
Welkin Sky


Hi!Obviously, my name is not Welkin Sky but you can call me sky if you want. Yea I'm kind of a sucker for skies.I mostly write for fun plus I had a lot of story ideas since I was 12 and now that I have passed the stressful teenage years and managed to pass college. I have enough time to write them down.I'm a weeb so please be aware of random fictions too ;)

Levi X Reader | So Close Yet So Far (4)

A/N: So sorry for such a long wait! But I'm trying to be consistent this time. Thanks for your patience <3

Part 1 | ... | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 (Coming Soon!)

Everything happened so swiftly but it was as if time stopped when you two made eye contact. You were crying silent tears now as a man pulled your hair back and put a knife to your throat.


I'm Back!

Hey! I was MIA for so long that I also got a few texts asking where I was too. :3 It's so nice to see that some of you noticed *teary eyes emoji*

I'll get back to all the asks soon, please give me some time as I slowly get into the habit of writing again.

For the new ones welcome! I gained 1000+ people who started following me here! I'm so glad you decided to stay <3

If you have some asks then go ahead and send them in I'll try to get back to them as soon as I can!

Thanks a lot for your patience <3

Anonymous asked:

Is it ok if I please rq hcs for Kakashi with a black/dark skinned s/o? Maybe one who was born in the cloud villege and moved to konoah

Kakashi X Reader | Black/Dark-Skinned Reader

A/N: Hey! I absolutely loved the idea! I'm super sorry that it took too long, it's just that I was too burnt out to write about Kakashi so I stopped for some time but we're BACK! Thank you so much for the patience <3

  • First of all, I'd like to mention that he will be obsessed with your skin. He absolutely loves how it shines in the sun and you look like a goddess when it does. His words, not mine.
  • In the morning he loves to look at you as the morning sun strikes your skin oh-so-gently and he LOVES to crease your skin with a feathery touch adoring you as you are fast asleep.
  • He ABSOLUTELY loves it when you put on anything golden. For him, you look like you are royalty when you do so. Be it a golden eyeshadow look or highlighter or any golden outfit.
  • I can see him bringing anything golden that he finds in the market for you.
  • If you're black and have the 4b or 4c hair texture he loves to see how you do the hair care and would definitely learn how to braid the hair to help you out when you decide to change your look and even might try to find hair piercings whenever he is out in other villages or if anything that will go well with your hair.
  • But let's be honest braids might get in the way if you are a ninja so if you do prefer weaves more he got you covered with helping with tracks and everything. It'll be like you two spend a day doing your hair and he cannot stop adoring how pretty you look once you're done.
  • Might even try and show off his work as he does your tracks right, he is copy ninja after all and the ability extends more than just fighting.
  • Whenever you two go out he LOVES to watch you get ready and learn all your makeup tricks.


Thanks For Reading and for the ask too aaaand for your patience <3

If you liked it you can check out the masterlist too!

Asks are still open if you have any other ideas as well ;)


I can't help but laugh hard at this scene, because while Levi kicks Eren (we already know his kicks are reserved for him only), he grabs Jean's shoulder so he doesn't escape, and Jean's face goes like that because HE KNOWS HE'S NEXT. The amount of detail this anime has never ceases to amaze me.


Levi X Reader | So Close Yet So Far (3)

A/N: Thank you so much for reading so far! If you're new then this is a series, please read the previous few chapters to understand this one. I appreciate all of you! Thanks a lot for reading again!

Warning: Mention of armed weapons

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 (Coming Soon!)

  • "S-scared? No not at all! I heard a couple of things about you but I just can't… pin you down," you said honestly.
  • Hmm was all he said before he went quiet again. Surprisingly silence with him was comforting.
  • "I won't report what happened today," you said now after being at more ease. He raised an eyebrow and looked at you, "Why?"

Levi X Reader | So Close Yet So Far (2)

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 (Coming Soon!)

The next few days were okay-ish since nothing happened with Eren. You were kind of disappointed that you didn't get to see him turn into a titan. You knew this wasn't some game and this was not about whether you get to play Titans or not, this was a serious topic. 


Levi X Reader | So Close Yet So Far (1)

A/N: This was an idea that I've been thinking about for so long. What if Y/N was one of the higher-ups. Will you two hide your feelings for one another because this won't end well for either of you and your goals? Or will you just let go for once and accept it as it is?

You were working as the right hand for Zachary in the Premier core. He'd discuss everything with you and would take your advice on almost every case. He taught you everything from the very basics and had always adored how professional you were.


So. i heard that Shikamaru is your favorite character from Naruto, so i have a request. Shikamaru x short reader headcannons. like the reader only stands as tall as his bicep.

(iF requests are closed, ignore me--)


Shikamakru X Reader | Short Reader

Okay first of all, don't go all blushing when he calls you as his "pretty little arm rest" because he's doing it on purpose. He uses your shoulder or head a lot to rest his arm if you're standing side by side. Super romantic right? But you love it because none of you are BIG on PDA.

I feel like even though you both are not into PDA he still finds his hand touching you somehow, especially your cheeks. You two could be standing side by side with his arm over your shoulder and his hand slowly creasing your cheek. How can we blame him you're JUST THE RIGHT HEIGHT.

At first it did make a few people awkward but he does it unintentionally so he never really paid that much attention to it untill someone make it obvious that they ARE getting uncomfortable. But your friends are used to it now.

Expect A LOT of head pats coming your way. He lives to do it because A you look really cute being all excited when you do something good. B he just finds it cute how even after you jump out of excitement you still don't reach his height. He never mention this though.

When you're cooking he likes to rest his head in the crook of your neck. You're just perfect height for that. And if he's cooking then he'll have you site on the counter top so that you're easily accessible for kisses. Duh he needs motivation.

If you're insecure about your height then he'll help you get over it. He knows that insecurities can take over the best of the people and he doesn't want you see yourself any less than the way he see you.

He won't be too obvious about it though. He knows you take his words by heart because he never says anything that he doesn't mean. So he'll slowly start appreciating how being short is actually good in general. Then he'll start praising you if you're comfortable enough. He doesn't want to push you too hard but he wants you to be rid of all the things that might hold you back from being happy.

He likes to call you cupecake or dumpling when he finds you EXTRAAA cute. It has nothing to do with your height but he just likes to do so.

Now as for the spicy stuff. He likes to pick you up as you wrap your legs around his waist while making out.

Also he loves the fact that he can move your around like a doll in the bed too. It gives him a strange sense of power that he likes only in bed and always pushes him to do more.


Thanks For Reading and for the ask!

If you liked it you can check out the masterlist too!


Ok you said more asks so hear you go Love.

Could you do a Forest Guardian Reader x Kiba

how they met (from the first naruto seris when they are all around 12)

and then later by like a few years of how they like start falling in love or just conffes.


Kiba X Reader | Forest Guardian Reader

  • You have always lived in the woods watching your elders protect your clan from all the riots and the other village's feuds. You never really understood why was it that you had to live in the outskirts when you could always live in the hidden leaf and live a better life with better resources. You had their citizenship anyways.

Levi X Reader | How You Caught His Eye

  • I think Levi won't be the one who will fall in love at first sight. He'd fall for character over anything else. If he sees you as a strong person who is in control over their life then he might start respecting you.
  • And once you show him that while you are strong and take the lead in your life you are a total softie too he'll probably admire you the most.
  • Because of his childhood, he was forced to become this cold and distant. Which people perceive as being strong. He knows this is not what being strong means, dissociating from feelings is just running away like a coward to him.
  • So when he saw that you fully felt your emotions and were still fighting through? He instantly felt this warm feeling inside him. He didn't name it anything at first. It was just nice to see someone who understands what this life is all about and still never loses touch with their humanity.
  • You showed him that there was more to life than just these heavy feelings that he carries in his chest for all the people and team members he has lost.
  • He is a great observer so he never really needed to talk to you to know all these things about you but one time you both were working overtime and met at the mess hall while getting tea.
  • He wanted to initiate the conversation but to his comfort you did. You asked him about how his last expedition went and you noticed how his demeanor changed when he talked that he lost 2 of his men. You know he was cold and distant, at least that's what you've heard so you figured he never really talked about these things to anyone so you invited him over to do his paperwork in your office.
  • It was an unusual request for him since he always works alone but he was curious too so he obliged.
  • And just like that, after a single deep conversation with you made him realize that he IS allowed to forgive himself for the people he wasn't able to save because all of that was out of his power.
  • And when you told him that even though you are so strict and level-headed with your team, there are times when you fail them too but it is all a part of the learning curve for both of you, HE HAD TO HOLD BACK HIS TEARS.
  • After leaving your office, he smiled after so many months. Only if you knew that this random conversation for you was such a big deal for him.

Thanks For Reading and for the ask! Here is my Attack On Titans Master List.

If you liked it you can check out the masterlist too!



i was wondering could you do a Kiba x reader, were the reader gets hurt and what he would do? Pleas and thanks ❤

and i love your work by the way it is so simple and sweet


Kiba X Reader | Reader Gets Injured

  • Kiba was not the one to show you directly that he was into you. Everyone talked about it. They teased him too but he never directly said it. 
  • Initially, even you had feelings for him but seeing how he constantly denies it? It made you back down from the thought of ever being with him.
  • But one thing that you just can't shrug off is how he always tries to boost himself and show off whenever you're around. You were smart enough to pick that at the very least. But if he DID like you, why was he not doing anything about it then? 
  • You left it up to him to decide, you were not the one to entertain the hot and cold behavior. You've dealt with this in the past and you knew it brings no good. It just shows how unsure the person is.
  • You were way above average in the class too so it's not like you had a lack of options out there but always cursed yourself when you found daydreaming about the man who was so unsure about you.
  • You were assigned a tough mission and before going you just wanted your answers once and for all. You tried to make him jealous by talking to other guys around him, didn't work. So you kinda gave up and headed in the mission with a clear head but sadly a broken heart.
  • Which almost cost you your life since now you were held captive by the goons who crossed paths by mistake. These people were sure way out of your league and you needed backup.
  • Sure you could take a few of them down but you were outnumbered and tired. Every now and then one of them would come and check on you it's been 2 days and not even one time the same guy came so you could only imagine how many of them were out there.
  • You were refusing your food, lord knows what they might have mixed in it. But lack of food and chakra caught onto you and you fainted. You woke up to loud noises from outside the cave where they kept you. But then a familiar voice called your name, "Hey Y/N. Wake up! Are you okay?" It was Hina, her voice as soft and soothing as ever.
  • You nodded and tried standing up but you were too weak, so she helped you as you walked out. You saw something that you never really thought was possible.
  • Kiba has gone crazy. You've never felt this strong chakra from him. He was far but you could hear, "How dare you lay a hand on her?!" as he attacked one of the goons.
  • "He's gone ruckus ever since your news came in," Hinata said from behind as she helped you to a safe place.

Later once you were back in the village you were up from being unconscious you were sitting by the window in your bed and looking out. Thinking of all the things that happened. Thinking about the look on his face. Hina and Ino were sitting on the other side of the room discussing something.

  • Then the door opened and HE walked in. You two didn't leave eye contact for a second. Your eyes clearly said, "Why can't you just admit it?" and his eyes were blank as he came straight to you and kissed you.
  • You were too stunned to speak but you gave in. You never realized when the two girls excused themselves. "Why-" you tried talking but he cut you off. "You're way out of my league Y/N. Many other capable guys can be a better man to you than I can ever be?"
  • "Yes but none of them came for me." You said sternly. "How do you think you're any inferior to them when you have a heart like that? What if I say that I don't give a damn about them but you."
  • You can see surprise clear on his face. "You're not saying what I think you're saying are you?"
  • "Yes, I do love you damn it! But you still haven't answered my question." your voice was assertive now. "I am scared that I won't be enough." He said lowly.
  • That broke your heart. A man like this who loves his comrades with all he has thinks he's not good enough. Tears started rolling down your eyes once you understood why he was being hot and cold. And here you thought that he had commitment issues or something.

You two sat down and cleared everything out. Once you two were together sure he felt inferior at times but you made it a rule to reassure him that very instant.

Thanks For Reading and for the ask too <3

If you liked it you can check out the masterlist too!

Asks are still open if you have any other ideas as well ;)

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