
Ssnakey's Fanboying Shack


A blog I originally created to support artists I like. You will find reblogs, some of my own works and rampant Final Fantasy VIII fanboyism.

It's funny, in the french version of ff8, when you meet Bahamut, Squall's line is not "The Great GF, Bahamut..." it's :

"Bahamut is a G-Force"

Not even the "Great" and also there is no punctiation which makes Bahamut's indignation even funnier because Squall really sounds dissmissive XD


Well now I want to know Bahamut's french lines! 🤣🤣

@ssnakey-b can you help?


Ah, it's been a while since I've been there and I don't believe I'm far enough into the game right now to check, but I see someone else already gave what seems to me to be accurate answers. I didn't remember the one where you can call Bahamut "Gramps", though. XD


I made something


Fuck, that's too real. Finishing the art you're making is basically a race against yourself before you start hating the thing you've been working on.


Figuring out some NPC classes for As the World Ends! Still have a lot more to make, but it's a start ✨


The Jesters are definitely my favourites. Everything about their designs is exacty what I love and their description sounds very appealing to me as well.

Adjudicators are a close second. Funny enough, they remind me of a design I came up with years ago. I gotta say, I'm a sucker for "random hanging strap things".


Please be aware that the "opt-out" choice is just a way to try to appease people. But Tumblr has not been transparent about when has data been sold and shared with AI companies, and there are sources that confirm that data has already been shared before the toggle was even provided to users.

Also, it seems to include data they should not have been able to give under any circumstance, including that of deactivated blogs, private messages and conversations, stuff from private blogs, and so on.

Do not believe that "AI companies will honor the "opt-out request retroactively". Once they've got their hands on your data (and they have), they won't be "honoring" an opt-out option retroactively. There is no way to confirm or deny what data do they have: The fact they are completely opaque on what do they currently "own" and have, means that they can do whatever they want with it. How can you prove they have your data if they don't give everyone free access to see what they've stolen already?

So, yeah, opt out of data sharing, but be aware that this isn't stopping anyone from taking your data. They already have been taking it, before you were given that option. Go and go to Tumblr's Suppport and leave your Feedback on this (politely, but firmly- not everyone in the company is responsible for this.)

Finally: Opt out is not good under any circumstance. Deactivated people can't opt out. People who have lost their passwords can't opt out. People who can't access internet or computers can't opt out. People who had their content reposted can't opt out. Dead people can't opt out. When DeviantArt released their AI image generator, saying that it wasn't trained on people who didn't consent to it, it was proven it could easily replicate the styles of people who had passed away, as seen here. So, yeah. AI companies cannot be trusted to have any sort of respect for people's data and content, because this entire thing is just a data laundering scheme.

Please do reblog for awareness.


The fact that corporations think that "opt-out" is a solution is frankly an insult to artists' intelligence and to the public at large's.

First of all, it still puts the responsibility on the artists rather than, you know, the millionaire if not billionaire corporations stealing and monetizing their work. It's still forcing to play by corporations' rule, which is of course the intent; to drill in the idea that whatever corporate CEOs want is the rule, and we are the ones who need to deal with it, and any effort on their part is to be treated as the highest of honours.

Second, it is utterly absurd to expect artists to look up every single website using every single model of every single algorithm to check their opt-out option, which by the way often requires to create an account for their site/app (because of course) and/or only allows to opt out for individual pieces we don't want to be scraped.

So if you just want to say "no" across the board, you are expected to scour thousands of websites and applications every single time you publish any work. It's so transparent that "opt-out" options solely exist as an excuse to say "See? See? We do ask for artists' consent!"

It's so fucking crass.

And speaking of, last but not least, it assumes consent by default, WHICH IS THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF HOW CONSENT WORKS. It should never EVER be assumed in any context, and it's still true when it comes to intellectual property. If the persent in front of you isn't explicitly saying "yes", then it's "no". End of story.

Edit: Also, I'm calling bullshit on the entire concept, because that's just not how web scrapers work. They are already grabbing data they have no right to, such as identifying information and medical records, so why would we assume they will respect a "pretty please" ?


Option de partage du contenu des blogs avec des tiers

Bien le bonjour, Tumblr ! Nous tenions à communiquer avec vous sur un sujet technique et sensible sur lequel nous travaillons actuellement.

Vous le savez sans doute, des sociétés spécialisées dans l'IA font l'acquisition d'une grande variété de contenus sur Internet, et ce, avec divers objectifs en tête. Il n'existe pour le moment que peu de moyens permettant aux individus de réguler la façon dont ces contenus sont utilisés sur les plateformes d'IA. Dans l'UE notamment, la loi sur l'IA vise à offrir des moyens de contrôle pour que chacun puisse décider de l'utilisation de ses contenus ainsi que leur manière. Nous tenions à vous permettre d'exercer ce droit, quelle que soit votre localisation. C'est pourquoi nous avons mis en place une option de refus du partage des contenus de vos blogs publics avec les tiers, incluant les plateformes d'IA qui les utilisent pour leurs modèles d'entraînement. Enfin, sachez que nous collaborons également avec des partenaires pour nous assurer que vous disposiez du contrôle le plus précis possible sur le contenu qui sera utilisé.

Quelques remarques importantes :

  • Nous dissuadons d'ores et déjà les robots d'indexation d'IA de venir piocher dans les contenus Tumblr, et nous poursuivrons cette initiative afin de réserver ces contenus à nos seuls partenaires identifiés.
  • Nous nous plaçons du côté de la communauté Tumblr et désirons nous assurer que les protections adéquates soient bien en place au regard de la manière dont vos contenus seront utilisés, et nous avons à cœur que nos partenaires respectent vos choix.
  • Pour désactiver le partage avec des tiers des contenus de vos blogs publics, rendez-vous depuis le Web sur la page des paramètres de chacun de vos blogs, puis activez l'option "Empêcher le partage avec des tiers".
  • Pour savoir comment activer le refus du partage avec des tiers depuis la dernière version de l'application, nous vous invitons à consulter cette page du Centre d'aide.
  • Dernière remarque : si vous aviez déjà décidé de dissuader la recherche de votre blog par les moteurs de recherche, l'option "Empêcher le partage avec des tiers" sera activée par défaut.

Si vous avez des remarques ou des inquiétudes soulevées par cette fonctionnalité, veuillez consulter attentivement notre page d'aide avant de contacter le support.


C'est un vrai coup de couteau dans le dos des artistes et toutes celles et tous ceux qui crent du contenu original de manière générale et quand on sait à quel point Tumblr dépend d'eux, ce n'est franchment pas un manoeuvre intelligente de la part de ce site, qui aurait plutôt besoin de faire un geste pour nous montrer son soutien, en disant "non" au cambriolage artistique de la part des corporations.

Comment Tumblr peut-il nous dire à la fois « Nous dissuadons d'ores et déjà les robots d'indexation d'IA de venir piocher dans les contenus Tumblr » tout en faisant de la protection contre cet abus une option, en admettant avoir vendu et/ou partagé des données avec des boîtes d'IA (sans plus de transparence) et en admettant que cette option n'est mise en place que suite à des obligations légales?

Le fait que le consentement soit supposé par défaut est particulièrement insultant et met toute la responsabilité et toute la pression sur les artistes, alors que ce sont eux les victimes, et ne nous donne de toute façon aucune garantie que cela sera respecté.

C'est quaznd même incroyable qu'en 2024, on en soit toujours à devoir justifier le fait de traiter les artistes comme des professionnels, qu'ils doivent donc être payés pour leur travail et qu'on ne peut pas se permettre de se servir dans leurs oeuvres et se faire du fric sur leurs dos sans les compenser aucunement.

C'est l'expression ultime du capitalisme dégénéré qui s'estime propriétaire de tout et avoir le droit de monétiser tout, même ce qui est créé par des gens qui n'ont rien à voir avec leur entreprise.

On croierait de l'humour noir, le capitalisme est parti si loin qu'il a fait tout le tour pour tomber dans le communisme, où rien de ce que les gens créent ne leur appartient, et tout est acaparé par le système, sauf que le système en question sont des entreprises privée plutôt que l'état, donc ça ne servira même pas au bien commun.

Source: staff


since tumblr is going to start scraping blogs to train ai be sure to glaze and nightshade your art!! Not only will both of these programs protect your art from being copied but nightshade also poisons any ai that tries to steal it

here is some more info on these tools and where you can download them:


Turn on "prevent third-party sharing" in your settings!

Go into your settings, click on your blog name, scroll down and enable "prevent third-party sharing". I'm gonna be honest, I question how much/if this even prevents any AI bullshit, but do it just in case anyway.

Edit: On Mobile it's the Settings Gear, Visibility, Prevent third-party sharing.

You have to turn that on for all your blogs separately.


Well, I thought Tumblr of all places would hopefully be spared the AI plague, but here we are. To be fair, it doesn't seem to be Tumblr directly, but still, I would have hoped for more active protection.


Hello, friends! I have, per friends' request, created a GoFundMe for my Stupid Cancer Bills. At this point, I am just desperately trying to keep my head above water (paying some of the lab bills this month has left me with $15 in my account, and I won't even SEE the bill for the hysterectomy until probably April, so who knows what that will be!)

Venmo/cashapp are @irishais, and here's my PayPal.me if that's preferred.

If people could reblog and share this, that would be deeply appreciated.



im new on tumblr and i trying to get critque and advice on how to improve my art, so can you give my page a look and give your opinion?


Hey! I like where you're going with your art. I like the stylization of your portraits and the sketchy lines kinda work in giving more energy at this stage. And I love your use of light and shadow!

I say work on your perspective of faces just a little more though, as a few portraits have a sort of fish-eye lense effect to them (unless that was intentional! If so, the effect isn't quite as apparent in the body vs the face)

This is gonna suck if you dislike doing these sorts of things, but I say also try branching into some backgrounds. Learning to plan characters in a space will help with their perspective and posing, as well as helping with the lifelong hurdle of anatomy. If you love doing mostly portraits then background studies help with that in terms of 3d space, etc. You don't have to draw like the Venetian skyline in the background, but something just to challenge yourself every now and the, that you'd find fun to try to draw. I personally think drawing something you think is boring/for the pure sake of studying doesn't really help in learning (if you're doing this for yourself and not for a job)

It looks like you're already studying your favorites so please keep doing that! :D

And always the generic advice of study more life, crits are subjective, do what you love etc etc

Hope this helps at all, good luck!


Can I just say, as someone who tends to draw almost only characters, this is excellent advice, and often you'll find that you're a lot better at drawing backgrounds than you realized. I swear, every time I do, I end up wondering why I don't do it more often.


Begging people to stop reblogging this AI trash from “The Phantom Painter” on Instagram (instagram.com/phantom.painting). I’ve been seeing it on my dash more and more often from people who are otherwise anti-AI and either can’t tell it’s AI or don’t care because it looks cool.

This is the kind of shit that is VERY CLEARLY trained on the works of existing talented artists’ with distinct styles and this asshole is selling prints and making a profit off of stealing other people’s hard work.

Don’t give people like this money or attention and they will go away.

Please, if you’re going to buy art prints, buy them from an actual artist.

@thegnat That’s the problem, it’s getting really hard to tell what’s AI and what isn’t. This phantom painter person at least says on each post on Instagram that it was created with AI, but when people re-post it on tumblr, it isn’t specified, and people end up reblogging it.

It’s not reasonable to think everyone should be vetting every single art they reblog to make sure it isn’t AI, which is why I made this post to let people know this artist specifically is AI, and I see it reblogged a ton.

While we’re at it

and so is everything by that person, xis.lanyx on Instagram. They also sell prints of their “original images”

That last one is for the people saying “you can always tell by the hands.” You cannot. The whole point is that it’s getting better and better at it. That’s what it does.

As an art curator on tumblr I now have to spend a considerable amount of time trying to decipher whether or not the art I want to share is AI or not and I still sometimes get it wrong.


To actually answer the question of how one can determine something is AI, particularly as it grows more sophisticated with anatomy: you have to train yourself to recognize artifacts.

There is no one single unifying giveaway beyond a strange sense of uncanny that you will eventually begin to recognize the better you attune yourself, and certain models have their own unique “styles” you can begin to recognize (midjourney and stablediffusion produce very different looks, for example). There are however a few things on which one can tend to focus.

  • Edges: AI, as of this post, still struggles with distinct edges of objects and figures and has a tendency to blend details together. Look for hair, ribbons, and other flowy details if present. Do they fade into other details? Look at how the hair fuses with the smoke:
  • Edges 2: Sometimes they will also have the edges completely avoid each other, with a foreground figure slightly warping along the edges in a way that matches the background edges, like repelling magnets:
  • Patterns: AI, as of this post, still struggles with patterns. Filigrees, mandalas, brickwork, scales, anything that involves a high level of intricate detail tends to get blurred together. This can be a tricky one, because a lot of artists will also fudge pattern details in looser renders, but usually in a way that makes sense as an impression and not…. this:
  • Architecture: Are there buildings present in the image? AI has a tendency to make Escher-esque nonsense structures, with pillars in places they don’t belong, arches that go nowhere, bricks that don’t align, and support beams that start on one plane and connect to another. It also struggles with perspective, but, so do many humans so I would not consider it evidence alone. Check out the placement of this pillar, and also the detail on the… window? Candle cage?? Thing?
  • Resolution and quality: AI cannot make high-resolution images. It just cannot. While most artists aren’t posting their full resolutions, generative images can’t be enhanced, and the “artist” will not be able to provide proof of work. You should be able to zoom into work by an artist and admire their strokes, relate to their errors, and appreciate their process at every skill level– zooming into generative images somehow makes them even less clear, a mess of pixels that are somehow both blurry and also look like they have been run through a sharpen filter:
  • Text and signatures: AI struggles with legible characters in any language, and the result is a simlish-looking approximation of characters at worst, and hilariously misspelled words at best. Since these models are trained off real artists, they will also often have artifacts of a signature that oopsed its way into the image. These signatures are always illegible or, if “legible”, are not actually the names of real accounts.

Things like this can be tough to spot at a glance if you’re not actively keyed into looking for them, but they’re the type of uncanny stuff that once you see it will start gnawing at the back of your mind. You’ll be scrolling your feed and suddenly take -1 psychic damage and you have to scroll back up to see why. Stuff that goes beyond inconsistent lightsources and bad anatomy.


Passing this PSA along. That's the sad thing aout AI, when people they are impressed by it, what they don't realize is that it's only "impressive" because it's plagiarizing an impressive source and bastardizing it.

It's no more impressive than if I were to trace someone else's work with no understanding of how and why they made it, and it sure as shit would be extremely immoral (and depending on jurisdiction, illegal) for me to make money from it.

And I'll tell you what, tracing is still more genuinely artistic than AI, because at least tracers bother to commit their plagiarism themselves and might pick something up along the way that'll teach them how to make their own art without stealing from anyone else.


USA 1996

A.D.A.M. The Inside Story  (Columbia Healthcare - PC - 1995)


Hol up, in the game Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward, there's a medical machine the characters use a few times to scan people for diseases and other issues, and it's called an A.D.A.M.

Is that in reference to this or is it just an amazing coincidence?

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