
Metal Gear is life


23 years old. Metal Gear Nut. Gun nut, Hunter. computer nerd.

It's weird coming on here and seeing people I used to indirectly interact with are still on here. I hope y'all are doing well.


(Sound is very much required on this one.)

Sometimes food is so darn tasty you gotta sing its praises.




Human fingers can detect nano-size objects. This means you not only have the ability to feel a tiny bump the size of a large molecule, but if your finger was the size of Earth, you could determine the difference between a house and a car. Source

And yet its still almost impossible to find the end of the tape

cowards. i can already tell the difference between a house and a car

Little is known about the origins of this practice, although there is some unfounded speculation that it is loosely derived from or perhaps inspired by ancient Aegean notions about bees’ ability to bridge the natural world with the afterlife.

I love the mental image that tag creates

The bees when you give them the tea:


sometimes the ocean just brings you. big trees.

just massive pieces of driftwood. and thats okay. its normal.

“hey i think you guys dropped this”

Playing fetch with the Deep Ones.

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