

@bloodbornekart / bloodbornekart.tumblr.com

AJAX | 28 | HE/HIM | 🌹@viatoraether🌹
Anonymous asked:

Spirit reboot feels like a hatecrime


But the figures are cute ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I don’t remember the original Spirit that well because I was in the 1st grade, can someone explain what they changed/why this is a hate crime specifically? I’m not following

One thing you need to understand is how essential horses were to the colonization of America, and how essential they were to several Native tribes' way of life. People are alienated from horses nowadays, but horses have been inseparable from humans for thousands of years. Horses were transportation and sustenance. Horses tilled our fields and turned mill wheels and pulled the beams with which we built our houses. Horses carried humans into war and horses carried refugees to a new life. Horses were dear companions and pests to be exterminated. Wherever humans have gone, they have brought horses with them. The world as we know it would not exist without horse domestication - for better or for worse.

There is no better way to tell an allegory of colonization than from the perspective of a horse.

Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron is an allegorical story of the colonization and expansion into the West. The way I see it, the movie has three main players: The native people (Little Creek and the Lakota), the invading people (the railroad, the cavalry), and the land itself (the horses, the mountains). The movie is about the violent capture of the land by invaders, told through the capture of one horse. Throughout the movie, this horse (this piece of the land itself) is abused into submission, enslaved, and used to build a railroad that will eventually destroy his homeland (and I don't think 'enslavement' is an inapt comparison, considering how Black artists see themselves in him).

The horse, the land, is freed with the help of the native stewards of the land, but we, as the viewers, know that this is a bittersweet ending. In a sense, Spirit is a tragedy. The ending might seem triumphant, the railroad project was stalled, Little Creek wasn't killed, and Spirit is reunited with his herd. But we all know what comes after the movie. Expansionism didn't end with one rebellious mustang, one brave Lakota, and a sabotaged railroad. There is no happy ending to the "story of the West."

The Spirit reboot particularly spits in the face of everything the movie stood for by making its main character the daughter of a railroad magnate.

Here are a few clips, though I really recommend rewatching the entire movie. It's "baby's first anti-colonialism" and yet it tells its story leagues better than most anti-colonialist kids media today.


its actually very silly that if ur any type of art kid as a teenager everyone is like oh have u thought abt graphic design or advertising. yeah the little emo dude who fills sketchbooks with anime gore all day would be great at making customers buy product.


if you want me to consume a new media you MUST catch me at the exact moment when the stars are aligned and the air pressure is equal to the current degree of the sun’s peak against the horizon and all the cosmic energies are perfectly unified (aka my old interest is fading out) or i will nod and say “im adding that to my list!” Knowing theres no chance i will check it out

“unless its a book!” “unless you tell me it has gay people in it!” “this but only for live action shows” “theres a good chance i’ll get to it eventually” no wrong this post is not for you this post is ONLY for bitches who could have a treasured friend recommend them something that sounds grown in a lab to be your personal catnip and, with no choice in the matter, immediately know it will never be the right time to watch/read/listen to it


depression is over it’s done it is obliterated look at this fucking shirt i found at the thrift near my house

i need you guys to know that when i brought this home my mom was like WHAT is THAT. well i think you’re the only person on earth who would wear that, good that you found it

i show her this post every time it hits another thousand note milestone. she thinks we’re all ridiculous but no longer underestimates the Gay Desire For A Fun Shirt


guy who gets home from being held hostage by another guy and the first thing he does is google “i think i like men”


i'm literally the priest's favorite sacrificial lamb because i am so docile and sweet and i hold very still when they put the rope around my neck and i trot along so happily while they lead me to the altar and they do not even have to tie me down because i lie so very still and only bleat once or twice in my lovely lamb voice and when the knife comes down it cuts through me like butter and i offer no resistance and i bleed so prettily all over my new white wool and my guts all unspool like the most beautiful shining yarn and my eyes are animal and dumb and hold no accusation and every time i die i come right back as another little lamb because the priest loves me so so much and he always chooses me for the sacrifice every time and he always places one hand on my small and twitching nose to calm me while he lifts the knife and he doesn't do it for the other lambs only me because i'm his favorite


there should be weebs but for Ireland

the notes of this post consist of two things: americans going "literally me lol" and irish people wishing unimaginable violence on the first group



Inspirational words for freelancers, hourly paid workers and salarymen alike

(There will be stickers, watch this space :,,)


Including any spinoffs and games. Check this blog for the companion poll for cis people.

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