
this is calm & its dr


spencer reid’s hands fan page
glasses reid supremacy

Carry On Masterlist

Summary: It was just a simple hunt, found on a pie festival. It was supposed to be easy. Something they’d all done one hundred and one times a million. No one could have told Y/N, Dean, and Sam that nothing from that point on would ever be the same again.

Warnings: Heavy, HEAVY TW: Dean’s final episode of SPN. (Season 15x20 spoilers). Graphic injury. Me botching medical jargon, A lot of pain, blood, and hospital type atmosphere. Injured Dean Winchester. Depression. PTSD. Angst. Some fluff. Eventual Smut. (Each chapter will be warned and have their own warnings to the best of my abilities.)

Due to the graphic nature of this fic, and the fact that it will eventually contain Smut. This fic is an 18 + only fic! If you’re under 18 DO NOT read this fic! 

A/N: This fic is beta’d by @kazsrm67 Thanks so much love! Please do not copy my work! Feedback is golden! I hope you all enjoy this ride with me!

Forever Tags: 



Jensen and Dean’s Babes





Dean : shit you’re losing a lot of blood quick what’s your type??

Y/n : green eyed dorky brunettes ,you


Y/n : OH red!


you love me, i love you

description: peter parker is just too pretty to not kiss. (he thinks you are too.)

pairing: tasm!peter parker x reader

word count: 1.4k

warnings: use of ‘pretty baby’, ‘angel’

what id do to make out with this boy help

“Is my pretty baby comfortable?”

Your heart swelled at Peter’s words which stuck to your mind like sweet syrup. His voice was soft, barely above a whisper, but you could hear him smile into his words. And hearing them yourself was like drinking a cup of warm honey tea. Your lip was tucked under your teeth as you chewed it, cheeks heating at his tone.

He could hear your heart race.

Your head was pulled into the warm crook of his neck. He felt you inhale, breath hot against his skin. Peter smelled nice. He always did. You could tell he used his aunt’s shampoo. It was sweet and strong, but not overwhelmingly so. Just enough.


Alone [P.P]

TASM!Peter Parker x fem!reader

Word count: 2.5k

WARNINGS: mentions of anxiety and depression in general.

A/N: Ok, I wrote this while I was on the bus to school, so it's not very long and not very good. I spent days doubting whether to publish it or not, but it is written in the first person because it is something that happened to me and I apologize in advance, I just wanted to express everything I felt by writing something and now I want to share it with you.

I looked from one side to the other. The night was already falling and the party was heating up. I'm not a very party person if you ask me, but after the insistence of my friends to go to the school welcome I had no choice. After all, I'm already a college student and college students do those things, right?

I see a couple of people smoking weed in a corner, others are playing beer pong and a couple is kissing that I am sure won’t take long to escape to the bathroom.

It's fun to watch all these people, but when a guy offers me alcohol for the sixth time and I refuse, I know I'm starting to not fit in.

Anonymous asked:

I have so many dilf Peter thoughts. How his arms wouldn’t get tired holding your toddler on his hips because super strength. Him going to tend to the baby when he won’t stop crying in the middle of the night because you’re just so tired and his soft “shhh baby I’ve got it, go back to bed.” All the bedtime stories. His daughter asking him a million questions and him never not once getting annoyed but just answering them all with the most affectionate of grins. Dilf Peter is my favorite.

Ollie having a nightmare and crawling into bed between you and Peter and you’re holding hands over her to make her feel safe and when you wake up the next morning, Ollie is snuggled into Peter’s chest and you kiss both their foreheads before getting up to make coffee.

Ben getting the flu and being miserable so Peter just hangs out with him because that Spidey-immune system means he won’t get too sick. They play video games and do puzzles and Peter tells Ben stories about the two of you when you were younger. When you inevitably catch Ben’s flu, Peter calls himself Doctor Dad and makes soup and stocks up the apartment with cold medication and manages to include Ollie as his co-doctor so she feels useful.

When the kids are at May’s for a sleepover, Peter teasing you about trying for a third and you’re just like “But what if it ends up being twins?” And Peter just wiggles his eyebrows then laughs, “I’ve got more than enough love to go around.”

Peter slipping his hand into the back pocket of your jeans when you are very pregnant because he wants you to feel stunningly beautiful and desirable. And he researches the hell out of what positions feel best for pregnant people and makes a list of things to try for you.

Peter beating the absolute hell out of a villain who decides to pull something the day that Ollie’s baseball team is in the finals. He’s just railing on the guy like “You’re making me miss an important day, asshole!”

Anonymous asked:

Yes Peter would get a whole ass life cheerleader if he was my boyfriend. No insecurities on my watch

you're so right, bestie !! he deserves it :')


tobey peter had no idea what the avengers even are and still went ‘THE AVENGERS?? OH THATS GREAT!!!” when tom peter said he was part of them,, the proud older sibling energy of it all


Just Sam and Bucky, sitting on the phone for three hours as Arachnid Kid explains the timeline breaking shenanigans he’s gone through and asks if they could let him couch surf because it turns out rent in New York is expensive especially with no roommates, the two ending up letting the kid stay in their guest bedroom as he studies for his GED and starts working part-time at Wilson Family Seafood.


The realisation that he’s obtained a family without trying or noticing strikes him like an uppercut from the Hulk on a standard Wednesday morning.

Clint’s shoes a perpetual tripping hazard two steps out of the elevator on the common floor. Web fluid stuck to one wall. The red gleam of the shield beneath a worn out old Dodgers hoodie on the couch.

Mjölnir atop the cookie tin, protecting the last batch of thin mints. The mug in his hand, a gift from Fury on his birthday given not in the midst of his grandiose party but over a quiet whiskey shared on the balcony at night with nobody but themselves and the stars as their company.

The kid, passed out on the arse-end of a sugar high, snuffling away quietly right where he’d fallen between the couch and the window wall. Someone’s already draped a blanket over him and wedged a pillow beneath his cheek.

This isn’t just colleagues or casual friends, edges of their lives aligned.

This is those edges blurred and entwined and melted together into one big, indistinguishable ball where none of them begin or end; they simply are.

Ten years ago he didn’t even have friends. Except maybe Pepper, but god he treated her terribly back then, and how she stuck around still mystifies him.

Commotion from the elevator draws his eye; Bucky staggering out with Clint on his shoulders, Steve besides them amused and ready to catch whoever falls first, Bruce wedged in the corner.

“Wh’ time s'it?”

The kid, waking up, looking like a hedgehog out of hibernation. The thud outside as Thor lands with no regard for the cleaner who’ll have to scrub the scorch marks off the balcony again.

Steve stops besides him, smelling like the summer fruits bodywash Tony bought him for Christmas. He’s smiling, fond. When he catches Tony staring, the smile broadens.

“You okay, Tones?”


“Yeah. Better than I’ve ever been,” he answers honestly, and steers him by the shoulder towards the rest of his family. 

i rewatched endgame last night. needed this so bad


peter parker watches the world move around him.

he always has, ever since he was 7 and sitting in a precinct with words falling flat on his tongue and parents ready to be buried 6 feet under.

he is used to the world moving without him.

he’s used to seeing the lady walk her dog every tuesday morning at 9am like clockwork. used to the guy with a tan coat, ordering a small hot chocolate and muffin to go at the side cafe down the street. he’s used to the group of children, one with blonde hair, two with red, who walk to the bus stop everyday at 6pm.

he used to the quiet sounds of birds resting in the trees outside his window, to the way the world shakes when the trains pass by, how the sky turns from blue, to pink, to black, and back to blue again.

he’s used to it.

sometimes he wonders what the world does, that he can’t see or hear. wonders what the lady’s dog name is, wonders if the man orders the muffin for a lover, wonders where the children go so late into the evening.

wonders if the birds have another place to rest, wonders where the trains next stop is, wonders if the colors of the sky look different on the other side of the world.

peter parker wonders what the world looks like from someone else’s eyes.

the sound around him is always dull, as if his ears are filled with water and he can never seem to drain them out. like the tv is turned too low and he can’t find the remote. muted and grey tinted.

he wonders if the world is filled with more colors to someone else. wonders if they can hear the universe breathing, or the earth spinning. wonders if they can hear their own heartbeat and know they’re real.

he wonders if the city can be heard from miles away, when he can’t hear it right from the center.

wonders if the honks of the taxis and the laughter of the children reach all the way to the stars over head. wonders if the city lights can be seen from two towns over, wonders if a boy like him is looking out the window and seeing what peter cant.

the world sometimes spins in slow motion and his heart feels like it is no longer there, and the people around him talk and yell, smile and cry, feel and live, while peter himself sits and stares.

these people walk past him, their eyes don’t trail after him, they don’t sneak down to his shoes, and pass over his curly hair once, or twice. they don’t spare him a glance, as if he’s just a part of the undertones of a painting nobody stops to look at.

these people don’t know the pain. they don’t see the blood on the streets, the blood on his hands. they don’t see the color red straining against his soul. they don’t see the tear tracks on his cheeks, nor the red rimmed eyes of the teenagers that sit in other corners, feeling the same way he does.

they don’t know about the screams at night, the ones the moon has to bare, the ones that get let out into the darkness, afraid if the world hears them during the day they’d be ridiculed for feeling.

they don’t know about the cries, the sobs, the broken promises and bittersweet lies that rush past lips and shaking hands in alley ways and abandoned churches. looking for faith in something, anything, to make them live another day.

they don’t know of the children that crawl their way through the night, the ones with bruises knuckles and blood stained shirts. the ones with hands linked to whatever trust they’d find in their souls.

they didn’t know of the pure agony that reeled through the city, painting the streets in green and brown, rushing through peoples veins and turning them bitter and broken. the people who could use hope, but never stick around long enough to get it.

they don’t know of the begs, of people who are running from something they can’t. who are hiding from the things buried so deep inside of them they’ll never be able to get rid of it. the people who come to the city in hopes of the busy nature being able to drown out their thoughts, only to be left with the knowledge that they only got louder.

they don’t know of the people just desperately looking for a home, a place to belong. hoping to find it on the streets of a broken city, filled with the same type of broken they had been running from.

they don’t know of the people just trying to live.

but peter knows.

because peter is a just a statue in a museum filled with paintings.

peter knows.

peter watches the world move along around him.



SPOILER NWH (maybe??)

the way i wanna shift to nwh peter but i don’t even know what i’d do… like? how would i explain that i know him? hed prob wanna kill me if he found out i was from another universe 💀 homie got PTSD (ty norman). i just wanna comfort him but.. idk how. this movie ruined everything good for peter :(

if i ever shift i’d ltrlly wanna pretend like the original dr strange spell + may + ned + happy + mj or smt bc… 🧍🏽‍♀️ but at the same time i want nwh peter bc he’s the REAL (??) one and i just wanna comfort him… ugh this movie truly broke me

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