@a-daks / a-daks.tumblr.com

🔞 adults only 🔞 | 21+

look, guys, this may seem ironic coming from a person with Verbose Disease, but I'm about to tell you the secret to winning social media: shutting the fuck up. you have a controversial discourse opinion? shut the fuck up and no one will know. can't participate in a boycott for various reasons? shut the fuck up and no one will know. you think or do something Problematic that has no bearing on anyone but yourself? shut the fuck up and no one will know. you haven't been keeping up on a pressing social issue? shut the fuck up and no one will know. your mind is a wonderful place where you can have all the bad takes in the world and they're all perfectly insulated from everyone and everything unless you try to excise them on a grand scale. you can take the mental L all by yourself without using a public platform as a confession booth and face zero repercussions and it'll be just fine. open up a damn diary and explain yourself there.


Or as a wise sage named Neil Pert wrote:

"If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice!"

Seriously you disagreed with Biden only on 1 issue?? For real?? Are you blind?

This meme is not about me, it is about 1 issue antizionst hard lefters who will rather not vote than pick Biden who they otherwise agree with on most things.

Myself I probably disagree on at least a few things but nothing too important that would cause him to lose my vote.

I dislike Biden interpersonally. He's also a creep.

The thing is, unlike what the Republicans will tell you, I won't be voting for "Someone to Have a Beer With." I'll be voting for who gets to be the most powerful person on the face of the planet. And Biden has shown that he wields that power in the most left-wing way since FDR.

So in absence of someone even better, he's plenty fine.

Voting in America is a strategic decision. Act like it.


Also, there's that little thing called Project 2025.


Neanderthals probably had insane pull. They were like “I am taking care of my grandma since she hurt her foot. Look at this beautiful cave painting I made.” and early modern humans were like “You are so refreshingly compassionate and make beautiful art. Your stocky frame, huge head and chinlessness have seduced me. Let’s interbreed and create offspring that will have unique autoimmune problems for thousands of years to come.”


Felix: alright if i was an animal, what kind of animal would i be? Serious answers only.

Caboose: a rooster

Tucker: a rat

Carolina: a rat

Kimball: a rat

Washington: a rat

Grif: you’d be a rat

Locus: felix you’re a rat

Felix: I think I’d be a wolf

Felix, nodding to himself: I think so too.

Felix: I would be a wolf-lion hybrid mix… king of the junji-junjile but still social and with it and ferocious


now i know people like to say red vs. blue sucks or whatever but i would be lying if i said i didn't think it was a fantastically written series that changed how i approach dialogue and humor on a fundamental level. also, i have the deepest respect for machinima as an art form.

so here's the thing about rvb. due to its medium rvb is inherently limited in what it can convey visually. characters usually can't gesture, can't show facial expressions, can't interact with their environments, etc. this means a few things to me:

in order for the show to be interesting, the dialogue and characters have to be engaging enough to pull 99% of the weight. boring characters are not going to work when the show is almost entirely based on character interactions. jokes have to be funny, characters have to be likable and distinct from each other. i think this was accomplished beautifully; practically zero time is wasted with unnecessary dialogue. by the way i'm defining "unnecessary" as dialogue that isn't funny, doesn't advance the plot, or doesn't strengthen characterization. obviously the characters themselves waste a lot of time standing around and talking but it still accomplishes two of those things: humor and characterization. see, it's necessary.

on the other hand, even though filming in Halo is somewhat limiting, they got creative as fuck with those limitations. and this is what i mean when i say i respect machinima. the care put into every aspect of filming: character placement, camera angles, scene transitions, creative use of game mechanics, etc... i find all the action/combat scenes filmed before they started using cgi just SO charming. (you know, it's such a little thing, but i always enjoyed that one scene in s7 e15 where simmons and lopez cock their rifles at the exact same time. always thought that was funny.)

so yeah. i am 100% serious when i say i think rvb is incredibly well made and that i absolutely fucking love what it does with its medium. maybe i feel more strongly about this because i love halo. speaking of which, i think halo's multiplayer is inherently funny; whatever weird game physics nonsense is going on with halo's engine means some looney-tunes-ass bullshit is happening all the time, and rvb captures that spirit in all the right ways. it's sort of a love letter to the game it's filmed in.

anyway that's all i wanted to say. pretty good show. seriously.


red vs blue is a show about how grief will destroy you if you don't learn to move on and grieve healthily. it is also a show that has a sentient bomb that calls people slurs.


(hornier than I have ever been in my life) I need to hug her and tell her everything's going to be okay


Hi I'm Lauren I'm new to this app, I'm just trying to make some friends. Can i be your friend?


so as a semi-popular blog i tend to get a lot of scam asks, but this is actually a type of scam i've never encountered on tumblr before, so i'm going to make kind of an in-depth post/psa instead of just the usual short "this is a scam" response i usually give.

usually, tumblr scammers tend to follow a few easy signs:

  • blog less than a week old because they use them for like a week before discarding/being banned and then remaking
  • fundraiser post for cause that's meant to tug at the heartstrings (cute pet that needs medical treatment, capitalizing on current crises like the genocide in gaza, single mother trying to provide for kids, queer teen who got kicked out, etc)
  • pictures are stolen off facebook or gofundme, oftentimes from an actual, legitimate fundraiser (this is so scummy)
  • paypal country code does not match with the country they state they're in
  • spams asks to random blogs telling their backstory and asking for donations or reblogs of their donation post, often with a request to answer privately (so the spamming doesn't show up if you search their url)

those are donation scams, and i get them in my inbox about once every week or two. they're the most common type of scam on tumblr.

THIS asker didn't mention any kind of money, or donations, or backstory. just "can i be your friend". they have no fundraiser post or in fact any original posts at all, and their blog is almost a year old with consistent activity. seems kind of normal at first glance, if a little awkward, but this is actually the beginning to what's referred to as a "pig butchering scam".

pig butchering scams can be either romance-based or friendship-based. they involve an innocuous-seeming interaction developing into a relationship, and once the scammer thinks they have your trust, they start asking for money, using that built trust as the basis. you would lend a friend some money in an emergency if they promise to pay it back quickly if you could, right?

pig butchers are definitely harder to spot than donation scammers, but there are some clear signs if you look closely enough.

the out-of-nowhere nature of the ask was what got me initially suspicious, so i searched her url. this is what that search looks like.

clearly not a user trying to actually make friends, and instead a spammer. a couple people there have already pointed out this is a pig butchering scam.

a few weeks ago, she was even bolder and doing a more donation-scam approach:

(hint: she is not going to give it back to you)

@kyra45 even posted about this as far back as september, and apparently the scammer was a blank blog back then:

if a tumblr search yields little results, you can also google someone's url. a google search led to this post with a user who got into the actual pig butchering part of the scam, developing a relationship before trying for money.

another, far less obvious tell is that she's following loads of bots, mixed in with normal users she's following. while i'm unsure if this user is a bot herself (i'm leaning toward a mixed use of a bot to send asks and personal replies once she gets a bite), normal users don't just... follow random bot/SEO accounts.

she also has a second, identical account at @pleasantdesttinykkryptonite, the same url with an extra k. possibly a backup in case she gets banned.

john oliver actually did a whole episode on pig butchering scams (already posted by someone in the url search) if you'd like to learn more.

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