
shit happens

@ireallyshouldbedrawing / ireallyshouldbedrawing.tumblr.com

formerly fictionforlife and ireallyshouldbedrawing. I accidentally deleted my account so here we are¯\_(ツ)_/¯

My relationship with my problematic faves

Me: omg yes he's a terrible person I do not approve of any of his life choices he's an asshole 0/10 would NOT recommend he deserves every bad thing in the world he's absolutely terrible in fact i would personally murder him myself if i could
anybody else: *says the exact same thing*
me: excuse me bitch
someone: you’re not writing that canon character correctly
me, looking them dead in the eye: neither did canon, but here we are

“I will love you until your face is fogged by distant memory. I will love you no matter where you go and who you see, I will love you if you don’t marry me. I will love you if you marry someone else–and i will love you if you never marry at all, and spend your years wishing you had married me after all. That is how I will love you even as the world goes on its wicked way.”  –Lemony Snicket


"The first monument, dedicated to Iron Man in the year of his cinematographical death, actually wants to celebrate Tony Stark as a man who sacrifices his goods to fight for the ideals he believes in, remembering us that we are the protagonists of our era, that the future of mankind depends on our decisions, that all of us need to be heroes".

They actually built this here in Italy and I cry


Hi everyone! im opening preorders for this body pillow one more time, order slots are capped to 20 & preorders close next week, Sept 3rd :) 

if you’d like one for sure but can’t place an order within this timeframe, feel free to message me & I will order one for you – please only do this if you know you’ll be getting one for sure!! 

>>>>>>Order here! <<<<<<


thank you so much!! all reblogs & signal boost are super appreciated <3 I’m getting back into being productive again so expect more posts here soon!! :DD

Boosting again!! Preorders close 11:55pm PST tonight!  :D


Your fearless leaders, @bowiecadmium and @sanguinarysanguinity​, are presenting at the Left Coast Sherlockian Symposium! We’ll be making a presentation about Holmestice entitled Gimme More!Holmes: Holmestice, Fanworks Exchanges, and Fan Engagement with Sherlock Holmes Adaptations.

Although we have a treasure-trove of hard data from participants over the years and anecdotes from conversations we remember having, we’d like to ask the community to participate in this talk by giving us some more information about what Holmestice is to you and why you participate.

Please share far and wide! The more answers we get back the better we can refine what we would like to say about fan engagement. Thank you so much for your participation over the years and your engagement with Holmes, Holmestice, and us.

If you have any questions or comments for us, please send us an email (holmesticemods@gmail.com) or drop us a comment on the Dreamwidth post!


the concept of iron man is so funny like imagine if you woke up one day and saw on the news that paris hilton sigle-handedly defeated ISIS


hey! i just wanted to say that i absolutely adore your art style and i've just been looking at your noir art to get inspired to write my fic lol ANYWAY, thank you for sharing your art!!!! it's lovely!!!


hello! ahhh thank you so much! i miss noir and i want to make more noir art but! motivation! 

may you never lack the muse and motivation needed to do your writing! x

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