
I wish you weren't so fucking awkward, bud.


28| They/them | Request are Open.|https://archiveofourown.org/users/Samrose1994

being obsessed w a piece of media is so scary. what if my mutuals see how insane i go about it and think oh i gotta check out what this is about and then think it sucks and kill me with rocks. what if they hate my favorite characters


Every day that I wake up and remember than 90% of the Steve Harrington/Steddie fandom has named Steve’s dad Richard Harrington purely so they can refer to him as “Dick” is a good day.


My Steddie T4T headcannon for the gender Euphoria.

  • Eddie moved to Hawkins right before his freshmen year to live with Wayne.
  • He is AFAB but when he moves he sees this as his chance to present how he wants, including binding and packing and dressing in masculine clothes. Wayne doesn't understand but he doesn't need to. He loves Eddie and whatever makes him happy. He even signed Eddie up for school under Edward Munson, not his dead name.
  • He passes for years and no one knows he is Trans except Gareth, Jeff, and Doug.
  • When he is attacked and almost dies during Springbreak, its Steve that carries him out of the Upside-Down.
  • Through the blood, no one else notices, but Steve accidentally sees through the torn up clothing that Eddie is not cisgendered.
  • Steve doesn't say anything because it's not important and not his (her) place to out Eddie. Steve just is focused 9n saving Eddie.
  • There is alot of damage to his torso including to his breast tissue. Eddie takes this as a silver lining basically opting to get it removed instead of reconstructing.
  • During the next few months Steve and Eddie get closer as they heal together. Steve never let's on that they know Eddie's secret bc Steve believes it's Eddie's choice to come out.
  • Meanwhile as this is all going down, Steve is have their own crisis.
  • For years, Steve has felt weird...off. Steve has always gravitated towards girls but not just because Steve is attracted to them...but because part of Steve was jealous.
  • Steve wants the soft curves, wants to be seen as pretty and delicate, loves feminine things...Steve wants to be a girl.
  • But Steve didn't think that was possible, so they leaned into their more traditionally masculine interests, it's not like Steve didn't like cars and sports.
  • But every once in a while, Steve let themselves wear pretty light lip gloss and soft perfume, always too subtle to notice.
  • But then Steve found out Eddie's secret and something clicked for in their head.
  • Steve knew Eddie was AFAB but that didn't change the fact that Eddie was a guy.
  • So maybe Steve wasn't a guy...maybe it didn't matter that the world decided they were a guy because of the parts they were born with.
  • Steve didn't have to want to be a girl because She was a girl.
  • And that thought brought comfort to her but still terrified her to come out. Everyone thought she was a guy, she didn't pass like Eddie.
  • So she took baby steps, told Robin first. Of course Robin was cool with it and when It was just the two of them in the Harrington mansion, she was able to wear some more feminine things she wanted to wear and felt gorgeous and happy.
  • As she and Eddie get closer, it becomes obvious they are more than friends. Eddie is the second person she tells. She figures he deserves to know if they are going out.
  • Of course Eddie doesn't care and finally tells her that he's Trans. Stevie reveals that she knew but didn't want to force him to come out.
  • It makes Eddie love Stevie more.
  • As years pass, Stevie eventually starts presenting more feminine in public and its hard but Eddie is by her side. Their friends now all know about both of them.
  • Steve loves pretty dresses and even early on when she didn't pass, none of her friends let her feel ashamed.
  • As time goes on they both start hormones.
  • In the 90s, Eddie surprises her by saving up secretly to pay for her to have top surgery as well.
  • They love each other so much.
  • And they both live happily ever after.

Edit: I removed a part bc even though I didnt intend to, there was an accidentally transphobic implication, and like being trans, I don't want to cause any harm to others in my community. Steve and Eddie are a straight couple in this h, there was no need to put quotes around straight.

@gayboysteve I genuinely appreciate your comment.


Reminder to boycott Stranger Things Season Five!!

Multiple people in the cast and crew have shown support for Israel whilst they commit genocide against the Palestinians living under their military occupation. It does not matter if the support is born of ignorance or Israeli propaganda; they are still supporting genocide.

Thousands of Palestinians have been murdered by Israel. They are being starved to death, bombed... and that's barely scratching the surface. The situation in Gaza is worse than you are imagining.

Do what you can to support Palestine! Boycotting season five is something so small and easy! Please, do not forget about Gaza!

Free Palestine!

While I love my little ships, Palestinian lives are far more important. Free Palestine!!

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