
Ask Vulkan


Lord of Drakes. Primarch of the XVIIIth Legion, Salamanders. I live. I am bored. Question Me.

Just watched Monster’s Inc. so I wrote this piece of shit.


Latix paused. He was a menacing sight, his midnight blue armor streaked with blood and adorned with screaming faces and grisly trophies ripped from his former victims. Around him lay the glass from the window he had just broken through, into the orphanage. And in front of him, tears in her eyes, was a human child no more than 5 years old. She had curly brown hair and eyes the blue of a daylight Latix had never known.

He walked towards the bed. The child became more frantic, beginning to cry. Latix winced at the sound, trying to convince himself it was annoying. In truth, it just felt…bad. He retracted his claws and edged closer to the bed. She was crying less, now staring into his eyes with a terrified curiosity.

Latix reached a hand out to her, to strangle this child. He wrapped a hand around her, and lifted her to his chest. Holding her, she stopped crying, but scared terrified at his helmet. Red lenses cast a menacing reflection in her watery eyes. Latix removed his helmet, clipping it to his belt.

The child reached out with her tiny hand and grabbed Latix’s nose. He began to growl, but stopped quickly. Not quickly enough. The child’s hand darted back, her face becoming more scared. He leaned into her hand, and she ran her hand along his face. Suddenly she stopped.

Opening his eyes, he saw she pointed to some stuffed animal on the ground loosely resembling a cat. He retrieved it for her, taking satisfaction in seeing her smile. Slowly, a smile of his own crept across his face.

That smile ended as the door opened. In stepped his warband’s leader, Noraz the Vindictive. Noraz saw him holding the child and immediately drew his bolter. “You treacherous fo-!”

Latix beat him to the draw, beheading his former leader with one swinf of his power sword. The child had closed her eyes and screamed.

Latix frantically escaped, the other Night Lords paying him no mind when they spotted him. None discovered Latix’s treachery until he had already left in a stolen Thunderhawk.

Latix looked at the consoles, making sure he was not being followed. He wasn’t. He looked to the seat next to him, where the girl he sat, grinning at the stars she never thought she’d be so close to. Latix had named her Sornehn. She smudged her tiny fingers on the glass in front of her trying to grasp them to no avail. Latix chuckled and left the ship on autopilot, walking to the back of the ship.

The other 17 children he’d rescued still slept. He walked further back, and grabbed a box. He filled the box, then tossed it into the void. The box tumbled in space, eventually coming apart to reveal its contents to the empty space around it. Flayed skins and grisly trophies tumbled around while Latix returned to the cockpit, his armor unblemished by those terrible decorations. His armor had been repainted.

It was the color of a daylight he’d never known, but soon would.

On his left pauldron was a tiny yellow circle, which Sornehn had insisted had to be there. She said the sky needed a sun. Latix agreed.


Primaris marines, from what I understand are men from the time of the crusades. How do you think the chapter would react to seeing these relics walking and fighting? How do you think the primaris would react to vulkhan not being there?


(( I personally think that no Salamanders Primaris would have been in the first wave of Primaris Marines, as after the Drop Site Massacre, those few legionaries who survived either joined up with the Shattered Legions (Artellus Numeon, Leodrakk, Cassian Dracos), made it to Imperium Secundus before leaving again (Far’kor Zonn, Rek’or Xathen, Igen Gargo), were already a part of the Crusader Host, or found their way back to Nocturne (Nomus Rhy’tan). There wouldn’t have really been a point for Cawl to grab any to convert, given that they would probably be unlikely to comply with his wishes after the supposed death of their Primarch. They wanted revenge. Experiments and secret projects didn’t matter. ))


Fire, stone and the ring of a hammer on the anvil. Warmth and brotherhood.


“All of those, and more. The hearth fire. Hot food and good company. Friendship, and bravery, and solidarity. That happiness you feel when you truly belong.”


It had, indeed, taken her a long while to find a name for herself. As they sat in the transport, with her nearly asleep against his shoulder just thinking of where to begin, it seemed to float up from her memory. “Mm…there used to be a general that came after Lord Jurten. Her name was Dagmar. Maybe that name might be nice.”

“Dagmar.....it is a good name. It suits you, Little Flame.” He rested his hands on Dawnbringer’s pommel, staring across towards the blank wall of the gunship. “It is something you can be proud of. Something that can describe you.” He gently propped her up, and extended his hand. “Good to meet you, Dagmar.”


Musical Aesthetic

((Thank you to all who provided theme songs for the askmeme. This is my own contribution, what I think is a song that embodies Vulkan at his core: Hopeful, but with a deep-seated melancholy that can never truly fade.))

((I present to you a piece that will always strike a chord with me, because of what it represents. This is: Epilogue.))


Psykerscum/Immanuelcouldnt/Immanueldid is a perfect cinnamon roll, too good, too pure for this world. Her art is cute, her RPs are cute, and she is the cutest. None cuter.


((@immanuelcouldnt​, @immanueldid, you have been nominated twice for this. Therefore, I am forced to conclude through scientific means that you are indeed cool people. It has been validated))


I love my World Eater Squad- Askkharn, h8foldpath, askangron40k, ask-angron-40k, sandvichette - there is never enough World Eater love and these nerds put up with my insatiable need.


((@askkharn, @h8foldpath, @askangron40k, @ask-angron-40k, @sandvichette, consider yourselves nominated ‘cool people’. Wear the title proudly, never mind the fact that the War Hounds were way cooler than the World Eaters.))


I adore yours m'Lord! You are a gentle soul!!!


“Why thank you. I’m afraid we’ve never met, though I’ve heard you’re the ‘Reasonable Chaos Deity’. I was not aware such things existed, but the galaxy hold innumerable marvels, I suppose.”


HOOO BOY SHOUTOUT TO @psykerscum because man the mun is great and we click so fucking well it's not even funny. Like, we got along since day one and I loooove her characters omfg. And also @empress-of-xerxes because she and her characters need more love and attention for being such a sweet woman.


((@immanueldid​ and @empress-of-xerxes, you have been suitably called out for being cool people. Just in case you were trying to hide it.))


Fallen to damnation

Post your god . Khorne

((Slaanesh or Khorne.))

Tzeentch of Khorne for the mun, straight up Khorne for muse.

Tzeentch for me


“I’ve been told I’d likely fall to Nurgle if I did fall.. Emperor protect me please…”

“Slaanesh. PERFECT SPEEEEEEEEEEED! I can do speed while perfecting speed!”

I’ve been told I made a fifth…

Who am I kidding, I don’t even know if it IS physically possible for me to fall.

“ no papa . Your good. ”

“I’ve been told I’d succumb to something named ‘Malice’, though in all my years I’ve never heard of such a force....”

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