
one hundred thousand prior f001ishnesses

@subbyp / subbyp.tumblr.com

I spend most of my time in a haze of confusion. Mostly either fanwork, reference posts, or yammering. THE STATS: *Enby [they/them pronouns, please] *Panromantic asexual *Jewish *Autistic and neuroatypical Icon by @thepokedexisgay !

a new “rise of the brave tangled dragons” style multiverse crossover but it’s early 60s fantastical espionage ideally featuring total weirdo deuteragonists and/or severely married spy couples:

  • james bond (connery and lazenby eras. fuck moore era, all my homies hate moore era)
  • the man from uncle (tv verse)
  • x-men: first class
  • the avengers (steed and peele, not marvel)
  • the incredibles
  • metal gear solid (snake eater era)
  • get smart
  • the prisoner
  • sapphire and steel
  • etc…

so we had five zebra loaches, right? we knew that they were happy in large groups but were worried about overcrowding them.

we asked a few experts about it and it turns out that not only could we fit a bunch more but we probably should put in at least a few more to defuse our alpha female’s cranky behavior

so yesterday we got ourselves a quartet of little loachlings!

they’re exploring the quarantine tank and they’re already clicking a little!!

loachlets have adopted one of the little artificial caves in the quarantine tank as Prime Territory (after Mommy so cruelly put netting over intake holes of Warm Box so they couldn’t get caught in it)

they squabble over it in the way of loaches (it’s healthy for Botia to engage in that kind of thing to an extent. our alpha female was taking it to an obsessive point and not letting the others have any down time, which is what worried us. a tank redesign helped her calm down a bit and more loaches about will help her even more. but I digress). whichever one claims the cave at the moment will always let the other ones in if they are startled and trying to hide, though. they look out for each other!

sometimes we see a loach who wants to scout out if the cave but not give up their spot in the cave do what I call “up periloach”, which is when they stick like 80% of their body out of the entry hole, crane their heads up as high as they’ll go, and look around for anything suspicious before retracting back in


when you think about it, it’s no wonder that Bashir fell so deeply in love with Garak.

when you’re an autistic person who has spent your entire life being rejected on the most absolutely fundamental—literally genetic—level for not picking up on the social cues that everybody refuses to directly explain but expects you to deduce from cultural context, finding someone who sees your fumbling as not only acceptable but endearing and invites you to engage in play around it in a space where you’re safe from true rejection….

well, what the hell else are you going to do but fall in love?


new game for linguistic descriptivists: reblog with the usages that are widespread enough that you have to acknowledge them as at least somewhat correct but that still make you want to cough up blood and die

here are some of mine:

“mentee” (it should be “protégée”, dammit!)

“gift” as a verb (it should be “give”, dammit!!)

“make” as a noun—ie “this cloth is great for summer makes” (it should be “project,” dammit!!!)


new game for linguistic descriptivists: reblog with the usages that are widespread enough that you have to acknowledge them as at least somewhat correct but that still make you want to cough up blood and die


just came up with a bnha au where UA is an applied and narrative arts college which specifically focuses on art as a force for positive change (like: human-centered design, accessibility architecture, free press, etc) and Midoriya is an aphantasic aspiring mangaka who somehow convinces the legendary All Might to come out of seclusion and take over UA’s previously moribund graphic novel program

other programs include printmaking/book arts (Aizawa), audio production and broadcasting (Mic), graphic design (13), architecture (Cementoss), culinary arts (Lunch Rush), metalworks and mechanical design (Power Loader), photography and film (Snipe), performance (Nemuri), special effects (Ectoplasm), fashion and textiles (Best Jeanist), and conservation/restoration (Recovery Girl)

couple notes on these:

13’s specialty is UI design and in particular designs around emergency equipment and communication in dangerous situations

did I give Eraser one of my specialties bc he’s my favorite? yes, but also because I legitimately think it suits him, it makes a great foil to Mic’s specialty, and it means he can threaten students with The Guillotine

currently undecided if this is an “Eraser and Mic are former class S and still pining for each other”-type ‘verse or if it’s a “Eraser and Mic are disgustingly married”-type ‘verse

i feel like one of the grossly married things they do—whether or not they are actually grossly married—is stage an argument on the first day of their co-taught “Accessible Media” class about whose medium is more accessible

Aizawa argues that audio is inaccessible to d/Deaf and many autistic people. Mic argues that print is inaccessible to people with poor eyesight, ADHD and brain fog. then they conclude the argument by revealing Mic’s hearing aids and Aizawa’s scarred over eye and telling the class that rule number one is to not make sweeping judgements based on preconceived notions of disability


so we had five zebra loaches, right? we knew that they were happy in large groups but were worried about overcrowding them.

we asked a few experts about it and it turns out that not only could we fit a bunch more but we probably should put in at least a few more to defuse our alpha female’s cranky behavior

so yesterday we got ourselves a quartet of little loachlings!

they’re exploring the quarantine tank and they’re already clicking a little!!


fiancée brought up “what if Audrey II sang Eat Your Young? it would have to take on like a different beat structure”

my brain went “challenge acceptovich” and I arranged the whole damn thing in like 24 hours, backing choral vocals and all

and it’s damn good

but i don’t sing bass

and i can’t play instruments or write music

so it’s just in my head begging to be let out and I can’t do it unless I either change vocal ranges and learn like six different instruments and how to produce audio OR somehow get a bunch of much more talented people to do it for me


based on my experiences with our tank I think it’s seriously time to consider the possibility that Cthulhu is just a big cranky sleepy Botia loach, humanity is collectively sitting in his favorite spot, and he’s simply trying to give us all a tail-nip with his barbels

ia! ia! Cthulhu f’taghn! [cultist brandishes a snail]


based on my experiences with our tank I think it’s seriously time to consider the possibility that Cthulhu is just a big cranky sleepy Botia loach, humanity is collectively sitting in his favorite spot, and he’s simply trying to give us all a tail-nip with his barbels


just came up with a bnha au where UA is an applied and narrative arts college which specifically focuses on art as a force for positive change (like: human-centered design, accessibility architecture, free press, etc) and Midoriya is an aphantasic aspiring mangaka who somehow convinces the legendary All Might to come out of seclusion and take over UA’s previously moribund graphic novel program

other programs include printmaking/book arts (Aizawa), audio production and broadcasting (Mic), graphic design (13), architecture (Cementoss), culinary arts (Lunch Rush), metalworks and mechanical design (Power Loader), photography and film (Snipe), performance (Nemuri), special effects (Ectoplasm), fashion and textiles (Best Jeanist), and conservation/restoration (Recovery Girl)

couple notes on these:

13’s specialty is UI design and in particular designs around emergency equipment and communication in dangerous situations

did I give Eraser one of my specialties bc he’s my favorite? yes, but also because I legitimately think it suits him, it makes a great foil to Mic’s specialty, and it means he can threaten students with The Guillotine

currently undecided if this is an “Eraser and Mic are former class S and still pining for each other”-type ‘verse or if it’s a “Eraser and Mic are disgustingly married”-type ‘verse


just came up with a bnha au where UA is an applied and narrative arts college which specifically focuses on art as a force for positive change (like: human-centered design, accessibility architecture, free press, etc) and Midoriya is an aphantasic aspiring mangaka who somehow convinces the legendary All Might to come out of seclusion and take over UA’s previously moribund graphic novel program

other programs include printmaking/book arts (Aizawa), audio production and broadcasting (Mic), graphic design (13), architecture (Cementoss), culinary arts (Lunch Rush), metalworks and mechanical design (Power Loader), photography and film (Snipe), performance (Nemuri), special effects (Ectoplasm), fashion and textiles (Best Jeanist), and conservation/restoration (Recovery Girl)

couple notes on these:

13’s specialty is UI design and in particular designs around emergency equipment and communication in dangerous situations

did I give Eraser one of my specialties bc he’s my favorite? yes, but also because I legitimately think it suits him, it makes a great foil to Mic’s specialty, and it means he can threaten students with The Guillotine


just came up with a bnha au where UA is an applied and narrative arts college which specifically focuses on art as a force for positive change (like: human-centered design, accessibility architecture, free press, etc) and Midoriya is an aphantasic aspiring mangaka who somehow convinces the legendary All Might to come out of seclusion and take over UA’s previously moribund graphic novel program


disco elysium soulmate au where Kim was, like the vast majority of people, unmarked—but then Harry rewrote his own personality

Harrier duBois: disingenuous workaholic hardass

Kim’s soul: I sleep

Harrier duBois: goofy insightful mensch

Kim’s soul: real shit

thinking about it some more and I have some idea of what their marks might be—

Kim’s mark would be a band of riotous color that depending on how you looked at it could be lights on a dance floor, paint on a wall, the skyline of Martinaise, a really fucking ridiculous tie, or any number of other things

Harry’s mark would be the image of an aerostatic slicing through a bank of obscuring fog to reveal a vast clear sky


disco elysium soulmate au where Kim was, like the vast majority of people, unmarked—but then Harry rewrote his own personality

Harrier duBois: disingenuous workaholic hardass

Kim’s soul: I sleep

Harrier duBois: goofy insightful mensch

Kim’s soul: real shit

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