
Don't mix your whiskey with decision

@littlecountrymouse / littlecountrymouse.tumblr.com

I'm Mouse! An Australian 29 year old, living in the middle of nowhere and trying to live my life as hopepunk as possible. Sorry for the varied amount of shit you'll find here - I'm known to fandom-hop like crazy. You'll find me sporadically posting on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/users/littlecountrymouse and if anyone wants to donate to the cause of the starving writer, I have Ko-fi now! https://ko-fi.com/dixiethumbelina

I see all these posts that are like

  • “What’s the deal with popular posts on Tumblr, that better not happen to this one!”
  • “I dunno, this post reads like a 1m note post to meeeeeee”
  • “oh no how could this have happened no dont oh lordy”
  • [apollo image]

And I just… I call shenanigans.  Look Tumblr is wacky, sure, but that shit doesn’t ACTUALLY get a gazillion notes unless you’re already big enough on here to get those numbers regardless.  No amount of “gosh this post better not be big ;)” would ever get any of mine to go above three notes maximum because only a handful of my followers are even real people.

You sure about that last sentence op

It’s got 12 reblogs, granted that’s more than the three I joked about but it’s not gonna break containment.  I feel like not only is my Tumblr too tiny and obscure but surely most people would see this as a blatant note-whoring attempt (to get those sweet, sweet notes that I can spend on [REDACTED] or something) and not want to give me the satisfaction.  Er.  Wait.  Or, since this is Tumblr, and we all complain when a post gets big… not want to give me the… uh…

Okay so if people assume I’m an attention-seeking masochist…


October 2022.

Me: ah yes it’s probably dry enough to give Scooby a quick lunge ride see if he’s still lame. He probably is so I won’t bother putting his boots on or the bridle

Scooby: *gallops at the speed of light*

Me: it’s not dry enough for that Scooby 🫣

Followed by a wash and some fresh jammies

"I'm going to be a HORRIBLE Father one day BECAUSE OF YOU FUCKS."

-Every Cat Owner Ever At Some Point

*woman laughing in background while man admonishes his cat*

“-fucking helping. You did it. You’re helping. You’re gonna pick this up one little kernel at a time, and you’re gonna like it, cause I’m fucking fed up with your bullshit. I’m gonna be a horrible father one day because of you fucks.”


Unironically, vegans need to be advocating for more and better sheep, llama, and alpaca farms. Wool is one of the best fabrics we have in terms of versatility, longevity and most importantly, insulation. Even wet, it retains 80% of it’s insulation potential.


Like, there’s literally nothing you can do to a sheep that’s as morally reprehensible as dumping plastic down the gullet of literally every other living thing. You wanna talk about animal welfare? Talk about reducing the amount of microplastics produced by rayon, polyester, and spandex.

Bruh plant-based sources of clothing exist and are better for the environment and don’t involve slicing an animal’s throat open please shut the fuck up you cunt


I know when I shear my animals I always make sure to slice their throat 😌

In the UK many farmers are resorting to throwing away or burning the wool from their sheep because the fleeces have so little value now that it’s not worth trying to sell them. Other farmers are switching to using sheep breeds that moult naturally as it costs more to sheer an individual sheep than it’s fleece is worth. 

Meanwhile fast fashion brands keep pumping out clothing made of plastics that will permanently pollute the environment and shed microplastics everywhere. 

The impact PETA has had on completely misinforming the public on where wool comes from is astounding.

This is all shearing a sheep involves. That’s it. It may be a bit confusing or uncomfortable, but it’s no more inhumane than giving a dog a bath. Most wool-bearing animals do not shed their wool naturally anymore and must be sheared to avoid suffering an incredibly slow death.

Nothing about wool production is cruel to the animals. No part of wool goes against veganism. Benefits the animal and benefits the people.

ive gotten a depressing amount of use out of th is image

If you want a quick summary: wool is made by sheep haircuts, and you have to give sheep haircuts anyway. Everyone in this post is using the term “sheering”, which might sound scary to you, because it’s a technical term you’re unfamiliar with that references a blade. It’s a haircut. It’s a less exploitative haircut than when a principal lets the students shave their head if the students raise enough charity money. Haircut haircut haircut.


Again, I’ma refer everyone to this lovely lesbian couple who shear sheep for a living. You can watch their videos. Please educate yourselves about this subject.

Factory farming is horrible. But that doesn’t mean all animal products are inherently evil.


My favorite thing about the new Leverage: Redemption s2 trailer is the way they're trying to hide how very muscular and in shape Aldis Hodge is right now (probably because of his role in Black Adam).

Thick coats and lots of scarves.

They're basically doing the cis male version of hiding the actor's pregnancy belly.

And. I mean is it working? Nah. Hardison just looks like a superhero. But then again Hardison looks like a superhero, where's the bad side in that?


I think one of the most damaging ideologies towards children is the conviction that having children isn’t a calling but a moral obligation.

Not to be a crazy radical or anything, but children deserve to be deeply wanted by their parents.

Children shouldn’t be a “stage” in life that everyone is obligated to fulfill; childrearing is not for everyone. More importantly, children shouldn’t be state-enforced punishments for “irresponsible” sexual behavior.

Children are people with thoughts and feelings just like the rest of us. They are conscious of the way people treat them. And they can certainly tell when they are unwanted and/or resented.

[Image caption: tags reading “#reblog #i also don’t think it’s enough to want a child. i think you need to want a teenager and an adult too #my mom wanted a baby. when i was too old to pronounce spaghetti wrong and let her put me in church dresses she was done with me #my dad wanted a person. he wanted a baby a child a tween a teen and an adult #my dad wanted to watch a person happen. which was different”. End caption.]


i’ve started to think about ao3 audience interaction as kinda comparable to doing a live reading in an intimate little bookstore, like kudos are everybody who stayed til the end and applauded, comments are everybody who waited to come up to talk to you afterwards, and bookmark comments are the little snatches of conversation you overhear outside.

this helps me feel better/less anxious about responding to comments with some form of thanks, because if someone walked up to me in person and said they liked my work right after reading it, i would compulsively say thanks. it also helps contextualize audience size in a healthy way i think, bc most of us naturally crave more attention on our fic, but if we were actually in the room with even like 20 people applauding and five people waiting after to tell us how awesome we are we’d be fuckin elated.  


when you want to go home, but home doesn't exist yet

when home is a place in your future, walls you have yet to decorate, beloveds you have yet to meet. when home is unpainted walls and unhung wallpaper and objects on a shelf in the back of your mind, a thousand small memories you can't remember because they haven't happened yet, because you are still in the process of building the foundations, still gathering your materials together

when you can't return home because first you have to build home

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