
To The Moon and Back

@fullmoon-84 / fullmoon-84.tumblr.com

I post some stuff, mostly reblogs

Break me

Theme song:

Summary: Marc Spector wants nothing more than you to break him apart.

Rating: 18+

Warnings: Spanking, bondage (ropes, blindfold), sub!Marc, femdom, edging, mentions of subspace, angst

Word Counting: 3.9K

Author's note: Deep apologies for the incorrect use of grammar and punctuation. I wrote this fanfic in my native language and translated it on google 'cause I don't fully trust my English skills to the point of writing 4k words, so the punctuation was used according to my language.

It's probably the worst thing I've ever written in my life lol but I've been missing sub!Moon boys. (Also this is my first smut and the first thing I've ever written in here.)

Enjoy it!


“simon riley would put you in a headlock” “simon riley would be so mean during sex” “simon riley would spit on you and-”


you know his backstory right??? you know his trauma right??? how he was physically, mentally, and sexually abused right??? and we all can assume the number of walls this man has built around himself is astronomical RIGHT???

which is why there is no way on god’s green earth that i believe simon could ever be that cruel with his lover. like, EVER. you broke down every barrier he had, proved every bad thought and insecurity wrong, made him feel strong without his barriers. after that, he wouldn’t be able to even lift a finger against you.

once simon is yours, he is YOURS. there is no question about it, no second thoughts. you fought this hard for him, so he’s giving it all to you. he would never actively try to hurt you. how could he even think of ruining his own piece of heaven?

to me, he isn’t a “i’ll burn the world down for you” kinda guy. he’s a “the world could be burning, and i would still choose you” kinda guy. you’re his ride or die. if he were dying, he would want it to be with his head in your lap, your fingers in his hair, and the only thing in sight being your smile.

and that isn’t to say simon’s a saint. you most definitely still get his sarcasm and dark humor to the MAX, but you get so much more as well. you get his laughter, his gentle touch, his whispers of adoration. you get his back to you as you spoon him from behind, because he’d built a habit of never turning his back to someone. you get to rub moisturizer on his scars, you get to wash away the black paint on his eyes and kiss his weary face whenever he returns from a long mission.

in no life— this or the next— could simon riley ever be cruel to his lover.

but if you asked Ghost for it? completely different story.


Never Yours | Part 1

Pairing: Simon Ghost Riley x reader

Summary: He had seen blood hundreds of times before, but never from you. He didn’t know what to expect while listening to your cry’s on the phone praying you wouldn’t lose consciousness. 

Word count: 800

Warnings: violent theme, future smut, weaponry use, blood, symptoms of panic.

(Not fully edited, apologies for any inconsistencies!)

He had seen blood hundreds of times before, but never from you. 

He didn’t know what to expect while listening to your cry’s on the phone praying you wouldn’t lose consciousness. 

He had just left. Just left minutes ago to get to the food for dinner tonight, when you called him huffing through tears trying to get air into your fragile lungs. 


What if we just switched Mei Mei and Nanami?

Would’ve loved to watch her blow up while Nanami’s reading some books safely in Malaysia like he deserves.


finding an apartment on this side of town was no easy feat, considering rent was through the roof and your wallet wasn’t exactly padded with cash. it wasn’t long before you’d run out of options and decided to go with plan b – find a roommate. not exactly what you’d wanted, you couldn’t exactly afford to be picky.

you start your search immediately, scouring the personal ads in the newspaper and roommate finding websites before you find one that catches your eye. it’s the location, really, the ad doesn’t give much information other than a phone number and a notice to ‘ask for simon’. if it hadn’t been so close to your job, you probably would have skipped over it.

when you call the number a gruff voice rumbles over the other end of the line. you explain your interest and agree to meet later on in the day to talk things over. anxieties start to swarm your mind as you hang up the phone. living with a stranger was definitely not on your bingo card, but then again, nothing that you’d been through in the last few years had been either. by 5 o’clock you’re knocking on a dark paneled door, nervously rocking on your heels. first impressions have never been your strong suit. don’t be too friendly, you don’t want to be overbearing. what if he thinks you look like a slob? oh god, what if this is the wrong apartment –

the door swings open and you almost feel like you shrink in front of the man in front of you. he’s tall, muscled, and looks utterly bored. shit. he’s perfect.

“um…I’m looking for simon?”

“you found him.” he blinks down at your hand when you stick it out for him to shake, hesitating for a moment before wrapping his hand around yours. you try your best to ignore the way it fits just so, sending warmth up your wrist. simon leads you through the apartment and shows you the spare bedroom, which is right across from his. it’s spacious and bright, and you can’t help but imagine decorating the space to your own liking. don’t get ahead of yourself.

when simon tells you how much he’s asking for, your jaw drops. the price is good enough that you can pay him and still have a good chunk of your paycheck left over. what’s the catch?

“there's a catch.” and there it is.

turns out, this ‘catch’ is more of a pleasant twist. simon is in the military and goes on leave every so often. sometimes for weeks, sometimes for months, he says. it’ll be up to you to manage the upkeep of the apartment. he seems surprised when you assure him that it won’t be a problem, you like to keep busy anyway. and so your partnership begins.

the two of you fall in step with each other almost immediately. simon is a man of few words, but the conversations you have are amusing and leave you smiling. he’s armed to the teeth with bad jokes and sarcastic comments that leave you simultaneously rolling your eyes and laughing. he leaves for base early in the morning and by the time you return from your own job, he’s sitting on the couch with a cup of tea. within a few weeks, he even starts making you one too. your routine evolves to include him, spending your evenings with simon instead of out or in your own room. one evening you come home and he’s on the phone, staring out the window as he hums in agreement with whoever is on the other end of the line. he ends the call with a “see you then, sir” before turning to face you. you know the words that are on the tip of his tongue before he even speaks them.

“you're being deployed.” simon nods. “I leave in the morning,” he replies, and you’re a little bit alarmed by the way your stomach drops. you knew this was coming at some point, you shouldn’t be so surprised. and you really shouldn’t be feeling like a spiderweb of cracks just appeared on your heart. you muster up a smile and even though you know it looks forced, you need to be supportive of him now. god knows where he’s going and what he’ll be walking into. “I would ask for how long, but that’s probably a stupid question, huh?”

simon chuckles, nodding. “yeah it is. won’t stop me from asking tomorrow though.” he shoves his hands in his pockets. “are you gonna be alright here?” by yourself is the unsaid addition to his words.

“I’ll be fine. so will you,” the latter you speak aloud not only for him, but a little bit for yourself. if you keep saying it maybe it will come true. simon changes the subject, obviously wanting to enjoy his last few hours as a civilian before he has to turn that side of him off for a while. you share takeout from his favorite restaurant and talk over the sound of the television in the background. there’s something deeper about this interaction, something you can’t seem to put your finger on. you watch simon as he cleans up the kitchen, sweeping takeout boxes into the garbage and putting the silverware in the dishwasher.

take a good look now. he’ll be gone soon.

the thought sobers you and you quickly look away when he turns away from the sink to fully face you. he studies you back, almost as if he is memorizing every detail of your face just as you had done to him only moments before. when you lift your gaze to meet his, there’s a look in his eyes you’re wholly unfamiliar with. longing, it feels like. he blinks it away before you have a chance to say anything. “I’m gonna turn in. I have to be out of here by 4 o’clock to make it in time for our flight.” you wince. 4 o’clock in the morning? its almost 11 o’clock now. as if sensing your horror, he waves a hand dismissively. “don’t worry love. I’ve shipped off with less sleep in my system and survived.”

love. it was a nickname he’d only recently started using but it sent a flutter of butterflies loose in your stomach every time. a common term of endearment, you remind yourself, especially for a british man. he probably calls the nice lady down at the coffeeshop love too. the thought irks you more than it should. “hold down the fort for me, yeah? I’ll be back before you know it.”

“be safe, please.” the words come out before you get a chance to mask the desperation behind them. simon nods. a man of few words.

“goodnight,” you whisper as he moves down the hall toward his room. your heart tightens with every step he takes until you hear the ever familiar click of his door being shut. the sound snaps you back to the reality of the situation.

he's leaving. you’ll be on your own for a while. what if it’s forever?

a shiver passes through you as you will yourself to get up from your chair, making your way down the hallway to your door. you pause as you open your door, staring at the one across from you. it’s quiet, you can’t hear him moving around, although you never really could in the first place. the man moves with the silence of owl’s feathers. this is the closest he’ll be for a long time.

pulling yourself into the room and into bed feels like a chore. sleep does not come easily. your conversation with simon plays repeatedly over and over in your mind. a chorus of emotions start to flow through you – anger, concern, fear. anger for whoever had started the conflict that required his deployment, concern for his wellbeing during said deployment, and fear – fear for what this overwhelming urge to be with simon meant. he was a door away, just as he always was. but tomorrow, he would be shipped away, sent to fight with his team in some unknown place against some unknown enemy. the thought makes you sick.

sleep finally comes, but only in waves. you're thrown between consciousness and the space just between sleep, leaving you groggy and miserable. even so, the only thing on your mind is the storm cloud of a man just across the hallway and the intensity of your feelings toward him. he appears in snapshots as dreams come and go. simon smiling, simon cooking, simon laughing. he hadn’t done it much at first, but once you’d heard it you ached to hear it again. the thought hits you like a brick wall.

I’m in love with simon riley.

you sit up in bed, grabbing for your phone in the dark blindly. it hits the floor and you curse as you reach down, feeling for the shape of it. as soon as your fingers touch it you snatch it up, squinting as the brightness glares in your sleepy eyes. 3:54 AM.

you all but fall out of the bed, stumbling over to the bedroom door to yank it open. simon’s door is still closed as it was when you went to bed last night, and when you wrench it open your heart sinks. empty. spinning on your heel, you rush down the hallway, trying not to slip in your fuzzy socks as you turn the corner to the front door. you’re met with the sight of simon’s duffel bag, and for a moment you feel like you can breathe again. find him, your brain chants. you turn to head back down the hallway you came from, ready to call out simon’s name when you smack face first into the man himself.

“what are you doing up?” he pulls you back the shoulders, studying your face with a concerned wrinkle between his eyebrows. “is everything okay?”

“I don’t want you to go.”

simon’s eyes soften but he holds his ground. in all honesty, he looks a bit surprised. “I don’t exactly have a choice, love. I – “

“that’s not what I meant.” you stare up at him, taking in the beauty of the man before you. dark eyes staring down at you, the traces of scars trailing across his skin. the stories of battles won painted across his skin. “I want you here. I know this is your duty, but god – if there was anything I could do to make it possible for you to stay I’d do it. I don’t want to lose you simon, I just can’t,” by the end of your sentence you can feel the sting of tears and you cover your face with your hands. sure he’d seen you cry, but putting this on him, right before he was about to leave, didn’t seem fair. the words seemed to come out of their own volition as you chew your bottom lip. you hadn’t thought this far. realizing your own feelings? check. but even hinting at them to simon was a decision you hadn’t even had time to think about. you’d just confessed you couldn’t stand to lose him, and now you might lose him to that very same decision. you should’ve just –

“I’ll always come back to you.” his words are spoken softly but you can’t ignore the seriousness behind his steely tone. warm hands leave your shoulders and simon’s fingers wrap around your wrists loosely. he pulls them away from your face and grips your chin lightly, angling your face up to his. the air leaves your lungs as his breath fans across your lips.

“I would ask you to promise me, but I don’t want to hold you to that.”

“you could hold me to anything you’d like love. just like I’ll be holding you to it that you’ll still be here when I get back.” he tilts his head and you can swear his eyes flicker between yours and your mouth. images of a different reality start to play in your mind, one where he wasn’t moments away from leaving and had the time to push you against the wall and pour every ounce of emotion into a heart stopping kiss. as if stuck in his orbit you shift forward slightly. you don’t miss the way his eyes darken before he pulls away. he doesn’t miss the whine that slips from your lips.

“if I didn’t have to leave within the next 3 minutes I’d give you everything you want, love. everything i want.” simon’s voice is gravelly and has a dangerous tinge to it. the air shifts between you two as he leans forward to press a chaste kiss to your forehead, your eyelids fluttering closed at the sensation. objectively, simon was not a soft man. he’d only given you a glimpse of his life before you and even less of his life before the military, but you could tell that he’d been hardened by something much deeper than the world of a soldier. but this – this was a gentleness that you’d never expected from him. it made your heart hammer in your chest.

simon steps back, a pained look in his eyes as he leans down to collect his bag. you can still feel his lips on your forehead, his fingers on your jaw. you have a feeling you’ll be replaying this memory until it’s worn thin just waiting for him to come home. if he does – you stop that thought right in its tracks.

“please be safe.” simon nods at you as he adjusts the bag higher on his shoulder. his phone buzzes and he snaps an “I’ll be down in a moment” to who must be the cab driver waiting outside. you swear you can hear your heart crack just a bit. he’s leaving.

simon steps towards the door, his fingertips landing on the knob but not gripping it. you take the opportunity to speak. “I’ll be waiting right here,” you choke out, trying your best to sound as composed as possible. he offers you a weak smile, one that can’t mask the pain behind it.

“you better be. you’re all mine when I get back.” with that, simon tugs the door open and slips through it silently. the click of the door behind him wrenches a sob from your throat. you quickly wipe away the tears as if he were still there to see you cry. simon would let you cry. after indulging in your tears for a few moments, you sniffle and straighten yourself. you’ll have plenty of time to cry later. for now, you have to either sleep or make yourself busy. you have a feeling that ‘making yourself busy’ will become your new hobby over the next few weeks.

it does.

the silence that haunts your apartment becomes too loud. so you pick up crocheting, start reading again and learn how to make your favorite takeout meals. simon’s too. days turn into weeks and before you know it a month has passed. then two. there’s no word from him, but he’d mentioned that calling or texting wouldn’t really be an option when he was away. you’re left with nothing but more anxieties than you’d like to consider and the memory of simon riley one moment away from kissing you.

you spend your evenings busying your hands and thinking about a certain pair of brown eyes hovering over you. you feel as if you're willing him back to you, his words replaying in your head. you’re all mine when I get back.

you wish you’d told him you were all his then too.

you get a second chance when you hear click of your front door unlocking.


Cuddling with Simon "Ghost" Riley (HCs) 🌷

i need a big strong military man to cuddle me and tell me i’m precious image from everyone’s fav @ave661 again totally pure fluff, not proofread, female reader :3

Simon Riley who loves to touch your hair when you’re cuddling, twirling a piece around his finger or just patting it, while you rest your head against his chest.

Simon Riley who finds it utterly hilarious to use his strength against you and hold to his chest, chuckling as you try to escape his death-grip. His big, strong arms wrap around you and hold you close to him as you playfully push against them.

"M’not letting you get away. You’re mine," as he grins mischievously. Cheeky bastard.

Simon Riley who is a little chubbier now than when he first met you, from all the good food you make for him. He wears that extra cushioning with pride, he loves to hold you against it when you’re cuddling.

Simon Riley who is a total head-kisser. If he’s spooning you, or if you’re sitting on his lap, he loves to lean down and kiss the top of your head. Once he got a bit overenthusiastic and ended up knocking his big nose into you, which ended with you having to kiss it better.

Simon Riley who won’t let you nap unsupervised when he’s around. The idea of you unconscious, without him there to look after you, is totally unthinkable. He’ll always let you nap on the sofa with your head in his lap, if he’s working, or on his chest if you’re laying together, watching a film. If you want to sleep in your bed, he’ll be in bed with you, or sitting on the armchair so that you don’t ever have to be unprotected.

Simon Riley who gave you a teddy bear when he left for his last mission, so that you could have something to hold when you missed him. Thing is, sometimes Si finds you cuddling the bear and gets all jealous, as if the teddy would steal his girl.

thanks for reading! 💗

Anonymous asked:

i saw on your rules that you don’t write hardcore nsfw, so im gonna try to stay tame LOL

how would ghost be in bed? i feel like im so conflicted about this topic

ghost in bed - simon "ghost" riley x reader

overview: how simon "ghost" riley would be like in bed

pairing: simon "ghost" riley x gender neutral reader, romantic

genre: smut, fluff

a/n: i'm actually so passionate about this topic. he's very misrepresented in our fandom, so i'd like to give my two cents regarding this topic. thanks for the request, anon!

TW! mentions of SA, abuse, suicide, and torture. proceed with caution.

  • Contrary to popular belief, he is not the rough dom everyone makes him out to be. He wouldn’t slap or spit on you. He wouldn’t push your head into the mattress and call you the filthiest words that come to mind - no, he’d be gentle, careful, and loving. 

Simon 'Ghost' Riley / fem!Reader

Summary:   Simon finds out his girlfriend is pregnant. He's determined to be the good father he never had.

Content:  civilian girlfriend, established relationship, unplanned pregnancy, Ghost as a dad not just daddy, so much fluff, some mild sexual undertones

Word Count:   1.7k

Notes: Okay so this request could have gone two ways: either Ghost knows or doesn't know about the pregnancy. But I thought it would be kind of strange... like in a maybe-she-cheated-on-me way if she didn't tell him (because why else wouldn't she, realistically). I decided on making him super happy/fluffy/anxious with anticipation instead 🫶🏻

Two months ago, everything had started with a nervous phone call, a teary-eyed confession, stunned silence. She'd been trembling as she clutched the pregnancy test in one hand, phone pressed to her ear in the other.

Simon had been dead silent for several endless moments, and more tears had gathered in her eyes, because god damn, now was probably not the time, why had they ever thought it would be okay not to use condoms-

"Pregnant?" He whispered, oceans apart but his voice as close as though Simon was right beside her.

"Y-yes," she whispered back, staring at the little screen that read 3-4 weeks. "I think so."


what wife wants, what wife gets.

the only thing that simon riley wants after deployment is to be at home, relaxing with his pregnant wife.

you greet him at the door with kisses. he returns it back along with a one in your swollen belly, caressing it dearly with those rough hands of his.

the two of you spent the with nothing but love with one another, like a never-ending cycle that would surely never meet the finish line. afterwards, he kisses you with a goodnight muttering out of his lips before shutting off the lights and expecting some nice sleep after a while.

until he heard a sob outside of the bedroom.


Well, hello and welcome to the madhouse. @sock-1574, your wish is my command, here's a quick _v2 for this short. I wrote it at 10pm and it's unedited, forgive me if you find mistakes. Also, f!reader.

In his sleep, Simon turned to wrap an arm around your waist to pull you against his body, a completely casual move that he had done so many times in the past. He just wanted to warm up a little in the chilly room, because despite the thick blanket you insisted on using, he could still use a little help. But his eyes opened when he realized you weren’t there next to him. It was odd. 

When he heard something break downstairs, he jumped out of bed, his instincts kicking in right away. It didn’t sound like a window breaking, more like a mug or a glass landing on the tiles. What were you even doing in the kitchen a little past two in the morning? He called out your name as he walked down the stairs several times, but there was no response. He heard a groan, then some soft sobbing, which made him believe something was wrong. 

Soon on lovi's blog...

We have heard of Ghost talking you thought it, we have heard of telephone sex with Ghost, but what about...

And hear me on this.

Talking your poor boyfriend Ghost through it when he calls mid-deployment desperate to hear your sweet sweet voice and help him get his sweet sweet release.

Patiently playing with the buckle of his belt, no matter how painful the zipper is pressing against his hardening cock, he still waits for you to tell him what to do.

Only hearing his whiny moans and almost desperate begging for you to talk, to tell him what's the next step, what he needs to do to hear your praises.


simon never told you upfront that he wanted you to touch him, but you could always tell. he'd touch you more often throughout the day, you'd catch his eyes lingering for longer than usual, and you'd walk in on him furiously fisting his red, leaking cock.

he'd be covered in sweat, meaning he had been at this for a while, and your assumptions would be proven right when he begs you to just help him already. with the sweetest smile you'd join him where he lay completely naked against the sheets, lying next to him on your side, throwing your thigh over his to keep it in place as your hand came over his own, slowing him down. you'd remove his hand, letting your own fingertips graze his cock, teasing his length, circling the tip, and collecting the leaking precum that had pooled on his toned stomach just to rub it all over his cock.

he was a downright mess, tears rimming his once cold, soulless eyes, hips twitching, breath labored. you kept your eyes on his face, watching for any signs that he was going to cum considering he always tried his best to stay quiet, and when his first groan came, you pulled your hand away, ruining his long awaited orgasm and electing a string of whimpers out of him. his head thrashed to the side, resulting in your hands finding his hair as you chuckled at his reaction, hand finding his cock once again, his own coming to hold your wrist in order to stop you, unable to take more.

you both knew simon could easily overpower you, push your hand away, hold it still, yet he never did.

"such a good boy for me, aren't you? letting me ruin your orgasm, my sweet boy."


hnggghh thinking about kissing simon “ghost” riley on his forehead while he has his mask still on…

just imagine him being all tired he didn’t even take his mask off on his way home to you, he simply unlocks the door and striding to the living room where you are sitting horizontally on the couch with your legs crossed, reading.

he takes a hold of your ankles, uncrossing them and spreading your legs apart to lay there in between them. it’s cute how he lays his head on your chest, his arms tight around your waist, snuggling into you.

you can’t even help him remove his mask since he’s literally unmovable from his current spot, so you just put your right arm around his shoulder while your left hand gently on his head, bringing your face close to him, kissing him softly on his forehead.

he doesn’t feel the kiss because of the skull part of his mask, but he feels you. he feels your warmth. your comfort. your love.

it makes him smile slightly. he’s home.

and he takes it in happily.

i don’t even know where this came from guys lol !! but i have been into call of duty for a while now and i wanted to write abt ghost but never had the chance to but then this came up!!

all credits to me :3

Anonymous asked:

Hi slater I saw that you do requests now and I can’t stop thinking about this prompt so I RAN to your ask box

Imagine if Simon had like a girlfriend or wife that he hid from the 141 bc he’s scared to put her in danger but then he accidentally ends up mentioning her anyway? Imagine how cute their reaction would be :(((((

Anyway I love Texas Red rn literally what I sleep eat and breathe <3 hope you’re doing well lovely

- 🐙 anon

Im gonna call u Octo Anon cause somehow that goes well in my mind lol hope you enjoy the story!! Tags: drinking, recreational drug use (weed), drunken confessions, banter, newlyweds, pure tooth-rotting fluff, whipped!Simon


Six months. 

It had been six painfully long months since they’d been sent on this blasted deployment. A deployment which, to no short degree, went off the rails the minute they hopped off the transport. They’d been stuck in the ass end of the Mexican jungle, working a joint operation to see a few two-bit traffickers into their maximum security cells in the United States. 


call it military orders but older bf!simon has impeccable manners

“yes, please”

“no, thank you”

sure, if he’s with the lads he can swear blind but in general? beautiful manners

lovely manners


“no, sir”

he has a way about his words, a way that creeps up on you and can make your heart flutter in the cradle of your ribs

“yes, please”

“please, baby”

“jus’ touch it a little bit, please”

eye watering manners

“please, please, please- i need it”

“a little bit more, y’can take it baby”

“please let me cum, please i need t’cum”

unspeakably polite


Simon doesn't care how he comes. He doesn't care if it's your smaller hand wrapped around his fattened cock, tugging it with a gentle twist, smearing the bead of arousal that's welled up from his slit with your thumb. Doesn't care that he usually fucks his fist roughly after a hard day's work with blood still crusted on his fingernails, hard enough to ache. The way you sit beside him, the soft swell of your breasts pressed against the corded muscle of his arm, murmuring words of praise that have his cheeks alight with a rosy glow—

Anonymous asked:

but like… men with emotions…

i mean simon riley thinking his love isnt enough for reader and apologising for it AHHH or like generally being insecure and sure that reader is gonna leave him:(((( and reader comforts him soooooooo sweetly

You and Simon had been at it for a while. When Simon is pissed, he's as stubborn as a brick wall, what is right to him is right to all. And you can't change it, knowing you, you don't fall for any of it, you're willing to argue to get your point across.

"I'm not done!" You yelled as followed him into your shared bedroom, "I heard you already," His voice boomed, "You sound like a broken record." He waved you off. You bit your tongue, holding in the words that would so desperately tried to escape. You nodded to yourself backing off.

Hours later Simon walked into the kitchen where you reheated left overs from yesterday. He cleared his throat trying to get your attention, you obviously ignored him, still to angry and out of it to have a proper conversation.

"Can we talk?" His voice breaking the silence between you two. You turn to look at him, only shrugging and then going back to look at the microwave. Simon sighed, "I'm not good with words, and you know this."

You roll your eyes as if he could see, "I don't want to leave and have you mad at me the whole time- I've never had something like this." Simon said and your eye almost twitched, "Simon I'm your girlfriend, not a contract." You snap, to which Simon sighed yet again, "Can you just listen?" the tension rising again, "I love you and sometimes, I get overwhelmed."

You scoff, "So now what?" You cut the conversation, Staring Simon down, "I love you stupendously, but half the time I am begging you to tell me you love me, or to show me you love me the way you say you do."

"I do love you..." Simon started, You sighed, "We're going in circles." You rubbed your forehead, "Just, go somewhere." You tell him, Simon nods and leaves you alone for the rest of the day, You at one end of the house while he's at the other.

When night time approaches, you slip into bed next to Simon who was on his side. You peer over his shoulder, causing him to flinch, "what the fuck." He whisper shouts, "Sorry, I thought you were asleep." You say frantically, "I'm awake."

"Sorry," You mumbled as you lay back down, Simon flips on his back watching you get your pillows to your liking. "Come here," He says softly pulling you into his arms, placing a kiss on the crown of your head. "I'm sorry." He says, "It's fine." You brush him off, "I'm sorry." He says again, "I know I piss you off."

"You don't, I just get frustrated." You clarified, "It's okay to be mad with me. It's normal to get angry with someone."

"I know that. I don't get mad at you, I get mad at what you do, or what you don't do. there's a difference." Simon hums in response, "You still get mad at me."

"I"m gonna start right now if you don't stop and go the fuck to sleep."

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