


Local forest cryptid, can be summoned by crying in trees, demibi, she/them, 709 years old, give or take

i just wanted you guys to know theres a porn parody of the force awakens and just when this storm trooper dude starts feeling this bitch up, kylo came in and started doing his usual tantrum shit in the background unprovoked, meanwhile oblivious to all thats happening and let me tell you no porn has ever cut me so off guard and brought me to tears in .01 seconds until now


i’m starting to realize the “friendship where we bully each other” thing is a complicated subject for me, because as a survivor of bullying and my interests being mocked for basically my entire life, i don’t really find it funny or endearing when pals do it. i don’t mind gentle insults and inside jokes, but idk, there has to be a point where you go “maybe i shouldn’t cut on my friend’s new oc or special interest” and stop yourself. i think we should all try a little harder to know that boundary and not put our friends in those situations

My best friend and I used to greet each other with insults (“hey bitch!” “wassup slut?”) and generally poke fun at each other all the time. It’s how we showed affection, just constant little pokes and prods and minor nuisances. But I noticed that these exchanges were wearing her down through little behavioral ticks, like she’d go quiet or her laugh wasn’t as bubbly. So I changed how I show her affection and now scream “hi Dawn I love you :D” at the top of my lungs when I say hi. And I hear her stifle a giggle and she answers with either “love you too” or “hiiiii, love you!!!” depending on her mood at the time.

It’s fine to have a close friendship where you can pretend to be mean to each other and you both understand that none of that meanness is real. But the second it starts to feel real to either of you, that behavior should change.

i think that like, little jokes and ribbing can be okay but you need to make sure you’re not always bullying someone about the same thing constantly

like joking ‘hey idiot!’ is fine, but if you call one of your friends stupid all the time and literally never let them have any identity other than ‘the stupid one’, thats not a joking friendship. that’s actual bullying.


I saw Cats last night and I still haven’t recovered. Here is a play-by-play of my experience

  • The movie begins. The audience is rife with anticipatory giggles. Some lady in the back row loudly says “can we be quiet now, please? let us watch the movie in silence” in a displeased Russian accent. 
  • We will inevitably disappoint her
  • In the first 5 minutes, while crying with laughter, I decide this movie is actually about a human who gets genetically engineered into a cat and is exiled to a furrykin community.
  • 5 minutes after that, I think about how good a movie this would be if it was hand-drawn animation and not CGI people-cats, and I become absolutely furious
  • Mice and cockroaches have human faces and bodies. The audience is screaming.
  • This film comes VERY close to having a dog on screen. I start sweating in dread of what it might look like. The dog is never shown.
  • None of the humor is funny
  • During the slow parts I start to imagine other celebrities in full cat CGI to amuse myself
  • Cat Idris Elba sexily Thanos-snaps another cat out of existence. Audible confusion ripples through the audience.
  • The cats do some extremely horny body work involving their tails. The audience is making disgusted noises. Several people yelp “oh NO” very loudly
  • At the end of a song, the throng of cats start “applauding” by slapping their hands on the ground and saying “meowmeowmeowmeowmeow”. This instigates a fight-or-flight response in me so strong that I nearly bolt out of the theatre.
  • During an awkward silence the camera cuts to a cat making a “yikes” kind of grimace and the whole theatre laughs because that is the exact emotion we are all feeling
  • A cat helicopters into the ceiling and is vaporized by cat Idris Elba. A man in the audience yells “GOTTEM!!” at the top of his lungs
  • Most cats are naked but somehow cat Idris Elba manages to be far more naked than all of them. The audience is screaming, again
  • Memoriiiiiiies. All alone in the moonliiiiiiight. “Please,” begs the Russian lady in the back of the theatre, sounding defeated, “don’t laugh. Not now.”
  • The actor who plays the main character gray cat who never gets a song explaining who he is (I am told he is Munkustrap) is DEAD SERIOUS about this role. He is a PROFESSIONAL. He is feeling being a cat so hard. Look at his face at literally any point (but especially during the final epilogue song) and I guarantee he will be having an intensely invested serious face journey. His shoulders must be aching from carrying this entire film.
  • 110 minutes later, or maybe years: the credits roll. The audience cheers raucously. We exit the theatre in a daze. One of my friends goes home with a high fever. 10/10

we should abandon the current US government system and replace it with the ranking system in warrior cats don’t @ me

just saying that obamastar is way cooler than trumpstar

also what the hell are kits then

babies. duh

Are you telling me kids are going to be apprentices for like twelve fuckin years,,,, thats 24 times as long,,,,

yes. 12 years: 1st grade to 12th grade, american school system. ive thought this through

And what the h*ck is the medicine cat

you guys are really not thinking this through huh it’s a fucking doctor you degenerate


wait. what are cats then

…theyre still cats what the fuck are you on

do we actually hunt for food or do we go grocery shopping and call it hunting

i said the ranking system guys not their lifestyle im going to lose it

the fuck is a warrior cat

someone’s going to die today and it sure as fuck is not going to be me

Would the time zones become the clans or would it just be randomly assigned

it’s the ranking system. the leader is the president. it’s one clan. we’re one clan can’t you fucking read i’m this close to bursting into tears

ok but what about other countries? would there be americaclan and canadaclan and stuff?

it does say US government system on the original post. you saw that, right? you read the post? the US? just america?

wait does that mean the president rules until someone else comes along and wrecks their shit?

i mean, yeah. until that motherfucker dies he’s leader, that’s how wc works. kill your leader, start a riot & shut the fuck up im so stressed

I, for one, do not think trump should get nine lives

neither should tigerstar but guess what


Isn’t this just a monarchy? Or a dictatorship?

it’s the warrior cats ranking style that’s what it is

hey @tophat-octopus trying to hide this stupid question in the tags. what do you think a vice president is

what are two legs considered?

youre just like the guy who asked what cats would be. twolegs are people we just wouldn’t use that term??? im

probably a dumb question but what about rogues and loners

rogues arent even a part of the clan ranking system i do not think i can handle this thread much longer

what about other government officials? are they just warriors? or would they not exist??



why the fuck is firefox tweeting abt warrior cats

tweeting? i’m tweeting? tweeting? this is Twitter? huh? is this fucking Twitter?


OP forgot the best part

did he try to stab her?


No, he was trying to cut off his pinkie finger as an apology.

The running joke of the manga is that he used to be a high-ranking yakuza enforcer who’s having trouble adapting to civilian life. Hence her shocked face when she saw the decorations and the creepy way he sang “Happy Birthday”; it’s a traditional birthday celebration for your oyabun, not your wife.

oh my god, i just realized, this means he sees her


He see’s her as his direct boss, but the group’s head is the Women’s Association Chairwoman:

Someone please link me the full manga or something

This is Good Shit™

Gokushufudou: The Way of the House Husband:


Okay, you need to make sure you play this game at some point. Maybe not today or anything, because you’ll need about thirty minutes and a serious willingness to understand how it works, but - it’s so worth it. It’s basically an answer to our occasional frustration - why do assholes always come out on top? - and the beautiful thing about it is that not only does it explain how that happens, but also how we can change it.

“In the short run, the game defines the players. But in the long run, it’s us players who define the game.”

This is fascinating if you’re into math or sociology or computer programming or all of the above.


Everyone, everywhere, without exception, should play this thing through.

Don’t check just this - check out all of Nicky Case’s work. They’re a brilliant creator and I heavily recommend checking out at least one of their projects.  Their website can be found here.

Parable of the Polygons - an interactive experiment that shows how tiny individual biases can collectively cause segregation on a massive scale.

To Build a Better Ballot - an interactive experiment that shows the alternatives to the voting systems we currently use and how they can be more representative and democratic, along with their faults.

Coming Out Simulator - a short interactive story/novel about coming out, based off of Case’s own experiences. Not one I’ve played myself but still one I can recommend.

Loopy - a very simple but useful tool to show how systems interact with each other and how things can self-propagate.

We Become What We Behold - “ a game about news cycles, vicious cycles, infinite cycles.“ A short five-minute game about news and media. Warnings for violence, blood, death and stress.


the only good candidate

i dunno whos running his social media but i wanna kiss them. i think im in love

move the fuck over bernie

i remember like mike gravel in 2008 lol

Remember that ad where he threw a rock into a lake and then stared into the camera unblinking for two minutes? I desperately want shit like that back

That account, along with his whole campaign, is the work of three teenagers. 

From the article:

“These young students contacted me a week ago asking would I run for president and I responded to them saying, ‘Do you realize how old I am?’” Gravel told The Washington Post. “I’ll be 89 years old in May, so it’s preposterous to think that I could serve as president.”
It took some convincing, but Gravel was ultimately persuaded by a three-page strategy memo that the students drafted and their assurance that they would handle all of the day-to-day work of the campaign. Their ultimate goal wasn’t to win the election but rather to qualify him for the Democratic debates, so that he could use that platform to “issue a critique of American militarism, plutocracy, and inaction on climate,” as his newly-created website states.
“These people weren’t just whistling Dixie,” Gravel said. “They were well-grounded.”
Managing the campaign are David Oks, 17, and Henry Williams, 18. Elijah Emery, 18, handles the finances.



Well, that’s *one* way to get into politics while still in high school. TAKE GOOD NOTES FOR YOUR OWN FUTURE CAMPAIGNS!


So you’re telling me the latest Democratic candidate is literally three teenagers in a trench coat?


I will be 70 years old and I still will never have gotten over the time the Mythbusters used a rocket powered steel wall to - and I use this word as literally as possible - vaporize an entire car into red mist

If you haven’t seen this episode of Mythbusters I feel so bad for you because “What car?” remains to this day as a defining moment of my adolescence and my entire life

That was a near-religious experience 

I made a gif of it for those of you who cant watch the video in your country. Or if you know you just want to stare at it mesmerized like me


Have you ever wondered how someone meets Santa? Well, you need to follow a very specific ritual to summon him.

Do you have any idea how long I’ve had this queued? Any idea? A year. A fucking year. I don’t even use my queue ever. Ever. This is the only thing I’ve EVER queued. I’ve had this queued for a year so I don’t forget it.

everything about this video is perfect. the voice acting, the cookies, the milk, the cave, the chickens singing the imperial march for some reason, the way the sound of the fires starting lines up with the haunting song of the chickens, the way santa teleports right in front of the player at the last second. it’s all so surreal


You know, I keep seeing all these posts going around lately about “being a daughter” that, frankly, as an eldest daughter myself, I find… Pretty horrifying?

I want to make something very clear: Being a daughter is not inherently a tragedy. If your parents treat you like shit and try to convince you that’s just how life is for girls, if your mom treats you as a therapist, if your mom never apologizes when she mistreats you, if you’re “inheriting” your mom’s trauma, those are signs of abuse. You may have been manipulated into believing they are normal, whether intentionally or not, and it’s likely that both you and your parents should seek therapy.

I promise you, those things are not normal, and you should not stand for them. Demand better for yourself! And most importantly, stop talking as if these are normal things. For every post about the “tragedy” of “being a daughter”, there is likely a girl out there who will think “Well, I guess the way my parents treat me is normal and ok, then,” and continue on believing that the abuse she suffers is normal or even justified.

Instead of telling victims of abuse that this is just the fate they’re doomed to, we need to make it clear that what they’re going through is not normal, not ok, and that they can and should fight for better lives for themselves.

If you truly find yourself relating to many of those “daughter trauma” posts, I’m so sorry you had that experience. Please know that it’s not normal, it’s not your fault, and if you need to please seek help. Women are not a tragedy- Your mom just sucks ass, and that’s on her, not humanity.


your mother had a responsibility to heal from her trauma before she had kids, at least enough to know it was there and have control over how it impacted her children. she failed to do that. that is common, but it isn’t okay, and you deserved better.


🚨🚨🚨HAPPY IMPEACHMENT DAY to all my freedom 🗽 loving hoes 💦👅👅👅 who put the 🍑 in IM🍑MENT 😛😛😛 looks like donald 💰🤮 finally got caught 👩‍✈️👨‍✈️ trying to call daddy ukraine 🇺🇦🇺🇦 to take out hoe biden 🧓🏻🔥 but now we need to RIDE 🏇🏾 CUMgress 🏛️ raw 😩😩👅👅 so they can’t back down, send this to 🔟 of your 💃🏾 wokest 📝 woes 🔥🍌 or say 👋 BYE to ur independence 🙏🏻😩 eating that IMPEACHMENT 🇺🇸 DAY 🇺🇸 ASS 🍑 is the only ethical 👌 form of consumption 😋😋😋 under late capitalism 💸💵💴💶 so WE’RE ALL EATING TODAY ☭ ☭ ☭🍆🔥💦👅

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