hi, I'm not from the US" ask:

11 & 17

Thank you for your ask! <3

11. Favourite native writer/poem?

Favourite poem: De Dapperstraat - J.C. Bloem

Favourite writers: Bernlef, Paul van Loon 

17. Are you interested in your country's history?

I have to say I do not find our history all that interesting. I'm sure there must be interesting parts somewhere lol, but never made the effort to really get into it.

(I do try to read about our colonial past to educate myself on it.)


“hi, I’m not from the US” ask set

given how Americanised this site is, it’s important to celebrate all our countries and nationalities - with all their quirks and vices and ridiculousness, and all that might seem strange to outsiders.

1. favourite place in your country?

2. do you prefer spending your holidays in your country or travel abroad?

3. does your country have access to sea?

4. favourite dish specific for your country?

5. favourite song in your native language?

6. most hated song in your native language?

7. three words from your native language that you like the most?

8. do you get confused with other nationalities? if so, which ones and by whom?

9. which of your neighbouring countries would you like to visit most/know best?

10. most enjoyable swear word in your native language?

11. favourite native writer/poet?

12. what do you think about English translations of your favourite native prose/poem?

13. does your country (or family) have any specific superstitions or traditions that might seem strange to outsiders?

14. do you enjoy your country’s cinema and/or TV?

15. a saying, joke, or hermetic meme that only people from your country will get?

16. which stereotype about your country you hate the most and which one you somewhat agree with?

17. are you interested in your country’s history?

18. do you speak with a dialect of your native language?

19. do you like your country’s flag and/or emblem? what about the national anthem?

20. which sport is The Sport in your country?

21. if you could send two things from your country into space, what would they be?

22. what makes you proud about your country? what makes you ashamed?

23. which alcoholic beverage is the favoured one in your country?

24. what other nation is joked about most often in your country?

25. would you like to come from another place, be born in another country?

26. does your nationality get portrayed in Hollywood/American media? what do you think about the portrayal?

27. favourite national celebrity?

28. does your country have a lot of lakes, mountains, rivers? do you have favourites?

29. does your region/city have a beef with another place in your country?

30. do you have people of different nationalities in your family?

Ok but this actually kinda fun! Because we have so many users here that do not live in the USA. So, to all my fellow Europeans please answer or reblog, I want to see where you guys live and what are the places I can potentially travel to when the pandemic is over. 

Looks interesting. Feel free to ask!


Tigray Genocide vocabulary in Dutch

Based on this post, translated by @join-the-dutch-clan!

Ethiopië - Ethiopia Eritrea - Eritrea Tigray (regio) - Tigray Region Irob - Irob Tigrinya - Tigrinya Volksbevrijdingsfront van Tigray - Tigray People’s Liberation Front Genocide/volkerenmoord - Genocide Etnische zuivering - ethnic cleansing Bloedbad/afslachting - massacre Geweld - violence Seksueel misbruik - sexual abuse Soldaat - soldier Burger - civilian Vluchteling - refugee Aanvallen - to attack Doden - to kill Vermoorden - to murder Schieten - to shoot Bombarderen - to shell, to bomb Verkrachten - to rape Vernietigen - to destroy Plunderen - to loot, to pillage Verbranden - to burn Opblazen - to blow up (Iemand) uithongeren - to starve (someone) Verstoppen - to hide Vluchten, ontsnappen - to flee, to escape



To thank you all for following my blog I've decided to host a giveaway.

What can you win?

The winner can choose one of the three Dutch magnets above. I will buy it once the giveaway ends, so if the magnet of your choice is not available anymore you can pick a substitute from the website.

How can you win?

Send me an ask (make sure you're not anon) stating what you like about Dutch/The Netherlands and why you would like to win the giveaway. I won't publish the ask, so you will still remain anonymous.

The winner will be picked at random, but with the rule above I want to make sure that people don't only enter for the sake of winning something, but truly have some type of connection to the language/country.


  • Anyone younger than 18 needs parental permission to enter, since I have to send the magnet to your address.
  • Your entry is only valid when you have sent it in ask form. Any replies to this post will not count as an entry.
  • Respond before the closing date.

Closing date is 1st of January 2021.

Good luck!

Don't forget to enter the competition if you want to participate! 💕

For those who participated, I'll announce the winner a bit later due to some personal reasons, but I didn't forget about it!


Hi! So, sea shanties (songs that sailors sing to help them work) have become suddenly very popular on English language TikTok; I'm wondering if there are similar songs in Dutch tradition?


They're definitely not as popular here as English sea shanties, but we do have them. If you type "zeemansliederen" into Youtube you'll get some playlists


Law Vocabulary

Our law system is different from the law system in English speaking countries, so there might be words missing/different and I did not include every single word related to law, because that would be a bit enthusiastic lol
  • Advocaat (de) = lawyer
  • Arbeidsrecht (het) = Labor Law
  • Bestuursrecht (het) = Administrative Law
  • (Geld)boete (de) = fine
  • Civiel/Burgelijk recht (het) = Civil Rights Law
  • Gerechtshof (het) = Court of Appeal
  • Gevangenisstraf (de) = imprisonment
  • Griffier (de) = registrar 
  • Hoge Raad (de) = Supreme Court
  • Jurisprudentie (de) = case law
  • Slachtoffer (het) = victim
  • Strafrecht (het) = Criminal Law
  • Taakstraf (de) = community service
  • tbs (terbeschikkingstelling) = a type of sentence for criminals with a psychiatric disorder
  • Ondernemingsrecht (het) = Business Law
  • OM (het) = Public Prosecution Service
  • Personen -en familierecht (het) =  Family Law
  • Pleidooi (het) = plea
  • Raadsheer (de) = judge at higher courts
  • Raadsman (de) = lawyer
  • Rechter (de) = judge 
  • Rechtbank (de) = court
  • Schuldig bevinden = to find guilty
  • Spreekrecht = Victim Impact Statement (it's mainly for the victim to be heard in the Netherlands, but it doesn't really count for the final verdict)
  • Uitspraak (de) = verdict
  • Verdachte (de) = suspect 
  • Veroordelen tot = to sentence to
  • Voorlopige hechtenis (de) = pre-trial detention
  • Vreemdelingenrecht (het) = Immigration Law
  • Vrijspreken = to acquit
  • Wet (de) = law
  • Wetboek (het) = code, law book
  • Zaak (de) = case
  • In hoger beroep gaan = to appeal  
Dora vocabulary (Dutch)

Map Song

Als je iets ontdekken moet

If you have to discover something

Kijk dan eerst is even goed

Take a good look at first

Op de kaart

On the map

Moet je nodig ergens heen

When you really have to go somewhere

Treuzel niet en kijk meteen

Do not dawdle and immediately look

Op de kaart

On the map

Op de kaart (5×)

On the map

Everybody come on

Everybody come on

Kom allemaal mee

Everybody come on

Wees niet bang het lukt je

Do not be afraid, you can do it

Het wordt een heel leuk stukje

It will be a fun walk (stukje = piece, but in this context kinda like a short walk)

Waar gaan we heen?

Where are we going?


  • Op avontuur = on an adventure
  • Brug (de) = bridge
  • Eekhoorn (de) = squirrel
  • Klikken = to click
  • Raadsel (het) = riddle
  • Rugzak (de) = backpack
  • Trol (de) = troll
  • Vos (de) = fox
  • Zwieber niet stelen = Swiper do not steal

In case anyone is confused about "everybody come on". The Dutch version of Dora teaches English instead of Spanish



To thank you all for following my blog I've decided to host a giveaway.

What can you win?

The winner can choose one of the three Dutch magnets above. I will buy it once the giveaway ends, so if the magnet of your choice is not available anymore you can pick a substitute from the website.

How can you win?

Send me an ask (make sure you're not anon) stating what you like about Dutch/The Netherlands and why you would like to win the giveaway. I won't publish the ask, so you will still remain anonymous.

The winner will be picked at random, but with the rule above I want to make sure that people don't only enter for the sake of winning something, but truly have some type of connection to the language/country.


  • Anyone younger than 18 needs parental permission to enter, since I have to send the magnet to your address.
  • Your entry is only valid when you have sent it in ask form. Any replies to this post will not count as an entry.
  • Respond before the closing date.

Closing date is 1st of January 2021.

Good luck!

Don't forget to enter the competition if you want to participate! 💕



To thank you all for following my blog I've decided to host a giveaway.

What can you win?

The winner can choose one of the three Dutch magnets above. I will buy it once the giveaway ends, so if the magnet of your choice is not available anymore you can pick a substitute from the website.

How can you win?

Send me an ask (make sure you're not anon) stating what you like about Dutch/The Netherlands and why you would like to win the giveaway. I won't publish the ask, so you will still remain anonymous.

The winner will be picked at random, but with the rule above I want to make sure that people don't only enter for the sake of winning something, but truly have some type of connection to the language/country.


  • Anyone younger than 18 needs parental permission to enter, since I have to send the magnet to your address.
  • Your entry is only valid when you have sent it in ask form. Any replies to this post will not count as an entry.
  • Respond before the closing date.

Closing date is 1st of January 2021.

Good luck!


Talk about your poop in Dutch (🇳🇱)


  • Poep (de) = poop
  • Ontlasting (de) = stool
  • Feces (de) = faeces
  • Keutels (de) = pebble poop/turds
  • Drol (de) = turd
  • Diarree (de) = diarrhea
  • Stoelgang (de) = defecation, stool
  • Verstopping/constipatie (de) - constipation


  • Hard = hard
  • Zacht = soft
  • Waterig = watery
  • Slijmerig = slimy
  • Groot = big
  • Klein = small
  • Glad = smooth
  • Lichtbruin = light brown
  • Donkerbruin = dark brown
  • Zwart = black
  • Groen = green
  • Red = rood


  • Poepen = to poop
  • Persen = to push/press

Example conversation:

- Person 1: Hoe is uw stoelgang?

(How is your stool?)

- Person 2: Ik heb moeite met poepen. Mijn keutels zijn groot en hard en ik moet hard persen om ze er uit te krijgen. Daarnaast is mijn poep een vreemde kleur.

(I have difficulty pooping. My poop is big and hard and I have to push hard to get it out. Furthermore, my poop is a strange colour.)

- Person 1: Welke kleur is uw poep?

(What colour is your poop?)

- Person 2: Mijn poep is soms rood en soms zwart.

(Sometimes my poop is red and sometimes black.)

- Person 1: Ik denk dat u last heeft van een verstopping. Ik vraag een inwendig onderzoek voor u aan.

(I think you suffer from constipation. I will request an internal examination.)

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