art blog

@cosmiart /

asoiaf mainly, tolkien & others occasionally ◇ request/commission: closed ◇ @cosmiart on twitter/IG ◇ reblog from @tsaritsaofstory

Hey I just wanted to say that I just found your blog and I absolutely love your artwork!


Awww thank you so much for loving my artwork. It makes me really happy 😊 I didn't draw much this year but there'll be new artwork coming up in the near future.

Anonymous asked:

i just wanted to say that you have the best domeric bolton design i've ever seen! i can't get enough!!!

Thank you so much, anon (◡ ‿ ◡ ✿) Sorry for my late reply. I'm really happy to know you like my design of him <3

Anonymous asked:

do you know when your commission will open?

Maybe next year, hopefully :) It really depends if my life is busy or not, but I'll make a post if I open my commission. Thank you for your interest, anon!


Hi! By any chance, do you write fanfic? I fell in love with your Shiera and Bloodraven art and I was wondering if you had any ff to go along with it. Your art is just STUNNING. 😩🤌🏽🫶🏽💖


Hi, thank you so much for liking my art! Unfortunately, I haven't written any fanfic for them, but I highly recommend you to read Erring Star by lareinenoire (@poorshadowspaintedqueens on tumblr).

The portrayal of Shiera and Bloodraven in this fanfic is close to how I imagine them. I even made a fanart for it

Anonymous asked:

hi!! I love your art, its so beautiful ❤️ would you ever draw asha and qarl again??

Thank you, anon! I would if I get any inspiration in the future :) There are several ASOIAF pairings I have a soft spot for, Asha and Qarl are definitely one of them, even though I only drew these two together once.


Hi! Wuold you mind if I used your art for my polls? I would of course credit you and link back to the original post. :) No worries if not!


Hi! As long as it's properly credited, you can use my art for your polls. Thanks for asking :)


Haven't posted any art in a long while, but I hope you’re all doing well. 

I’m currently working on the hairstyle meme that I promised to do last December, overcoming burnout and self-doubt bit by bit.

Words cannot express how much your kind messages, likes and interesting tags in reblogs mean to me (especially in these past months). Thank you 💖


Where do you get your inspiration for the clothing and hairstyles for your asoiaf drawings?


So sorry for my late reply! Aside from imagination, I mostly get inspired by various cultures and time periods. For your reference, I talked a bit about this once. Hope this helps :)


Hey there! Just a little message to tell you how much I love the way you draw Roose Bolton, you're giving me life making him so pretty. Thank you!


Awww thank you really! I'm terribly sorry for my late reply. Now I'm working on the hairstyle meme and I promise you'll see Roose with a slightly different (but still pretty) hairstyle in it 😉 Stay tuned!

Anonymous asked:

Your art is beautiful .💖

Thank you so much, anon! Sorry for my really late reply. Your message has warmed my heart :)


Dearest @cosmiart,

A very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very VERY belated happy Valentine's Day to you! Please enjoy some smoochy Alys/Sigorn on me ♥️♥️♥️


*rolling around excitedly* Ahhhh omg this is so soft and tender!!! They look absolutely amazing 🥺 Everyone LOOK AT MY OTP! I just love these two with all my heart here. Thank you so much for this present! It totally made my day ♥️

Anonymous asked:

Your art is the most gorgeous thing I've ever seen!

Ahhh thank you so much anon! And sorry for my late reply. I've been really busy these days.

Last of all, Margaery brought her before the wizened white-haired doll of a woman at the head of the table. "I am honored to present my grandmother the Lady Olenna, widow to the late Luthor Tyrell, Lord of Highgarden, whose memory is a comfort to us all."
The old woman smelled of rosewater. Why, she's just the littlest bit of a thing. There was nothing the least bit thorny about her. "Kiss me, child," Lady Olenna said, tugging at Sansa's wrist with a soft spotted hand. "It is so kind of you to sup with me and my foolish flock of hens."

Sansa I, A Storm of Swords


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