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List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged from you! :3 🐤 📽


Ooooh fun

  1. Reading
  2. Writing
  3. Comfort shows (cm, supernatural, etc)
  4. Sitting with my friends
  5. Walking

A male wizard sells his future firstborn for knowledge to a demon. A female warlock sells her future firstborn to the fae for power. The two of them have a child together, and now the fae and demon have come to collect.

Day 1 of writing something everyday:

There's a knock on the door, the wizard stands, one hand on his wife's arm the other slightly behind him, reaching for a vial half full of a blue tinted liquid. When he got to the door, his heart stopped.

The Demon.

He hadn't thought. It had been so long, since he'd made the decision to bargain with one of hell's finest.

He opened the door, taking a single breath and standing up as straight as he could.

"Ah, Damien. How lovely to see you again. I hope this isn't a bad time." The Demon smiled. All teeth.

"No, no. It's fine. You're here for the child I suppose?"

At that, Damien heard a noise from behind him, his wife had stood and started walking to the door, waving him off when he reached out a hand to steady her.

"Wait. You sold your firstborn? To this?" She frowned, creases collecting on her brow as she considered something.

"I take full offense to that my dear Emily." This from the demon, whose eyes had not once left the child since it had come into view. "If you don't mind, I'm quite busy. Chaos and strife, you know. So I'll just take the baby and go. Yes?"

"No." This voice was new. Damien didn't recognise it but clearly Emily did. Her face darkened.

"Ash." Her voice was little more than a whisper, yet it carried on some invisible breeze. Ash smiled, a soft thing. Warm and enticing though Damien got the idea that those weren't two traits typically associated with Ash.

"Little Warlock." They greeted. "How much you've grown! And look, your firstborn. Exactly as I'm owed. So if you would please, child."

Damien stood for a moment, then before even the birds could chirp in the trees, "We both sold our firstborns. To different people."

Emily nodded. Ash looked at the demon. The demon looked at Ash. They both sighed.

"Well. Which bargain was made first? That should decide who gets the firstborn. The other will have to wait for the secondborn." This was put forward by Ash. The demon grumbled but offered no complaints.

"June 3rd 1998, 12:45:34" Emily and Damien looked at each other, they had both made the same bargain, at the exact same time.

"Right. Well that's just fantastic isn't it? What do you have to say to this then, Ash? Any more clever little ideas from you?" The demon turned to face Ash, hands on hips, hair slipping loose from the intricate braid it had previously been in.

"Do be quiet, Alice. You'll strain your voice. Then what will we do. No more chaos and strife for you." Ash sniped back, "I suppose we'll just. Have to. Share." Ash grimaced as though they had been asked to live with a drakon, who quite famously did not get on with faeries, instead of having shared custody of a child with a demon.

Alice froze, further arguments falling silent on their lips like charred, withering leaves slowly crumbling in the blaze burning in her eyes. Then she turned. "Can I see it?"

Emily stepped forward holding the baby out for Alice to see. It was strange. The baby. In that it hadn't once cried. Just sat there. Staring. Watching. As if it already knew everything that had and would ever happen. As if it already knew that the people who had brought it into this world, were not the ones it would grow to care for. As if it already knew that its fate was predetermined, had been for years before its birth.

Ash stepped up, quiet awe etched over their features. They only looked up again when Alice spoke.

"Maybe that wouldn't be too bad."

"Yeah. Maybe."

Damien looked at Emily, who raised an eyebrow back. He turned to the two beings in his garden. "Well then. Payment fulfilled." Emily handed Alice the baby and the two of them turned back to their house.

Before they could go, however, Ash's soft voice reached them. "What's its name?"

Damien looked to Emily. Emily looked to Damien.

"She's called Eve." Emily smiled and took Damien by the hand leading into the house. Leaving, Alice and Ash to take their new baby home, while the two of them settled into their seats and watched Sasha, their secondborn twin, play with the faerie and the demon and the baby toys she had in front of her in an eery mimic of the scene still frozen through the windows.

Have a good day/night wherever you are and look after yourselves. Drink some water, maybe get some sleep or some fresh air if you can. See you next time xx.


I've been thinking.

Dangerous. I know.

But I think I'm gonna start posting little pieces of my writing on here every day if I can. It might not be parts of my fic, could just be anything really, stuff I wrote based on random prompts, poems, random drabbles, whatever. Hopefully it'll help me to be more creative and get over my writer's block.

Another thing I'm gonna start posting more about the maraurders in general and the way I've characterised them myself on here, so then maybe I'll get all like "Oooh Maraurders!" And then write more of my fic, you know?

Anyways, we'll see whether or not this lasts.

Have a good day and look after yourselves, drink some water, go outside if you can and have a good rest of your day/night.

Remember this? Yeah me too. It lasted less than a day. That's actually pathetic oh my god. I'm like, so bad at following a schedule and stuff but let's try this again, yeah?

Cool. Hopefully it'll work this time.

Wish me luck guys.


I've been thinking.

Dangerous. I know.

But I think I'm gonna start posting little pieces of my writing on here every day if I can. It might not be parts of my fic, could just be anything really, stuff I wrote based on random prompts, poems, random drabbles, whatever. Hopefully it'll help me to be more creative and get over my writer's block.

Another thing I'm gonna start posting more about the maraurders in general and the way I've characterised them myself on here, so then maybe I'll get all like "Oooh Maraurders!" And then write more of my fic, you know?

Anyways, we'll see whether or not this lasts.

Have a good day and look after yourselves, drink some water, go outside if you can and have a good rest of your day/night.


I was up until midnight last night because I had an idea for a poem about monsters.

Monsters. Of all the things to keep me awake.

Anyway have my midnight musings I guess:

I never had time to fear the monsters in the dark
In the shadows
The corners
Under the beds
Or in the cupboards.
Not when there were so many
That prowled during the day
With smiles on their too tight lips
That don't quite reach their eyes
And grips on my slight wrists
That "don't hurt" but bruise
And hollow promises slipping
From their tongues, poisoned with lies.
I was never afraid of the monsters in the dark,
How bad could they be?
When I had learned to live with the ones
Who like to pretend they were everything
Good about this Earth.
The ones who bathed in sunlight
Like it could hide their nature
In a golden glow.
But look close enough and you'll see
Shadows in their eyes that only exist for me.

Just so you know this was written at midnight so you be kind to it please, I'm also not a poet in any respect and normally can hardly string two words together, but whatever it is about the magic of that time when no one else is awake prompted this. So enjoy it I guess.

And who knows maybe I'll put up some of my other angsty poems.

That's all, take care of yourselves, drink some water maybe open a window get some fresh air and have a good day/night wherever you are.


Okay but can we all just agree that writer's block bloody sucks. I've been off school all week and I haven't been able to write a single thing, which is just incredibly unfair because this is essentially the only time I'll have until after all my exams and yet I haven't written a word for at least a month.

If anyone has any tips they would be greatly appreciated.

Also if you don't mind having to wait an unholy amount of time between updates check out my marauders fic on ao3 A Poisoned Apple and A Red Rose by LilHan20, it's a marauders descendants au following them all as they go through school and face challenges familiar and foreign alike, there will be heartbreak and happy endings but who for? Well you'll just have to find out.

If that sounds like something you'd like then please check it out and let me know what you think here or over there and feel free to give suggestion of things you'd like to see.

Hopefully I'll get over this block soon and I'll get back to writing.

Speak to you all soon, look after yourselves and have a good day/night


Omg okay so I've kinda just like dropped off the face of the Earth for the last few weeks.

Sorry about that.

I had a rough week with my mental health and now I'm in the middle of my mock exams although I have 6 more to go.


Anyway between all of that I've been writing parts of my fic and crocheting Christmas presents for everyone I know

Suffice it to say, it's been pretty hectic. Hopefully I'll be back to a regular schedule after this week. Keep an eye out here for any more updates and if you want to go and check out my fic it's on ao3 A Poisoned Apple and A Red Rose by LilHan20.

I appreciate you all and thank you for being patient with me.

Hopefully see you all again next Monday xx


OMG okay so I’ve just posted a Halloween chapter of my WIP on ao3 and I love it, I was sooo proud of myself because I managed to write a chapter of entire fluff, no angst or anything, although I did end on a cliffhanger of sorts, so you know there’s that but I used the chapter just to establish some more relationships and tto show them all relaxing and having fun this Halloween, it didn’t do much for the plot but I do not care I love this little chapter. Go check it out, “A Poisoned Apple and a Red Rose” on ao3 by LilHan20. OMG okay Happy Halloween to everyone who celebrates and Happy Monday to everyone who doesn’t, take care of yourself and drink some water


I just posted a new chapter of ‘A Poisoned Apple and a Red Rose’ on ao3 and I really love this chapter so here’s a snippet of jegulus interaction that I was quite proud of:

He scanned the blue gray sky above the pitch, remembering he was supposed to be looking for the snitch. He glanced down and saw a glint of gold hovering next to where James was explaining about passing. Regulus dived, shakily, towards the snitch, taking the few seconds it took to get there to convince himself to reach out and wrap his and around the snitch. He pulled up, almost falling sideways from the unexpected way the broom stopped. He was breathing heavily, adrenaline coursing through his blood. He looked up and found he was so close to James their noses were touching.  He held the snitch out for James, “It’s done now, right?” he said his breathing misting in their faces. “Yeah, yeah it’s done now.” James swallowed and Regulus could see the motion of it. He snapped his gaze back up to James’ face and looked around at everyone staring at them like they had grown two heads. He shoved the snitch into James’ hand and dropped to the ground like a stone, clambering off the broom clumsily, before storming off. His friends followed behind him, confused and silent. 

If you liked this then maybe you should check out the rest of the fic.

A Poisoned Apple and a Red Rose by LilHan20 on ao3 


I just started another WIP on ao3 this time where everyone can see it 😱 I'm actually terrified but this is a fic idea that I actually really like and I got the idea from a tiktok video so it's not all mine it only has one chapter and it's less than like 500 words but you know I'll get there eventually, it's gonna have jegulus wolfstar marylily dorlene rosekiller and Frank and Alice its a marauders descendants au. I'm genuinely having so much fun with the idea so thanks to @lesbianmoony on TikTok for the idea.

If you guys wanna go and check it out it's called "A Poisoned Apple and a Red Rose" by LilHan20 on ao3.


Hey guys heres one of my favourite extracts from the literally story I'm currently writing:

TW: Descriptions of pain, blood, fainting, and fighting.

Devan hit the ground and felt pain blossoming in his nose. Great. Just what he needed a broken, bloody nose as well as a broken rib. Blood trickled onto the floor as he scrambled to get to his feet. Wiping his sleeve across his face Devan tried to clean off some of the blood but inky succeeded in smearing it to his ear. Grabbing hold of him again, the lady pressed on his ribs and he cried. The pain was like nothing he'd ever felt before. Like fire, roaring through his blood. He fought against the darkness tugging at the corners of his vision. He would not black out. He would not black out. She jabbed her fingers into the place where his ribs where now misshapen and burning. Darkness offered him salvation from the pain. He gave in. Stopped fighting. Stopped.

Hope you guys liked it, please let me know what thought and if you think I can improve it please let me know how xx

Lots of love to you all have a good day/night x


Hey, everyone sorry I haven't posted anything in a while but I really just needed to take a break from everything. I'm back now and my brain is overflowing with ideas and inspiration so hopefully I'll start posting regularly now. Thank you for being patient with me hope you all have a good day/night xx

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