


Joon reader! Writer on the side

Also self care SUCKS most of the time. Like it’s not fun at all. It’s doing the stuff you don’t want to, like cleaning your room, submitting that form, going to the gym that first time, having that conversation you avoided or making that call. It’s doing stuff that lets you unwind and stop worrying, and most of the time, that involves confronting and overcoming something you really would rather avoid.


learning lately that a lot of confidence is about owning up. like "yeah i'm a little addicted to my phone right now" or "yeah i'm not really over this person yet" or "yeah i still get pretty anxious in crowds" just saying anything at all but then following it up w "but i'm trying to get better" and being super nonchalant and unaffected. so powerful. you would literally be undefeatable in the face of even the most judgmental person. no one can judge you for things you already know about yourself and are trying to improve on. the trick is to know yourself from the inside out, to hold yourself accountable, and to actively improve every day. like that is literally the secret to never feeling like you're at the mercy of somebody else's judgment

it's like if you were talking to a friend and they went "you're too sensitive" and then your whole day is ruined because you're like?? no i'm not??? and then you get defensive and start questioning something you never knew about yourself, bc you never dug that deep into your identity. i've been there. but now i'm trying to not only confront the ugliest parts of me, but also own up to them instead of concealing myself and trying to be something i'm not. it's completely fine to not be perfect but to try to be the best you could possibly be. everyone who claims perfection is lying. just own up to ur shit


Hello everyone! Does anyone know what happened to mochilatae ❤️‍🩹


sorry for romanticizing the mundane but the fact that laughter is infectious is so incredible to me. like yeah it's just a reaction to stimuli but the way it feels to hear someone laugh and feel yourself compelled to share that joy is really something. and it's so simple and requires no skill but it's so special and important to me.

and it's so universal!! People who don't even have language in common can share laughter!


u dont understand how disappointed i am that this dog didnt appear on my dash this year and how hard i tried to find a post that included both pictures


opening my followers every day and blocking the pornbots like a humble farmer pulling weeds from the vegetable garden. wiping my brow of sweat at my labours in the sweltering sun


Open Books Bora and Y/n 😭😭😭 I can sooooo imagine this happening with them. Oh I love the pair of besties🥰🤧🤧


unfriendly reminder: this is a sex worker positive space. I will not tolerate the disrespect of sex workers here, and if you cant agree with that without a doubt then you're not welcome here.

sure would be nice if people other than porn blogs and sex workers reblogged this


speaking as a professional archivist, everyone should leave lizzo the fuck alone bc:

  1. old instruments get played all the time and this is a normal thing
  2. she's literally a professional flute player
  3. fuck james madison, it fucking rules that a black woman got to play his stupid fancy flute
  4. it's NOT like the kim k marilyn dress thing. kim k paid to wear a historical item that was custom fit to a particular individual's body and damaged it, as anyone who knows about textile preservation who saw that going down KNEW was going to happen
  5. i trust the motherfucking library of congress with loans of its holdings more than i do the goddamn ripley's believe it or not museum of hollywood are you shitting me

in conclusion, the "controversy" is just people being racist byeeeee


Lizzo fucks severely and she's a great flautist fuck yeah

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