
jonathan's tomfoolery corner !

@staticquitto / staticquitto.tumblr.com

adult ★ he/him ★ chronic and mentally ill dumbass ★ multifandom artist ★ also a good fren ! ★ this is my personal acc ! welcome ! ★ ic by: udtcue ! please check them out ! ★

all your stuffed animals love you. they're not sad if they're in a box, or on the floor, or not held/played with as much. they understand. they know that you might need another stuffie more, or that you don't have enough space. they're just happy to be with you, and if you ever give them away, they'll be happy there too. stuffies are for comfort. they understand. they love you too. it's okay.


psa: not every weird esoteric thing a schizophrenic person does is creepy, threatening, or indicative of a mental downspiral. sometimes we’re just stimming or engaging in our interests and enjoying ourselves like any other neurodivergent person! sometimes it involves stuff that can look spooky, like making little talismans or wandering around in the dark or taking strange-looking notes, but unless we’re visibly distressed we’re probably just having fun!


a delusion does not mean a person should ever be dismissed, brushed off or disregarded.

delusions are beliefs that are extremely hard to shake regardless of how self aware we are.

a delusional person is not quirky, not rambling nothingness for the sake of attention, they are serious.

from believing youre dead or dying (cotard's) to believing your halucinations were real, these things are terifying for us. theyre real for us.

just because you know its not true doesnt mean we're making it up. we deserve to be heard, listened to and helped just like you and your issues.

delusional is not and should never be nor should it ever have been an insult. its a serious issue. take it seriously.


If you have speech issues due to brain fog or psychosis or schizophrenia spectrum or intellectual disability or aphasia or whatever reason love you forever. We are not stupid, we are not freaks, we are disabled (if you identify that way) and deserve to be normalized. Speak "strange" forever

-schizophrenic with somewhat constant disorganized speech and writing


I haven’t seen anyone make a post like this so here goes

this is a post for all severely depressed people who can’t channel their depression into anything “creative”, who have abandoned their hobbies for months or years because of the lack of energy and motivation, for those who keep rewatching old stuff over and over because getting into new things costs energy, for those who struggle having and keeping interests because the fog in the brain makes everything feel dull and nothing feels special. For everyone missing the pre-depression days of binging a show or obsessing over a video game or having it inspire you. It can be hard being on this website full of creative and passionate people (no shade) talking and sharing interests when you don’t even see the point of getting out of bed. All we can do is hope it’ll get better one day. Let’s not lose this hope. It will be okay, it has to. ❤️‍🩹


hey guys so apparently this is a thing a lot of people don't realise but like. if you have had writer's block/ art block for like. six months. a year. two years. that's maybe not a block. that's maybe depression. and you should maybe look into treating the source of the problem instead of just beating yourself up for not being able to write/draw. be kind to yourself and know that your struggle to create isn't based in laziness or a lack of skill or talent.


As a disabled person, I'm telling you right now:

Act disabled.

Stop telling yourself you're acting more disabled than you are.

Crawl to clean your room, use a wheelchair when you're "only" at level 3 pain, wear all the wraps and ice packs

Allow yourself to act disabled and you'll see that it helps you a whole lot when you allow yourself to use any and all tools

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